View Full Version : Should Tony Iommi Hire Tony Martin Again To Put Black Sabbath Back Together?

Dino Velvet
02-26-2011, 07:02 AM
Some Sabbath fans feel the band should have ended in 1978 after the Never Say Die album. Their position is no Ozzy means no Sabbath. Some people prefer Dio and thought the band was given new life with the Heaven And Hell and Mob Rules albums. I, myself, am in a third category. I like Black Sabbath whether it's Ozzy, Dio, Gillan, or Tony Martin. I even like Seventh Star w/Glenn Hughes and the Ray Gillen demos.

Tony Martin fronted the band after many stopped caring. The guy's a great singer and can perform every era song really well live. I enjoyed those albums. The best were Eternal Idol, Headless Cross, and Tyr.

I'd love to see Tony Martin get another shot.

The only member of Sabbath you cannot replace is Iommi.

02-26-2011, 07:30 AM
It's just not the same. And it will never be.

Dino Velvet
02-26-2011, 08:01 AM
It's just not the same. And it will never be.

You're right. The singers are all different. Right after I started this thread I listened to Seventh Star and right now I'm listening to the first album. Seventh Star might be lower tier Sabbath but I'm glad it exists and I can listen to it any time I want.

Any Purple Sabbath fans out there? Loved Born Again and have a handful of nice bootleg audios from the Ian Gillan album/tour.

02-26-2011, 08:30 AM
Dude, I used to hang out at a cool little bar downtown before it got all disco down there. Anyway, a guy who was hot shit on Deep Purple and Rainbow's tour crew used to hang out there too. You'd never expect he was who he was. He used to always wear a three piece suit and he's British, so I never figured he was a rock and roller. He was always very aloof, too. So one day my friend who knew him introduced us and we hit it off. A couple months later, he took me out to Ritchie Blackmore's house on Christmas day. I had a lot of fun. Very cool, down to earth guy. He treated me like an old friend, not to mention welcoming me on Christmas day.
That's why I love New York. A lot of crazy shit happens here!

02-26-2011, 08:31 AM
I'd pay to see them belt this out, once-more. :why

YouTube - Black Sabbath - Trashed (1st un-censored version *desc*) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEawt270iGI)

Dino Velvet
02-26-2011, 08:48 AM
Dude, I used to hang out at a cool little bar downtown before it got all disco down there. Anyway, a guy who was hot shit on Deep Purple and Rainbow's tour crew used to hang out there too. You'd never expect he was who he was. He used to always wear a three piece suit and he's British, so I never figured he was a rock and roller. He was always very aloof, too. So one day my friend who knew him introduced us and we hit it off. A couple months later, he took me out to Ritchie Blackmore's house on Christmas day. I had a lot of fun. Very cool, down to earth guy. He treated me like an old friend, not to mention welcoming me on Christmas day.
That's why I love New York. A lot of crazy shit happens here!

So Ritchie Blackmore is cool? I would have thought the opposite but that's good. I saw him on the Perfect Strangers Tour. Awesome show with Ian still being able to hit the high notes.

When Dio joined Sabbath I knew Iommi would be a walk in the park to deal with compared to Blackmore, professionally speaking.

02-26-2011, 09:05 AM
Yeah man, very cool.