View Full Version : Trying to lose 30 pounds

02-21-2011, 05:26 AM
So im trying to loose 30 pounds. I've already lost 4 towards that goal... for some reason my fat accumulates in not so pretty places (stomach,back,arms).
This is Audrina Patridge.. she is my thinspiration lol.. I love her total look too its something Ive followed for sometime, she is so amazing.

YouTube - Thinspiration - Audrina Patridge (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U56TI-jIVO4)

02-21-2011, 05:37 AM
So im trying to loose 30 pounds. I've already lost 4 towards that goal... for some reason my fat accumulates in not so pretty places (stomach,back,arms).
This is Audrina Patridge.. she is my thinspiration lol.. I love her total look too its something Ive followed for sometime, she is so amazing.

YouTube - Thinspiration - Audrina Patridge (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U56TI-jIVO4)

30 pounds? How much do you weigh now baby? I've seen those vids...you loose 30 pounds off that little frame and there won't be anything to grab onto. I wish you luck, but that's a lot of weight

MdR Dave
02-21-2011, 05:44 AM
You don't look like you have 30 that you COULD lose, girl. Whatever you do stay healthy, feel good about yourself- you read as if you have a good head on your shoulders and the dolls here seem to think highly of every other part of you as well.

High protein diet, oats (old fashioned, not oatmeal) every morning to fill you up, eat organic whenever possible (esp. Meat and dairy- BGH will mess you up), and cut out the refined sugars and high fructose syrup. All veggies but potatoes.

But it's about burning more than you consume. I recommend posting one booty-dance video nightly. Feel free to get a second opinion on that.

02-21-2011, 05:44 AM
You're much thinner than her. And on top of that if you get big implants there will be hideous rippling if you're too skinny. But if you think you'd look better 30 pounds thinner go for it!

02-21-2011, 05:47 AM
30? Are you serious?

02-21-2011, 05:47 AM

02-21-2011, 05:55 AM
nah guys im alot thicker in person im my starting weight is like 150 im trying to get down to 120. but the kinda snapping point for me was when i busted one of my dresses zippers lol... so disgusting... so yeah...

02-21-2011, 06:01 AM
You can always eat healthier or go jogging/running.

02-21-2011, 06:02 AM
120# IMHO is not a good weight for you. Try 130-135#.
Gaunt and bony is not a good look for a girl.

Stop eating bread, chips, candy, random junk. Two meals a day, veggies, chicken, fish, ground turkey and LOTs of water. MEals should be roughly the size of your open palm, 2/3 veggies.

Might help to start smoking a pack a week, to curb your hunger cravings.

Walk 40 minutes 4-6 days a week and you'll lose that weight in 2-3 months.

02-21-2011, 06:04 AM
I have been eating a very healthy diet now and watching my potions very hard.
Im going for 2 mile runs everyday, im trying to incorporate more exercise into that.

02-21-2011, 06:05 AM
I have been eating a very healthy diet now and watching my potions very hard.
Im going for 2 mile runs everyday, im trying to incorporate more exercise into that.

Are you part of a gym or are you just going to do running and eating a healthy diet?

02-21-2011, 06:11 AM
Are you part of a gym or are you just going to do running and eating a healthy diet?

I have a free membership to the army gym on base since im a armybrat lol. but yea i might start doing some of their classes in addition to my 2 miles that i do.

02-21-2011, 06:11 AM
need to included some form of resistance exercise - like weight training. Weight training, not lifting, big difference. You do not want to lose muscle mass the more mass you have the more calories your body will burn. Not to worry you'll not look like a freak with wt training. If you need more info let me know

02-21-2011, 06:13 AM
need to included some form of resistance exercise - like weight training. Weight training, not lifting, big difference. You do not want to lose muscle mass the more mass you have the more calories your body will burn. Not to worry you'll not look like a freak with wt training. If you need more info let me know

i dont want any muscle only like in my abs maybe but not much, just like audrina's. i build muscle easily and quick.. i dont want to look like a brick...

02-21-2011, 06:18 AM
Since you have access to a gym, then I say just use the treadmill and continue your healthy eating habits.

02-21-2011, 06:22 AM
you can do a kettlebell workout with like 15-25# depending on your strength level, do planks rather than crunches, maintain flexibility, you want "working fitness" cardio, strength, endurance. Your waist measurement should be half of what your height is so... I'm, 5'10" (that's 70 inches) half of that is 35 and that is what my waist is.

02-21-2011, 06:26 AM
and...you want to have a minimum of 30 minutes of activity per day. however, most of all, do what you enjoy, because if you're not having fun doing it, you won't stay with it

02-21-2011, 06:31 AM
did you just tell her to start smoking? D:

02-21-2011, 06:34 AM
no! where did you see that?

02-21-2011, 06:37 AM
My friend Dino Velvet would recommend you just fuck it off!!!:whistle::whistle:

02-21-2011, 06:37 AM
i dont want any muscle only like in my abs maybe but not much, just like audrina's. i build muscle easily and quick.. i dont want to look like a brick...

I'm not an official expert by any means but I have worked out off and on my whole life and constantly read about new trends and programs. If they seem good I try them out and see for myself. I think I may have some good advice for you.

First of all the whole "I can't lift because I don't want to become bulky" is wrong and very ignorant. Not calling you ignorant because many many girls feel this same way. It's understandable how a girl would equate weight lifting with brawn since that's what guys do but it doesn't have to be that way. If you lift correctly then you can surely use it for your type of goals. I would suggest checking out various youtube vids on this subject (girls lifting routines) and you may be surprised at what you find, what these women look like doing what they do. Super femme women doing nice weight training routines.

However if you are dead set against it because you are naturally male and want to avoid anything remotely muscle building, I understand. It could be helpful but if not then thats ok. I can definitely suggest something alot better than your 2 mile runs for burning off calories and amping up your metabolism though. Scratch the long jogging sessions immediately and in place of those start doing Intervals! What that will consist of is doing shorter sprints followed by walking. For example, sprint (at say 80% of your max speed) for 45 secs and then walk for the next min to min and half. Continue this cycle without stopping for 30 mins or so. This type of interval training burns far more calories than just straight jogging. It also has the effect of causing your metabolism to stay sped up far after the workout has finished. Which in turn means you will be burning more calories throughout the day even while at rest. Don't know the science behind it but it does work. Since you are in shape enough for 2 mile runs it shouldn't be that hard for you to go right into this right now.

Atleast give it a 2 week trial run and see for yourself. It can't hurt ;)

If I was you and after your type goals I would go for this interval type routine ever other day. I would then do some very light, very intense, weight training circuit on the oposite days. If you are super scared of building a manly bod with it, just stick to mainly legs and abs (core) work. Nothing better for your ass than squats and lunges. You can have an ass to die for (a feminine ass that is) doing a nice squat and lunge routine. Keep us posted, I'm interested now :)

02-21-2011, 06:40 AM
I agree with Mr Blonde

02-21-2011, 06:49 AM
you are a lot prettier than Adrina, she has a lazy eye. The last place you lose weight is your mid section and rear. Burn more than you intake and it will slowly melt from the outside in towards your core. You are gorgeous like you are now!

02-21-2011, 07:08 AM
Work out daily

3-4sets of 15-20 crunches oblique crunches leg lifts. also squats are amazing as they work a ton of muscles at once (try for 4 sets of 20). cardio for 30min a day as well (push yourself and dont be lazy, goal should be a 5k in 25min). 4-5 meals a day (ex. 4-6oz of chicken and vegetables is a meal).

02-21-2011, 07:13 AM
I won't tell you my diet because you will gain pounds instead of loosing them.
I will keep my mouth shut :)

Hope you are doing great cutie!

02-21-2011, 07:24 AM
Girl you shouldn't lose weight before surgery...it's safer to be heavier and not anorexic thin lol

02-21-2011, 07:57 AM
you're an idiot bridget...ill yahoo you later to make fun of you some more.

02-21-2011, 08:06 AM
This is what a lot of models I know do when they're looking for fast results.


02-21-2011, 08:27 AM
You can try an ECA stack. You can buy all of the ingredients separately at your local Walgreens. 30Lbs may be a bit excessive for your situation, try losing 5-10LBS and then reevaluate from there.

02-21-2011, 10:17 AM
120# IMHO is not a good weight for you. Try 130-135#.
Gaunt and bony is not a good look for a girl.

Stop eating bread, chips, candy, random junk. Two meals a day, veggies, chicken, fish, ground turkey and LOTs of water. MEals should be roughly the size of your open palm, 2/3 veggies.

Might help to start smoking a pack a week, to curb your hunger cravings.

Walk 40 minutes 4-6 days a week and you'll lose that weight in 2-3 months.

Dumbest advice ever. "Want to be healthier? Start smoking!" C'mon now.

And 2 meals a day isn't the way to go. Actually, if she eats more times but low fat food, it'll keep her metabolism going and that will help her lose weight, but if she only eats 2 times a day, her metabolism will get lazy, and the food she eats won't be processed as fast, therefore, making her gain weight.

In any case Bridget, I agree with most of the people here, you don't need to lose that weight; if you wanna look like Audrina, DON'T, she looks like Skeletor with a pair of plastic boobs attached.

02-21-2011, 12:50 PM
Cheeseburgers. Lots and lots of cheeseburgers.
photo taken in Thailand :)

02-21-2011, 02:59 PM
if u lose 30lbs u aint gonna have an ass...if u like black dudes u should gain weight not lose it..white dudes are more attracted to skinny chicks...jus sayin....

02-21-2011, 05:28 PM
Dumbest advice ever. "Want to be healthier? Start smoking!" C'mon now.

And 2 meals a day isn't the way to go. Actually, if she eats more times but low fat food, it'll keep her metabolism going and that will help her lose weight, but if she only eats 2 times a day, her metabolism will get lazy, and the food she eats won't be processed as fast, therefore, making her gain weight.

In any case Bridget, I agree with most of the people here, you don't need to lose that weight; if you wanna look like Audrina, DON'T, she looks like Skeletor with a pair of plastic boobs attached.

Hey, I thought she was bottom line about losing weight by any means necessary, so yes I played the nic card!!!

I felt the cig message was a step-down, truthfully I was thinking about telling her to pound an 8-ball a week, but that would be insensitive.:whistle:

Losing weight ultimately is about calorie depravation and calorie burning; eat less and move your body ALL THE TIME.
Notice I did explain to her that she doesn't have 30# to lose.

She should lose 10, then reassess. 5 more, and the same.

02-21-2011, 06:42 PM
nah guys im alot thicker in person im my starting weight is like 150 im trying to get down to 120. but the kinda snapping point for me was when i busted one of my dresses zippers lol... so disgusting... so yeah...

What is your height though? This is a neat webpage to see if you're in a healthy height-weight range:


02-21-2011, 06:56 PM
if u lose 30lbs u aint gonna have an ass...if u like black dudes u should gain weight not lose it..white dudes are more attracted to skinny chicks...jus sayin....

I dunno man I have seen plenty of 120lb girls with nice asses. Biggest ass I seen was a skinny girl from Italy. Look like she had two big beachballs as buttocks.

02-21-2011, 07:44 PM
I have done all sorts of workouts to lose weight. I was very much into the weight lifting 3 days a week and some aerobic activity for 3 days. I changed to using a kettlebell for one day and doing Bob Harper workout dvds for two other days. Let me tell you, he uses light weights and give you an incredible workout. You have to be able to push yourself. I ride a stationary bike for two days. It does work. You can do this in your home. You do not need to use a gym.

02-21-2011, 07:45 PM
Crossfit....It is insane, but trust me it works! Crossfit.com is the main site. Take a look at the bodies on these people!

02-21-2011, 09:08 PM
Be careful what you call a "healthy" diet. Obviously, junk food is called that for a reason, but I lost 25 pounds (I am 6'2", and went from 211 to about 185 in about a year) with NO exercise. The secret really is carbs. Forget whole grains (or ANY grains). Eat as much meat and veggies as you want, and some fruit, and watch what happens. If you are craving bread, make sure you cheat with something good like chocolate cake, and do it rarely. ALWAYS get a salad when you can, then a wrap, before getting a sandwich. My guru is a guy in LA named Mark Sisson, and his site www.marksdailyapple.com is where all my info comes from.

02-21-2011, 09:40 PM
Swimming and running are great for weight loss. Also, playing basketball, especially one on one or full court ball. Having seen you in your vids, 30 lbs seems like a bit much though.

02-21-2011, 11:01 PM
Bridget: you are beautiful just the way you are i understand your desire and need to loose weight, however always within "healthy reasonable limits". The girl on the pic you say is your inspiration does NOT look healthy.

Go to a doctor endocrinologists are good at this thing, makes sure you aint got no hormone problem (not a sexual thing tho, i mean the other hormones that mess up your metabolism), you wanna make sure you're body is working FOR you not against you.

Then after that you gotta adopt a healthy diet, cut all or most sugars, refined sugars, trans fat anything too processed is BAD for you. All natural and organic if possible. More veggies than meat and lots of natural fiber, not processed fake fiber like granola bars, they're just as bad as candybars.

Then LOTS of water like 8 or 10 glasses a day plus walk or jog or run if you can.

But diet and healthy lifestyle is first though....... DO NOT SMOKE, yeah it'll curb your hunger but it'll fuck your lungs. No fast shortcut to losing weight, the best way is to lose it slowly a bit at a time and keep it there, that's the real challenge girl.

Check your body mass index (BMI) with your doctor and they'll tell you what your real ideal weight is for your age and height, NOT a model or a picture of another girl. Do this and you'll be a happy healthy girl.

Good luck and keep us posted!!!!!!!

02-21-2011, 11:06 PM
in order to make a proper judgment / determination i would need to actually see you in person. otherwise its very hard to tell as pictures and even videos can be very deceiving. :geek:

02-22-2011, 01:38 AM
A little over a year ago I dropped from 190 to about 165 without too much disruption. I just stopped smoking weed, cut out all junk food and almost all other starches (this meant just eating meat, a shit load of fruits and vegetables, and a little rice or potatoes), and limited myself to about 1200 calories a day. I used multivitamins to pick up what little nutrients I missed. Took a little over four months to drop back down to what I think of as my ideal body weight (which I hadn't seen for almost ten years).

I still have a high metabolism, so it's not hard to keep the weight off. The problem is staying toned, since I get very little regular exercise now. I've being trying to get into the habit of doing 30-45 minutes of calisthenics every day to pick up the slack.

Anyway, Bridget, you look incredible right now. Just the right amount of softness in my opinion. But it never hurts to get into the habit of a healthy diet....

02-22-2011, 01:46 AM
Purchase 31 99ers!

02-22-2011, 01:51 AM
So im trying to loose 30 pounds. I've already lost 4 towards that goal... for some reason my fat accumulates in not so pretty places (stomach,back,arms).
This is Audrina Patridge.. she is my thinspiration lol.. I love her total look too its something Ive followed for sometime, she is so amazing.

YouTube - Thinspiration - Audrina Patridge (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U56TI-jIVO4)

you look great girl just the way u r

02-22-2011, 02:16 AM
30 pounds? How much do you weigh now baby? I've seen those vids...you loose 30 pounds off that little frame and there won't be anything to grab onto. I wish you luck, but that's a lot of weight

There's one o in lose. Same as loser, you ought to know that.

02-22-2011, 02:18 AM
To the OP, get a sauna suit and an exercise bike. Get that sickly drawn in look that's passable as "shredded" by sweating out water weight. Don't worry if you feel tightening across your chest, your energy levels are low and your body craves electrolytes, if you want to look good at the beach and later in your wifebeater, those effects (side effects to be precise) are a small price to pay :)

02-22-2011, 05:12 AM
There's one o in lose. Same as loser, you ought to know that.

Ok blowhard...I'll run all my posts through you and you can spell check...OK? Anyone with an avatar that looks like it belongs on match.com shouldn't be raggin' on anyone about spelling. Are you looking for your soulmate...or just trolling on a tranny forum?? LMAO.......LOOser ! Stay on topic and outta my face !

02-22-2011, 02:36 PM
Wow spelling is a really sensitive subject around here.

02-22-2011, 03:59 PM
Move more, eat less! :shrug

02-22-2011, 04:01 PM
Wow spelling is a really sensitive subject around here.

I've got to admit, even though i mangle the language at times, that loose, when people mean, lose, really irks me! :lol:

02-22-2011, 05:44 PM
Ok blowhard...I'll run all my posts through you and you can spell check...OK? Anyone with an avatar that looks like it belongs on match.com shouldn't be raggin' on anyone about spelling. Are you looking for your soulmate...or just trolling on a tranny forum?? LMAO.......LOOser ! Stay on topic and outta my face !

You're an incredibly thin skinned person.

Probably the only place on your body with any sort of callus is the back of your throat, so you must scuff up your knees a lot, right?

02-22-2011, 05:50 PM
you look great girl just the way u r

I agree, she is a very pretty young woman.

02-22-2011, 10:49 PM
if u lose 30lbs u aint gonna have an ass...if u like black dudes u should gain weight not lose it..white dudes are more attracted to skinny chicks...jus sayin....

really? and why do I get hit on by a lot of black guys? well maybe because they also like latin girls.
I have seen that black guys also are attracted to girls that like to dance to the beat of music.

02-23-2011, 12:42 AM
You're an incredibly thin skinned person.

Probably the only place on your body with any sort of callus is the back of your throat, so you must scuff up your knees a lot, right?

Look ...it's real simple. Don't get in my face, or talk shit about me on a post not directed to me, ( not to be confused with disagreement) and you'll never have an issue with me. I'm the most laid back person you'll deal with...just don't take a swipe at me, which you just did. You became involved when nothing I said was directed at or towards you....so let me rectify that.

And why am I explaining this to you...of all people? You're a fat, confused, unattractive lurker with no personality who has no interest in tranny's other than when they're getting thier "surgery". You're obsessed with calling dudes cock suckers or power bottoms. It's your entire vocabulary. Hmmmm...wonder why ? In fact I often wonder why you're here. If you'd like to elevate the discourse, feel free to do it at any time, but your judging by this post, and most others by you...you just don't have the tools ! LMAO

02-23-2011, 03:00 AM
Me recommend COOKIE DIET.

Actually, I've just been doing Tim Ferris's 4 Hour Body for 3 weeks and have already lost 2-3 inches off my stomach. It's amazing. He presents the science behind his recommendations and lets you decide what will work best for you. Minimal exercise required for maximum results.

Then, when you're nice and thin, you can eat more COOOOKIES!

02-23-2011, 05:47 AM
Look ...it's real simple. Don't get in my face, or talk shit about me on a post not directed to me, ( not to be confused with disagreement) and you'll never have an issue with me. I'm the most laid back person you'll deal with...just don't take a swipe at me, which you just did. You became involved when nothing I said was directed at or towards you....so let me rectify that.

And why am I explaining this to you...of all people? You're a fat, confused, unattractive lurker with no personality who has no interest in tranny's other than when they're getting thier "surgery". You're obsessed with calling dudes cock suckers or power bottoms. It's your entire vocabulary. Hmmmm...wonder why ? In fact I often wonder why you're here. If you'd like to elevate the discourse, feel free to do it at any time, but your judging by this post, and most others by you...you just don't have the tools ! LMAO

You're one angry dude.

02-24-2011, 01:44 AM
You're one angry dude.

Fucking A!

But don't send him away, people like this are great value.

02-24-2011, 08:05 AM
really? and why do I get hit on by a lot of black guys? well maybe because they also like latin girls.
I have seen that black guys also are attracted to girls that like to dance to the beat of music.

Why do you get hit on by a lot of black guys??? Duh you're fine as hell; it's not like you have a flat ass or nothing. Natasha and you know that we do love latin girls too.. Shit what man reguardless of color wouldn't want to get with your sexy ass??? :confused:

02-25-2011, 01:41 PM
going for my 2 mile run/walk/jog at 6am then getting my car fixed which will take all day (front rear main seal is leaking and it has a misfire) then getting a new id military card bc i lost my wallet. then will be going to the gym for a few hours then burn more calories in the sauna.

02-25-2011, 05:48 PM
going for my 2 mile run/walk/jog at 6am then getting my car fixed which will take all day (front rear main seal is leaking and it has a misfire) then getting a new id military card bc i lost my wallet. then will be going to the gym for a few hours then burn more calories in the sauna.

Do you work on your car yourself?

02-25-2011, 05:53 PM
Do you work on your car yourself?are you a girl guy or cd?

02-25-2011, 09:24 PM
Fucking A!

But don't send him away, people like this are great value.

You two work good in pairs. Maybe you should hook up IRL !! LOL

Angry ? LMAO....hardly. I don't suffer small minded fools like you and tammymcgee gladly. And memo to Phobun...you're pretty universally despised here ....so let's not kid ourselves ! You're not winning any popularity contests because of your limited vocabulary ( cock hound, cock sucker)

If neither of you directed your silliness at me, I probably wouldn't even know who you are because neither of you have anything remotly memorable or instructive to say !

02-26-2011, 02:50 AM
going for my 2 mile run/walk/jog at 6am then getting my car fixed which will take all day (front rear main seal is leaking and it has a misfire) then getting a new id military card bc i lost my wallet. then will be going to the gym for a few hours then burn more calories in the sauna.

Well I see you aren't using any of the advice offered then lol. Oh well, thought I'd try. I wish you luck in your quest.

02-26-2011, 02:51 AM
you can buy me a 2nd handycopy of Call of Duty Blackops from amazon uk, thats 30pounds :) hehe xx

02-26-2011, 02:54 AM
Why why why why why why why etc. X

02-26-2011, 03:12 AM
I have been eating a very healthy diet now and watching my potions very hard.
Im going for 2 mile runs everyday, im trying to incorporate more exercise into that.

Don't know what your eating habits are like, but making the only beverage you're going to drink for a month water, that should knock a third of the pounds off in a couple of months. It really helps. Drink half of your weight in ounces daily.

04-07-2011, 07:46 AM
really? and why do I get hit on by a lot of black guys? well maybe because they also like latin girls.
I have seen that black guys also are attracted to girls that like to dance to the beat of music.

I cant even beleive you asked that question you know why they hit on you because youre fine as hell and im sure guys of all races try to get with you!