View Full Version : New Britney: Hold It Against Me

02-19-2011, 08:58 PM
What do you think of the video? I felt it was edited so fast paced to hide the fact that she can't dance like she used to. I completely hated the product placement, it was too much and too obvious (the perfume, the makeup, Plentyoffish.com, Sony, Sony, SONY).

Overall she looks really pretty. I was expecting a bit more of the video though.

YouTube - Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Edv8Onsrgg&feature=topvideos)

02-19-2011, 09:30 PM
I don't think much of it. I don't really like the song. So, um, that doesn't help -- ha! ha!
Music vids are mini ads anyway. And look at, say, the James Bond flicks for product placement. The movies are essentially a way to sell BMW -- :)
Lastly, Derrick Barry is just so much hotter than Britney Spears. I mean, Derrick Barry has an amazing body. So I prefer this version of Hold it Against Me.

YouTube - "Hold it Against Me" Live Teaser - Derrick Barry as Britney Spears - Krave Las Vegas (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miVSDsGWZWg&feature=related)

02-19-2011, 09:49 PM
It's not doin' anything for me. My dick wasn't even curious!

02-19-2011, 09:59 PM
I loved it...the concept of her fighting her two personas...private Britney and Public Britney...and she danced people like she always have..her turn was on point..etc...

People will always hate...Wait till she is in concert and her album drops..I think this one will be her best yet.

02-19-2011, 10:30 PM
I was always curious how she was a gay icon and popular at LGBT and related events, clubs, etc....when she is a homophobic Republican. At least someone like Madonna or Lady Gaga tries to promote tolerance and acceptance, all that great stuff!

02-20-2011, 12:23 AM
I was always curious how she was a gay icon and popular at LGBT and related events, clubs, etc....when she is a homophobic Republican. At least someone like Madonna or Lady Gaga tries to promote tolerance and acceptance, all that great stuff!

I know she's a Republican. (But how political is she really?) And, too, I don't think she's homophobic. If... and I stress if... she's homophobic, well, that's news to me. But I don't think she is.

02-20-2011, 12:36 AM
I know she's a Republican. (But how political is she really?) And, too, I don't think she's homophobic. If... and I stress if... she's homophobic, well, that's news to me. But I don't think she is.

Well, I never liked her music but never had anything against her until she bashed that NSYNC guy when he came out the closet, I thought it was ignorant to look down on a former friend b/c he announces he's gay. Given that and how much shit is thrown (rightfully so) at Bush supporters and Republicans, I'm just surprised how she is like Cher or Madonna in terms of being popular in LGBT-ish circles.

02-20-2011, 12:49 AM
And look at, say, the James Bond flicks for product placement. The movies are essentially a way to sell BMW -- :)

You haven't watched a Bond movie for a while, huh? They went back to promoting quality cars a few flicks back ... Aston Martins.

Dino Velvet
02-20-2011, 01:00 AM
I'm probably not the right critic for this but TMZ has brought TMI about Britney Spears and I can't stroke my cock to her like I used to. Put her back in the Time Machine before she became a baby machine and got married to MC What's His Face. Her old videos were great as long as they were on mute.

This is how I want to remember Britney.


02-20-2011, 01:03 AM
Britney when she first came out, with a country girl/schoolgirl style, that was very hot especially for me at age 12 going through puberty!

02-20-2011, 01:54 AM
"Hold it against me"

I'd rather not, thankyou... :smh

02-20-2011, 01:54 AM
I don't like this song. Whoever produced the beat for it should not be allowed to make EDM anymore.

02-20-2011, 05:32 PM
You haven't watched a Bond movie for a while, huh? They went back to promoting quality cars a few flicks back ... Aston Martins.

ha! ha! You're right. The last one I watched was Die Another Day. Where Madonna makes a brief appearance as Bond's fencing instructor.

YouTube - Madonna - Die Another Day official video clip HD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzXLhNrXntY)

02-20-2011, 05:38 PM
Songs not grabbing me.

02-20-2011, 05:45 PM
Britney took like 10 years of dance and gymnastics you don't just forget to dance lol

She had knee surgery but she was still dancing

02-20-2011, 06:06 PM
WOW! That was THE WORST video I have ever seen!
But...it's not made for me.

02-20-2011, 06:21 PM
Stick a fork in her she is done.

02-21-2011, 08:43 AM
I don't think much of it. I don't really like the song. So, um, that doesn't help -- ha! ha!
Music vids are mini ads anyway. And look at, say, the James Bond flicks for product placement. The movies are essentially a way to sell BMW -- :)

What bothers me isn't the product placement itself, it's the way they did it. There's a subtle way to do it, and then there's the in-your-face obvious tacky way like Britney did here. It totally kills the mood and the story of the video and it makes it seem like she doesn't give a fuck to even make a decent video, she's just there selling her stuff.

Well, I never liked her music but never had anything against her until she bashed that NSYNC guy when he came out the closet, I thought it was ignorant to look down on a former friend b/c he announces he's gay. Given that and how much shit is thrown (rightfully so) at Bush supporters and Republicans, I'm just surprised how she is like Cher or Madonna in terms of being popular in LGBT-ish circles.

When did that happen? Never heard of that before.

I don't think she has even said anything bad about anyone, mainly because even her mouth is controlled by her people, and she's too dumb to even have an opinion lol.

02-21-2011, 11:40 PM
YouTube - Britney Spears - Oops, I Did It Again - Live MTV Awards (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAGMtkxd5rM)

02-22-2011, 01:14 AM
What bothers me isn't the product placement itself, it's the way they did it. There's a subtle way to do it, and then there's the in-your-face obvious tacky way like Britney did here. It totally kills the mood and the story of the video and it makes it seem like she doesn't give a fuck to even make a decent video, she's just there selling her stuff.

When did that happen? Never heard of that before.

I don't think she has even said anything bad about anyone, mainly because even her mouth is controlled by her people, and she's too dumb to even have an opinion lol.


Is this true? Didn't she say she supports GWB 100% in Fahrenheit 911? Considering that and the fact the guy's reelection campaign was a wedge strategy of LGBT hate/anti gay marriage, this seems a bit homophobic which makes me wonder why she's somewhat of a gay icon. I used to volunteer for the HRC and she was popular among most of the gay guys. Just odd to me.

gummi baer
02-22-2011, 01:28 AM
Oops, I was looking for Britney.

02-22-2011, 01:41 AM
Britney took like 10 years of dance and gymnastics you don't just forget to dance lol

She had knee surgery but she was still dancing

I agree, its unlikely someone forgets dancing like that but injury or deciding not to dance much in a performance happens

02-22-2011, 01:41 AM
Oops, I was looking for Britney.

Great rack, very sexy!!!:Bowdown:

02-22-2011, 03:59 AM
Well, I never liked her music but never had anything against her until she bashed that NSYNC guy when he came out the closet, I thought it was ignorant to look down on a former friend b/c he announces he's gay. Given that and how much shit is thrown (rightfully so) at Bush supporters and Republicans, I'm just surprised how she is like Cher or Madonna in terms of being popular in LGBT-ish circles.

Not to worry.....he's a little paranoid Ben. It's news to me too, but appearently not Jackal. What's next Jackal...Katy Perry as a Tea Bagger?? LMAO

And stop fucking crying man....everytime I go to a show from Springsteen to Chris Rock to U2, I get treated to thier politics, but I enjoy them for thier talent, not thier political statements. Perhaps you have trouble seperating the two? Grow up.

02-22-2011, 04:15 AM
I just find it odd how she is popular in gay environments. I do not like Britney Spears music, its just average to me, I don't care about her political opinions because she is as dumb as rocks even by Hollywood standards, but I just find it odd that she's a sort of gay icon despite not being or at least fronting as being very accepting.

I never said a singer is the same as his/her politics, or any performer/creator. I agree they are separate. For example, I think Roman Polanski is a dirtbag but he has made some great films, can't take that away from him. Same with John Milius(although he's not a dirtbag just a bizarre vaguely rw paranoid). Maybe you should grow up and quit whining and attempting to start feuds over the net. Nobody was crying, nobody is screaming, you are projecting these feelings you have.

02-22-2011, 05:26 AM
I just find it odd how she is popular in gay environments. I do not like Britney Spears music, its just average to me, I don't care about her political opinions because she is as dumb as rocks even by Hollywood standards, but I just find it odd that she's a sort of gay icon despite not being or at least fronting as being very accepting.

I never said a singer is the same as his/her politics, or any performer/creator. I agree they are separate. For example, I think Roman Polanski is a dirtbag but he has made some great films, can't take that away from him. Same with John Milius(although he's not a dirtbag just a bizarre vaguely rw paranoid). Maybe you should grow up and quit whining and attempting to start feuds over the net. Nobody was crying, nobody is screaming, you are projecting these feelings you have.

You turn the most benign thread into some sort of political statement, or use it as an excuse to submit your ideology. Re-read your posts on this thread. Who gives a fuck about what political party she's from except you? Ben probably knows more about her than anybody and he was unaware ! LMAO The question was about her song. Don't hijack the thread.

02-22-2011, 06:10 AM
it was a bit off topic, ill give you that but I have always wondered why she was popular in gay culture or whatever. then again, it really isnt that surprising any more

02-22-2011, 07:07 AM

Is this true? Didn't she say she supports GWB 100% in Fahrenheit 911? Considering that and the fact the guy's reelection campaign was a wedge strategy of LGBT hate/anti gay marriage, this seems a bit homophobic which makes me wonder why she's somewhat of a gay icon. I used to volunteer for the HRC and she was popular among most of the gay guys. Just odd to me.

If that's true then she's an idiot---oh wait I already knew that.

But, it is weird cuz lots of her choreographers and people around her are gay.

I just find it odd how she is popular in gay environments. I do not like Britney Spears music, its just average to me, I don't care about her political opinions because she is as dumb as rocks even by Hollywood standards, but I just find it odd that she's a sort of gay icon despite not being or at least fronting as being very accepting.

Here's the deal: Nobody takes her seriously, so nobody cares. She's a blonde girl dancing and flipping her hair to the rythm of catchy pop music, she's just there to entertain, nobody really cares about her opinion on ANYTHING, you don't even see the press asking her about politics and stuff.