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View Full Version : do girls hate nice guys??

02-05-2011, 03:28 AM
Too Many times I've been called "too nice" or "too good" blah blah blah! I've read the last few posts from a few of you about still loving your ex etc. And I do feel for you all cos I'm one to! But girls where do we go wrong?? I've tried to be a twat and I can't do it! Fuck it I'm single for life!!

02-05-2011, 03:38 AM
Maybe mate I've just had enough of listening with trampy bullshit that I wish my bf was like you, I like you, why aren't you mine etc. Fuck em off and find out don't fuck with my head!

02-05-2011, 04:06 AM
it often seems that way, but (im srry ladies) MOST women have no idea wat they want... and some will be real and tell you that, but all you can do is be yourself, and dont change to please her...

p.s. women will often pass up the PERFECT guy because hes ugly or fat lol
thats jus the way things are, srry its all :bs:

BIG-UPS to the women who KNOW what they want :claps

02-05-2011, 04:18 AM
it often seems that way, but (im srry ladies) MOST women have no idea wat they want... and some will be real and tell you that, but all you can do is be yourself, and dont change to please her...

p.s. women will often pass up the PERFECT guy because hes ugly or fat lol
thats jus the way things are, srry its all :bs:

BIG-UPS to the women who KNOW what they want :claps

dont give me that bs.i cant tell you how many times ive seen guys ignore the girl who is smart and interesting for the girl with the nicer titts or ass.
how many of yall would date a masculine looking or completely unpassable ts woman even though she was mad cool...

02-05-2011, 04:27 AM
dont give me that bs.i cant tell you how many times ive seen guys ignore the girl who is smart and interesting for the girl with the nicer titts or ass.
how many of yall would date a masculine looking or completely unpassable ts woman even though she was mad cool...

Men want chicks to look past the superficial,while we are all about the superficial.

02-05-2011, 04:39 AM
dont give me that bs.i cant tell you how many times ive seen guys ignore the girl who is smart and interesting for the girl with the nicer titts or ass.
how many of yall would date a masculine looking or completely unpassable ts woman even though she was mad cool...
i can only speak for myself, but looks aren't all that important and im with a TG now because when i met her i thought she was a GG but yes everyone has standards (from what ive experienced) women are abit more harsh and ... I LOVE SMART WOMEN, there is nothing better than a woman i can connect with intellectually... its a turn-on :)
besides alot women make it very clear they prefer the "bad boy/ Thug"

02-05-2011, 04:43 AM

02-05-2011, 04:44 AM
dont give me that bs.i cant tell you how many times ive seen guys ignore the girl who is smart and interesting for the girl with the nicer titts or ass.
how many of yall would date a masculine looking or completely unpassable ts woman even though she was mad cool...


I passed up a great girl for a one that had a big ass and big tits. Wosrt mistake EVAR

02-05-2011, 04:55 AM
dont give me that bs.i cant tell you how many times ive seen guys ignore the girl who is smart and interesting for the girl with the nicer titts or ass.
how many of yall would date a masculine looking or completely unpassable ts woman even though she was mad cool...

QFT. :Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowdown:


02-05-2011, 05:01 AM
Look, ask yourself this simple question:

Is "nice" hot?

It goes for guys AND girls.

We all like people with some edge, a wild side, something that shakes us up a little, and "nice" is not that.

Don't blame women for just being real...

02-05-2011, 06:46 AM
This forum is a curious corner of the Universe. Not that it's a bad thing; it's amusing. But out in the larger world, yes: many girls do prefer nice guys ! The nice guys tend to take a little longer to grow on them but also tend to last longer and form deeper bonds. Some girls decide to appreciate a nice guy only after accumulating a little experience with not-so-nice guys. It all depends on what their goals are and what makes them happy. My advice to guys is just be who you are; I don't think you have a lot of choice, for by the time you're an adult you're either nice, not nice, or some shade in between.

02-06-2011, 05:58 AM
girls from wat i see girls love guys who cheat on em n give em stds then hit em n leave em in a ditch to die theyll love that guy forever, seriously i tried been an asshole to this girl once fuckin couldnt get enuff of me

02-06-2011, 06:25 AM
dont give me that bs.i cant tell you how many times ive seen guys ignore the girl who is smart and interesting for the girl with the nicer titts or ass.
how many of yall would date a masculine looking or completely unpassable ts woman even though she was mad cool...

Look, ask yourself this simple question:

Is "nice" hot?

It goes for guys AND girls.

We all like people with some edge, a wild side, something that shakes us up a little, and "nice" is not that.

Don't blame women for just being real...

My dream is to be with someone who is respectful and caring but also as strong as me. Is that a tall order? Probably. I'll keep y'all posted. :lol:


02-06-2011, 06:27 AM
My dream is to be with someone who is respectful and caring but also as strong as me. Is that a tall order? Probably. I'll keep y'all posted. :lol:


Real Tall ! LOL

02-06-2011, 06:35 AM
My dream is to be with someone who is respectful and caring but also as strong as me. Is that a tall order? Probably. I'll keep y'all posted. :lol:


I dunno how much do ya bench?

Can you deadlift the Emperor over your head w/ one hand and throw him down a reactor core?

02-06-2011, 06:40 AM
Aren't people attracted to whom they want to fuck? Longevity is determined by the other factors that make a couple wanting to keep fucking?

02-06-2011, 06:42 AM
I dunno how much do ya bench?

Can you deadlift the Emperor over your head w/ one hand and throw him down a reactor core?

Well, no, I'm not physically that strong. Any man of mine should be able to do that though. :dancing:


02-06-2011, 07:19 AM
I'm generally a nice guy. But sometimes you have to be an asshole to grab some girls attention

02-06-2011, 07:29 AM
More insecure bullshit from boys posing as men. Nice and asshole are not what gets women and if you're posturing around as either, you're a fucking child.

02-06-2011, 08:39 AM
My dream is to be with someone who is respectful and caring but also as strong as me. Is that a tall order? Probably. I'll keep y'all posted. :lol:


Nah, but that's half of the point. What people usually pose as "nice" isn't strong. It's usually very passive (no pun intended), weak, submissive and without any personality. Respect and care comes from a strength that "nice" doesn't have. But, that's a tall order these days, who knows why?

02-06-2011, 08:43 AM
Nah, but that's half of the point. What people usually pose as "nice" isn't strong. It's usually very passive (no pun intended), weak, submissive and without any personality. Respect and care comes from a strength that "nice" doesn't have. But, that's a tall order these days, who knows why?

Then please allow to rephrase my comment (and I said this on a similar thread): I want someone who's good to me but a dick to others when necessary. Maybe a better way to put it would be that I'd like to be with someone who's protective so I don't have to be so strong unless I want to be. It gets tiring after a while to always have to fight for what you want or need or believe in.


02-06-2011, 09:53 AM
I've also have been told that I'm a nice guy by girls I wanted to date or did date for awhile until they go off with the bad guy type. I tried to be an ass, but that's not me, and I'm fine with that. Unfortunately for the girls that I know that went for the bad guy type, 2 of them ended up in abusive relationships and 2 others got knocked up right before they tried to ended their bad relationships and are now stuck. I never wished these bad situations for these girls, but everyone has a choice for good or bad. I've actually had some of them try to come back, but it was too late, I made the choice of not going down that road again.

02-06-2011, 04:09 PM
Stopp putting the pussy on a pedestal and u will be fine....u have to be willing to lose in able to win....

02-06-2011, 04:17 PM
i can only speak for myself, but looks aren't all that important and im with a TG now because when i met her i thought she was a GG but yes everyone has standards (from what ive experienced) women are abit more harsh and ... I LOVE SMART WOMEN, there is nothing better than a woman i can connect with intellectually... its a turn-on :)
besides alot women make it very clear they prefer the "bad boy/ Thug"

If you're talking about standards in general, I think women are more picky but that's because they won't settle with any hot guy with no brains out there, unlike most straight men who are so simple that they fall in love with every pair of huge tits that come their way.

02-06-2011, 04:29 PM
i dont like assholes .. badboys any of that shit .. but then i also dont like nicey nice guys that are quite creepy with it ...

the balance is needed .. an articulate man, intelligent, confident, one that is not a prick (hard i know ) but moslty one with some witt/charm and integrity ..

but lets not forget age plays into it alot to.. teenybopper/young 20s girls generally are quite stupid interms of reltationships and still havnt head enough life experience as a general rule of thumb so tend to like the badboy image etc .. older gilrs with more life experience are more savvy and more surefooted confident and tend to know what they like/want .

my thoughts anyway

02-06-2011, 04:35 PM
Nah, plenty of women like nice guys, if they didn't exist I imagine I would have never been asked out by women on multiple occasions. What women and most people don't like is someone who is a pushover, putting on a façade of kindness (usually just to get laid), or is just naive to the point of stupidity. I'm not saying you're any of those things. but 9 times out of 10, people whining about women not liking "nice guys" are these bereft of self-confidence douches who are trying to make themselves feel better by putting the blame on women.

02-06-2011, 05:42 PM
I'm not saying you're any of those things. but 9 times out of 10, people whining about women not liking "nice guys" are these bereft of self-confidence douches who are trying to make themselves feel better by putting the blame on women.

We have a winner! :Bowdown:


02-06-2011, 05:59 PM
I guess it depends on the kind of girl you want.

Some girls appreciate a nice guy who opens doors , pulls out their chair and treats them w/ respect.

02-06-2011, 06:19 PM
i act like an asshole to attract chicks but i'm really a good guy after u get to know me....lol

02-06-2011, 06:21 PM
Some girls appreciate a nice guy who opens doors , pulls out their chair

I expect that when I first start seeing someone, but after the first month or so it gets tiresome.

i act like an asshole to attract chicks but i'm really a good guy after u get to know me....lol

That's what my brother used to say... right before he'd fuck a girl over. :lol:


02-06-2011, 06:23 PM
I expect that when I first start seeing someone, but after the first month or so it gets tiresome.

That's what my brother used to say... right before he'd fuck a girl over. :lol:


girls have fucked me over....it happens to the best of us......

02-06-2011, 06:25 PM
girls have fucked me over....it happens to the best of us......

Yeah, but he does it on purpose. I've known him for all of his 31 years and he's always been a predator. The point is that it's hard to tell if it's just an act or not.


02-06-2011, 07:40 PM
meh whatever , move on to the next girl.

But let it be known that you won't be her shoulder to cry on when she gets dumped and needs comforting.

That too becomes tiresome after the first month.

02-06-2011, 08:43 PM
I don't think girls hate nice guys.I just think everyone has a certain type of person and personality that they go for.Be it for the good or for the bad.Now me I go for a woman with lovely eyes and a nice smile and a great personality.As for great tits and a nice ass thats all good but it doesn't seal the deal for me.

02-06-2011, 08:54 PM
meh whatever , move on to the next girl.

But let it be known that you won't be her shoulder to cry on when she gets dumped and needs comforting.

That too becomes tiresome after the first month.

I agree; If they left you for someone else, who ends up screwing them over, don't let them come crying back to you. The girl will eventually leave you in the dust for some other jerk-off. Let her figure it out on her own. Always remember, she left you!

02-06-2011, 09:02 PM
It's a mental maturity thing.
...however, as someone pointed out - if you're a dumpy and homely guy, don't blame "I'm too nice a guy"..as the reason the good looking chick isn't with you.
I noticed that a lot of guys on this site do that...instead of just going for a less attractive woman that might be a more realistic match-up.

....also...sometimes people aren't the "nice guys" that they think they are. Sometimes they have other personality issues that they can't (or refuse) to see...but the girl damn sure sees it.

...most people are a lot more three dimensional than just: nice guys....or bad boys.

02-06-2011, 11:19 PM
Alternately ...

02-07-2011, 04:15 AM
Nice guys finish last. At least, that's what they say. Why don't you try being a little more assertive. A lot of girls find the right amount a turn on.
Good luck.

02-07-2011, 06:03 AM
I hate guys who finish right away. "Bang," "bang," "POP" and they're done. I prefer nice guys.

02-07-2011, 11:15 AM
i love nice guys.. i destroy them all =)

02-07-2011, 12:04 PM
Alternately ...

ahahaha..funny..money over bitches

02-07-2011, 01:17 PM
I am always too nice.Just my nature.

02-07-2011, 02:01 PM
I like nice guys. But some nice guys are just too nice to be true and then it usually ends up that they are not true. I like both nice guys and bad guys, just be the one you are, right from the beginning.

02-07-2011, 03:39 PM
Women like nice guys, what they don't like is wimps.

02-08-2011, 07:35 AM
I like nice guys. But some nice guys are just too nice to be true and then it usually ends up that they are not true. I like both nice guys and bad guys, just be the one you are, right from the beginning.

That is what I was gonna say. Nice guys are the worst, because usually they're the ones who will throw you off with their niceness that you won't even suspect or think that they can be doing some nasty shit with someone else on the side, and they usually are.

Quiet guys are the WORST (I've learnt that the hard way). So I'd rather be with loud ones now.

02-08-2011, 05:34 PM
Quiet guys are the WORST (I've learnt that the hard way). So I'd rather be with loud ones now.

Loud shrieking gay boys.

They just scream stud!

02-08-2011, 06:00 PM
Quiet guys are the WORST (I've learnt that the hard way). So I'd rather be with loud ones now.

You just gotta hang on for a lil while to let them open up, get used too and trust etc, then it will change to normal at some point.

02-08-2011, 06:47 PM
Loud shrieking gay boys.

They just scream stud!

By "loud" I mean someone who speaks their mind so you know what to expect from them, not someone who seems passive and submissive but cheats and lies while you're not looking.

02-08-2011, 07:31 PM
Loud shrieking gay boys.

They just scream stud!


02-08-2011, 08:12 PM
They don't hate you, they just won't fuck you...nice guys are always put in the "friend zone" because you don't have the flavor or the game to close the deal early enough...


02-08-2011, 08:36 PM
Attraction is attraction, doesn't matter if you're a dick or a nice guy. I think the general idea though is that the "hot" guy that gets all the girls just turns out to be a dickhead eventually.......

02-08-2011, 09:12 PM
do girls hate nice guys??

Hmmm, what did Nietzsche say about that?

And when the lambs say among themselves, "These birds of prey are evil..." though it may also be that the birds of prey will regard it a little sneeringly, and perchance say to themselves, "We bear no grudge against them, these good lambs, we even like them: nothing is tastier than a tender lamb."

02-08-2011, 11:20 PM
Girls hate nice guys. Women like them. At least in theory.
Truthfully, it depends on the person.

02-08-2011, 11:27 PM
I didn't read the whole thread, but my answer to the original post would be that girls (GG) do not hate nice guys at all. They like nice guys. But they don't really want to fuck them. They want to fuck the bad boys.