View Full Version : WTF? Going On In Haiti?

01-18-2011, 02:35 AM
Baby Doc, the former Commander and Thief shows up to a cheering crowd of Hatians. No way he could have traveled to Haiti on Air France w/o France and US's approval and more importantly Clinton's IHRC. Suddenly the US is "rehabilitating" his image and he's being touted as the only benevolent leader that prevailed over the longest stretch of stability in the nation's history after France and the invasion by the US. Preval must be shitting bricks and is probably expecting an Aristide moment of commandos whisking him off to a waiting plane and finding his ass somewhere in the middle of Africa. My guess is that all the old guard Tontons Macoutes living here in Miami are packing their bags. Earthquake, Cholera, now Baby Doc? Is this the international communities way of rigging the disputed elections in their favor of a new leader and shut down the media's recent scruitiny of where all the money went and the failed efforts of the IHRC by using Baby Doc as a distraction?