View Full Version : Bella Bellucci Radio

01-16-2011, 07:05 AM
It's here! It's going to be my little show about nothing. One hour, pre-recorded, and (hopefully) weekly. I've done some internet radio before and DJ'ed for years so (with any luck!) this will be a well-produced, informative, profound, and of course darkly hysterical show for those of you who enjoy my black sense of humor. As to the rest of you, you can just go fuck yourselves. :dancing:

I plan to have guests and listeners call me through Yahoo (bellabellucci@ymail.com) and Skype (bellabellucci) to discuss topics of their choice (on my schedule, naturally!) as well as hold multi-user chats, kinda like Hannity and Colmes, only without the loud-mouthed bully conservative or the sniveling liberal whiney-pants. Note: I will not be held liable for the online chaos that will likely ensue, but I'll be more than happy to broadcast it. :whistle:

I'll be using this thread for updates and to solicit feedback and topic ideas. So, first order of business: what do you guys want to talk about?


01-16-2011, 07:12 AM
It's here! It's going to be my little show about nothing. One hour, pre-recorded, and (hopefully) weekly. I've done some internet radio before and DJ'ed for years so (with any luck!) this will be a well-produced, informative, profound, and of course darkly hysterical show for those of you who enjoy my black sense of humor. As to the rest of you, you can just go fuck yourselves. :dancing:

I plan to have guests and listeners call me through Yahoo (bellabellucci@ymail.com) and Skype (bellabellucci) to discuss topics of their choice (on my schedule, naturally!) as well as hold multi-user chats, kinda like Hannity and Colmes, only without the loud-mouthed bully conservative or the sniveling liberal whiney-pants. Note: I will not be held liable for the online chaos that will likely ensue, but I'll be more than happy to broadcast it. :whistle:

I'll be using this thread for updates and to solicit feedback and topic ideas. So, first order of business: what do you guys want to talk about?


Jackoff FM: "Broadcasting a little old dump in beautiful Stanton, California"

01-16-2011, 07:14 AM
Jackoff FM: "Broadcasting a little old dump in beautiful Stanton, California"

OK, got it. First topic: Phobun = Daryl (very) lite.


01-16-2011, 07:16 AM
I'm all for free market but why don't you, bailey, sister dick and Kelly join forces? :D

01-16-2011, 07:17 AM
I'm all for free market but why don't you, bailey, sister dick and Kelly join forces? :D

Because we're also for free market. ;)

Truthfully though, I plan to start an entire radio station, and I'd be blessed to broadcast their repeats as well as those of anybody else who'd like to be part of it. :geek:

One thing at a time, though.


01-16-2011, 07:20 AM
Phobun = Daryl (very) lite.

Now, that's just mean. No need to resort to hitting me with a WMD like that. I'm waving the white flag now, good luck with your show.

01-16-2011, 07:23 AM
Now, that's just mean. No need to resort to hitting me with a WMD like that. I'm waving the white flag now, good luck with your show.

You're right. That was probably inaccurate and in poor taste. You're a totally different kind of irritating. :whistle: :lol:


01-27-2011, 09:50 PM
I've been slacking off on production so I should probably get something done on this today. As most of you know, multi-tasking is my life. Sorry 'about that. :lol:

So does anybody want to do an interview later today? I need to start recording. :)


01-27-2011, 10:16 PM
Yay!! And Sister Dick Radio, Bailey Jay Radio, and Secret Kelly Radio is different..

Sister Dick Radio - is mostly interviewing Adult Entertainment Personalities

Bailey Jay - talks about whatever lol sometimes

My radio I talk about certain topics and try to educate...

I am totally with getting my show repeated anywhere lol

01-27-2011, 10:21 PM
Yay!! And Sister Dick Radio, Bailey Jay Radio, and Secret Kelly Radio is different..

Sister Dick Radio - is mostly interviewing Adult Entertainment Personalities

Bailey Jay - talks about whatever lol sometimes

My radio I talk about certain topics and try to educate...

I am totally with getting my show repeated anywhere lol

I intend to keep an overall mainstream feel with my show, sort of like Bailey's show but with music and more comedy bits and other surprises.


Dino Velvet
01-28-2011, 12:34 AM
I intend to keep an overall mainstream feel with my show, sort of like Bailey's show but with music and more comedy bits and other surprises.


If you need any poop jokes you know where to turn.:jerkoff