View Full Version : What does everyone think of the birds and fish dying?

01-05-2011, 09:15 PM
Do you think it's the signs of the end of the world? Like the Mayans predicted?

A coincidence?

Who cares?

It's God trying to tell us something?

What do you think?

01-05-2011, 09:36 PM
There's a military base in that part of the state in Arkansas, nearly equidistant between both bird kills.
IMO it could be secret weapons testing, a sonic or microwave type system.

That hundreds of thousands fish kill off is more disturbing.

When I heard the first official explanation that possibly the birds were 'scared to death' from fireworks, I knew that someone was attempting to cover something up.

Fireworks?? GTFOH.

Also, someone I talked to mentioned that if you saw that many dead birds in a residential area of Arkansas, there were thousands more that died in the forest that were never seen.
Farmers in that part of the country consider starlings and blackbirds a nuisance, so it could be a simple case of state officials covering up a mass poisoning. Except that no poison acts in such a way that birds literally fall in the thousands from the sky.

Similar incidents happened in March in the UK....

...in Western Australia in 2008 and in New Jersey in 2009.

I think it's probably an environmental cause, ( the incident in Australia was traced to a lead carbonate leak), but it does have very Biblical overtones.

I don't know precisely, but I promise you that there are people who work for the U.S. military in Arkansas, or an industrial company that uses chemical toxins, who know EXACTLY why this killoff occurred.

01-05-2011, 09:36 PM
I think it's caused by one of Dino Velvet's deadly farts!

01-05-2011, 09:39 PM
I blame daryl

01-05-2011, 09:42 PM
Sweden has weighed in with a similar incident today, so whatever happened in Arkansas is not localized now.

01-05-2011, 09:43 PM
There's a military base in that part of the state in Arkansas, nearly equidistant between both bird kills.
IMO it could be secret weapons testing, a sonic or microwave type system.

That hundreds of thousands fish kill off is more disturbing.

When I heard the first official explanation that possibly the birds were 'scared to death' from fireworks, I knew that someone was attempting to cover something up.

Fireworks?? GTFOH.

Also, someone I talked to mentioned that if you saw that many dead birds in a residential area of Arkansas, there were thousands more that died in the forest that were never seen.
Farmers in that part of the country consider starlings and blackbirds a nuisance, so it could be a simple case of state officials covering up a mass poisoning. Except that no poison acts in such a way that birds literally fall in the thousands from the sky.

Similar incidents happened in March in the UK....

...in Western Australia in 2008 and in New Jersey in 2009.

I think it's probably an environmental cause, ( the incident in Australia was traced to a lead carbonate leak), but it does have very Biblical overtones.

I don't know precisely, but I promise you that there are people who work for the U.S. military in Arkansas, or an industrial company that uses chemical toxins, who know EXACTLY why this killoff occurred.Interesting indeed

01-05-2011, 09:49 PM
Sweden has weighed in with a similar incident today, so whatever happened in Arkansas is not localized now.
I will have to read up on it :)

01-05-2011, 09:51 PM
2 million dead fish were found in the Chesapeake Bay over the last couple of days. A spokesperson for the Maryland Department of the Environment blamed it on 'cold water stress'. WTF!!??

It's the lame excuse making that piques my curiosity. Government officials are doing their best to spin this phenomenon into a 'nothing to see here' situation.

But whatever's happening is getting beyond the control of the powers that be to simply explain away.

There's something deadly wrong happening in the ecosystem, and if it's killing birds and fish, it's only a matter of time before it climbs up the food chain.

You know something is going on big because the corporate media isn't really treating it like there's anything important happening.
Now compare that to the round the clock coverage given to the non-existent bird and swine flu in recent years.

When shit really goes down and there are people and corporate entities to blame, the story never gets out there to the public.

01-05-2011, 09:53 PM
I blame daryl
i saw him do it

01-05-2011, 10:01 PM
Do you think it's the signs of the end of the world? Like the Mayans predicted?

A coincidence?

Who cares?

It's God trying to tell us something?

What do you think?

Could be...who knows. It was kind of weird reading about it though. One opinion was that the birds died because of fireworks and it disoriented the birds and they died. I don't know, if it happens again then there might be something to it.

01-05-2011, 10:10 PM
Could be...who knows. It was kind of weird reading about it though. One opinion was that the birds died because of fireworks and it disoriented the birds and they died. I don't know, if it happens again then there might be something to it.


According to the story in that link, the US Geological survey has reported 90 incidents of mass bird die offs in the past 6 months.

01-05-2011, 10:12 PM
Corexit, the highly toxic dispersant used after the multi-million gallon oil spill in the Gulf, is believed to have been dispersed worldwide through the gulf stream, and is now being discussed as a cause for the killoffs.

Corexist is a highly toxic and essentially a poison to living organisms. It becomes even more toxic when mixed with crude oil.

Birds drinking from a water source contaminated with Corexit would be at risk, and it would explain the killoff of fish around the world because of the international current of gulf stream.

This would explain why the media is covering the Kardashians and Lindsey Lohan more than the mass death of birds and fish.

01-05-2011, 10:15 PM
A very frightening theory...!


01-05-2011, 10:18 PM
Corexit, the highly toxic dispersant used after the multi-million gallon oil spill in the Gulf, is believed to have been dispersed worldwide through the gulf stream, and is now being discussed as a cause for the killoffs.

Corexist is a highly toxic and essentially a poison to living organisms. It becomes even more toxic when mixed with crude oil.

Birds drinking from a water source contaminated with Corexit would be at risk, and it would explain the killoff of fish around the world because of the international current of gulf stream.

This would explain why the media is covering the Kardashians and Lindsey Lohan more than the mass death of birds and fish.

See the thing is, if it's a toxin then why would they all die at the same time? All of them dying at the same time leads me to think that it's not disease or toxin behind it, but I'm not well versed in the science of it either.

south ov da border
01-05-2011, 10:37 PM
Here's the story behind the story

YouTube - Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k679FjX8-PI)


01-05-2011, 10:49 PM
Here's the story behind the story

YouTube - Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k679FjX8-PI)

why does it sound robotic? lol

01-05-2011, 10:50 PM
this sounds like a x-file.


01-05-2011, 11:18 PM
Do you think it's the signs of the end of the world? Like the Mayans predicted?

A coincidence?

Who cares?

It's God trying to tell us something?

What do you think?

If God really wanted to tell us something, I'm sure he should be a bit more open about it!!!!

01-05-2011, 11:20 PM
Global Warming haha

01-05-2011, 11:31 PM
Something is coming, partly due to human stupidity and partly due to cosmic events.

If you have it, take all your money from the bank, buy enough land to sustain yourselves and your family, and if some money is left, buy gold.

01-05-2011, 11:40 PM
Just a little background material on bird mortality: http://www.sibleyguides.com/conservation/causes-of-bird-mortality/

For the moment I'm withholding judgment. It's not at all clear that the fish kill is related to the bird kills. It is interesting that in both Ark. and La., the birds were all of one species (red wing blackbirds...which roost together in large flocks). The two facts the Sweden is across the ocean and the species there was Jackdaws (not Red-Wings) seems to indicate the Swedish incident is independent from the U.S. incidents.


If you have it, take your money from the bank and send it to me, or buy me gifts while you can.

01-06-2011, 01:04 AM
I have been watching jesse ventura's conspiracy show on trutv and, if nothing else, it opens your mind to the possibilities of what might be happening. His various shows have talked about the global elites such as the secretive Bilderberg group. One should try and watch some of these shows to get a sobering portrayal of what possibly could be coming to fruition. The shows talk about causing the deaths of millions of people by the elites.

01-06-2011, 01:14 AM

01-06-2011, 01:18 AM
Can we still blame Bush

01-06-2011, 01:19 AM
Its clearly means the core of earth has stopped spinning and the electromagnetic field is disappearing.

01-06-2011, 01:37 AM
It's this damn woman and her friggin invisible airplane!


Poor little birds never new what they hit..

01-06-2011, 01:45 AM
the world is supposed to end 12 12 2012

01-06-2011, 01:49 AM
Just a little background material on bird mortality: http://www.sibleyguides.com/conservation/causes-of-bird-mortality/

For the moment I'm withholding judgment. It's not at all clear that the fish kill is related to the bird kills. It is interesting that in both Ark. and La., the birds were all of one species (red wing blackbirds...which roost together in large flocks). The two facts the Sweden is across the ocean and the species there was Jackdaws (not Red-Wings) seems to indicate the Swedish incident is independent from the U.S. incidents.


If you have it, take your money from the bank and send it to me, or buy me gifts while you can.

Yup...I'm with Trish on this...withholding judgement ....but I'm scared. Will you hold me Trish ??? LOL

01-06-2011, 02:18 AM
Red wing blackbirds fall from the sky, may be hard to determine cause, but its an omen. And a bad one.

:( I love Redwing blackbirds

01-06-2011, 02:23 AM
Who cares, live your life people.

Oh and P.S my friend is a fan of that crazy bitch that says were all gonna have magical powers in 2012 because we evolve, lol.

01-06-2011, 02:45 AM
I want to mutate....I'm hoping it's something that will turn us into X-Men....can't decide if I want the power of flight...or to be able to shoot powerful bolts of energy from my hands...hmmmmm.

01-06-2011, 02:56 AM
Who cares, live your life people.

Oh and P.S my friend is a fan of that crazy bitch that says were all gonna have magical powers in 2012 because we evolve, lol.

Live fast,:fuckin:
die young,
leave a good looking corpse.:yingyang:

01-06-2011, 02:58 AM
I want to mutate....I'm hoping it's something that will turn us into X-Men....can't decide if I want the power of flight...or to be able to shoot powerful bolts of energy from my hands...hmmmmm.

Oh yes and we are supposed to all live forever and no more babies will be born.

We will all become fertile.

P.S she explained it to me by saying if you want breasts you just pull them out of your chest. lol

Live fast,:fuckin:
die young,
leave a good looking corpse.:yingyang:

Oh my this reminds me of an std :(

01-06-2011, 04:38 AM
I want to mutate....I'm hoping it's something that will turn us into X-Men....can't decide if I want the power of flight...or to be able to shoot powerful bolts of energy from my hands...hmmmmm.

Have the bolts shoot from your ass, then you can name yourself 'Captain Power Bottom' :dancing:

01-06-2011, 04:51 AM
Has anyone seen Molder???

01-06-2011, 05:23 AM
See the thing is, if it's a toxin then why would they all die at the same time? All of them dying at the same time leads me to think that it's not disease or toxin behind it, but I'm not well versed in the science of it either.

That and the fact that it isn't affecting ALL birds or ALL fish only specific genus within the respective species. Note that bumble bees have also been dying in large numbers right across the US for the past year - also unexplained at this time. I don't think any of this is coincidental. Massive die-offs like this is cyclical and related to other major natural disruptions like the flooding, weather fluctuations, and upheavals of the earth that we have been experiencing across the globe. Clearly some natural disaster may be coming.

We have become too complacent though to prepare for any of this so maybe better to live in ignorance until the end comes!

01-06-2011, 05:23 AM
I believe something is going to happen, not sure what. I dont think it has to be neccesarily end of mankind but just something big.

we will see

01-06-2011, 05:25 AM
Oh my this reminds me of an std :(

No wonder I needed that shot of penicillin!

01-06-2011, 05:47 AM
Have the bolts shoot from your ass, then you can name yourself 'Captain Power Bottom' :dancing:

lol...How dare you mess with powers...once I'm an X-Man, I won't be trifled with like this...!!

01-06-2011, 06:45 AM
The birds, easy, all the kids in the area got Red Ryder BB guns for Xams.

MdR Dave
01-06-2011, 06:58 AM
Fish and birds will keep dying until I get a salute sign reading "Kiss me, Dave"!

Love ya, Kelly. Don't know if you're Appalachian by birth or just choice but I was raised in them thar hills!

01-06-2011, 07:46 AM
It looked like a leprechaun to me....

01-06-2011, 07:46 AM

01-06-2011, 07:53 AM
Do you think it's the signs of the end of the world? Like the Mayans predicted?

A coincidence?

Who cares?

It's God trying to tell us something?

What do you think?

Dont know and damn sure dont care.

01-06-2011, 09:43 AM
I believe something is going to happen, not sure what. I dont think it has to be neccesarily end of mankind but just something big.

we will see2012? I heard 2013 was supposed to be the start of Armageddon. :praying:

01-06-2011, 08:56 PM
2 Million fish - again from the same genus:


01-06-2011, 09:08 PM
this aint good ya'll...seriously....it kinda puts life into perspective when u think this could be the beginning of the end.....

01-06-2011, 09:27 PM
I blame daryl

LOL. i fell of my chair when i saw this. hehehe.

01-06-2011, 09:46 PM
I believe something is going to happen, not sure what. I dont think it has to be neccesarily end of mankind but just something big.

we will see

2012 the year you let me bang that ass?

01-07-2011, 12:31 AM
End of Days!!!

01-07-2011, 03:15 AM
It may be the HAARP network http://www.haarp.net/ :




No HAARP, like in Africa, no mass deads. They're are again experimenting something bad for the general population.

01-07-2011, 03:20 AM
What's unusual is the reporting. Localized mass animal deaths are relatively common; the fish in Arkansas were a single species, probably infected by a bacteria. There are nearly 200 million red-winged blackbirds in the USA, so these did not remotely constitute a crisis.

A real wildlife crisis is the white fungus that's killing bats by the millions, which actually threatens the survival of the species.

01-07-2011, 03:25 AM

YouTube - EndGame HQ full length version (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-CrNlilZho&feature=player_embedded)

01-07-2011, 03:34 AM
I blame daryl

In 2012 I'm going to rise to power and conquer the Earth, all tranny and female ass will belong to me! :fuckin:

01-07-2011, 03:57 AM
I'm surprised that there's been no further mention of the Wheeler theory since the posting of the video yesterday (The mechanized voice is the result of word-recognition software as it was verbatim the article published in the European papers the other day after the Russians started pointing fingers).

Witness accounts place Wheeler in New Castle and later Wilmington in a 'disheveled' and 'confused' state that caused some people to mistake him for a homeless person. Some of these descriptions suggest that he may have been drunk (But witnesses attest that he was not inebriated) or drugged. Watching that video that was posted above I noted that the propaganda poster for Phosgene gas noted "An increased dopey feeling" as a symptom.

There has been local chatter that incendiary devices were found on the property of a neighbor with whom Wheeler had an ongoing property dispute and that this may have had something to do with his odd behaviour and subsequent death. An argument against that possibility is that it is outside of his characteristic behaviour and that there is pending legal action that was working its way through the courts. Burning down the neighbor's house would have been counterproductive at the very least.

The conspiracy theorists have picked up on this and are poking around with various levels of potential accuracy. Last I heard, the authorities were still performing toxicology tests on Wheeler and no final report had been issued as to the exact cause of death. Knowing part of the route of the trash truck that took him to his final resting place at Cherry Island, I can assume that he could just as easily have gotten fatal heartburn from any of the restaurants on that route as he could have been poisoned via some sekrit government effort to cover up a weapons scandal. The FBI stepped in early, based on his high level relationship to the Pentagon and White House (Much to the relief of local people that have little faith in the competency of the Newark Police - The agency with current jurisdiction as it is still believed that he died in Newark and not Wilmington or New Castle), so there has been a high level of investigative activity at all levels from the start.

All in all, it's made for an interesting read this week.

El Nino
01-07-2011, 06:35 AM
2 million dead fish were found in the Chesapeake Bay over the last couple of days. A spokesperson for the Maryland Department of the Environment blamed it on 'cold water stress'. WTF!!??

It's the lame excuse making that piques my curiosity. Government officials are doing their best to spin this phenomenon into a 'nothing to see here' situation.

But whatever's happening is getting beyond the control of the powers that be to simply explain away.

There's something deadly wrong happening in the ecosystem, and if it's killing birds and fish, it's only a matter of time before it climbs up the food chain.

You know something is going on big because the corporate media isn't really treating it like there's anything important happening.
Now compare that to the round the clock coverage given to the non-existent bird and swine flu in recent years.

When shit really goes down and there are people and corporate entities to blame, the story never gets out there to the public.


01-07-2011, 06:39 AM
Another theory is Solar Flares - from the sun.

01-07-2011, 09:07 AM
YouTube - Walt Disney - Chicken Little - 1943 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vnp4kj5lLOU)

01-07-2011, 10:17 AM
The media are now reporting that the 100 or so Swedish birds may have been hit by a big truck, which if they were flying together in a flock is at least less outlandish than other theories so far, but they're still guessing.


01-07-2011, 02:44 PM
this aint good ya'll...seriously....it kinda puts life into perspective when u think this could be the beginning of the end.....Not that a little perspective ever hurt anyone, Freddie, but back in '99 a lot of people were scared the world was going to end the minute the new millennium began. I grew up during the Cold War and there were more than a few frights about the end coming.

Here's the thing about the end, both yours personally and the world's. It's coming and there's not a damned thing you can do about it, except to live as best you can and as fearlessly as possible.:)

01-08-2011, 05:33 AM

01-08-2011, 04:29 PM

How does anyone have the time to sit around and actually write that verbose bullshit?

I'm not a conspiracy monger either, but I couldn't even bear to read it.

01-08-2011, 04:32 PM

I knew we could find you on this thread.

01-08-2011, 04:34 PM
I'm surprised that there's been no further mention of the Wheeler theory since the posting of the video yesterday (The mechanized voice is the result of word-recognition software as it was verbatim the article published in the European papers the other day after the Russians started pointing fingers).

Witness accounts place Wheeler in New Castle and later Wilmington in a 'disheveled' and 'confused' state that caused some people to mistake him for a homeless person. Some of these descriptions suggest that he may have been drunk (But witnesses attest that he was not inebriated) or drugged. Watching that video that was posted above I noted that the propaganda poster for Phosgene gas noted "An increased dopey feeling" as a symptom.

There has been local chatter that incendiary devices were found on the property of a neighbor with whom Wheeler had an ongoing property dispute and that this may have had something to do with his odd behaviour and subsequent death. An argument against that possibility is that it is outside of his characteristic behaviour and that there is pending legal action that was working its way through the courts. Burning down the neighbor's house would have been counterproductive at the very least.

The conspiracy theorists have picked up on this and are poking around with various levels of potential accuracy. Last I heard, the authorities were still performing toxicology tests on Wheeler and no final report had been issued as to the exact cause of death. Knowing part of the route of the trash truck that took him to his final resting place at Cherry Island, I can assume that he could just as easily have gotten fatal heartburn from any of the restaurants on that route as he could have been poisoned via some sekrit government effort to cover up a weapons scandal. The FBI stepped in early, based on his high level relationship to the Pentagon and White House (Much to the relief of local people that have little faith in the competency of the Newark Police - The agency with current jurisdiction as it is still believed that he died in Newark and not Wilmington or New Castle), so there has been a high level of investigative activity at all levels from the start.

All in all, it's made for an interesting read this week.

This thread is getting weirder and weirder. Where is ChefMike when we need him? All these freaks wearing tin-foil hats would have been fodder for him.

And the dump was not "his final resting place". That was where he was found.

01-08-2011, 04:40 PM
Who cares, live your life people.

Well said...

01-08-2011, 04:44 PM
Do you think it's the signs of the end of the world? Like the Mayans predicted?

A coincidence?

Who cares?

It's God trying to tell us something?

What do you think?

God is whacking birds now:

YouTube - Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson Blame 9/11 on Organizations Like People For the American Way (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMkBgA9_oQ4)

01-08-2011, 07:07 PM
How does anyone have the time to sit around and actually write that verbose bullshit?

I'm not a conspiracy monger either, but I couldn't even bear to read it.

To answer your first question, this is what writers do all day long, not just sit around and write, but research their facts and try to tighten up their stories. I'm not sure what your second statement means, but after glancing through the article, what I got out of it is these mass deaths aren't actually all that rare and have occurred for years. IMO, this is nature correcting an over population problem. We humans do the same thing, except we call it war! And we think of ourselves as superior to the animals.

01-08-2011, 08:39 PM

This article best sums it up as :" This happens all the time...it's natural (routine)".
Most people probably figured as much anyway...and went on with their lives...
but an explanation like this will be dismissively waved away like a puff of smoke by a true conspiracy theorist.

01-09-2011, 01:01 AM
And the dump was not "his final resting place". That was where he was found.

At this writing, they have still not identified the pickup point where Wheeler hitched his final ride. Also, though the body has been released to a local funeral home, there has still not been a final report from the medical examiner on toxicology/cause of death.

01-09-2011, 03:10 AM
bees are dying too and they say humans will die within 4 years without them....

01-09-2011, 06:21 AM
bees are dying too and they say humans will die within 4 years without them....

I hope your son inherited his momma's brains. Because otherwise he ain't gettin' any.

01-09-2011, 06:26 AM
At this writing, they have still not identified the pickup point where Wheeler hitched his final ride. Also, though the body has been released to a local funeral home, there has still not been a final report from the medical examiner on toxicology/cause of death.

I for one am pretty convinced Wheeler's death was somehow connected to the birds dying in Arkansas.

Pass the blunt.

01-09-2011, 06:27 AM
And we think of ourselves as superior to the animals.

We are superior to the animals.

01-09-2011, 06:58 PM
bees are dying too and they say humans will die within 4 years without them....

I thought they attributed this to a chemical pesticide that was banned elsewhere but used in the US.

01-09-2011, 07:06 PM
We are superior to the animals.We are animals. Therefore, we are superior to ourselves. Hence we are gods.

If everyone claps and believes hard enough maybe the bee hives will come back to life. Come on everyone, clap.:claps:claps:claps:claps:claps:claps:claps

01-09-2011, 07:16 PM
Why is that we all think that coincidences (three plane crashes in a week, etc) are signs that something strange is happening? The evil politicians, God or the race of giant reptiles that really run the World(joke, please) are angry with us or have some master plan. What would be truly strange would be if there were no coincidences!
Now, the reduction of bee populations (a long term trend) is worrying.

01-09-2011, 07:26 PM
This thread is still going? It's me I am killing them all...grrr lol

01-09-2011, 08:20 PM
This thread is still going? It's me I am killing them all...grrr lol
You better stop it Kelly:nervous:

01-09-2011, 09:30 PM
I thought they attributed this to a chemical pesticide that was banned elsewhere but used in the US.The last article I read is that they now attribute this to a fungus on the plants.

01-09-2011, 09:45 PM
We are animals. Therefore, we are superior to ourselves. Hence we are gods.

If everyone claps and believes hard enough maybe the bee hives will come back to life. Come on everyone, clap.:claps:claps:claps:claps:claps:claps:claps

I rather just get the clap...more fun.

Then I can be a God...with a burning discharge.

MdR Dave
01-09-2011, 09:54 PM
My current theory on the bees has to do with genetically modified crops (GMOs).

Chemical companies develop GMOs that are dependent on their fertilizers to make farmers captive. Happened especially with corn, and cross pollination quickly affects farmers who planted (and were going to take seed corn) from non GMO crops, forcing them to buy the fertilizer or find another source for unaffected seed.

The bees take the pollen from the GMO flowers but it is structurally different than natural pollen, and it isn't the food source they developed their species around for the last few hundred million years. So they die.

Of course, Monsanto says GMOs are safe. And the CEOS are old and white, so we can trust them! All I know is, when I left the farm in '96 we had seven hives (for honey, we didn't farm commercially) and now we have one. The corn guys nearby all switched to GMOs during that time.

01-11-2011, 09:11 PM
Found it. We got the reason. We know why the birds are dying.


01-11-2011, 09:52 PM
Found it. We got the reason. We know why the birds are dying.

This woman is frightening.

01-11-2011, 10:02 PM
Found it. We got the reason. We know why the birds are dying.


God damn, that's a dumb bitch.
I wish these doomsayers actually used their minds every once in a while because simple deductive reasoning would have lead her to realize the majority of countries don't give a damn about gays joining or supporting the military and living open lives. "God" isn't smiting them, so why would a god be smiting us for becoming more like the rest of the world?

Thanks for the laugh, though.
Honestly, my faith in humanity just hit an all-time low.