View Full Version : Brazilian question-Leo Aquilla

12-31-2010, 05:33 AM
I discovered an intersting person on YouTube, Leo Aquilla from Brazil. Aquilla, a college graduate has often be listed as a drag queen/entertainer. However in a fairly recent tv show, (Super Pop), she showed the results from recent facial surgery and breast implants. I wonder does this mean that Aquilla is indentifying now as trans?

YouTube - Léo Áquilla - Super Pop - 21/10/10 (9) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9qj7GKs1hY)

Aquilla has long been a tv correspondent, and has also run for political office twice.
http://www.leoaquilla.com.br/ Aquilla also reports fathering a child, and adopting a second. However I think she identified as gay.

Is there anyone out there that knows more, or can summerize the content of the Super Pop show, of which her mother makes an appearance. I see that one of the panel participants is a minister.

12-31-2010, 05:58 AM
leo aquila is journalist in brazil
leo is candidate a job in brazilian governament in 2010