View Full Version : This Forum is jacked up....

12-22-2010, 05:08 PM
So I know I'll get blasted for this, especially being new, but good grief this place is jacked up...

It seems like everywhere you turn all you see is bashing....so much hate and so many arguments. The top two I've noticed are gay bashing and racism.

What's so crazy about it is that is seems a lot of the bashing comes from the girls....

I've seen several members be straight attacked, people calling them stuff like power bottom faggots? LMAO...this site is called HUNGangels.com....it is dedicated to transexuals....they have dicks....is it crazy to think some guys would come here to talk about or look to get fucked?

Then we have the racism...all the "Your nuthing but a black this or a black that"...I've seen guys called monkeys, niggers, all sorts of things.

Last but not least, there are a lot of people that tear people apart for being into or talking about CD's....PUH - FUCKING - LEASE????

Did some of these hateful tgirls never fit into the CD/TV category? At any point in their life?

That being said, there are some very fun and very friendly girls and guys here too....imagine how much more participation this board would have if folks weren't afraid to talk about their interests without getting hated on.

It's sad really....to see so much prejudice coming from people that have endured the same thing in their daily life outside of these boards....

I've only been with one TS, and she was an absolute lady and pleasure to be with....it seems like she might be the exception and certainly not the rule.

12-22-2010, 05:17 PM
So I know I'll get blasted for this, especially being new, but good grief this place is jacked up...

It seems like everywhere you turn all you see is bashing....so much hate and so many arguments. The top two I've noticed are gay bashing and racism.

What's so crazy about it is that is seems a lot of the bashing comes from the girls....

I've seen several members be straight attacked, people calling them stuff like power bottom faggots? LMAO...this site is called HUNGangels.com....it is dedicated to transexuals....they have dicks....is it crazy to think some guys would come here to talk about or look to get fucked?

Then we have the racism...all the "Your nuthing but a black this or a black that"...I've seen guys called monkeys, niggers, all sorts of things.

Last but not least, there are a lot of people that tear people apart for being into or talking about CD's....PUH - FUCKING - LEASE????

Did some of these hateful tgirls never fit into the CD/TV category? At any point in their life?

That being said, there are some very fun and very friendly girls and guys here too....imagine how much more participation this board would have if folks weren't afraid to talk about their interests without getting hated on.

It's sad really....to see so much prejudice coming from people that have endured the same thing in their daily life outside of these boards....

I've only been with one TS, and she was an absolute lady and pleasure to be with....it seems like she might be the exception and certainly not the rule.
Some of the things are inside jokes that have been said for years. However I never call any man a "faggot", "powerbottom", or anything of that nature. I think what you like sexually in the bedroom doesn't make you who you are outside of it.

Truth be told a lot of men get into transsexuals, because their wives/gfs start playing with their ass. I know a lot of my stripper friends love to strap on a strap-on and fuck their men in the ass. Some like to rim their men and others like to put their fingers in it. I know many girls like this. Men after exploring figure out the ass has many nerve endings and can be very arousing. Men also have a Male G spot between the balls and asshole known as the taint. Keep in mind though some men have more endings than others. The more nerve endings the more sensation.

I think if you question if you are gay, it's because you are still exploring and figuring out who you are. A lot of girls have no patience for men like this. But men that are into transsexuals, especially new ones are like babies. They need to be educated and sometimes put in their place for ignorance.

12-22-2010, 05:19 PM
Some of the things are inside jokes that have been said for years. However I never call any man a "faggot", "powerbottom", or anything of that nature. I think what you like sexually in the bedroom doesn't make you who you are outside of it.

Truth be told a lot of men get into transsexuals, because their wives/gfs start playing with their ass. I know a lot of my stripper friends love to strap on a strap-on and fuck their men in the ass. Some like to rim their men and others like to put their fingers in it. I know many girls like this. Men after exploring figure out the ass has many nerve endings and can be very arousing. Men also have a Male G spot between the balls and asshole known as the taint. Keep in mind though some men have more endings than others. The more nerve endings the more sensation.

I think if you question if you are gay, it's because you are still exploring and figuring out who you are. A lot of girls have no patience for men like this. But men that are into transsexuals, especially new ones are like babies. They need to be educated and sometimes put in their place for ignorance.

Good Read:Bowdown:

12-22-2010, 05:19 PM
I feel the same way you do. I'm new here and there's so much hostility and judging and, as you said, a lot of it comes from the girls.

This forum needs a no flame zone, a subforum where people can talk about their lives and anything they want outside of the porn world without being judged.

12-22-2010, 05:20 PM
I agree with most of your observations but I don't think you're new to this forum at all.

12-22-2010, 05:22 PM
I agree with most of your observations but I don't think you're new to this forum at all.

Here we go?

Why would you say that? I laid eyes on the place for the first time last week...

12-22-2010, 05:27 PM
Good Read:Bowdown:
Also in my opinion, if you call a man a faggot who is attracted to the female looks ie you as a transsexual. Aren't you demeaning yourself in the long run?

However there are those men that are into the cock only and don't care what it's connected to as long as it has a wig on and some sexy lingerie. I wouldn't consider that necessarily straight.......lol

12-22-2010, 05:32 PM
If you notice, the 'bashers' are the same, usual suspects.
It's not everyone, not in the least.
SOme guys on HA have made enemies of some of the girls, thus the racist comments you hear flung about at times.

Not condoning it, just explaining the sometimes fucced up reality of this place.

IMO most of the guys here joined HA because of their attraction to preop TGs, but there are a percentage of dudes who are members here for the sole purpose of making fun and belittling the rest of us for being into tgirls.

Don't be surprised if you run into more than a few abnormal psych cases on HA!!

As far as I'm concerned, the clowns have always been running the circus around here and they scare off potential new members.

12-22-2010, 05:39 PM
It scares people off for sure....

No matter what you do you are always going to have lurkers on a forum, but I don't think there would 70,000 on here if they thought they could speak without being attacked...

When I signed up I did an intro post....i was called a trick and gay within the first few minutes LOL

12-22-2010, 05:40 PM
Not everyone is mentally strong enough to be a transsexual. They must be subject to a constant barrage of insults and hate. It takes someone mentally strong to prevent themselves from making someone else miserable by releasing that hate on them in turn.

I can't really blame a racist rant on anything more than that. The need to feel better about one's self by convincing one's self that they're better than someone else. It's like that boss that yells at you after getting yelled at by his boss.

But what about the only arguments that hijack every thread? People trying to get in the last word. All parties looking like the fool...

1. Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.
2. Never argue with a fool, they will lower you to their level and then beat you with experience.
3. Wise men never argue with fools, because people from a distance can't tell who is who.
4. So what’s a person to do when a lunatic speaks? Best to just let the fool vouch for his own lunacy.

Here is a poem by Dr. M. C. Gupta:


It is best not to argue,
But if you do at all,
Never do so with a fool.
A fool can defeat all.

He does not care for the facts.
He does not know debate.
He’s a stranger to reason.
Logic he can negate.

In the end the fool will win,
His logic is so strong!
Decides what he does not like
And then it must be wrong!

It’s better to keep quiet
When challenged by a fool.
Else, to prove his own wisdom,
He will make you a tool.

It is hence my policy
To not respond to those
Who ask questions not to learn
But to be bellicose.

12-22-2010, 05:47 PM
Also in my opinion, if you call a man a faggot who is attracted to the female looks ie you as a transsexual. Aren't you demeaning yourself in the long run? ...

Yeah, and I think it's the whole circular argument about pre/non-op t-girls wanting to seduce totally straight guys to validate their appeal as women, and rejecting guys who are in any way "trans-attracted" as gay/faggot/whatever; only to get themselves into a catch-22 because truly straight guys by definition only like pussy...

12-22-2010, 05:57 PM
...When I signed up I did an intro post....i was called a trick and gay within the first few minutes LOL

OK but in fairness most of the girls doing the name-calling are

a) Posting under their own well-known (public) names and are themselves targets for haters.

b) (Some of them) escorting and probably not exactly seeing the best side of men's behaviour, to put it mildly. So they might be forgiven a little cynicism.

So it might be somewhat empowering for them to come on HA and let off steam at guys who are almost always safely cloaked in the anonymity of our silly nicknames. Come on, how bad can it hurt for some random girl to call you names? :hide-1:

12-22-2010, 06:13 PM
OK but in fairness most of the girls doing the name-calling are

a) Posting under their own well-known (public) names and are themselves targets for haters.

b) (Some of them) escorting and probably not exactly seeing the best side of men's behaviour, to put it mildly. So they might be forgiven a little cynicism.

So it might be somewhat empowering for them to come on HA and let off steam at guys who are almost always safely cloaked in the anonymity of our silly nicknames. Come on, how bad can it hurt for some random girl to call you names? :hide-1:

It's completely painless....

Q - How is stereotyping men based on behavior of clients any different than stereotyping people by race or sexual orientation?

A - It's not.

12-22-2010, 06:32 PM
It's completely painless....

Q - How is stereotyping men based on behavior of clients any different than stereotyping people by race or sexual orientation?

A - It's not.


But, we don't know if that's really what they believe, or if they're just hurling some abuse to make themselves feel good. Either way, as you say it's painless, so we should be able to get past it. :hide-1:

12-22-2010, 06:55 PM
Transexuality, homosexuality, porn, escorting -- not that they necessarily go together but they are subjects of the forum -- these are controversial subjects, and people feel under stress and sometimes even guilty about them, and the stress can lead to "jacked up" behaviour.

It's a good reason to remain anonymous. I don't particularly care about the honor or reputation of "MrF" -- whoever that is. So I don't think I'd ever get stressed out or offended. With that in mind, I feel more free to participate in the conversations.

The good and interesting parts of the forum are the occasional insightful thread or response from which you can learn a lot about transexuality or about sexuality in general. These are buried in with a lot of junk, though. In addition, lots of guys (including me sometimees) enjoy clicking the picture threads. You can tell by the number of views (often in the 100,000 range) which threads are "just pics". :)

12-22-2010, 07:24 PM
HA is a place where some members seemingly get relief from their tedious, hopeless lives by projecting their aggression on others anonymously.

12-22-2010, 10:49 PM
So I know I'll get blasted for this, especially being new, but good grief this place is jacked up...

It seems like everywhere you turn all you see is bashing....so much hate and so many arguments. The top two I've noticed are gay bashing and racism.

What's so crazy about it is that is seems a lot of the bashing comes from the girls....

I've seen several members be straight attacked, people calling them stuff like power bottom faggots? LMAO...this site is called HUNGangels.com....it is dedicated to transexuals....they have dicks....is it crazy to think some guys would come here to talk about or look to get fucked?

Then we have the racism...all the "Your nuthing but a black this or a black that"...I've seen guys called monkeys, niggers, all sorts of things.

Last but not least, there are a lot of people that tear people apart for being into or talking about CD's....PUH - FUCKING - LEASE????

Did some of these hateful tgirls never fit into the CD/TV category? At any point in their life?

That being said, there are some very fun and very friendly girls and guys here too....imagine how much more participation this board would have if folks weren't afraid to talk about their interests without getting hated on.

It's sad really....to see so much prejudice coming from people that have endured the same thing in their daily life outside of these boards....

I've only been with one TS, and she was an absolute lady and pleasure to be with....it seems like she might be the exception and certainly not the rule.

I've asked myself the very same things many times...so kudos for going public. You have to wade your way through all the bullshit, inside baseball, race baiting, hate, gay bashing, guy bashing, etc but there are open, informative, funny, and interesting threads. I don't mind mixing it up once in a while, in fact respectful, passionate disagreement is healthy..but that's not what this is much of the time .I think Giovanni Hotel's observations and conclusions are spot on.

12-22-2010, 11:14 PM
Well after reading this post and realizing I wasn't the only one feeling this, I've found a trans forum called "Laura's Playground" (google it) and after lurking it seems like a safe place where tgirls and tboys talk about their lives and stuff. If you're looking for a nice conversation you should go there, if you're looking for an escort or a hookup I guess HungAngels is just fine.

12-22-2010, 11:26 PM
You know if some somebody could actually photoshop this so that i applies to this site we'd have a real winner on here.


12-22-2010, 11:32 PM
It seems like everywhere you turn all you see is bashing....so much hate and so many arguments. The top two I've noticed are gay bashing and racism...

Agreed. Mostly it comes down to an absence of moderation. So the place is very much a free-fire zone. Admittedly the loudmouths are the rare extreme-edge voices, not representative of average opinions.

12-23-2010, 12:05 AM
Well after reading this post and realizing I wasn't the only one feeling this, I've found a trans forum called "Laura's Playground" (google it) and after lurking it seems like a safe place where tgirls and tboys talk about their lives and stuff. If you're looking for a nice conversation you should go there, if you're looking for an escort or a hookup I guess HungAngels is just fine.

But the thing is, HA has the HOTTEST, actively posting TGs on the Web by far and it's not even close.

Laura's Playground is like a support group and suicide prevention site for transgenders.

Bitches around here constantly crab on each other, but as a group, their attractiveness quotient is off the charts for transgendered women!!

If you know of a site that can duplicate that, let me know!!

Given HA is about porn, escorts, tricks and admirers/chasers, but it's more than that too.

12-23-2010, 01:12 AM
I agree with most of your observations but I don't think you're new to this forum at all.

LOL. u think ??

12-23-2010, 01:14 AM
What did you expect to find here? Real angels? The vast proportion of ts here are street walkers, whores if you may, or ''porn stars'' (another meaning for whores, same things, get fucked = get paid for it), good luck with that! Some seem to do shit loads of hard drugs regularly. Some are completely lost between their own sexualities, hating their own, their past, men, gay men and the whole universe. Some say they are women but truly want to remain men, and enjoy homosexual sex. Try getting around...

And men here? A lot tend to be obsequious and slavish, hoping for crumbles like lenient, weak creatures. In denial. Toughen up if you want to stay around, the girls here only want your cash. Truth is, that's how they seem to measure their success. So there!

12-23-2010, 01:21 AM
Some of the things are inside jokes that have been said for years. However I never call any man a "faggot", "powerbottom", or anything of that nature. I think what you like sexually in the bedroom doesn't make you who you are outside of it.

Truth be told a lot of men get into transsexuals, because their wives/gfs start playing with their ass. I know a lot of my stripper friends love to strap on a strap-on and fuck their men in the ass. Some like to rim their men and others like to put their fingers in it. I know many girls like this. Men after exploring figure out the ass has many nerve endings and can be very arousing. Men also have a Male G spot between the balls and asshole known as the taint. Keep in mind though some men have more endings than others. The more nerve endings the more sensation.

I think if you question if you are gay, it's because you are still exploring and figuring out who you are. A lot of girls have no patience for men like this. But men that are into transsexuals, especially new ones are like babies. They need to be educated and sometimes put in their place for ignorance.

.........You're my new favorite white girl!

12-23-2010, 01:36 AM
Also in my opinion, if you call a man a faggot who is attracted to the female looks ie you as a transsexual. Aren't you demeaning yourself in the long run?

However there are those men that are into the cock only and don't care what it's connected to as long as it has a wig on and some sexy lingerie. I wouldn't consider that necessarily straight.......lol
I never thought I would ever agree with Kelly...Did someone hack you account?

12-23-2010, 03:27 AM
LOL. u think ??

You're a super mod....run my IP and see how long I've been here...

This is my point exactly.

12-23-2010, 03:36 AM

12-23-2010, 03:56 AM
So I know I'll get blasted for this, especially being new, but good grief this place is jacked up...

It seems like everywhere you turn all you see is bashing....so much hate and so many arguments. The top two I've noticed are gay bashing and racism.

What's so crazy about it is that is seems a lot of the bashing comes from the girls....

I've seen several members be straight attacked, people calling them stuff like power bottom faggots? LMAO...this site is called HUNGangels.com....it is dedicated to transexuals....they have dicks....is it crazy to think some guys would come here to talk about or look to get fucked?

Then we have the racism...all the "Your nuthing but a black this or a black that"...I've seen guys called monkeys, niggers, all sorts of things.

Last but not least, there are a lot of people that tear people apart for being into or talking about CD's....PUH - FUCKING - LEASE????

Did some of these hateful tgirls never fit into the CD/TV category? At any point in their life?

That being said, there are some very fun and very friendly girls and guys here too....imagine how much more participation this board would have if folks weren't afraid to talk about their interests without getting hated on.

It's sad really....to see so much prejudice coming from people that have endured the same thing in their daily life outside of these boards....

I've only been with one TS, and she was an absolute lady and pleasure to be with....it seems like she might be the exception and certainly not the rule.

I guess the new name for this board will be "Hate Angels!" At first, I used to laugh at some of the comments because they seem like disagreements and\or different opinions. But now its seems like just pure hate for the person and not what the person stated.

12-23-2010, 06:50 AM
Nice thread Faggot LOL

All forums have a different vib, just gotta find the one that works for you

12-23-2010, 07:45 AM
But the thing is, HA has the HOTTEST, actively posting TGs on the Web by far and it's not even close.

Laura's Playground is like a support group and suicide prevention site for transgenders.

Bitches around here constantly crab on each other, but as a group, their attractiveness quotient is off the charts for transgendered women!!

If you know of a site that can duplicate that, let me know!!

Given HA is about porn, escorts, tricks and admirers/chasers, but it's more than that too.

:iagree: about HA!

As a newbie, I think yes there's some "rough & tumble" here, but it goes with the territory. And any truly mean posts tend to get stomped on by other posters, so no need for mods to intervene. I'll take a little drama and brutality over pussyfooting around the issues any day.

I don't know Laura's Playground so can't comment, but will check it out, thanks.

12-23-2010, 08:58 AM
Ok, now all the kitten stroking's outta the way, can we get back to normal service and lynch the op? :wiggle:

12-23-2010, 11:02 AM
But the thing is, HA has the HOTTEST, actively posting TGs on the Web by far and it's not even close.

Laura's Playground is like a support group and suicide prevention site for transgenders.

Bitches around here constantly crab on each other, but as a group, their attractiveness quotient is off the charts for transgendered women!!

If you know of a site that can duplicate that, let me know!!

Given HA is about porn, escorts, tricks and admirers/chasers, but it's more than that too.

Well from what I've seen here and there in Laura's Playground, HA is all about the fantasy (and Laura's is more of the reality, the day to day thing), it's a pornsite, so you've got tons of pornstars, escorts, chasers and whores of all kinds, the loudest type of people, but sometimes not smart enough to carry a conversation without bashing, calling-names and, from some girls, insulting the men who come here attracted to them (which I don't understand). I'm not talking about anyone in particular, just what I've seen in general.

I'll keep coming and keep posting because honestly the trans world intrigues me, I just don't understand some of the girls' attitudes, especially when they judge the men here and they're like "you like trannies and you're straight? Rrright", isn't a sentence like that pretty much stating that guys who like trannies are gay, and therefore trannies are men? It's a step backwards for the transcomunity to have that kind of mentality coming from the tgirls themselves.

12-23-2010, 02:23 PM
Well, I think you get that conflicted rhetoric from some trannies because physically what we see isn't mentally how they view themselves.
Like, what you or I might consider a pic of a beautiful girl may just a preop TG halfway through her transitioning to postop.

All these girls aren't coming from the same place about their transgendered identity. Some are cool with it, some hate it.
Girls who call dudes 'gay' for being in lust with them, have dick issues...their own.

IMO most girls on HA appreciate the compliments and adulation and keep it moving.

If HA didn't have hott chicks, sorry, but who would be here???
BTW, my lust for TGs has informed me more about issues specifically affecting the transcommunity and heightened my overall sensitivity to the reality of living one's life as a transgendered woman than I think I would have learned on any other forum.

It's rare, but sometimes a girl will start a thread that takes you all the way back to her beginning and brings you up to date on how she reached her current state.

It's not all sucking and fuccing, pretty pictures and hourly rates over here!!lol
Just most of the time...!

12-23-2010, 05:32 PM
Well, I think you get that conflicted rhetoric from some trannies because physically what we see isn't mentally how they view themselves.
Like, what you or I might consider a pic of a beautiful girl may just a preop TG halfway through her transitioning to postop.

All these girls aren't coming from the same place about their transgendered identity. Some are cool with it, some hate it.
Girls who call dudes 'gay' for being in lust with them, have dick issues...their own.

IMO most girls on HA appreciate the compliments and adulation and keep it moving.

If HA didn't have hott chicks, sorry, but who would be here???
BTW, my lust for TGs has informed me more about issues specifically affecting the transcommunity and heightened my overall sensitivity to the reality of living one's life as a transgendered woman than I think I would have learned on any other forum.

It's rare, but sometimes a girl will start a thread that takes you all the way back to her beginning and brings you up to date on how she reached her current state.

It's not all sucking and fuccing, pretty pictures and hourly rates over here!!lol
Just most of the time...!


Plus sometimes the girls are just winding the guys up ... :)

12-23-2010, 06:04 PM
Oh boo hoo

I swear, guys who bottom are the whiniest men on earth.

12-23-2010, 06:18 PM
Oh boo hoo

I swear, guys who bottom are the whiniest men on earth.

You bottom then?!

12-23-2010, 06:21 PM
You bottom then?!

The OP's rant was a whole lot of whining. The usual suspects followed.

12-23-2010, 06:25 PM
truly straight guys by definition only like pussy...

Not a very good definition of straight.

12-23-2010, 07:52 PM
Not a very good definition of straight.

It was clear enough in its original context...

Yeah, and I think it's the whole circular argument about pre/non-op t-girls wanting to seduce totally straight guys to validate their appeal as women, and rejecting guys who are in any way "trans-attracted" as gay/faggot/whatever; only to get themselves into a catch-22 because truly straight guys by definition only like pussy...

And I think we covered the whole Buck Angel thing in that other thread...

12-23-2010, 09:41 PM
Oh boo hoo

I swear, guys who bottom are the whiniest men on earth.

True dat!

You bottom then?!

Phobun has bottomed for me!

12-24-2010, 12:31 AM
Not everyone is mentally strong enough to be a transsexual. They must be subject to a constant barrage of insults and hate. It takes someone mentally strong to prevent themselves from making someone else miserable by releasing that hate on them in turn.

I can't really blame a racist rant on anything more than that. The need to feel better about one's self by convincing one's self that they're better than someone else. It's like that boss that yells at you after getting yelled at by his boss.

But what about the only arguments that hijack every thread? People trying to get in the last word. All parties looking like the fool...

1. Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.
2. Never argue with a fool, they will lower you to their level and then beat you with experience.
3. Wise men never argue with fools, because people from a distance can't tell who is who.
4. So what’s a person to do when a lunatic speaks? Best to just let the fool vouch for his own lunacy.

Here is a poem by Dr. M. C. Gupta:


It is best not to argue,
But if you do at all,
Never do so with a fool.
A fool can defeat all.

He does not care for the facts.
He does not know debate.
He’s a stranger to reason.
Logic he can negate.

In the end the fool will win,
His logic is so strong!
Decides what he does not like
And then it must be wrong!

It’s better to keep quiet
When challenged by a fool.
Else, to prove his own wisdom,
He will make you a tool.

It is hence my policy
To not respond to those
Who ask questions not to learn
But to be bellicose.

That's a great way to exclude yourself from communication with half of the people on the internet. Sounds like somebody might be a little anti-social. Besides, as an intelligent person, it seems a bit of a responsibility to educate others; or at least attempt to. If we don't, the fools of the world will only continue making profoundly astounding mistakes.

I don't think your post applies that well, anyway. Most of the drama around here involves fools on both sides. It's rare when it's an intelligent person baits a fool, but that happens too.

12-24-2010, 06:00 AM
Girls who call dudes 'gay' for being in lust with them, have dick issues...their own.

That's actually a great point and makes a lot of sense. Girls who call the men who are attracted to them because of their penises gay, are the ones who dislike their genitalia and don't want to be with a chaser.

12-24-2010, 06:48 AM
That's actually a great point and makes a lot of sense. Girls who call the men who are attracted to them because of their penises gay, are the ones who dislike their genitalia and don't want to be with a chaser.
They should have to put that in their sig or carry a sign or something. :hide-1:

12-24-2010, 10:09 AM
That's a great way to exclude yourself from communication with half of the people on the internet. Sounds like somebody might be a little anti-social. Besides, as an intelligent person, it seems a bit of a responsibility to educate others; or at least attempt to. If we don't, the fools of the world will only continue making profoundly astounding mistakes.

I don't think your post applies that well, anyway. Most of the drama around here involves fools on both sides. It's rare when it's an intelligent person baits a fool, but that happens too.

OK Grim. But posting on an internet board isn't exactly one on one. You don't actually need to argue with a fool.

If somebody puts up a post which seems foolish to you, you can post a different view. The foolish OP might seek to argue with that, and you can choose to respond, or not. But your post is still out there for everyone to see.

12-24-2010, 11:30 AM
They should have to put that in their sig or carry a sign or something. :hide-1:


For real!.:Bowdown:

12-24-2010, 06:33 PM
All these girls aren't coming from the same place about their transgendered identity. Some are cool with it, some hate it.
Girls who call dudes 'gay' for being in lust with them, have dick issues...their own.
That's actually a great point and makes a lot of sense. Girls who call the men who are attracted to them because of their penises gay, are the ones who dislike their genitalia and don't want to be with a chaser.

This is a no-brainer... they're transsexuals who identify as women. Not all of them want to be gay boys with boobs servicing cock-sucking queers in-denial. Of course many have issues with their male organs... it is called gender dysphoria, and if it is intense enough, there is a treatment that is surgical.

12-24-2010, 06:44 PM
This is a no-brainer... they're transsexuals who identify as women. Not all of them want to be gay boys with boobs servicing cock-sucking queers in-denial. Of course many have issues with their male organs... it is called gender dysphoria, and if it is intense enough, there is a treatment that is surgical.

I just hadn't made the connection between the bashing and the person's genital issues.

12-24-2010, 08:31 PM
Fuck these bitches.

If you hate your penis, hate dudes who like you, why the fucc are you on a forum like HA, doing porn and posting pics of yourself???

You wanna pay for your SRS but don't wanna be ogled for your looks and body(parts), then go get a real 9-5 and keep your ass COVERED.

Some of you are just beyond stupid.

And to think some have the nerve to believe that admirers are exploiting the girls!!lol

12-24-2010, 08:34 PM
Fuck these bitches.

If you hate your penis, hate dudes who like you, why the fucc are you on a forum like HA, doing porn and posting pics of yourself???

You wanna pay for your SRS but don't wanna be ogled for your looks and body(parts), then go get a real 9-5 and keep your ass COVERED.

Some of you are just beyond stupid.

And to think some have the nerve to believe that admirers are exploiting the girls!!lol

Let them be man. You think people should live and let live, except when you start to feel prissy about your own sexuality. If you want to suck dick and they aren't interested in your cravings, find another cock to slobber over.

12-24-2010, 08:42 PM
Let them be man. You think people should live and let live, except when you start to feel prissy about your own sexuality. If you want to suck dick and they aren't interested in your cravings, find another cock to slobber over.

Bloody hell, I actually agreed with Phobun... I need to sit down and re-assess :)

I see no need to hate on a TS person just because they have issues. If they didn't have issues they wouldn't be TS. However frustrated a guy may feel about that, it's nothing compared to what the TS person must be going through and trying to figure out...

So, if you haven't got the patience for them, just leave them be.

12-24-2010, 08:53 PM

It's just the Internet. A lot of things said over the Internet wouldn't be said face-to-face. If you don't like this forum or think its jacked up, then go to HungDevils or log off and do something productive.

12-25-2010, 05:24 AM
girls are all gone for the most part..guys calling them clowns

12-25-2010, 09:35 AM
girls are all gone for the most part..guys calling them clowns

People come and go. There are pretty girls here now, and no doubt there will be new ones in the future.

12-29-2010, 01:30 AM
I come to this board strictly for entertainment purposes, not edutainment...

12-29-2010, 01:57 AM
yeah. i've been losing interest lately.

12-31-2010, 12:05 AM
yeah. i've been losing interest lately.

Not enough cock threads for ya?