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View Full Version : I See A Tranny Trend going on! MEN What do you prefer????

12-17-2010, 04:22 AM
Ive been seeing a trend in Trannies lately. A lot more younger, passable and Caucasian.

Im curious what mens taste are.

Do you like to be with a Transexual because you like the over exaggerated femininity that ooze sex appeal with exotic looks and impossible bodies?

Or do you prefer the Very passable, wholesome, innocent girl next door girl type?

I think its great that we have a larger variety of Ts girls theses days.
Im glad to see there younger because it goes to show the girl are more comfortable and theres more awareness these days. Also that a lot of the new girls are American goes to show how people in the USA are becoming more aware of TS and more accepting!

Just my opinion. Hope everyone is having great holidays!

Jennifer Paris

See my hot PIXX and Videos at http://www.JenniferParis.net

Follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/JenniferParis

Here are some pictures of girls that I ALL think are beautiful!

I will start with the more exaggerated feminine type

12-17-2010, 04:33 AM
Jennifer, I'm curious... which type do you see yourself as?

I like both, myself. Some natural looking girls look great and other more exaggerated girls can look great, too.

12-17-2010, 04:34 AM
Depends on which one is verse!

12-17-2010, 04:35 AM
I really don't know and never thought about. Life is to short to try and figure things out. All I know now is I'm sure I want you.

12-17-2010, 05:03 AM
more exaggerated feminine

12-17-2010, 05:06 AM
Beautiful Passable Girl next door Type.

12-17-2010, 05:06 AM
exaggerated :fuckin:

12-17-2010, 05:10 AM
More Beautiful Passable Girl next door Type.

12-17-2010, 05:13 AM
Passable girl next door type

12-17-2010, 05:14 AM
I've been here for a minute trying to describe my thoughts...
I think exaggerated is what I want but there's also something to be said about the ability to have a quiet evening out without getting swarmed by guys/curious onlookers wondering 'who is that?! is she famous?! lemme get yo #'

12-17-2010, 05:16 AM
I'd take both. :D

12-17-2010, 05:16 AM
I want to look more exotic and exaggerated! Teach me your ways Jennifer! Lol

12-17-2010, 05:24 AM
A passable girl like LineTrap will always be my favorite.

12-17-2010, 05:30 AM
I appreciate and live for beauty in all forms but I prefer the vixen, the irresistible unapproachable venus. the sex goddess type!
But its lovely to see these young natural beauties coming up and everyone appreciates variety.

BTW Great choices Jen.
they are all very lovely girls!

Willie Escalade
12-17-2010, 05:30 AM
Why can't I have both?

12-17-2010, 05:33 AM
Ive been seeing a trend in Trannies lately. A lot more younger, passable and Caucasian.

Im curious what mens taste are.

Do you like to be with a Transexual because you like the over exaggerated femininity that ooze sex appeal with exotic looks and impossible bodies?

Or do you prefer the Very passable, wholesome, innocent girl next door girl type?

Asian girls have always been first place for both categories.

12-17-2010, 05:44 AM
much prefer the ultra feminine slutty Tgirls

if i want a 'girl next door' i'll find a GG

12-17-2010, 05:49 AM
i prefer Passable, Wholesome, Innocent, Girl Next Door....the other makes ya'll clocky no matter how beautiful

Miss Fagina
12-17-2010, 05:53 AM
Her name is Ellery, right? She's not "the girl next door". She's got that high fashion look. A shame really if she waste it doing doing porn... or free camshows on cam4.

12-17-2010, 05:53 AM

This lady is an absolute goddess.

12-17-2010, 05:57 AM
Any :)

Dino Velvet
12-17-2010, 06:11 AM
I'm nutty for that Cracker on Rice action with the Oriental kinds.

12-17-2010, 06:15 AM
Sexuality is a subjective exercise. Or to paraphrase a Supreme Court Justice when referring to pornography...I can't define it ...but I know it when I see it ! LOL

I enjoy the look of many of the ShemaleYum type gurls...that gurl next door thing as you describe. ( Amy, et al) I also enjoy the deeply erotic look of most black T ladies, so it has more to do with style, confidence, personality and sexuality and how a lady wears that, more than age or skin complexion !

12-17-2010, 06:16 AM
Jen, great question. But I prefer the overly exaggerated fem look. for example I hate it when my girl wheres sweats around the house, hence I turn to an overly exaggerated fem look with the big fake tits and high heels.

12-17-2010, 06:17 AM
Her name is Ellery, right? She's not "the girl next door". She's got that high fashion look. A shame really if she waste it doing doing porn... or free camshows on cam4.

Good point. But without much makeup on and casual she could be girl next door too.

12-17-2010, 06:19 AM
I enjoy the look of many of the ShemaleYum type gurls...that gurl next door thing as you describe.

There are some pretty Yum girls, but most girls on that site are not passable.

Dino Velvet
12-17-2010, 06:29 AM
There should have been the third option, "No enhancements. Clearly she just washes her face, takes off her wig, and presto she is a Mexican boy." so our friend tjinla2001 could have participated in the voting.

12-17-2010, 06:47 AM
There is a time and a place for everything...I enjoy both types...

But at the end of the day, if I had to choose something long term, it would be with the girl next door. I'm allergic to over-the-top beauty. Makes me break out and say stupid things.

12-17-2010, 07:26 AM
I like girls who look like they glided out their moms vagina that way, so more natural but some things cantbe avioded.

Thats the one thing I say in the rarity a girl asks my advice about her next step....look like the women in ur family.

12-17-2010, 07:37 AM
Both can be appreciated. I would like to be a Blend of Both, a girl that is between girl next door and a hyper femme body. Riding that Fine Line =D

Solitary Brother
12-17-2010, 07:55 AM
I like exaggerated femininity.
I mean why be with a tranny who is too much like a regular GG?
The whole reason I like trannies is the femininity is MORE.
If a tranny is just like a female then there is nothing special about her.
I like trannies whose femininity stands out....the way they talk they must be very very EFFIMINATE with the way they walk.

12-17-2010, 08:02 AM
much prefer the ultra feminine slutty Tgirls

if i want a 'girl next door' i'll find a GG

I think this was the best answer so far

12-17-2010, 09:18 AM
Got to be the girl next door. Most of the over the top ultra fem girls look like cartoon characters in my opinion.

12-17-2010, 09:34 AM
I voted "girl next door" because I'm not showy at all and I prefer stealthy girls.

Doesn't mean I don't fancy Ana or Jennifer. They're both absolutely stunning.:geek:

And plenty of GG's exaggerate their feminine looks to draw attention, so I personally don't agree Ana or Jennifer could ever be described as "clocky". Just my 2c.

12-17-2010, 09:39 AM
It's all about the attraction...at least for me.

12-17-2010, 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by dopearope
much prefer the ultra feminine slutty Tgirls
if i want a 'girl next door' i'll find a GG

I think this was the best answer so far

I like GG's too, but similar-looking tgirls are definitely on the menu...

Perhaps it depends how far a guy is down the evolutionary scale? Maybe I just didn't evolve much


I think that's me on the left...

12-17-2010, 03:16 PM
Got to be the girl next door. Most of the over the top ultra fem girls look like cartoon characters in my opinion.

Yes yes this is very true.

The "exaggerated" girls have obvious plastic surgery and act hyperfeminine, but there is nothing really feminine about hyperfeminine since hyperfeminine is a behavior that gay boys have long mastered, so those girls are immediately clockable. But perhaps this is what some chasers want... as someone once put it, it is femininity with "the telltale clues" that do it for them.

12-17-2010, 03:42 PM
much prefer the ultra feminine slutty Tgirls

if i want a 'girl next door' i'll find a GG

I like exaggerated femininity.
I mean why be with a tranny who is too much like a regular GG?
The whole reason I like trannies is the femininity is MORE.
If a tranny is just like a female then there is nothing special about her.

Lots of guys here want a "functional unit" (as someone put it in another thread), so that for them, the unit is what distinguishes a TS from a GG and makes her special.

What is more important Solitary, the exaggerated femininity or the tool? Well...

Most of you powerbottoms are not going to find nirvana in someone's exaggerated femininity, because bottoming entails taking the feminine role yourself.

So again, you protest too much.

12-17-2010, 04:18 PM
Ahh...this thread!


12-17-2010, 04:34 PM
Both can be appreciated. I would like to be a Blend of Both, a girl that is between girl next door and a hyper femme body. Riding that Fine Line =D
Hmm, I kinda agree.. Though I veer towards the GND rather than HFB!
Woa those two sound like friggin extremist militias in that form!

Got to be the girl next door. Most of the over the top ultra fem girls look like cartoon characters in my opinion.
Yup, its like the surgeries become it all rather than the personality and sexuality.

12-17-2010, 04:40 PM
Of all the beauties whose pictures are on the first page, the two that most race my motor are Jennifer Paris and Domino Presley. Can't specify exactly why this is the case. Both have beautiful faces, but very different body types. The wonders of human sexual preferences!

12-17-2010, 07:31 PM
You can always have both....:whistle: sexy but passable - EMILY

Or Nicole Neuman

12-17-2010, 07:45 PM
There is a pic of lil kim on another site for "straight peeps" wit Kim Gotti and Giselle with her in the pic and they clocked both of them because of all the plastic surgery they've had and even said lil kim looks like a dude because of it too.....

12-17-2010, 07:47 PM
I've found that I like both and that the main factor boils down to their attitude. If a girl has an exaggerated body, but her attitude stinks then the negative over powers the positives of her body and not as attractive to me.

12-17-2010, 07:48 PM
You can always have both....:whistle: sexy but passable - EMILY

The "fashion-victim blonde" look doesn't do it for me I'm afraid :(

12-17-2010, 07:51 PM
The "fashion-victim blonde" look doesn't do it for me I'm afraid :(
personal preference, but you are crazy she is gorgeous in person........

12-17-2010, 08:06 PM
personal preference, but you are crazy she is gorgeous in person........

I dare say she might be a nice person, but it's just all this "fashion victim" thing these days that I can't stand (I find it superficial, flashy and just a little bit "nouveau riche bad taste", really)...

12-17-2010, 08:10 PM
I dare say she might be a nice person, but it's just all this "fashion victim" thing these days that I can't stand (I find it superficial, flashy and just a little bit "nouveau riche bad taste", really)...

Power to the (real) people! :Bowdown: :dancing:


12-17-2010, 08:13 PM
My Answer is Both really.

Its hard not to love the impossible beauties of Jennifer and Mia etc... but for me they are the girls that you sort of put up on a pedestal and are a rare treat. I have been blessed to spend time with such women on a couple occasions over the year ( Vaniity and Mia ) and they were delights to be around.

But there is something to be said for the girl next door too and to me they just seem more obtainable.

my 2 cents for what its worth....

12-18-2010, 12:57 AM
There is a pic of lil kim on another site for "straight peeps" wit Kim Gotti and Giselle with her in the pic and they clocked both of them because of all the plastic surgery they've had and even said lil kim looks like a dude because of it too.....

I see what you mean, but IMO women are bitches (men too) and when they're bitching about another girl they'll pick on her for having work done and sometimes they'll say she looks like a tranny just to be mean. It's just airheads being spiteful. Doesn't mean a thought actually entered their heads that the person they're hating on might actually once have been a boy.

12-18-2010, 01:23 AM
personal preference, but you are crazy she is gorgeous in person........

She is indeed very pretty Kelly. Only a fool would argue the contrary. I don't know if this is what CafeRacer was trying to say or not...I think a lady can be pretty, but not exude sexuality. ( btw...you don't have that problem ...LOL) In my mind...those 2 things can be totally different. While she is pleasing to the eye to be sure, I just don't get the feeling I want to have hair pulling, dirty talkin' sex with her, or that she's capable of that. But I could be wrong, and these judgements are made stricly on visuals, which might be unfair, but until I meet her...it's all I have !!! LOL !

12-18-2010, 01:27 AM
For me personally, it has nothing to do with age or race. I have seen the trend too but that's not something I necessarily "prefer". Not at all. As long as she is at least 80% passable, or in other words does NOT look like a Guy in a dress (even if you can still clock it a bit) and has a decent face/figure/ass then it's a definite turn on. I honestly prefer girls like Mia Fever, ect who are are literally dripping with femininity.

Still though if she's dumb as a doornail and has the personality of a rock I'd want little to do with her regardless of how she looks.

12-18-2010, 01:36 AM
Personally I like tall girls so I guess exotic.

12-18-2010, 02:04 AM
Seems the passable wholesome girls are winning the poll. I bet a lot of the blown out girls are kicking themselves for all the spent money.

12-18-2010, 02:13 AM
She is indeed very pretty Kelly. Only a fool would argue the contrary. I don't know if this is what CafeRacer was trying to say or not...I think a lady can be pretty, but not exude sexuality. ( btw...you don't have that problem ...LOL) In my mind...those 2 things can be totally different. While she is pleasing to the eye to be sure, I just don't get the feeling I want to have hair pulling, dirty talkin' sex with her, or that she's capable of that. But I could be wrong, and these judgements are made stricly on visuals, which might be unfair, but until I meet her...it's all I have !!! LOL !

I'm not saying that Emily isn't pretty, it's just that she's not the style of woman that interests me, that's all: the image she projects doesn't press my buttons.

12-18-2010, 02:57 AM
Personally I like tall girls so I guess exotic.

im tall but i always considered myself the girl next door type

12-18-2010, 03:59 AM
Ive been seeing a trend in Trannies lately. A lot more younger, passable and Caucasian.

Im curious what mens taste are.

Do you like to be with a Transexual because you like the over exaggerated femininity that ooze sex appeal with exotic looks and impossible bodies?

Or do you prefer the Very passable, wholesome, innocent girl next door girl type?

I think its great that we have a larger variety of Ts girls theses days.
Im glad to see there younger because it goes to show the girl are more comfortable and theres more awareness these days. Also that a lot of the new girls are American goes to show how people in the USA are becoming more aware of TS and more accepting!

Just my opinion. Hope everyone is having great holidays!

Jennifer Paris

See my hot PIXX and Videos at http://www.JenniferParis.net

Follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/JenniferParis

Here are some pictures of girls that I ALL think are beautiful!

I will start with the more exaggerated feminine type
Hmm. I'm guessing that you don't classify yourself as the girl next door type, so I'll pick door number one. I'm attracted to girls like you Jen, and Mia Ferre (Fever), but I don't think you are exaggerated. Ana Mancini, on the other hand to me is exaggerated, and I don't like that so much. However, the girl next door does not appeal to me at all, TS or GG. I guess I've always been that guy who wants a trophy wife. Many competitive men, like myself always want to be able to say "look who I'm with". It's silly, but hey, that's who I am.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Jen.

12-18-2010, 04:06 AM
Seems the passable wholesome girls are winning the poll. I bet a lot of the blown out girls are kicking themselves for all the spent money.
why would we???
of all the guys who voted only about 5 actually deal with ts in REAL life.
I work webcam and PAYING men LOVE my body!

12-18-2010, 04:13 AM
I think beauty also exudes from confidence...fyi

12-18-2010, 04:16 AM
im tall but i always considered myself the girl next door type

Ok, if you're the girl next door type, then obviously I'm living in the wrong neighborhood!

12-18-2010, 05:00 AM
Ive been seeing a trend in Trannies lately. A lot more younger, passable and Caucasian.

Im curious what mens taste are.

Do you like to be with a Transexual because you like the over exaggerated femininity that ooze sex appeal with exotic looks and impossible bodies?

Or do you prefer the Very passable, wholesome, innocent girl next door girl type?

I think its great that we have a larger variety of Ts girls theses days.
Im glad to see there younger because it goes to show the girl are more comfortable and theres more awareness these days. Also that a lot of the new girls are American goes to show how people in the USA are becoming more aware of TS and more accepting!

Just my opinion. Hope everyone is having great holidays!

Jennifer Paris

See my hot PIXX and Videos at http://www.JenniferParis.net

Follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/JenniferParis

Here are some pictures of girls that I ALL think are beautiful!

I will start with the more exaggerated feminine type

For me its just soomething different....thats it, something different. :Bowdown:

12-18-2010, 10:02 AM
I think beauty also exudes from confidence...fyi

Good point, Kelly. Can be...

Or maybe just being comfortable with yourself so you can relax and be natural and let your personality shine thru'...

But sometimes the opposite can attract, for example the beautiful girl who acts like she doesn't know she's beautiful.

12-18-2010, 03:34 PM
im tall but i always considered myself the girl next door type

stay that way!

12-18-2010, 03:36 PM
I see what you mean, but IMO women are bitches (men too) and when they're bitching about another girl they'll pick on her for having work done and sometimes they'll say she looks like a tranny just to be mean. It's just airheads being spiteful. Doesn't mean a thought actually entered their heads that the person they're hating on might actually once have been a boy.

but lil kim does look weird now a days....altho i believe alot of people are starting to correlate trannies with an overly plastic surgery look, the best thing they can do is stay away from that look, it is very clocky because a trannie can be beautiful but not passable...FURTHERMORE nobody ever felt spiteful about michael jackson havin all that plastic surgery...after awhile it jus looks strange and unnatural...jus sayin

12-18-2010, 03:40 PM
I'm gonna say I like both ;D

12-18-2010, 03:57 PM
I think beauty also exudes from confidence...fyi

i concur...

12-18-2010, 05:45 PM
Good point, Kelly. Can be...

Or maybe just being comfortable with yourself so you can relax and be natural and let your personality shine thru'...

But sometimes the opposite can attract, for example the beautiful girl who acts like she doesn't know she's beautiful. There is a difference between confidence and egotism...........but I agree with that last part.

12-18-2010, 05:54 PM
but lil kim does look weird now a days....altho i believe alot of people are starting to correlate trannies with an overly plastic surgery look, the best thing they can do is stay away from that look, it is very clocky because a trannie can be beautiful but not passable...FURTHERMORE nobody ever felt spiteful about michael jackson havin all that plastic surgery...after awhile it jus looks strange and unnatural...jus sayin

OK, I can't argue about the correlation thing just 'cause I haven't heard it.

But Michael Jackson... maybe he got more respect in the US because of all he achieved, but here in Europe he drew a LOT of fire and people including the mainstream media mercilessly tore him apart for the way he looked. So yes I'd say people were spiteful about him.

12-18-2010, 06:00 PM
There is a difference between confidence and egotism...........but I agree with that last part.

Thanks, but, I don't think egotists are really comfortable with themselves; which is why they feel a need to project their egos to gain reassurance from other people's reactions.

Personally, I'm much more impressed by someone who appears comfortable with them self and doesn't need to prove anything. Maybe that's just a different take on what you termed confidence?

12-18-2010, 06:34 PM
I don't really care what type she is as long as she's intelligent, has a good sense of humour and a nice personality. The same standards as for GG, in other words.

It's nice if she looks sexy. It's not nice if she compensates by being a bitch. I love looking at all the pics you've posted. I have no 'favourite type', they all look great to me.

12-18-2010, 06:36 PM
Transexuals are the manmade improved hybrid version of females. No pms, no drama, and no cuddling after sex (they want to watch the sport desk as much as we do)

I predict in 50 years there will be more transexulas than females. In 100 years, the female sex will be become total absolete. All reproduction will be done thru cloning.

I hope to see this day.

12-18-2010, 09:45 PM
Transexuals are the manmade improved hybrid version of females. No pms, no drama, and no cuddling after sex (they want to watch the sport desk as much as we do)

I predict in 50 years there will be more transexulas than females. In 100 years, the female sex will be become total absolete. All reproduction will be done thru cloning.

I hope to see this day.

Hell yeah!

12-18-2010, 10:05 PM
Transexuals are the manmade improved hybrid version of females. No pms, no drama, and no cuddling after sex (they want to watch the sport desk as much as we do)

I predict in 50 years there will be more transexulas than females. In 100 years, the female sex will be become total absolete. All reproduction will be done thru cloning.

I hope to see this day.

:)...is this from your personal experience...or wishes...because every TS I've known and/or dated was the opposite (loved cuddling...hated or indifferent to sports...usually some drama).

12-18-2010, 10:53 PM
Transexuals are the manmade improved hybrid version of females. No pms, no drama, and no cuddling after sex (they want to watch the sport desk as much as we do)

Can't say I ever met a tranny that was interested in the Stanley Cup finals, or who the Cubs were playing, but hey we all have different expierences. The drama part...it goes with the territory.

12-18-2010, 11:10 PM
Transexuals are the manmade improved hybrid version of females. No pms, no drama, and no cuddling after sex (they want to watch the sport desk as much as we do)

I predict in 50 years there will be more transexulas than females. In 100 years, the female sex will be become total absolete. All reproduction will be done thru cloning.

I hope to see this day.
This must be your fantasy lol

12-19-2010, 12:01 AM
Transexuals are the manmade improved hybrid version of females. No pms, no drama, and no cuddling after sex (they want to watch the sport desk as much as we do)

I predict in 50 years there will be more transexulas than females. In 100 years, the female sex will be become total absolete. All reproduction will be done thru cloning.

I hope to see this day.

Thankfully I won't be here for your crazy-assed world.

12-19-2010, 12:02 AM
I voted Passable, Wholesome, Innocent, Girl Next Door.

The reason why for me is because I love the inncence.This may because of where I grew also.Now there is nothing at all wrong with Exotic, Exaggerated Femininity, Impossible bodies at all because they are all FINE.

I think I would be like Cousin Ernie Ford when he first went to New York.His mom told him to watch out for the Wicked City Women because they will "Vamp you".But when he first saw that Wicked City Woman he was ready for it.

Solitary Brother
12-19-2010, 12:08 AM
I like this thread....good discussion.

12-19-2010, 12:09 AM
I like all types. Bailey Jay and Hazel are the sexy next door types; Morgan Bailey is the tall hourglass type; Yasmin, Mia, and Jenifer are the exotic feminine type; So, to me it doesn't matter all you girls are hot and sexy!

12-19-2010, 03:11 AM
I always get attached to the mean ones. They must've read this :geek:

12-19-2010, 04:08 AM
I think its 50/50 and just a matter of preference. I always did the girl next-door look and it always sold very well and made my phone ring, because it was a rare look. With my new photos I wanted to go for a painted sexier look to show versatility. People are calling loving my new photos, and others are calling saying they liked my girl next-door look better. Regardless of online photos I am very natural and most times washed face, I don’t walk around like the painted lady with false lashes, over lined lips and all that. At the end of the day if the phone is ringing, then something is working for you.

12-19-2010, 04:18 AM
I like both.

After the physical attraction is a go, I'm interested in what is between their ears...

...and legs. :)

12-19-2010, 04:21 AM
I like both.

After the physical attraction is a go, I'm interested in what is between their ears...

...and legs. :)

this is true, the looks bring them in, but the mind is what keeps them coming back over and over again

12-19-2010, 04:29 AM
You are beautiful Julie! :)

12-19-2010, 04:29 AM
You are beautiful Julie! :)

thank you xoxo

12-19-2010, 08:35 AM
Transexuals are the manmade improved hybrid version of females. No pms, no drama, and no cuddling after sex (they want to watch the sport desk as much as we do)

I predict in 50 years there will be more transexulas than females. In 100 years, the female sex will be become total absolete. All reproduction will be done thru cloning.

I hope to see this day.

:)...is this from your personal experience...or wishes...because every TS I've known and/or dated was the opposite (loved cuddling...hated or indifferent to sports...usually some drama).

Exactly. The people envivision is fucking sound like dudes. TS's that are girly by nature act like girls, and do the things girls do.

12-19-2010, 11:40 AM
Hey envivision, mate, what's wrong with cuddling? I'm a bloke, but I have nothing against a bit of a cuddle after sex: in my experience it can sometimes lead to a second helping of sex pudding, and in my book that's not a bad thing...

12-19-2010, 11:44 AM
I love when people say "over exaggerated". It's like "Jumbo Shrimp"

It lets me know I'm around intelligent fellas.

12-19-2010, 02:18 PM
Guys IMO wanna girl who kills when she's got herself totally made up, and is still fem with just lipstick and eyeliner.
If a girl is still lovely with NO adornment at all, that's the holy grail IMO!!

Ironically, lots of girls who post on this board have a fresh, stunning, natural look with no makeup whatsoever, but it's a look they rarely show to the public.

12-19-2010, 02:46 PM
transexuals are the manmade improved hybrid version of females. No pms, no drama, and no cuddling after sex (they want to watch the sport desk as much as we do)
.lol truer words were never poken lol

12-19-2010, 04:37 PM
Transexuals are the manmade improved hybrid version of females. No pms, no drama, and no cuddling after sex (they want to watch the sport desk as much as we do)

Can't say I ever met a tranny that was interested in the Stanley Cup finals, or who the Cubs were playing, but hey we all have different expierences. The drama part...it goes with the territory.

I have. Some were post-op as well.

12-19-2010, 04:38 PM
And to answer Jen's OP both.

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

12-19-2010, 05:41 PM
I think it's all, person-by-person, just like someone who is attracted to GGs may like a barbie-type girl vs a girl-next-door. It's just that the porn industry is starting to adapt to that reality.

12-19-2010, 07:05 PM
I love when people say "over exaggerated". It's like "Jumbo Shrimp"

It lets me know I'm around intelligent fellas.

Actually, it's nothing like that, you (oxy)moron.

12-19-2010, 07:12 PM
Do you like to be with a Transexual because you like the over exaggerated femininity that ooze sex appeal with exotic looks and impossible bodies?

I will start with the more exaggerated feminine type

I love when people say "over exaggerated". It's like "Jumbo Shrimp"

It lets me know I'm around intelligent fellas.

PomonaCA is just your average cocksucker. What an ass.

Willie Escalade
12-20-2010, 02:37 AM
Can't say I ever met a tranny that was interested in the Stanley Cup finals, or who the Cubs were playing, but hey we all have different expierences.
Actually I know quite a few girls who know who the Quebec Nordiques were and who the Washington Senators used to be...

12-20-2010, 02:47 AM
The more exaggerated feminine type for me are just gay men over doing it. They look like sad paper clowns, so no thank you very much. The feminine, stable type is what I like. I like women, that's it.

12-20-2010, 02:54 AM
The more exaggerated feminine type for me are just gay men over doing it. They look like sad paper clowns, so no thank you very much. The feminine, stable type is what I like. I like women, that's it.

Feminine and stable? Good luck with that.

12-20-2010, 02:58 AM
I meant women that look composed and act naturally feminine without the gay drooling moves, not the wizard of ''odds'' meets super gayness. :D

12-20-2010, 04:08 AM
Ive been seeing a trend in Trannies lately. A lot more younger, passable and Caucasian.

Im curious what mens taste are.

Do you like to be with a Transexual because you like the over exaggerated femininity that ooze sex appeal with exotic looks and impossible bodies?

Or do you prefer the Very passable, wholesome, innocent girl next door girl type?

I think its great that we have a larger variety of Ts girls theses days.
Im glad to see there younger because it goes to show the girl are more comfortable and theres more awareness these days. Also that a lot of the new girls are American goes to show how people in the USA are becoming more aware of TS and more accepting!

Just my opinion. Hope everyone is having great holidays!

Jennifer Paris

See my hot PIXX and Videos at http://www.JenniferParis.net

Follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/JenniferParis

Here are some pictures of girls that I ALL think are beautiful!

I will start with the more exaggerated feminine type

Simply put, Jen, I prefer you.

12-20-2010, 02:34 PM
I appreciate and live for beauty in all forms but I prefer the vixen, the irresistible unapproachable venus. the sex goddess type!
But its lovely to see these young natural beauties coming up and everyone appreciates variety.

BTW Great choices Jen.
they are all very lovely girls!

I could not have summed it up any better than Shana did, so I'm just going to quote her.

Edit: The best part is that it's one of those vixen, irresistible unapproachable venus, sex goddess types describing the others. Ah the fantasies one can have with you and the other girls Shana! Lol

12-20-2010, 06:53 PM
For me I enjoy the exotic, exaggerated femininity, and impossible bodies. The more feminity the better, but sometimes you just can't beat the girl next door look, with an innocence to her.

12-23-2010, 06:15 AM
I could not have summed it up any better than Shana did, so I'm just going to quote her.

Edit: The best part is that it's one of those vixen, irresistible unapproachable venus, sex goddess types describing the others. Ah the fantasies one can have with you and the other girls Shana! Lol

Imagine a couple of the above mentioned sex goddesses making a few "girl next door" types do unspeakable dirty things to you.
:fuckin: :jerkoff :praying:

12-23-2010, 06:24 AM
Girls next door. It's more of a surprise when they drop the panties and that she dick pops out.

12-23-2010, 07:25 AM
Passable, girl next door gets my vote, although I could never resist a perfect women like Mia Fever or Vanity. I like the down to earth looks, there's sexiness in that too! Still, I actually prefer the cutesy, maybe even geeky yet pretty girl, there's a character to that look. I've daydreamed on lonely days of Bailey Jay haha ;-)

12-24-2010, 02:40 PM
Imagine a couple of the above mentioned sex goddesses making a few "girl next door" types do unspeakable dirty things to you.
:fuckin: :jerkoff :praying:

Ya know, it doesn't have the same appeal as say....you and jennifer paris at once. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't throw any of those girl next door types out of bed unless I was going to do her on the floor, but for pure fantasy purposes (which is all this exercise is) the sex goddesses get my vote. :jerkoff