View Full Version : Are TGurls pickier than GG's?

11-26-2010, 11:40 PM
I know this is going to open a can of worms, but honestly I've always wondered if TGurls are pickier than GG's. First off, let me start by saying that I love Tgurls and many of them are more feminine than than GG's. Sexier too. But I've noticed a trend on craiglist and other hook up sites, were the gals are asking for specific types of men. Granted we all have the right to like what we like and attraction is a big thing, but are Tgurls being too picky? I'll give you an example, Filipina Tgurls, they only want white men, or at least the Tgurls I know. That's all they talk about. I've asked my friends about dating maybe a hispanic man or black men and they respond in a very negative manner. Now, these are my friends and I know why they like the type of guy they go out with. but that's a topic for another post. But if you go into Craiglist to hook up, all the Tgurl's ads say white or white hispanic in shape military. Like I said, we like what we like. But I have not seen, at least up until now, a drop dead, traffic stoping, accident causing, Tgurl with an average type guy. FYI average nowadays are men who have beer bellies, non pretty boys. But I have seen drop dead, killer girls who are perfect 10s with normal looking guys who are not muscle ripped a little extra lbs and actually seen heavy set guys with hot GG's. I know the cynics out there are going to say something cliche like they are in it for the money. I may be totally wrong and not know what I'm talking about. I've dated GG's and had FWB with Tgurls. I'm an average type dude, no money, well, some money, but not rich and I've done well for myself in the dating. I still have more success hooking up with hot GG's to Tgurls. But think about this, the average guy, beer belly and all goes up to a hot GG or Tgurl, wich one does he have a better chance of going out with, the GG or the Tgurl? Think about that. And if I'm completly way off base with this let me know.

11-27-2010, 10:23 PM
T-Girls are much pickier than GG's. Physical appearance on a guy is more important to TG's rather than GG's. Maybe it's the man in them?:wiggle:

11-28-2010, 12:16 AM
we should be.
funny huh
But thats life.
As hard as society judges us on our look, you guys didnt count on us surpassing the expectations and flipping the script/
some dumb motherfuckers out there actually still think its a privilage to give us dick.
I enjoy the privilage of throwing them out and telling them get a female!

11-28-2010, 12:29 AM
All depends on if she is escorting or looking for a bf.... most girls escorting just want to deal with white men because they dont try to short change them but in real world date black guys. So with that said most Asian girls date white dudes for money, nothing more than that. They say they love them but I have a few asian friends in Chi and the reason they date white dudes is for the money and they say they are stupid!

I have dated average guys but they had an amazing personality. I dont really care about ripped abs and stuff but you cant be a real big over weight guy... but its all in the personality. But I see a lot of average guys your talking about when escorting. So it changes from person to person. But Vanessa is right we work so hard to look our best that the guy should do the same! :dancing:

11-28-2010, 12:34 AM
All depends on if she is escorting or looking for a bf.... most girls escorting just want to deal with white men because they dont try to short change them but in real world date black guys. So with that said most Asian girls date white dudes for money, nothing more than that. They say they love them but I have a few asian friends in Chi and the reason they date white dudes is for the money and they say they are stupid!

I have dated average guys but they had an amazing personality. I dont really care about ripped abs and stuff but you cant be a real big over weight guy... but its all in the personality. But I see a lot of average guys your talking about when escorting. So it changes from person to person. But Vanessa is right we work so hard to look our best that the guy should do the same! :dancing:
And I date normal average joe latinos myself. And I am appalled at the fact that white men come up to me and tell me I could do better.

11-28-2010, 12:44 AM
And I date normal average joe latinos myself. And I am appalled at the fact that white men come up to me and tell me I could do better.

I know its so stupid!!! THey just mad we are not dating them, but then again they prob would never date a ts, just fuck em.

11-28-2010, 01:38 AM
I know its so stupid!!! THey just mad we are not dating them, but then again they prob would never date a ts, just fuck em.
Or they just trik off and go home to wifey!

11-28-2010, 01:54 AM
To answer his question as to whom said beer bellied man will go home w/ , the gg or the tg .... neither.

But he has an 85% chance of scoring w/ Daryl Washington.

11-28-2010, 01:55 AM
To answer his question as to whom said beer bellied man will go home w/ , the gg or the tg .... neither.

But he has an 85% chance of scoring w/ Daryl Washington.

LMAO!!!! :party:

11-28-2010, 02:15 AM
Tgirls are and have always been more shallow and superficial than gg's. But when some maturity finally sets in, some tgirls realize that being loved means a lot more than just how a guy looks. Of course this is after they get crushed time and time again by this fantasy type guy that they feel they should have. The type of movie star fantasy type looking guy that these girls want would never be seen with them in public. So he treats them like a dirty little secret. But the regular joe type guy WILL date them real time and take them out in daylight. Usually when tgirls have had enough of being fucked over by the fantasy guy is when they try out the regular joe. Thats if they've gained any maturity over the years from chasing men that really dont exsist. But they're not the only ones my friend. Young black females are just as guilty of this. 70% of black women are single. That leads the nation. Reason why? They too are looking for that fantasy type man that doesn't really exsist. And as far as asian tgirls not liking black men go, its mutual for this black man. I have NEVER had any attraction whatsoever to asian gg's or tg's! And that's real! Truth be told, I find that most asian tg's look like little boys and I DONT DO MEN! There are always exceptions. Always some tgirls that are unusually more mature than the others. But this is generally what you'll find. Take it from a guy that has over 20 yrs exp in dealing with tgirls.

11-28-2010, 02:18 AM
Tgirls are and have always been more shallow and superficial than gg's. But when some maturity finally sets in, some tgirls realize that being loved means a lot more than just how a guy looks. Of course this is after they get crushed time and time again by this fantasy type guy that they feel they should have. The type of movie star fantasy type looking guy that these girls want would never be seen with them in public. So he treats them like a dirty little secret. But the regular joe type guy WILL date them real time and take them out in daylight. Usually when tgirls have had enough of being fucked over by the fantasy guy is when they try out the regular joe. Thats if they've gained any maturity over the years from chasing men that really dont exsist. But they're not the only ones my friend. Young black females are just as guilty of this. 70% of black women are single. That leads the nation. Reason why? They too are looking for that fantasy type man that doesn't really exsist. And as far as asian tgirls not liking black men go, its mutual for this black man. I have NEVER had any attraction whatsoever to asian gg's or tg's! And that's real! Truth be told, I find that most asian tg's look like little boys and I DONT DO MEN! There are always exceptions. Always some tgirls that are unusually more mature than the others. But this is generally what you'll find. Take it from a guy that has over 20 yrs exp in dealing with tgirls.
Not really
I mean we have triks who pay us
and our pick of men to play with.
I dont think any man is worth chasing

11-28-2010, 02:20 AM
Only the ones who get in my car and have to look in the vanity mirror every five minutes.....and I be like "if this b*tch touches up her make up one more time, I gonna turn the heat on full blast and watch that shit melt!

Well, them and the retarded ones who don't like you touching their clits! Odd's are I wouldn't wanna f*ck these types even if they were born female because trust that they would have some other issue!

11-28-2010, 02:28 AM
To answer his question as to whom said beer bellied man will go home w/ , the gg or the tg .... neither.

Absolutely right. I'm an ugly bastard, slightly chubby about the midriff, and as Harry Callahan once said, "a man's got to know his limitations". I know mine (see above) and therefore I never approach women (GG or TG) so as not to offend and insult them with my mere presence. As a result I haven't been in a relationship since 2001, but at least I'm doing the right and honourable thing.

11-28-2010, 03:01 AM
Only the ones who get in my car and have to look in the vanity mirror every five minutes.....and I be like "if this b*tch touches up her make up one more time, I gonna turn the heat on full blast and watch that shit melt!

Well, them and the retarded ones who don't like you touching their clits! Odd's are I wouldn't wanna f*ck these types even if they were born female because trust that they would have some other issue!lol thats cute

11-28-2010, 03:04 AM
There are fewer TGirls than GG's, and even few sexy tgirls, they can afford to be picky...

11-28-2010, 07:42 AM
There are fewer TGirls than GG's, and even few sexy tgirls, they can afford to be picky...
Thats true. So when dudes brag about how much pussy they get, its a joke to me.
I tell them, they never fucked a bitch as hott as me even if she did have a pussy!
Men do not take getting their dicks turned down very well though i tell you

11-28-2010, 04:36 PM
So with that said most Asian girls date white dudes for money, nothing more than that. They say they love them but I have a few asian friends in Chi and the reason they date white dudes is for the money and they say they are stupid!

i think all trannie escorts know this is common knowledge by now

11-28-2010, 04:57 PM
T-girls are far and away more picky than ggs when it comes to physical appearance. It could be biological or it could have something to do with the fact that they are surrounded by a lot of gay men (and we all know every other GQ lookin dude is gay lol). Of course these are generalizations, but I think there's some truth to it.

11-28-2010, 05:10 PM
i think all trannie escorts know this is common knowledge by now

You do lurve throwing that around, doncha!
Kinda makes me curious, apart from the guy who gives your boss her orders, do you know any white guys?

11-28-2010, 06:07 PM
yes they are, I use to fuck both and GG´s are way more easy and pretty, tgirls are fugly and stupid

11-28-2010, 06:16 PM
Tgirls are and have always been more shallow and superficial than gg's.

Totally false. If you only swim with immature girls, you'll only know immature girls. Broaden your social network and you'll see that transwomen are as varied as other women.

But when some maturity finally sets in, some tgirls realize that being loved means a lot more than just how a guy looks. Of course this is after they get crushed time and time again by this fantasy type guy that they feel they should have. The type of movie star fantasy type looking guy that these girls want would never be seen with them in public. So he treats them like a dirty little secret. But the regular joe type guy WILL date them real time and take them out in daylight. Usually when tgirls have had enough of being fucked over by the fantasy guy is when they try out the regular joe. Thats if they've gained any maturity over the years from chasing men that really dont exsist. But they're not the only ones my friend. Young black females are just as guilty of this. 70% of black women are single. That leads the nation. Reason why? They too are looking for that fantasy type man that doesn't really exsist.

Is this what you tell yourself to make yourself feel better? If that was true, then loser men would end up with a girl at the end, but that doesn't happen. Usually a girl who gets together with a loser soon realizes her mistake and doesn't waste her life with him.

And as far as asian tgirls not liking black men go, its mutual for this black man. I have NEVER had any attraction whatsoever to asian gg's or tg's! And that's real! Truth be told, I find that most asian tg's look like little boys and I DONT DO MEN!

What a dick thing to say.

There are always exceptions. Always some tgirls that are unusually more mature than the others. But this is generally what you'll find. Take it from a guy that has over 20 yrs exp in dealing with tgirls.

If you were what you believe yourself to be, you'd have something to show for it. But you remain a lonely old creeper.

11-28-2010, 06:18 PM
yes they are, I use to fuck both and GG´s are way more easy and pretty, tgirls are fugly and stupid

Wise words

11-28-2010, 06:20 PM
T-girls are far and away more picky than ggs when it comes to physical appearance. It could be biological or it could have something to do with the fact that they are surrounded by a lot of gay men (and we all know every other GQ lookin dude is gay lol). Of course these are generalizations, but I think there's some truth to it.

It is supply and demand. There are few pretty transsexuals, so they can be selective. Add to that that pretty transsexuals get noticed, including who they're seen with, so there is a visibility factor. Nobody pays attention to the ugly betties and their lack of success.

11-28-2010, 10:12 PM
Totally false. If you only swim with immature girls, you'll only know immature girls. Broaden your social network and you'll see that transwomen are as varied as other women.

Is this what you tell yourself to make yourself feel better? If that was true, then loser men would end up with a girl at the end, but that doesn't happen. Usually a girl who gets together with a loser soon realizes her mistake and doesn't waste her life with him.

What a dick thing to say.

If you were what you believe yourself to be, you'd have something to show for it. But you remain a lonely old creeper.

I am starting to think Phobun doesn't hang with many Tgirls in real life.

As a person that has many Transwomen friends, I can tell you that what Keepinitreal said is 100% true.

There is something in the community where quite a large percentage of the girls have this fantasy of meeting some completely straight dude with no prior experience with them, then turning said dude to their favor.

They expect to find a normal, everyday guy, who doesn't know what a tgirl is until her, doesn't care that she escorts, doesn't care that she spends damn near every night in the club, doesn't care that she has a dick/has no interest in it, is fantastic looking, has money, and doesn't care about being seen in public with them.

Now, couple that with the fact that you have normal relationship struggles, and you can see how that can be damn near impossible.

I am not saying that all the girls are like that. I am just saying that there is quite a significant amount in the community.

11-28-2010, 10:44 PM
Totally false. If you only swim with immature girls, you'll only know immature girls. Broaden your social network and you'll see that transwomen are as varied as other women.

Is this what you tell yourself to make yourself feel better? If that was true, then loser men would end up with a girl at the end, but that doesn't happen. Usually a girl who gets together with a loser soon realizes her mistake and doesn't waste her life with him.

What a dick thing to say.

If you were what you believe yourself to be, you'd have something to show for it. But you remain a lonely old creeper.
You are so right. I had the task of meeting him in person. I left him where i found him. He is not attractive and I had NO interest whatso ever. Then he is alleged an actor yet I've never seen him even on cable.

11-28-2010, 10:46 PM
I am starting to think Phobun doesn't hang with many Tgirls in real life.

As a person that has many Transwomen friends, I can tell you that what Keepinitreal said is 100% true.

There is something in the community where quite a large percentage of the girls have this fantasy of meeting some completely straight dude with no prior experience with them, then turning said dude to their favor.

They expect to find a normal, everyday guy, who doesn't know what a tgirl is until her, doesn't care that she escorts, doesn't care that she spends damn near every night in the club, doesn't care that she has a dick/has no interest in it, is fantastic looking, has money, and doesn't care about being seen in public with them.

Now, couple that with the fact that you have normal relationship struggles, and you can see how that can be damn near impossible.

I am not saying that all the girls are like that. I am just saying that there is quite a significant amount in the community.
No he was right and dead on about keepingitreals bullshit.

11-28-2010, 10:49 PM
T-girls are far and away more picky than ggs when it comes to physical appearance. It could be biological or it could have something to do with the fact that they are surrounded by a lot of gay men (and we all know every other GQ lookin dude is gay lol). Of course these are generalizations, but I think there's some truth to it.
I find this staement totally false. I live in the straight world, I do not have any gay friends nor do I surround myself with gay people.
I am picky because I have the right to be.
If I was a female I would be just as picky.
I am a bad bitch and I kno it!
The guys kno it, thats whay they pass up females and trannys to get to me,
The question is if the dude either has my money, or does what I like done in the bed.
I throw out guys all the time.
Its my way or the highway!

11-28-2010, 11:18 PM
It's really pretty simple. For the most part, good looking people try to match up with good looking people. That holds true for men, women (GG)...and TS. The difference in answers has to do with the sliding scale that everyone deals with in the world of "looks"...you also get gray areas that can change in people's taste once they get to know a person...other things then come into play: sense of humor, intelligence...and yes, sometimes even money. Money sometimes is a lure besides the obvious...when a person earns a lot of money (as opposed to a trust fund)...that says a lot about their personalities also...especially powerful people. Mind you for the most part I'm talking about men and women who are already "grown up"....not the children some of you folks are talking about (there's a huge difference in that also).

As far as the beer belly guys...either work out (yeah...I know it's hard...but some of us actually do it anyway...lol)...or date one of the billion or so average women out there like the rest of the world.

Oh Yeah, one other thing...I think someone said this before on another thread (think it was Hollywood...)...you're crazy if you take all your cues on what goes on in the world from the few comments you see on this site...and all the generalizing that goes with it.

11-28-2010, 11:31 PM
I know this is going to open a can of worms, but honestly I've always wondered if TGurls are pickier than GG's. First off, let me start by saying that I love Tgurls and many of them are more feminine than than GG's. Sexier too. But I've noticed a trend on craiglist and other hook up sites, were the gals are asking for specific types of men. Granted we all have the right to like what we like and attraction is a big thing, but are Tgurls being too picky? I'll give you an example, Filipina Tgurls, they only want white men, or at least the Tgurls I know. That's all they talk about. I've asked my friends about dating maybe a hispanic man or black men and they respond in a very negative manner. Now, these are my friends and I know why they like the type of guy they go out with. but that's a topic for another post. But if you go into Craiglist to hook up, all the Tgurl's ads say white or white hispanic in shape military. Like I said, we like what we like. But I have not seen, at least up until now, a drop dead, traffic stoping, accident causing, Tgurl with an average type guy. FYI average nowadays are men who have beer bellies, non pretty boys. But I have seen drop dead, killer girls who are perfect 10s with normal looking guys who are not muscle ripped a little extra lbs and actually seen heavy set guys with hot GG's. I know the cynics out there are going to say something cliche like they are in it for the money. I may be totally wrong and not know what I'm talking about. I've dated GG's and had FWB with Tgurls. I'm an average type dude, no money, well, some money, but not rich and I've done well for myself in the dating. I still have more success hooking up with hot GG's to Tgurls. But think about this, the average guy, beer belly and all goes up to a hot GG or Tgurl, wich one does he have a better chance of going out with, the GG or the Tgurl? Think about that. And if I'm completly way off base with this let me know.

im not sure if this is true for im Filipina and i like Asian, Latino, Black and White men ;)

all my close TS friends all have Filipino bf ;)

11-28-2010, 11:35 PM
im not sure if this is true for im Filipina and i like Asian, Latino, Black and White men ;)

all my close TS friends all have Filipino bf ;)

Some are looking for financial security, and associate expatriate caucasians as belonging to a higher socioeconomic status. Totally erroneous, but nonetheless believed by some girls.

11-28-2010, 11:57 PM
I have dated about equal numbers of both TG's and GG's. I can tell you from my experience that TG's and GG's are almost exactly the same. There are both TG's and GG's that are so picky, it drives me crazy. But then there are girls that are very laid back and really easy to get along with. IMO, girls are girls no matter if they are TG's or GG's.
If you think it's different, it's because you have not had the pleasure of dating and getting to know Transgendered women. But trust me, they can both be a royal pain in the ass, or sweet as pie depending on the girl or her mood at the moment.

11-29-2010, 12:02 AM
There is something in the community where quite a large percentage of the girls have this fantasy of meeting some completely straight dude with no prior experience with them, then turning said dude to their favor.

They expect to find a normal, everyday guy, who doesn't know what a tgirl is until her, doesn't care that she escorts, doesn't care that she spends damn near every night in the club, doesn't care that she has a dick/has no interest in it, is fantastic looking, has money, and doesn't care about being seen in public with them.

A variant of this is true for most young women. At some point most girls learn that they aren't going to realize their fantasies about Prince Charming and a fantasy romance with wedding and white picket fences, etc. Most people get realistic about their prospects at some point, but it doesn't mean that they settle for a jackass like KIR, who mistakes himself for a regular joe. And KIR's mention that 70% of black women stay single testifies to the increasing power of gender equality and NOT HAVING TO SETTLE for someone to have a decent life... black women know what's best for them so who is that loser to question the wisdom and choices made by a majority of black women? What KIR generalized about TS women being more superficial and shallow, and his weird prejudices about Asians are pure bullshit. And like I said... if what KIR said was true for himself, he'd have something to show for it after 20 YEARS. But he remains a lonely old creeper.

11-29-2010, 12:04 AM
I am starting to think Phobun doesn't hang with many Tgirls in real life.

As a person that has many Transwomen friends, I can tell you that what Keepinitreal said is 100% true.

There is something in the community where quite a large percentage of the girls have this fantasy of meeting some completely straight dude with no prior experience with them, then turning said dude to their favor.

They expect to find a normal, everyday guy, who doesn't know what a tgirl is until her, doesn't care that she escorts, doesn't care that she spends damn near every night in the club, doesn't care that she has a dick/has no interest in it, is fantastic looking, has money, and doesn't care about being seen in public with them.

Now, couple that with the fact that you have normal relationship struggles, and you can see how that can be damn near impossible.

I am not saying that all the girls are like that. I am just saying that there is quite a significant amount in the community.

alot of bitter guys on here

11-29-2010, 12:15 AM
pickier than gg's? I don't think so. They always have old guy harassing them and such. So when a normal guy who comes around who can offer more than sex; everything is good to go :)

11-29-2010, 12:19 AM
All relationships take work.

Everyone has an ideal image of their proverbial soulmate , rarely does the ideal match the actual.

11-29-2010, 12:27 AM
A variant of this is true for most young women. At some point most girls learn that they aren't going to realize their fantasies about Prince Charming and a fantasy romance with wedding and white picket fences, etc. Most people get realistic about their prospects at some point, but it doesn't mean that they settle for a jackass like KIR, who mistakes himself for a regular joe. And KIR's mention that 70% of black women stay single testifies to the increasing power of gender equality and NOT HAVING TO SETTLE for someone to have a decent life... black women know what's best for them so who is that loser to question the wisdom and choices made by a majority of black women? What KIR generalized about TS women being more superficial and shallow, and his weird prejudices about Asians are pure bullshit. And like I said... if what KIR said was true for himself, he'd have something to show for it after 20 YEARS. But he remains a lonely old creeper.

Pretty much agree with this...the key to the top of your statement is "young"...as you mention...outlooks change once a person matures.

As for the comment on black women...I think I can expand on that. There was a study out some time ago that seems to suggest that more women than men in the black community get college educations and move on to good paying jobs. They want to be with their financial equals...so that may account for their dating preferences.Once the numbers equal out in the future...this may also change.

11-29-2010, 12:33 AM
i dont think its unreasonable for us to be attracted to whatever.i will admit that some girls do have unreasonable/shallow criteria but so do some guys.alot of ya'll want a trans girl thats not only super passable and cute but you want her fully functional and versatile as well.to me that seems pretty unreasonable and steeped in fantasy.
personally while i do take looks into account,to me personality and the chemistry is most important to me.i actually like average every day guys over anything else.if i want to be picky though im not going to apologize because before i was "passable' or cute no one looked my way.
also guys you have to have some common sense.of course no girl in her 20's or so at the height of her popularity and sexuality is not going to want to settle down with someone twice her age.thats just the way it is.stop trying to chase girls half your age and look for someone is your own age bracket,duh! lol

11-29-2010, 12:46 AM
^ lol Amber is right. Quit trying to rob the cradle you dirty old men! lol

11-29-2010, 12:48 AM
i dont think its unreasonable for us to be attracted to whatever.i will admit that some girls do have unreasonable/shallow criteria but so do some guys.alot of ya'll want a trans girl thats not only super passable and cute but you want her fully functional and versatile as well.to me that seems pretty unreasonable and steeped in fantasy.
personally while i do take looks into account,to me personality and the chemistry is most important to me.i actually like average every day guys over anything else.if i want to be picky though im not going to apologize because before i was "passable' or cute no one looked my way.
also guys you have to have some common sense.of course no girl in her 20's or so at the height of her popularity and sexuality is not going to want to settle down with someone twice her age.thats just the way it is.stop trying to chase girls half your age and look for someone is your own age bracket,duh! lol

Let me tell you this....I couldn't care less if she is "fully functional " or not... I was in a LTR with an asian TS and , things just didn't work out in the end (BTW it was her approaching me, not the other way round)

I partly blame myself for it bc , despite the fact I did care for her, I didn'T to the extent I would have for a GG.

Simply, bc settling with a GG is more serious, most guys do that to raise children, not possible with a TS. Who knows, maybe I am just not for LTR's in general, but I guess that was the main reason.

Personally, I am not even looking anymore, the last connection to the "tranny scene" is this forum I am rarely on these days, and another way smaller forum I go to bc I made friends there, as much as you can call someone u only know online "friend".

11-29-2010, 12:56 AM
alot of bitter guys on here

No bitterness here.

I have no trouble dating whatsoever. I am just saying what I have heard from the conversations I have had with TS over the time I have been around.

11-29-2010, 02:54 AM
Totally false. If you only swim with immature girls, you'll only know immature girls. Broaden your social network and you'll see that transwomen are as varied as other women.

Is this what you tell yourself to make yourself feel better? If that was true, then loser men would end up with a girl at the end, but that doesn't happen. Usually a girl who gets together with a loser soon realizes her mistake and doesn't waste her life with him.

What a dick thing to say.

If you were what you believe yourself to be, you'd have something to show for it. But you remain a lonely old creeper.Phobun, you're obviously some asian person who took offense to my comments. I DON'T OWE ANY APOLOGY FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH!!! Those are my feelings toward asians and I've always felt that way. I aint on the asian bandwagon. Never have been. Say what you want about me, but I have a great relationship with a beautiful black woman who I plan to marry. What do you have? This forum? Nuff said!

11-29-2010, 02:55 AM
Wise wordsThere you have it. Nikka is a trans woman. I doubt she would say this if she didnt feel it.

11-29-2010, 02:56 AM
yes they are, I use to fuck both and GG´s are way more easy and pretty, tgirls are fugly and stupid
There you have it. Nikka is a trans woman. I doubt she would say this if she didnt feel it.

11-29-2010, 02:57 AM
I am starting to think Phobun doesn't hang with many Tgirls in real life.

As a person that has many Transwomen friends, I can tell you that what Keepinitreal said is 100% true.

There is something in the community where quite a large percentage of the girls have this fantasy of meeting some completely straight dude with no prior experience with them, then turning said dude to their favor.

They expect to find a normal, everyday guy, who doesn't know what a tgirl is until her, doesn't care that she escorts, doesn't care that she spends damn near every night in the club, doesn't care that she has a dick/has no interest in it, is fantastic looking, has money, and doesn't care about being seen in public with them.

Now, couple that with the fact that you have normal relationship struggles, and you can see how that can be damn near impossible.

I am not saying that all the girls are like that. I am just saying that there is quite a significant amount in the community.
Thanks Goku. The truth always hurts these trannies.

11-29-2010, 02:57 AM
I don't know. I'm 34 and I try and date around my age group. And here is how it goes.
Most GG's at this age bracket are either
1) Divorced looking for a guy to be the father figure to their kids.
2) Single and looking for a guy to father their future kids.
I've only gone out with two TS girls in my life. Both were passable both were very sweet.
One when I was in my early 20's and one rather recently.
More picky? No....more careful is the word.
How can I put this and not offend anyone.
She's a woman, a human being, of flesh and bone. Not a fetish or a secret.
She is who she is 24/7 and I can't speak for the "working girls" but what I can say about the girls who have a semi regular life....they just want to be treated with a little bit of respect. You really want to turn a TS girl on? Treat her as if you would treat any other girl. Ask her out to coffee during daylight hours. Show up, say some dumb jokes and see where it goes.
Now if you are hitting on "working girls" good luck with that! Those girls are no different than strippers. Their ego has a bow wave bigger than their tits!

11-29-2010, 03:05 AM
You are so right. I had the task of meeting him in person. I left him where i found him. He is not attractive and I had NO interest whatso ever. Then he is alleged an actor yet I've never seen him even on cable.Vanessa, did I ask anything from you when I met you? No I didnt! So the lack of attraction was MUTUAL!!! Some drunk ass trannie that was mouthing off all night and got sooo drunk that she lost her shoes!! Sorry, but I have higher standards than that. And Vanessa, you're bitterness is laughable and very obvious. I currently have something that you'll never have. A wonderful stable relationship headed for marriage with a beautiful woman who always has my back on everything. When you learn how to secure one, let me know. You may wanna stop sucking strange dicks to start. Just a suggestion.

11-29-2010, 03:09 AM
Vanessa, did I ask anything from you when I met you? No I didnt! So the lack of attraction was MUTUAL!!! Some drunk ass trannie that was mouthing off all night and got sooo drunk that she lost her shoes!! Sorry, but I have higher standards than that. And Vanessa, you're bitterness is laughable and very obvious. I currently have something that you'll never have. A wonderful stable relationship headed for marriage with a beautiful woman who always has my back on everything. When you learn how to secure one, let me know. You may wanna stop sucking strange dicks to start. Just a suggestion.

wait arent you the guy who made the post about attempting to meet some girl off of craigslist last week? how could you be happily married and not only on here but meeting girls off of craigs???
maybe you shouldnt be pointing fingers at other people? just a thought

11-29-2010, 03:13 AM
I don't know. I'm 34 and I try and date around my age group. And here is how it goes.
Most GG's at this age bracket are either
1) Divorced looking for a guy to be the father figure to their kids.
2) Single and looking for a guy to father their future kids.
I've only gone out with two TS girls in my life. Both were passable both were very sweet.
One when I was in my early 20's and one rather recently.
More picky? No....more careful is the word.
How can I put this and not offend anyone.
She's a woman, a human being, of flesh and bone. Not a fetish or a secret.
She is who she is 24/7 and I can't speak for the "working girls" but what I can say about the girls who have a semi regular life....they just want to be treated with a little bit of respect. You really want to turn a TS girl on? Treat her as if you would treat any other girl. Ask her out to coffee during daylight hours. Show up, say some dumb jokes and see where it goes.
Now if you are hitting on "working girls" good luck with that! Those girls are no different than strippers. Their ego has a bow wave bigger than their tits!

i *heart* dumb jokes

11-29-2010, 03:13 AM
wait arent you the guy who made the post about attempting to meet some girl off of craigslist last week? how could you be happily married and not only on here but meeting girls off of craigs???
maybe you shouldnt be pointing fingers at other people? just a thoughtMaybe you should mind you're own FUCKING business!! Just a thought. My life. My realationship. Its going great and I dont need you're thoughts about it. With warmest regards. NUNYA!

11-29-2010, 03:14 AM
wait arent you the guy who made the post about attempting to meet some girl off of craigslist last week? how could you be happily married and not only on here but meeting girls off of craigs???
maybe you shouldnt be pointing fingers at other people? just a thought

Lol, good point. I wonder how real he is keeping it with his wife?

11-29-2010, 03:16 AM
Lol, good point. I wonder how real he is keeping it with his wife?Again, that aint you're fucking biz!!!

11-29-2010, 03:19 AM
Maybe you should mind you're own FUCKING business!! Just a thought. My life. My realationship. Its going great and I dont need you're thoughts about it. With warmest regards. NUNYA!

if its your business than dont put it on a fucking forum genius!!you sitting up here bragging about how happy you are with wifey but yet you on here and on other websites looking for COCK.whats even funnier is you telling her about sucking strange dicks but it sounds like you need to take your own advice.
if you live in a glass house dont throw fucking stones.

11-29-2010, 03:23 AM
Again, that aint you're fucking biz!!!

You are right, its none of my business. But its just kind of funny that your sn is keepingitreal470. And then you come here and spout all kinds of bs about the girls while your wife is probably in the other room where she can't see what you are doing. Is that keeping it real?

11-29-2010, 03:24 AM


Is that the hood version of "Narnia" ?

Instead of a Lion , Witch and Wardrobe it had a Pittbull a Bitch and a Dumpster right?

(dumb joke)

11-29-2010, 03:26 AM

Is that the hood version of "Narnia" ?

Instead of a Lion , Witch and Wardrobe it had a Pittbull a Bitch and a Dumpster right?

(dumb joke)

that was too cute

11-29-2010, 03:27 AM
if its your business than dont put it on a fucking forum genius!!you sitting up here bragging about how happy you are with wifey but yet you on here and on other websites looking for COCK.whats even funnier is you telling her about sucking strange dicks but it sounds like you need to take your own advice.
if you live in a glass house dont throw fucking stones.LOOK YOU FUCKING BITCH! The fact that I said I'm in a relationship has nothing to do with what goes on in my relationship. So what! I posted that I'm happy and YES I am. But what goes on in my world is still none of you're business. Also, you dont know why I'm on here, and again its NONE OF YOU'RE BUSINESS IDIOT!! You dont know what I suck on or if I suck on anything cause YOU DONT KNOW ME JACKASS!! Now, go play with you're little trannie friends before I really embarrass you!

11-29-2010, 03:27 AM
Maybe you should mind you're own FUCKING business!! Just a thought. My life. My realationship. Its going great and I dont need you're thoughts about it. With warmest regards. NUNYA!

I bet if your wife-to-be knew about your craving for cock, then she'd have second thoughts about how great your relationship is. She surely doesn't want her man bringing home disease while on the D.L.

11-29-2010, 03:29 AM

Is that the hood version of "Narnia" ?

Instead of a Lion , Witch and Wardrobe it had a Pittbull a Bitch and a Dumpster right?

(dumb joke)

Dang that's the funniest thing I've read all year!

11-29-2010, 03:29 AM
I bet if your wife-to-be knew about your craving for cock, then she'd have second thoughts about how great your relationship is. She surely doesn't want her man bringing home disease while on the D.L.

She would probably call him a fucking faggot. LOL

11-29-2010, 03:29 AM
I bet if your wife-to-be knew about your craving for cock, then she'd have second thoughts about how great your relationship is. She surely doesn't want her man bringing home disease while on the D.L.

11-29-2010, 03:34 AM
She would probably call him a fucking faggot. LOLTypical chaser. Can't get a wife and has to pay trannies for sex. So he tries to make others feel guilty for what they do. It must be rough being you! You know, people get killed for making someone else's business their business. Just saying!

11-29-2010, 03:34 AM
I don't know. I'm 34 and I try and date around my age group. And here is how it goes.
Most GG's at this age bracket are either
1) Divorced looking for a guy to be the father figure to their kids.
2) Single and looking for a guy to father their future kids.
I've only gone out with two TS girls in my life. Both were passable both were very sweet.
One when I was in my early 20's and one rather recently.
More picky? No....more careful is the word.
How can I put this and not offend anyone.
She's a woman, a human being, of flesh and bone. Not a fetish or a secret.
She is who she is 24/7 and I can't speak for the "working girls" but what I can say about the girls who have a semi regular life....they just want to be treated with a little bit of respect. You really want to turn a TS girl on? Treat her as if you would treat any other girl. Ask her out to coffee during daylight hours. Show up, say some dumb jokes and see where it goes.
Now if you are hitting on "working girls" good luck with that! Those girls are no different than strippers. Their ego has a bow wave bigger than their tits!

Wow this thread got crazy! LOL!!!

I agree with your post here but have to say not all working girls have the ego, but more so then none do! I personally dont take myself so serious or think I am some god creation... I am my own creation and I can laugh at myself, and not be so serious! I love the dumb jokes bit, a guy with a sense of humor is a big yes in my books. And like someone said before when were younger things are different. Now I am 30 I look at guys differently... really hard for me to relate to younger guys anymore!

11-29-2010, 03:38 AM
LOOK YOU FUCKING BITCH! The fact that I said I'm in a relationship has nothing to do with what goes on in my relationship. So what! I posted that I'm happy and YES I am. But what goes on in my world is still none of you're business. Also, you dont know why I'm on here, and again its NONE OF YOU'RE BUSINESS IDIOT!! You dont know what I suck on or if I suck on anything cause YOU DONT KNOW ME JACKASS!! Now, go play with you're little trannie friends before I really embarrass you!

i dont need to know you to know what you do.you post it on here,dont get mad at me cause you put your life on here for scrutiny .
again if you want something to remain your business keep it to yourself.thats common sense.but i guess what they say is true,sense isnt common.
and how you going to embarrass me homie?? comb the internet for pictures of me? post up ads of mine,be my guest.
your the one on here making an ass of yourself.spreading your bitterness and making accusations about the way trans women conduct themselves when your in no position to talk.

11-29-2010, 03:43 AM
i dont need to know you to know what you do.you post it on here,dont get mad at me cause you put your life on here for scrutiny .
again if you want something to remain your business keep it yourself.thats common sense.but i guess what they say is true,sense isnt common.
and how you going to embarrass me homie?? comb the internet for pictures of me? post up ads of mine,be my guest.
your the one on here making an ass of yourself.spreading your bitterness and making acusations about the way trans women conduct themselves when your in position to talk.Yes, I can talk all day about the nasty filthy diseased trans women like yourself. HOMIE! I never said a word to you on here because I had no reason to. You made it you're business to get into mine. Bad move. Hey jackass, just because someone says something about themselves on here doesnt mean you have to comment on it. I read stuff everyday I dont comment on. Thats common sense also! You're move KETTLE!

11-29-2010, 04:01 AM
Wow some people are so fucking rude! Diseased Trans WOMEN... and your on a ts forum!

11-29-2010, 04:04 AM
Wow some people are so fucking rude! Diseased Trans WOMEN... and your on a ts forum!I didnt say all Michelle. Just her.

11-29-2010, 04:06 AM
I didnt say all Michelle. Just her.

How do u know she is? And if she was why would u post it? U might be pissed but that is uncalled for though!

11-29-2010, 04:11 AM
How do u know she is? And if she was why would u post it? U might be pissed but that is uncalled for though!I'm not really pissed. She just needs to back the fuck off! I never say anything to her. So if she wanted to attack, she was gonna get it right back. She needs to find some business of her own and practice minding it. I dont go around here judging people for what they post and I won't let anyone do it to me. Especially when they dont fucking know me.

11-29-2010, 04:12 AM
How do u know she is? And if she was why would u post it? U might be pissed but that is uncalled for though!

I think KIR just showed his true colors.

11-29-2010, 04:18 AM
How do u know she is? And if she was why would u post it? U might be pissed but that is uncalled for though!

he's just mad because someone called him on his b.s.

11-29-2010, 04:20 AM
Yes, I can talk all day about the nasty filthy diseased trans women like yourself. HOMIE! I never said a word to you on here because I had no reason to. You made it you're business to get into mine. Bad move. Hey jackass, just because someone says something about themselves on here doesnt mean you have to comment on it. I read stuff everyday I dont comment on. Thats common sense also! You're move KETTLE!

i can comment on whatever i like.its a PUBLIC FORUM.
lol @ bad move.what could YOU possibly do to me.
you make sweeping generalizations about trans women but yet here you are looking like the only stereotype.

11-29-2010, 04:29 AM
i can comment on whatever i like.its a PUBLIC FORUM.
lol @ bad move.what could YOU possibly do to me.
you make sweeping generalizations about trans women but yet here you are looking like the only stereotype.Finally use the iggy function like I should have. Usually when a motherfucker aint got nobody, thats when they find it necessary to dip into someone else's biz. I'm sure thats the case here. Btw, I never did find you attractive. That is also part of the problem here. Most trannies get offended when a man doesnt kiss their ass. Like just because they come here and post a few ass shots every man is supposed to bow down. LMFAO!! Not this one!

11-29-2010, 04:36 AM
Finally use the iggy function like I should have. Usually when a motherfucker aint got nobody, thats when they find it necessary to dip into someone else's biz. I'm sure thats the case here. Btw, I never did find you attractive. That is also part of the problem here. Most trannies get offended when a man doesnt kiss their ass. Like just because they come here and post a few ass shots every man is supposed to bow down. LMFAO!! Not this one!

ahaha.who cares if your attracted to me or not.yep thats my goal in life.to make every nigga online attracted to me.i could care less.everything is not for everyone why should i be any different.
im not your typical.if you wanted to believe that my comments are fueled by some selfish/narcissistic motivation and NOT IN RESPONSE TO YOUR STUPIDITY AND IGNORANCE than go ahead.whatever makes you feel better

11-29-2010, 04:53 AM
Wow this thread got crazy! LOL!!!

I agree with your post here but have to say not all working girls have the ego, but more so then none do! I personally dont take myself so serious or think I am some god creation... I am my own creation and I can laugh at myself, and not be so serious! I love the dumb jokes bit, a guy with a sense of humor is a big yes in my books. And like someone said before when were younger things are different. Now I am 30 I look at guys differently... really hard for me to relate to younger guys anymore!

Like I said in my earlier post. There are exceptions, and you are one of them.

Being that we know a lot of the same people, I know you know what I am talking about. Some girls think they are God's gift to the earth, and that you should bow beneath them. I could name names, but no need to take it that far. You are a breath of fresh air though.

11-29-2010, 05:47 AM
Like I said in my earlier post. There are exceptions, and you are one of them.

Being that we know a lot of the same people, I know you know what I am talking about. Some girls think they are God's gift to the earth, and that you should bow beneath them. I could name names, but no need to take it that far. You are a breath of fresh air though.

Yea I cant be bothered... there is this girl here in tx only 18 yrs old, just shot for SMY and thinks she is a star now. Her set hasnt even been posted on site. She has no hormones or body, and found out her pics are airbrushed. But because some people have blown up her head now she think she is a porn star! I cant wait to see the bitch fall on her face. Cant stand shallow bitches!

11-29-2010, 06:58 AM
if its your business than dont put it on a fucking forum genius!!you sitting up here bragging about how happy you are with wifey but yet you on here and on other websites looking for COCK.whats even funnier is you telling her about sucking strange dicks but it sounds like you need to take your own advice.
if you live in a glass house dont throw fucking stones.
Wow so there is a female with low enough self esteem to be married to this looser?
he's not good looking and he is a cock hound.
I know first hand, I've seen him on the prowl in person

11-29-2010, 07:02 AM
How do u know she is? And if she was why would u post it? U might be pissed but that is uncalled for though!
Fuck this dude girl another looser. the pride of HA are freddy Gomez, Darly washington and this clown.
I see a pattern here

11-29-2010, 07:23 AM
Wow so there is a female with low enough self esteem to be married to this looser?
he's not good looking and he is a cock hound.
I know first hand, I've seen him on the prowl in personBut I didn't prowl for your rice and bean ass. And that is the fuel for your hatred and bitterness towards me. The truth always brings this shit out in a trannie. You prove it time and time again. Thats why you fuck with Freddie like you do. Cause he dont acknowledge your ass. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure this out.

11-29-2010, 07:42 AM
Typical chaser. Can't get a wife and has to pay trannies for sex. So he tries to make others feel guilty for what they do. It must be rough being you! You know, people get killed for making someone else's business their business. Just saying!

Awwww, hey man don't be angry about what I said. My girlfriend calls me a fagot all the time. But thats probably because I have given her a BJ a bazillion times.

I guarantee if you told your wife you were sucking cock too, she would call you a fagot.

Just keepin it real.

11-29-2010, 07:57 AM
Awwww, hey man don't be angry about what I said. My girlfriend calls me a fagot all the time. But thats probably because I have given her a BJ a bazillion times.

I guarantee if you told your wife you were sucking cock too, she would call you a fagot.

Just keepin it real.Hey you stupid motherfucker. I'm secure about my sexual identity and I aint no fag. If you wanna believe you are, so be it. Maybe you're like a lot of dudes here who have fucked with tgirls soo much, they cant even draw an erection for pussy. So when they know of a dude on here that still bangs and enjoys pussy, they get all bitter. Whatever you're issue is, talk to someone else about it. You're officially on ignore.

11-29-2010, 08:02 AM
Hey you stupid motherfucker. I'm secure about my sexual identity and I aint no fag. If you wanna believe you are, so be it. Maybe you're like a lot of dudes here who have fucked with tgirls soo much, they cant even draw an erection for pussy. So when they know of a dude on here that still bangs and enjoys pussy, they get all bitter. Whatever you're issue is, talk to someone else about it. You're officially on ignore.

I'm on ignore??? Is that like putting your hands over your ears, stomping your feet and singing la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la?

11-29-2010, 08:05 AM
But I didn't prowl for your rice and bean ass. And that is the fuel for your hatred and bitterness towards me. The truth always brings this shit out in a trannie. You prove it time and time again. Thats why you fuck with Freddie like you do. Cause he dont acknowledge your ass. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
are you kidding me? dude you kept hitting me up on yahoo messneger after i got back to chicago. Keeping it real is not your forte, cuz you are LYING. You are too old and ugly for this rice and bean ass. they should have kept your ass in slavery cuz you are a NI**ER in every sense of the word!

11-29-2010, 08:08 AM
Hey you stupid motherfucker. I'm secure about my sexual identity and I aint no fag. If you wanna believe you are, so be it. Maybe you're like a lot of dudes here who have fucked with tgirls soo much, they cant even draw an erection for pussy. So when they know of a dude on here that still bangs and enjoys pussy, they get all bitter. Whatever you're issue is, talk to someone else about it. You're officially on ignore.
You get fucked in your ass by 9 inch black dicks, by your own admission.
you bitchass monkey

11-29-2010, 08:15 AM
are you kidding me? dude you kept hitting me up on yahoo messneger after i got back to chicago. Keeping it real is not your forte, cuz you are LYING. You are too old and ugly for this rice and bean ass. they should have kept your ass in slavery cuz you are a NI**ER in every sense of the word!Vanessa its obvious that you are racist against black men. Thats you're problem. You're typical of most trannies and some spanish people. Some fair skinned spanish people are racist against dark skin spanish. So of course you hate black men as well. Couple that with the fact that you're a trannie, and it all speaks for itself. Vanessa, I'm done saying anything to you. But if I ever see you're ghetto trannie ass in NY again, it aint gonna be pretty. I'll just leave it at that.

11-29-2010, 08:18 AM

Is that the hood version of "Narnia" ?

Instead of a Lion , Witch and Wardrobe it had a Pittbull a Bitch and a Dumpster right?

(dumb joke)

LOL bro I choked reading that. Fucking epic :Bowdown:

11-29-2010, 08:19 AM
Vanessa its obvious that you are racist against black men. Thats you're problem. You're typical of most trannies and some spanish people. Some fair skinned spanish people are racist against dark skin spanish. So of course you hate black men as well. Couple that with the fact that you're a trannie, and it all speaks for itself. Vanessa, I'm done saying anything to you. But if I ever see you're ghetto trannie ass in NY again, it aint gonna be pretty. I'll just leave it at that.
You called me beans and rice. But I see you wanna act like you could whop my ass or something. I dare your ugly baboon dick in the ass to mouth faggot ass to lay a hand on me. Bitch I'm MOVING to NYC.

11-29-2010, 08:22 AM
Vanessa its obvious that you are racist against black men. Thats you're problem. You're typical of most trannies and some spanish people. Some fair skinned spanish people are racist against dark skin spanish. So of course you hate black men as well. Couple that with the fact that you're a trannie, and it all speaks for itself. Vanessa, I'm done saying anything to you. But if I ever see you're ghetto trannie ass in NY again, it aint gonna be pretty. I'll just leave it at that.
And my boyfriend of the moment is BLACK. But he is sexy, GOOD looking, and NOT a trick like you are. Black men love me and they always will. I am what they desire and that will never change, as when you met me and my black girlfriend. you ignored her and only focused on me. yet she is exactly like me only she is black. Seems like you wanted something you could only obtain with the usual $250.

11-29-2010, 08:31 AM
You called me beans and rice. But I see you wanna act like you could whop my ass or something. I dare your ugly baboon dick in the ass to mouth faggot ass to lay a hand on me. Bitch I'm MOVING to NYC.Good, you wont be hard to find then.

11-29-2010, 08:35 AM
Good, you wont be hard to find then.
what you gonna do when you find me????
I need a good laugh!
An old man threatning a tranny.
ohh Im scared.
The ugly old cockhound is gonna get me.
the out of work alleged actor that nobody has ever seen on screen.
I wish you would. I'd post that shit on youtube
cuz I would beat your ass so bad you would have wished you were a slave

11-29-2010, 08:57 AM
what you gonna do when you find me????
I need a good laugh!
An old man threatning a tranny.
ohh Im scared.
The ugly old cockhound is gonna get me.
the out of work alleged actor that nobody has ever seen on screen.
I wish you would. I'd post that shit on youtube
cuz I would beat your ass so bad you would have wished you were a slaveLike I really care what a fucking dude with tits and a wig thinks about my looks. LMAO I have a great relationship with a beautiful black FEMALE you fucking trick!! :dancing::dancing::dancing::dancing: Get a clue dude!

11-29-2010, 09:04 AM
Like I really care what a fucking dude with tits and a wig thinks about my looks. LMAO I have a great relationship with a beautiful black FEMALE you fucking trick!! :dancing::dancing::dancing::dancing: Get a clue dude!

Wow, so let me get this straight. If Vanessa is a dude, then you are a cocksucking fagot who is in a realtionship with a beautiful black female. Did I get that right?

11-29-2010, 09:36 AM
Yea I cant be bothered... there is this girl here in tx only 18 yrs old, just shot for SMY and thinks she is a star now. Her set hasnt even been posted on site. She has no hormones or body, and found out her pics are airbrushed. But because some people have blown up her head now she think she is a porn star! I cant wait to see the bitch fall on her face. Cant stand shallow bitches!

Me either.....lol.

If you remember that story I told you before about a certain someone coming over my house(your new competition), and acting as if I was privileged to give her some dick. Then getting her ass chapped because I denied her.

Now when I see her around town, she gives me the evil eye, as if I actually did something to her. I told her friend she was cute, and that translated into me being disrespectful, and trying to hit on her friend. Nevermind the fact that I knew the girl prior to knowing her, and had never once hit on her.

This same girl hit me up talking about I needed to apologize to her if I expected to continue our friendship, as if I have to have her in my life. Michelle, I never even went on one date with that girl, and she was acting as if I owed her something other than my friendship. I hopped onto TSdating, hadn't been on in awhile, and what do I see but this in her self description(look below). By that posting you would think we actually dated, and didn't just have a few phone conversations. The most physical contact we ever had was a hug, and she acted like I owed her for that.

11-29-2010, 10:55 AM
Like I really care what a fucking dude with tits and a wig thinks about my looks. LMAO I have a great relationship with a beautiful black FEMALE you fucking trick!! :dancing::dancing::dancing::dancing: Get a clue dude!
you are another man living a lie and a double life.
And I'm man enough to live my REALITY in the open. So that makes you another bitchass on the DL and kissing your female with dick breath and she has to clean shit skids out of your nasty ass drawers

11-29-2010, 10:57 AM
and miss can"t keep it real, that bitch might have a snatch, but that bitch doesnt look as good as me. I'll put money on that homo!

11-29-2010, 11:02 AM
I dont really care about ripped abs and stuff ...:dancing:

You mean I did all this work for nothing? Aw shucks!

11-29-2010, 07:45 PM
Id watch out KeepingitReal... Ive known Vanessa a long time and I have seen the bitch fight... dont threaten her cuz she is not one to fuck with!

I think personally you are out of line on your judgement of whos a fag or not! Its like the black kettle calling the kettle black. If u call a guy who plays with ts or sucks a ts dick a fag and u do the same then ur a fag! I personally think no one should be put a label for what they do but since ur outta all the fags for what they do, when its clear u have done same in past ur one too! Just sayin hun. My man loves pussy as much as he loves my dick, but hes with me and gets my ass and dick, I dont call him a fag. Maybe some lil education on what you preach should be in order. Personally u cant be mad at everyone being on you though because u put ur biz in the open on this forum. So now they have free reign to talk is all. I never met u so I cant judge u, all I am going off is what you are saying here.

11-29-2010, 07:48 PM
Me either.....lol.

If you remember that story I told you before about a certain someone coming over my house(your new competition), and acting as if I was privileged to give her some dick. Then getting her ass chapped because I denied her.

Now when I see her around town, she gives me the evil eye, as if I actually did something to her. I told her friend she was cute, and that translated into me being disrespectful, and trying to hit on her friend. Nevermind the fact that I knew the girl prior to knowing her, and had never once hit on her.

This same girl hit me up talking about I needed to apologize to her if I expected to continue our friendship, as if I have to have her in my life. Michelle, I never even went on one date with that girl, and she was acting as if I owed her something other than my friendship. I hopped onto TSdating, hadn't been on in awhile, and what do I see but this in her self description(look below). By that posting you would think we actually dated, and didn't just have a few phone conversations. The most physical contact we ever had was a hug, and she acted like I owed her for that.

Aw that bitch is crazy! LMAO

You mean I did all this work for nothing? Aw shucks!

Aw im sorry hun, they look nice... but usually guys with bodies like that look at themselves in the mirror more than I do! LMAO!!!!

11-29-2010, 08:36 PM
Id watch out KeepingitReal... Ive known Vanessa a long time and I have seen the bitch fight... dont threaten her cuz she is not one to fuck with!

I think personally you are out of line on your judgement of whos a fag or not! Its like the black kettle calling the kettle black. If u call a guy who plays with ts or sucks a ts dick a fag and u do the same then ur a fag! I personally think no one should be put a label for what they do but since ur outta all the fags for what they do, when its clear u have done same in past ur one too! Just sayin hun. My man loves pussy as much as he loves my dick, but hes with me and gets my ass and dick, I dont call him a fag. Maybe some lil education on what you preach should be in order. Personally u cant be mad at everyone being on you though because u put ur biz in the open on this forum. So now they have free reign to talk is all. I never met u so I cant judge u, all I am going off is what you are saying here.Michelle, if you read all of what was posted, you'll see that I didnt call anyone here a fag until they started to call me one. But I'm totally secure in my sexuality so not you, or ANYONE ELSE can call me a fag. You nor anyone else can label me. I LABEL ME! And I choose not to use that label. The fact that I said I was in a relationship is what it is. And the only reason people here talk shit about it is because they're lonely and bitter. Some are even incapable of having a stable successful relationship(Vanessa). So they pile on someone that has that. Pretty simple to figure out.

11-29-2010, 08:44 PM
Id watch out KeepingitReal... Ive known Vanessa a long time and I have seen the bitch fight... dont threaten her cuz she is not one to fuck with!

I think personally you are out of line on your judgement of whos a fag or not! Its like the black kettle calling the kettle black. If u call a guy who plays with ts or sucks a ts dick a fag and u do the same then ur a fag! I personally think no one should be put a label for what they do but since ur outta all the fags for what they do, when its clear u have done same in past ur one too! Just sayin hun. My man loves pussy as much as he loves my dick, but hes with me and gets my ass and dick, I dont call him a fag. Maybe some lil education on what you preach should be in order. Personally u cant be mad at everyone being on you though because u put ur biz in the open on this forum. So now they have free reign to talk is all. I never met u so I cant judge u, all I am going off is what you are saying here.

It really doesn't matter.

Mainstream America doesn't care if you are taking dick, sucking, or doing the fucking. They all think we are gay. So it stands to reason that we should just all come together as a community, and make the best of what we have.

The problem is there is too much racial division, name calling, and categorizing going on. I have def been guilty of adding to it in the past, mostly for jokes, but it still doesn't help the situation any.

11-29-2010, 09:09 PM
Yea I cant be bothered... there is this girl here in tx only 18 yrs old, just shot for SMY and thinks she is a star now. Her set hasnt even been posted on site. She has no hormones or body, and found out her pics are airbrushed. But because some people have blown up her head now she think she is a porn star! I cant wait to see the bitch fall on her face. Cant stand shallow bitches!


I think I know who you are talking about. There are only two girls who fit that description.......lol

11-29-2010, 10:02 PM
Michelle, if you read all of what was posted, you'll see that I didnt call anyone here a fag until they started to call me one. But I'm totally secure in my sexuality so not you, or ANYONE ELSE can call me a fag. You nor anyone else can label me. I LABEL ME! And I choose not to use that label. The fact that I said I was in a relationship is what it is. And the only reason people here talk shit about it is because they're lonely and bitter. Some are even incapable of having a stable successful relationship(Vanessa). So they pile on someone that has that. Pretty simple to figure out.
You are a fag. Why did I have to be lonely and bitter? I get paid to do nothing and have a man who likes me for me, not the size of my dick.
Then to front on here like I would have wanted you, negro please. You was trna get some ass and it didnt work that night, then you even tried to front like we were kool when you were loosing fights with Mimi plastique. Oh yea and didn't you threaten her too? Dude, you are a lame ass looser. You search the streets and craigslisrt for dick up your ass. You claim to be an actor, yet NOBODY has ever seen you act. Fuck you. You are a bitchass homo. You already proved that here. Now stick to taking black dick up your black ass!

11-29-2010, 10:49 PM
He was in the "Chronicles of Nunya".

11-29-2010, 11:04 PM
OMG, this thread is such a stereotype. As to the OP, I think TS's are pickier because we know there are fewer of us, changing the economy of the situation in relation to that between men and GG's. Also, I think we're a lot more vulnerable, so we tend to gravitate towards people who make us feel safe. I don't know about any other girls here, but I think that's the most important thing we need from our partners and yet that which is offered the least.


11-30-2010, 12:12 AM
I'm gonna get stoned for this but I think it depends on where they're at in the transition. But any kinda girl who knows she looks good is gonna be picky

11-30-2010, 12:24 AM
Michelle, if you read all of what was posted, you'll see that I didnt call anyone here a fag until they started to call me one. But I'm totally secure in my sexuality so not you, or ANYONE ELSE can call me a fag. You nor anyone else can label me. I LABEL ME! And I choose not to use that label. The fact that I said I was in a relationship is what it is. And the only reason people here talk shit about it is because they're lonely and bitter. Some are even incapable of having a stable successful relationship(Vanessa). So they pile on someone that has that. Pretty simple to figure out.show me some pix

11-30-2010, 01:14 AM
So much drama, between the ladies & the EMOtional "male" posters...my gawsh.

11-30-2010, 02:33 AM
show me some pix
He is ugly as fuck.
He never stood a chance in hell at getting with me.
No matter how hard he was kissing my ass and buyng me drinks.
You kno those dudes. they buy you lots of drinks in hopes that you would get fucked up enough to give up some drunk sympathy ass.
Not me baby!

11-30-2010, 02:35 AM
So much drama, between the ladies & the EMOtional "male" posters...my gawsh.
that male poster is a dick hound.
he didnt get no dick from me
so now he tryna act like a bitch as hot as me would be so desperate as to try and get with him.
Yea right, nigga please. You wouldnt get no dick or ass from me UNLESS you paid. stick to Village creepers, thas yo style. Then go back home to wifey with shitty draws mixed with cum stains. And dick breath.

11-30-2010, 02:43 AM
So much drama, between the ladies & the EMOtional "male" posters...my gawsh.

Looks like "the new guy" is trying to jockey for position by taking the "Cooler and more emotionally stable than these other guys" route. Well played!

However, this has been attempted before. It usually emds with you being dragged into one of these silly debates/descussions/arguments and losing your credibility as the "guy that is cooler, and more emotionally stable than these other guys". Good luck to you in your efforts. I am rooting for you.

11-30-2010, 03:25 AM
Looks like "the new guy" is trying to jockey for position by taking the "Cooler and more emotionally stable than these other guys" route. Well played!

However, this has been attempted before. It usually emds with you being dragged into one of these silly debates/descussions/arguments and losing your credibility as the "guy that is cooler, and more emotionally stable than these other guys". Good luck to you in your efforts. I am rooting for you.


11-30-2010, 04:48 AM
Not really
I mean we have triks who pay us
and our pick of men to play with.
I dont think any man is worth chasing

Glad to hear that!

*Snatches Vanessa's purse after a long hard night of d*ck suckin*

11-30-2010, 09:57 PM
Glad to hear that!

*Snatches Vanessa's purse after a long hard night of d*ck suckin*
Im not a dick sucker sorry.
And I don't work the streets.

11-30-2010, 11:14 PM
Looks like "the new guy" is trying to jockey for position by taking the "Cooler and more emotionally stable than these other guys" route. Well played!

However, this has been attempted before. It usually emds with you being dragged into one of these silly debates/descussions/arguments and losing your credibility as the "guy that is cooler, and more emotionally stable than these other guys". Good luck to you in your efforts. I am rooting for you.

Blah Blah Blah, Perhaps a chord was plucked when I said what I said, you must be one of the emo guys too huh, lol, I'm not on here to argue with other men, I'm on here to adore & enjoy the women of this site, all that other bullshit, you can go >>>>> way with, thanx in advance.

12-01-2010, 01:15 AM
show me some pixLisa, if I knew you better I'd have no problem sending you pics. I'm very confident in my looks, but I aint got to prove a damm thing to anyone on a tgirl forum. So I would never post anything here. Btw, I like you're pics on you're site.

12-01-2010, 01:16 AM
Lisa, if I knew you better I'd have no problem sending you pics. I'm very confident in my looks, but I aint got to prove a damm thing to anyone on a tgirl forum. So I would never post anything here. Btw, I like you're pics on you're site.tx babe if your ever bored we can always have some cam fun

12-01-2010, 01:41 AM
tx babe if your ever bored we can always have some cam funSure, I'll pm you my skype or yahoo. Whichever one works for you.

12-01-2010, 02:19 AM
Blah Blah Blah, Perhaps a chord was plucked when I said what I said, you must be one of the emo guys too huh, lol, I'm not on here to argue with other men, I'm on here to adore & enjoy the women of this site, all that other bullshit, you can go >>>>> way with, thanx in advance.

Look at your pic and look at mine...... Who is Emo? lol

Seriously man, I was just fucking with you. And it's not the dudes you gotta worry about. You'll see.

12-01-2010, 06:59 AM
I agree with that -- it's quite difficult to meet a t-girl who's attractive who has her shit together in other ways. Of course, the same can be said of ggs.

12-01-2010, 07:03 AM
tx babe if your ever bored we can always have some cam fun
I met him in person.
lets just say its not cute, sexy, anything of the sorts. There are PLENTY of better looking guys on HA that I have met. from mods to members!

12-22-2012, 12:59 AM
we should be.
funny huh
But thats life.
As hard as society judges us on our look, you guys didnt count on us surpassing the expectations and flipping the script/
some dumb motherfuckers out there actually still think its a privilage to give us dick.
I enjoy the privilage of throwing them out and telling them get a female!

I understand what you are saying. but how is that average joe's fault who actually accepted you for whom you are? aren't you doing the same?

12-22-2012, 01:04 AM
i think all trannie escorts know this is common knowledge by now

yup! agree. that's what my asian tgurls friends say. i asked why date white millitary guys and they all said the same thing. they are stupid. but it's a dangerous game they play. when the guy finds out it can get violent.

12-22-2012, 01:10 AM
im not sure if this is true for im Filipina and i like Asian, Latino, Black and White men ;)

all my close TS friends all have Filipino bf ;)

never said it was a defenite thing. that's why i said at least the tgurls i know. never said all of them.

12-22-2012, 02:56 AM
In reference to the original topic at hand, I would actually say that GGs are more picky. My reasoning for this is that they outnumber us, yet still manage to act like they're shit doesn't stink.

I have (up until recently) been able to find cool non-working tgirls who are down with a cool, respectful guy. Recently, I feel like something has changed in my city, and that has become much harder to find those types these days. Anyway, based on my experience, TS girls are less picky than GGs, because being a cool, respectful guy has never been enough for GGs. I am not a bad looking guy either, and I have a GG gf. If I had to choose a celebrity look-alike, it would be Ice Cube (and bitches love him, lol). GGs, in general, have an arrogance about them that is inexplicable.

Both TGs and GGs have an unrealistic fantasy in their heads about the guy they want. However, the sheer mathematics of the situation gives TGs a little more justification for their bullshit than GGs.

Willie Escalade
12-22-2012, 07:08 AM
yup! agree. that's what my asian tgurls friends say. i asked why date white millitary guys and they all said the same thing. they are stupid. but it's a dangerous game they play. when the guy finds out it can get violent.
Boy do I know about THIS scenario...! :ignore:

12-22-2012, 07:37 AM
Not even close.

A trans person will deal with much less (of course they want someone they are attracted to).

My GG friend won't look at you if you don't treat her to a nice dinner on the first date, are successful, and she is of course attracted to you.

I wouldn't go on a date with guy who tries grilling me about sex before the first date... but that isn't really "picky", that is just avoiding the creeps (any GG would do the same).

12-22-2012, 08:37 AM
I have to admit I am somewhat guilty of this.

12-22-2012, 08:40 AM
Not even close.

A trans person will deal with much less (of course they want someone they are attracted to).

My GG friend won't look at you if you don't treat her to a nice dinner on the first date, are successful, and she is of course attracted to you.

I wouldn't go on a date with guy who tries grilling me about sex before the first date... but that isn't really "picky", that is just avoiding the creeps (any GG would do the same).

actually my standards are allot like your girlfriends.maybe thats why allot of guys think im a bitch,they expect my standards to be allot lower since im trans *shrugs*

12-22-2012, 09:03 AM
Always remember, with GG's or TG's, you get what you pay for...

12-22-2012, 09:15 AM
actually my standards are allot like your girlfriends.maybe thats why allot of guys think im a bitch,they expect my standards to be allot lower since im trans *shrugs*

Where are you finding guys willing to match those standards? ~_~

12-22-2012, 10:00 AM
Where are you finding guys willing to match those standards? ~_~

Life lol..duh

MdR Dave
12-22-2012, 12:34 PM
So much wrong about this thread.

Is keepingitreal gonna come back under another ID now?

On the plus side, Amber is gorgeous.

01-04-2013, 01:43 AM
Boy do I know about THIS scenario...! :ignore:

yeah it sucks when the guy finds out. i've been in the middle such discoveries and had to protect my friends from being beat up. Hey nice of Tiffany M.

01-04-2013, 01:56 AM
Always remember, with GG's or TG's, you get what you pay for...

I seem to get more for what I pay for from TG rather than GG--
Just my experience(s)

01-04-2013, 02:16 AM
I seem to get more for what I pay for from TG rather than GG--
Just my experience(s)

i totally agree. i've had more fun w/ tgurls than gg's paid for or not.

01-05-2013, 05:53 AM
i totally agree. i've had more fun w/ tgurls than gg's paid for or not.

Gotta agree. Right on

07-18-2019, 07:36 AM
Wow, it's been 9 years since I started this thread... And let me tell you, a lot of things have changed. My opinion now is... Well, let's just say it's a toss up between GG's and Transgender Women... When I first posted this topic my experience with Trans women was limited to a hair stylist who cut my hair and her friend... Fast forward 9 years. Seven of the last 7 years I spent dating a Tgurl who was per say out of my league... Seven years and nothing came of it. No serious relationship it was casual on her end serious on mine. It was heartbreaking, so I thought, I moved on and met someone new and been with her for a year now. She's als

07-18-2019, 07:38 AM
Sorry, I posted before I finished.... The girl I am dating now is also a transgender.

07-18-2019, 07:41 AM
And yes, I am an ugly chud who doesn't have much money and is out of shape too... Lol..so I guess I answered my own question... Who's pickier? Well, now I can say they both are and neither of the are. It all depends on how you approach either GG's or tgurls and how you present yourself and of course treat them... I know I know it sounds cliche and stupid. But it's the truth.

07-18-2019, 07:55 AM
Well, skim reading this thread was more entertaining than the morning papers...:D

07-18-2019, 08:14 AM
Well, skim reading this thread was more entertaining than the morning papers...:D

Riiiight... Lol. I totally forgot my password to HA and really haven't visited this site. But for whatever reason I did so today and looked up all my threads I started and this one popped up. I read laughed and made me wonder what happened to some of the people who posted.

Cereal Escapist
07-18-2019, 01:07 PM
I am not going to read through the entire thread, but rather will just answer the question in the title.

in my experience, transwomen are NOT more picky than their ggirl counterparts HOWEVER there is one huge exception. Because there are so many chasers and cock hounds out there, I do find that transwomen are much more guarded to filter out the noise.

07-18-2019, 10:14 PM
I am not going to read through the entire thread, but rather will just answer the question in the title.

in my experience, transwomen are NOT more picky than their ggirl counterparts HOWEVER there is one huge exception. Because there are so many chasers and cock hounds out there, I do find that transwomen are much more guarded to filter out the noise.

Guarded? Maybe... But aren't we all guarded in someway or another. No one wants to put themselves out there.

07-18-2019, 10:29 PM
In my experience it’s about the same. Both can be equally picky, horny, and flaky.

07-18-2019, 10:43 PM
In my experience it’s about the same. Both can be equally picky, horny, and flaky.

True... Very true. Do I have stories, lol. But like everything else. All people are different and sometimes they will surprise you and make you day, "damnnnn" in a good way.

Cereal Escapist
07-19-2019, 03:09 AM
Guarded? Maybe... But aren't we all guarded in someway or another. No one wants to put themselves out there.

many people put themselves out there but that is not what i mean.

you meet a ggirl and hit on her, she knows you want to fuck her.

you meet a tgirl and hit on her, she is guarded because she is not sure if you want to fuck her of you want her to fuck you. tgirls are aware that many men see them as a fetish/fantasy and ahre chasing dick not the girl it is attached to.

07-19-2019, 03:20 AM
There is a huge difference between chasers/cock whores and men who actually accept transgender women as what they really are, women. It's easy to fall into the chaser/fetish role. I was in my early days a chaser, but I changed when I met the girl I dated for seven years and my current girlfriend. I treat them like the females they are. And I do the same to their friends who are also transgender. Most nights when I go out with my girl, I'm the only guy with 5 or 6 good looking trans women. And I totally treat and talk to them as total females

07-19-2019, 03:20 AM
BTW how can one post pics on this thing...?