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View Full Version : Guys - Your Son Wants to Become a Woman?

11-24-2010, 12:47 AM
Honestly, how would you feel if your son wants to become a female transsexual? Would you support him with transitioning during his early years (less than 18 years) or would you prefer that he waits until he is an adult (living outside of your home)? Or would do everything in your power to discourage your son from pursuing his goal of becoming a woman?

11-24-2010, 12:51 AM
Honestly, how would you feel if your son wants to become a female transsexual? Would you support him with transitioning during his early years (less than 18 years) or would you prefer that he waits until he is an adult (living outside of your home)? Or would do everything in your power to discourage your son from pursuing his goal of becoming a woman?

No I wouldnt support him i'd beat him until he was black and blue!

11-24-2010, 12:57 AM
No I wouldnt support him i'd beat him until he was black and blue!

That's what my father did to me. It happens to a lot of us. Trust me: it wouldn't help and your child would end up hating you for it.


11-24-2010, 01:11 AM
I'd be supportive w/ one caveat ... stay away from the "STF". lol

To be serious though , that's a big decision that one shouldn't enter into quickly.

I'm not sure you could give a real answer w/o being in that situation though.

11-24-2010, 01:18 AM
i'd be supportive w/ one caveat ... Stay away from the "stf". Lolhuh? Whats stf? And this is about the worst question ive ever read on any forum if you turn your child away for any reason then you should be shot and pissed on in the middle of the town square,when you have kids and i have 2 theres unconditional love period.

11-24-2010, 01:20 AM
huh? Whats stf? And this is about the worst question ive ever read on any forum if you turn your child away for any reason then you should be shot and pissed on in the middle of the town square,when you have kids and i have 2 theres unconditional love period.

STF means Super Tranny Fucker

11-24-2010, 01:20 AM
"STF" the Super Tranny Fucker ... aka Daryl Washington.

11-24-2010, 01:22 AM

A child is born and you hope and dream for their future.

I would grieve for the unrealized dreams for the kid. Then I would grieve for the tough things ahead that I have seen almost each and every girl here go through. Privately away from them of course.

I would hope I would love and support unconditionally but I know there would be things they would want to do that I would disapprove of like any kid and father.

And then I would make sure they were in a loving, supportive, academic environment because I have seen many trans individuals excel in that milieu.

And I would keep them away from the STF.

11-24-2010, 01:23 AM
Id be putting Testosterone in everything the fucker ate...lol!
In all seriousness I would say when you got your own house and a great job then you can do whatever because I wont pay for a bum to sit at home and complain about everything...

11-24-2010, 01:26 AM
"stf" the super tranny fucker ... Aka daryl washington.oh id defenatly keep her away from daryl lol that guys scares me lol

11-24-2010, 01:37 AM
i have a son and i wouldn't accept it.

11-24-2010, 01:43 AM
That's what my father did to me. It happens to a lot of us. Trust me: it wouldn't help and your child would end up hating you for it.

:iagree:same happened to me

11-24-2010, 01:44 AM
i have a son and i wouldn't accept it.thats cause your a fuckin homo

11-24-2010, 01:51 AM
About 10 yrs ago I met this guy through a group I belong to who was my father's age, late 60's. He was a former US Marine during the Korean War and taught for 30 years in inner city public high schools. He had 5 sons from 25-40 yrs old. Only the eldest was married. He told me during a long road trip that he wondered if any of his 4 youngest was gay. I was blown away by the idea that he would even think about such an idea. But he went on and explained that he read books for parents with gay, or possibly gay, children. He said the books told him not to directly ask his children, to allow them to come out on their own, as it's a big deal for them. But at the end of the conversation he said something quite illuminating...

"I'd like to think I would handle it well, but who knows. It's all hypothetical bullshit. I won't know for sure how I'll handle it until I face the situation."

And that's the truth, as I see it. Y'all can contemplate how well you'd handle a son wanting to transition, but the truth is you're just future-tripping.

11-24-2010, 01:52 AM
Well, I would accept it and support him/her because it´s the only rational way. Of course, I´d keep him/her away from Daryl Washington.

11-24-2010, 01:57 AM
Wouldnt approve of it. Wouldnt like it. But wouldnt disown him. Its his life.

11-24-2010, 02:03 AM
"I'd like to think I would handle it well, but who knows. It's all hypothetical bullshit. I won't know for sure how I'll handle it until I face the situation."

Yah, that's it right there. You never know until it happens. Rednecks say they'll disown their gay children, then embrace them in their hour of need. Liberal parents are horrified when one of their kids comes out. I'm not even addressing the gender-variant issue here.

My son is my son. If he wanted to be my daughter, I'd have some issues with it, but he/she is still my blood kin. As it is, he already has the tats and background (The surrogate at my ex's Lamaze classes and also present with us at his birth was F2M and both I and my ex have had a number of openly gay friends in his presence) to swing to either end or the middle.

I don't see it happening with my son, but if it did, my only concern would be if he got along with his TS step-mom.

11-24-2010, 02:11 AM
I´d agree with that, too, b1. But sure, I hope this never happens.

11-24-2010, 02:20 AM
Liberal parents are horrified when one of their kids comes out.

Yup. My father is one of these. How do you spell irony? T-r-a-n-s-s-e-x-u-a-l.


11-24-2010, 02:31 AM
Yup. My father is one of these. How do you spell irony? T-r-a-n-s-s-e-x-u-a-l.

~BB~im very lucky my mom loved me unconditionally now it was hard for a few weeks but then everything went back to normal im lucky i have 7 sisters and they explained it very well to mom

11-24-2010, 02:35 AM
I'm surprised at some of the comments from those that actively pursue or have interests in TS ladies. I don't think the defining point has been made of what indicators in the child that would lead to that decision. If this was a boy that from toddler age gravitated toward feminine behavior characteristics and self identified as female, the pronounced dysphoria at that point along with professional council would definitely lead me to accept and support my child in that direction. OTOH, if this was a child that just didn't develop traditional male interests,competitiveness, and behavior as age progressed, yet there was no indication of dysphoria, I'd be less inclined to intervene and see where nature follows course. If the dysphoria would become evident as age progressed and the child starts making the equation that there may be gender dysphoria that they are recognizing as they enter puberty, then I'd be less inclined to support any form of transition. I'm not saying that I wouldn't, just that at that point there would be need for intense psychological evaluation and intervention to determine if a successful transition could occur from that age. This isn't a perfect world and infinite resources are limited. Insurance wouldn't cover an issue such as this. My greatest concern at this point would be the psychological state of the child. There is no easy answer here. I've raised two daughters myself as a single parent and have no experience raising a son. It's difficult enough to raise and be responsible for children of a gender other then yourself when your mind and body cannot relate or comprehend theirs or their needs. Raising a transgendered child would elevate this uncertainty exponentially.

11-24-2010, 02:35 AM
First and foremost if I had a son he is my flesh and blood and unconditional love comes first. I really don't know how I would react untill it happens in real time. Its like somone told me you don't know if you can fight until you are in the middle of a real one.

11-24-2010, 03:17 AM
Not pleased
Because I know just how hard itll be, and what I cant protect her from

I seriously dread even having female offspring. I might end up in prison over my daughters.

11-24-2010, 03:33 AM
Would not want her to get into escorting/porn.

11-24-2010, 03:42 AM
Would not want her to get into escorting/porn.

OK, that's so not right and way out of the filed for this discussion.

Seriously, you can't really be that much of an asshole to say that in this arena.

11-24-2010, 03:47 AM
Maybe he meant that he wouldn't want his daughter to have to go that route.

11-24-2010, 04:10 AM
Maybe I can get him hooked up & married to Chastity/Chaz.
Wonder how the marriage nuts would deal with that one?

11-24-2010, 06:20 AM
may you support them or not we will still always be a girl inside us. so we dont give a FUCK if you support us or not lol

Alyssa Luxor

11-24-2010, 07:01 AM
When I was initially transitioning, my parents and I had many discussions
about my decision, we also went to therapy.

In all honesty I will admit that it was more challenging for my Father than
my Mother, but at no point did he or they turn their backs on me.

At this point in time I am their daughter, just as if I had been born that

The bottom line is they were primarily concerned about my happiness and

Truly blessed.

11-24-2010, 07:21 AM
I would tell her where to meet guys her age...

11-24-2010, 07:54 AM
I think its stupid that guys in here that fuck or suck tranny cocks will never let their son become trans... and it shows again how ignorant BEANER is!! That dude is the dumbest fuck on this forum!

My dad blamed himself but after watching home videos of me he seen it all. He was like it was always there and he denied it. I have a great relationship with my father... it is my mother who has an issue with it! But she didn't raise me, my dad did! So fuck her! I have a supportive family and if I ever had a kid I would support them on what they felt like the were suppose to be and follow their dreams.

11-24-2010, 08:17 AM
i have a son and i wouldn't accept it.

With such a moronic, ignorant dad like you you're kid is going to have tons of problems without the possibility of being transgender.

To answer the op question i'd accept it as long as he is happy.

11-24-2010, 09:05 AM
Would not want her to get into escorting/porn.

OK, that's so not right and way out of the filed for this discussion.

Seriously, you can't really be that much of an asshole to say that in this arena.

Why is that an asshole thing to say? That he wants his kid to avoid escorting, which is illegal in most areas, prone to violence, rape and murder and confers an increased risk of acquiring certain infections? He's an asshole for wanting his child to avoid that? I don't think so.

I'd support my kids emotionally and financially to ensure that they were safe with the potential to realize their dreams.

11-24-2010, 10:48 AM
That's what my father did to me. It happens to a lot of us. Trust me: it wouldn't help and your child would end up hating you for it.


sorry to hear that...if you don't mind me asking: how is your relationship now?

11-24-2010, 10:58 AM
I have a better answer to this thread:

Just don't have kids. The planet is already overpopulated. People are fighting everywhere over dwindling natural resources and land. So why have more?

Deja Vu
11-24-2010, 01:01 PM
bcuz accidents happen.

11-24-2010, 02:09 PM
i would say the same thing my mum said to me: "so long as you dress well (i.e. not slutty) i don't mind what you wear, you are who you are inside and nothing can change that".

She said that to me when I was going through a phase of not being sure if I was male or female at age 21 (my mind swings both ways (is both masculine and feminine - has been since age 4/5 when I moved to England from Germany), (I'm still not entirely sure if I'm male or female at age 28)).

I would support my kid/s whatever happens, as a parent you're meant to be there for them. My ex? wife has already said that if our kid turns out to be trans she'd send the kid to me for our child and I to talk, she doesn't want to deal with it.

11-24-2010, 02:25 PM
I have a better answer to this thread:

Just don't have kids. The planet is already overpopulated. People are fighting everywhere over dwindling natural resources and land. So why have more?

like like like ;)

11-24-2010, 08:10 PM
sorry to hear that...if you don't mind me asking: how is your relationship now?

Now? My being trans is just his most recent excuse to deny any responsibility for me (after my conversion to Paganism and owning an escort agency, both of which he eventually accepted when my son was born).

Truth be told though, in his mind he had disowned me the moment I was born because I was a 'trapper baby.' There's not a whole lot I can do about that.


11-24-2010, 09:27 PM
Would you support him with transitioning during his early years

what else is there to do?

also id like to think that ill know my children (should i ever have any) well enough that my reaction to them comming out will be "duh!"

11-24-2010, 11:19 PM
what else is there to do?

also id like to think that ill know my children (should i ever have any) well enough that my reaction to them comming out will be "duh!"

How many guys in this forum hide their attraction to trans well enough that none of their friends and family know? Not saying it's the exact same thing as hiding a desire to be a woman, but still... you might never know, no matter how astute a parent that you are.

11-25-2010, 12:30 AM
I would whole heartedly support it. But I would be careful, and take steps to make sure we dont do anything permanent until he (she) is older and is COMPLETELY sure. Like say, if my 6 year old son (and yes there are tons of kids that are that are transitioning) wanted to become a girl, I would support him. I would let him grow his hair, wear girls clothes, change her name...all that. But i wouldn't let him have surgeries or hormones (i doubt you would give hormones to a person that young anyway). But when they turn 14-16ish, then we can talk about surgery procedures and hormones and whatever other medical stuff that would be appropriate.

11-25-2010, 12:32 AM
I would whole heartedly support it. But I would be careful, and take steps to make sure we dont do anything permanent until he (she) is older and is COMPLETELY sure. Like say, if my 6 year old son (and yes there are tons of kids that are that are transitioning) wanted to become a girl, I would support him. I would let him grow his hair, wear girls clothes, change her name...all that. But i wouldn't let him have surgeries or hormones (i doubt you would give hormones to a person that young anyway). But when they turn 14-16ish, then we can talk about surgery procedures and hormones and whatever other medical stuff that would be appropriate.

unless a doctor says its safe and warranted to start stuff like hormones at a younger age, then I would let him (her). Because Im sure there are tons of ts's that wish for anything that they would have started hormones years and years and years before they did.