View Full Version : To yall

11-14-2010, 09:58 PM
You say you like transsexuals but yet you would never date them because you want kids, and you want your kids to be of flesh and blood.

I have a couple of questions for you since I have been in foster care and have been adopted.

What do you think the meaning of fatherhood/ motherhood is?
Raising the kid as your own, feeding her/him, caring for her/him when they are upset, sick or lonely?


Having their genes closely match your own?


Why bring another child in the world when there are thousands who are unwanted and unloved?

11-14-2010, 10:06 PM
You say you like transsexuals but yet you would never date them because you want kids, and you want your kids to be of flesh and blood.

I have a couple of questions for you since I have been in foster care and have been adopted.

What do you think the meaning of fatherhood/ motherhood is?
Raising the kid as your own, feeding her/him, caring for her/him when they are upset, sick or lonely?


Having their genes closely match your own?


Why bring another child in the world when there are thousands who are unwanted and unloved?

It's because they're selfish. They want their "own seed" because they want a mirror to carry themselves into the future. Totally narcissistic and showing confusion about what parenthood is.

The only thing these guys care about, other than someone else's stiff cock, is themselves.

11-14-2010, 10:09 PM
i aint no deadbeat dad like my pops was, i pay my son's moms his child support and i get him every other weekend....my son was born when i was locked up and i missed out on him bein born, his first word, walkin for the first time....i want to make up for all that i missed out on...BUT THAT'S PART OF MY REASON....i aint ready for another one AT THIS SECOND but i do want to be there for everything i missed out on the first time.

You just posted your kid's picture on a transsexual porn forum? Take it down. WTF. Show your son some respect.

11-14-2010, 10:10 PM
It's because they're selfish. They want their "own seed" because they want a mirror to carry themselves into the future. Totally narcissistic and showing confusion about what parenthood is.

The only thing these guys care about, other than someone else's stiff cock, is themselves.

LOL, everytime I read a comment of yours I have to cosign or die laughing.

i aint no deadbeat dad like my pops was, i pay my son's moms his child support and i get him every other weekend....my son was born when i was locked up and i missed out on him bein born, his first word, walkin for the first time....i want to make up for all that i missed out on...BUT THAT'S PART OF MY REASON....i aint ready for another one AT THIS SECOND but i do want to be there for everything i missed out on the first time.

But you refuse to date a transsexual long term because you cannot have kids?

Then why even be on this site and act like you could in anyway hold feelings for one?

You obviously have a fetish and you are better off seeing an escort or jacking off to porn.

11-14-2010, 10:10 PM
I have no problem adopting. I have a kid already but there is not a transgender woman who likes to date a Tranny. So I am out of luck any way

11-14-2010, 10:12 PM
I have no problem adopting. I have a kid already but there is not a transgender woman who likes to date a Tranny. So I am out of luck any way

Actually there are some, you just have to find them.

IF there are alot of ts's who settle down with females I am pretty sure there are alot who settle down with transsexuals.

You just posted your kid's picture on a transsexual porn forum? Take it down. WTF. Show your son some respect.

I agree.

11-14-2010, 10:14 PM
LOL, everytime I read a comment of yours I have to cosign or die laughing.

But you refuse to date a transsexual long term because you cannot have kids?

Then why even be on this site and act like you could in anyway hold feelings for one?

You obviously have a fetish and you are better off seeing an escort or jacking off to porn.

for now i'll jus jack off to porn then because i wont pay for ass...but my new chick is bisexual so she might be into trannies too but i dunno

11-14-2010, 10:14 PM
I don't want kids ever!

11-14-2010, 10:25 PM
for now i'll jus jack off to porn then because i wont pay for ass...but my new chick is bisexual so she might be into trannies too but i dunno

so weird.if your not into dating transsexuals why do you care if we escort or not? you go on and on about how all ts women sell theyre ass but its exactly your attitude that helped so many of us make that decision.if like 70% of the guys attracted to me wants me for no other reason than a sexual thrill why not profit for it?i suppose i should be sleeping around letting men use me for they're sexual gratification and fantasies for free.

11-14-2010, 10:25 PM
Actually there are some, you just have to find them.

IF there are alot of ts's who settle down with females I am pretty sure there are alot who settle down with transsexuals.

I agree.

Most females would never date or settle down with a ts.

11-14-2010, 10:25 PM
Some of the comments on here are killing me. So Freddie put a pic of his kid up on here lol WTF!? And Phobun is killing it today, he is really on a roll rite now.

11-14-2010, 10:25 PM
I have no desire to have children.
Didn't care for 'em when I was one, nothings changed since! :shrug.

11-14-2010, 10:26 PM
You're going into the creep/retard factor here Paris.

I once worked with a guy who was sort of a disgusting mess...the dude just did not take care of himself at all. Not to mention that it was a very low paying job(I was in my early 20's, he was in his mid 40's). Dude was utterly obsessed with getting married, but could not attract women at all, so he went the route of finding a woman from Russia through one of those internet sites. I asked him why he was so obsessed and he said its because he wanted kids(LOLZ). He said that his sister couldn't pass on the family name, so he had to have kids in order to do that.

Quite possibly the worst reason I've ever heard for someone wanting children.

11-14-2010, 10:26 PM
so weird.if your not into dating transsexuals why do you care if we escort or not? you go on and on about how all ts women sell theyre ass but its exactly your attitude that helped so many of us make that decision.if like 70% of the guys attracted to me wants me for no other reason than a sexual thrill why not profit for it?i suppose i should be sleeping around letting men use me for they're sexual gratification and fantasies for free.

i see *some* females as sex objects too but they aint out there sellin ass because they let a couple dudes run up in them and bounce after.....what makes ya'll any more special?

11-14-2010, 10:27 PM
some of the comments on here are killing me. So freddie put a pic of his kid up on here lol wtf!? And phobun is killing it today, he is really on a roll rite now.

actually it was me and my son, not jus my son....smh

11-14-2010, 10:29 PM
i see *some* females as sex objects too but they aint out there sellin ass because they let a couple dudes run up in them and bounce after.....what makes ya'll any more special?

You're just made you couldn't afford to pay for it

11-14-2010, 10:30 PM
I don't have kids and I don't want any either.

11-14-2010, 10:30 PM
you're just made you couldn't afford to pay for it

what chu talkin about mr 1 post to my name? Smh

11-14-2010, 10:32 PM
i would adopt if i had the desire .. but i have no interest in kids or wanting any .. i have my brothers kids to spoil and look after so thats enough for me ..

Before i started transitioning i was with my ex GF for 10years and had 2 stepkids of hers, that was ok .. we all got on pretty well .. though she wanted more sprogs and i didnt

11-14-2010, 10:35 PM
for now i'll jus jack off to porn then because i wont pay for ass...but my new chick is bisexual so she might be into trannies too but i dunno

uh huh

so weird.if your not into dating transsexuals why do you care if we escort or not? you go on and on about how all ts women sell theyre ass but its exactly your attitude that helped so many of us make that decision.if like 70% of the guys attracted to me wants me for no other reason than a sexual thrill why not profit for it?i suppose i should be sleeping around letting men use me for they're sexual gratification and fantasies for free.


Most females would never date or settle down with a ts.

That is a lie I can name 8 couples I know personally who are together and are a GG/TS couple

You're going into the creep/retard factor here Paris.
Quite possibly the worst reason I've ever heard for someone wanting children.

excuse me?

i see *some* females as sex objects too but they aint out there sellin ass because they let a couple dudes run up in them and bounce after.....what makes ya'll any more special?

Ok but let us say you NEVER PLAN ON DATING A FEMALE then why care?

You're just made you couldn't afford to pay for it


11-14-2010, 10:37 PM
uh huh


That is a lie I can name 8 couples I know personally who are together and are a GG/TS couple

excuse me?

Ok but let us say you NEVER PLAN ON DATING A FEMALE then why care?


It;s not a lie. most GG run like the wind from transexuals and certainly have no desire to have a relationship with them. the only kind of transexuals who i've seen in a relationship with a woman are crossdressers

11-14-2010, 10:39 PM
It;s not a lie. most GG run like the wind from transexuals and certainly have no desire to have a relationship with them. the only kind of transexuals who i've seen in a relationship with a woman are crossdressers

Well obviously you have never been out and about.

You sound like an ignorant fool who only hangs around ignorant people.

11-14-2010, 10:39 PM
you have seen it all havnt you :) tell me have you seen a man eat his own head ?

11-14-2010, 10:40 PM
Really Sdman? Since I opened up to women and being bisexual. I had plenty of women who wanted to date me for real. I declined stating I only like women sexually not for relationships, and they took offense of course.

11-14-2010, 10:40 PM
Well obviously you have never been out and about.

You sound like an ignorant fool who only hangs around ignorant people.

You sound like stupid little girl who doesnt like to hear the cold hard facts of life and reality. Keep living in your play play world stupid paris,.

11-14-2010, 10:42 PM
Really Sdman? Since I opened up to women and being bisexual. I had plenty of women who wanted to date me for real. I declined stating I only like women sexually not for relationships, and they took offense of course.

Awe yes really Kellyshore. From what I hear most real women wont even do trannys on film for fear of backlash

11-14-2010, 10:42 PM
Really Sdman? Since I opened up to women and being bisexual. I had plenty of women who wanted to date me for real. I declined stating I only like women sexually not for relationships, and they took offense of course.

oh ok so how is that different from men who only like ya'll sexually and not relationships?

11-14-2010, 10:45 PM
i see *some* females as sex objects too but they aint out there sellin ass because they let a couple dudes run up in them and bounce after.....what makes ya'll any more special?

because its not just a few guys its 70% of the guys that hit me up knowing im a ts.but i suppose i should let these niggas just hit and get left with what? a wet ass?
also just look at this forum.i guarantee you on other forums dedicated to gg porn they arent having discussions like "could you date a genetic girl","what would you do if your family found you you were into gg porn?",or "is it gay to lick her ass?".
you sit around and talk about your attracted to transsexuals like its an addiction.wait, im sorry you actually compared it to an addiction.whining about how you want to get it in control or saying stupid shit like as soon as you fuck one your hooked.whats even sadder is you guys are serious!!!
then you have the gall to ask us why we fucking escort??

11-14-2010, 10:46 PM
Again SDman you are talking porn life not real life. I was talking about real life.

Freddie, I have no problem with how men treat transsexuals. Transsexuals are the ones who allow it. You can easily put him in his place and move on. It's your decision to let him be a scoundrel.

There are plenty of other men in the sea ladies, no use bitching about the many like yourself.

11-14-2010, 10:47 PM
i shoot mostly with females alot . i have booked in for december 5 females to shoot with already ...

I think yes the percantage of females that will date a TS is low compared to FEmale on female, or femaone on male , but then so is males dating TS ..

I have never had an issue with picking up girls for fun :) maybe my country is more open with things like that .

11-14-2010, 10:47 PM
because its not just a few guys its 70% of the guys that hit me up knowing im a ts.but i suppose i should let these niggas just hit and get left with what? a wet ass?
also just look at this forum.i guarantee you on other forums dedicated to gg porn they arent having discussions like "could you date a genetic girl","what would you do if your family found you you were into gg porn?",or "is it gay to lick her ass?".
you sit around and talk about your attracted to transsexuals like its an addiction.wait, im sorry you actually compared it to an addiction.whining about how you want to get it in control or saying stupid shit like as soon as you fuck one your hooked.whats even sadder is you guys are serious!!!
then you have the gall to ask us why we fucking escort??

i'll never agree so we gonna jus have to agree to disagree because ya'll keep tryna justify what u do and ima stay opposed to it as i always have....and there are real women out there that dudes just wanna fuck too and they dont turn to escorting because of it. that's a cop out...and what u sayin? that because i'm attracted to *some* trannies that i should be kissin ya'll asses and praisin that you escort? fuck outta here...i aint that thirsty or that much of a bitchass.

11-14-2010, 10:49 PM
Again SDman you are talking porn life not real life. I was talking about real life.

Freddie, I have no problem with how men treat transsexuals. Transsexuals are the ones who allow it. You can easily put him in his place and move on. It's your decision to let him be a scoundrel.

There are plenty of other men in the sea ladies, no use bitching about the many like yourself.

kelly From real life in all my years of living i've only seen a couple of crossdressers with women not full tiem transexuals. lol.

11-14-2010, 10:50 PM
Really Sdman? Since I opened up to women and being bisexual. I had plenty of women who wanted to date me for real. I declined stating I only like women sexually not for relationships, and they took offense of course.

Oh you are such a user, I am so telling people about how you treat pussy.

You sound like stupid little girl who doesnt like to hear the cold hard facts of life and reality. Keep living in your play play world stupid paris,.

You are the only one who doesn't agree, have you seen how many ts's said they DATE FEMALES!
WOW this loser gets more and more ignorant daily, I suppose she is still mad I wouldn't fuck her ass.

Awe yes really Kellyshore. From what I hear most real women wont even do trannys on film for fear of backlash

Doesn't even know any trannys but escorts who he lets fuck his already wide hole.

because its not just a few guys its 70% of the guys that hit me up knowing im a ts.but i suppose i should let these niggas just hit and get left with what? a wet ass?
also just look at this forum.i guarantee you on other forums dedicated to gg porn they arent having discussions like "could you date a genetic girl","what would you do if your family found you you were into gg porn?",or "is it gay to lick her ass?".
you sit around and talk about your attracted to transsexuals like its an addiction.wait, im sorry you actually compared it to an addiction.whining about how you want to get it in control or saying stupid shit like as soon as you fuck one your hooked.whats even sadder is you guys are serious!!!
then you have the gall to ask us why we fucking escort??

You already know.

11-14-2010, 10:50 PM
70 % of housewives in America have turned to sex jobs FYI either webcaming, stripping, phone sex, escorting, and more.....Oprah did a show on it.

11-14-2010, 10:51 PM
i shoot mostly with females alot . i have booked in for december 5 females to shoot with already ...

I think yes the percantage of females that will date a TS is low compared to FEmale on female, or femaone on male , but then so is males dating TS ..

I have never had an issue with picking up girls for fun :) maybe my country is more open with things like that .

Liberty yes the percentage of females that will date a ts is a lot lower than female on female or female to men. the women you shoot maybe just a part of a small circle

11-14-2010, 10:51 PM
It;s not a lie. most GG run like the wind from transexuals and certainly have no desire to have a relationship with them. the only kind of transexuals who i've seen in a relationship with a woman are crossdressersyour so full of shit its not funny i happen to have raised my 2 kids on my own during a transition and have alot of female friends who would kill to be with me in a relationship so i dunno what your reading but dont sit there and pretend your an expert because you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground your just a john period certainly not an expert thats for sure.

11-14-2010, 10:53 PM
Sdman I can name off plenty of ts who date women. What about Amy Daly and Mandy Mitchelle?

In my experience the woman likes the looks of a woman and the personality. And like the fact you don't have to use a strap on. But like the softness and femininity still.

And viewing everything from your experience seems SDMAN is all you do. You are a very narrow minded individual.

11-14-2010, 10:54 PM
Oh you are such a user, I am so telling people about how you treat pussy.

You are the only one who doesn't agree, have you seen how many ts's said they DATE FEMALES!
WOW this loser gets more and more ignorant daily, I suppose she is still mad I wouldn't fuck her ass.

Doesn't even know any trannys but escorts who he lets fuck his already wide hole.

You already know.

give it a rest already. TS and females are probably like the least common couples in the world and paris you sitting up here runnign your big ass mouth isn't going to change that. If you want to date a female then go out and do it and leave us the hell alone but that's probably like mission impossible for you to do that since both of you are going to be wanting the same thing some real cock in your ass.

11-14-2010, 10:54 PM
You say you like transsexuals but yet you would never date them because you want kids, and you want your kids to be of flesh and blood.
Wrong. I don't want kids, I'm past that age and have never considered myself much of a parent.

I have dated t-girls in the past and would happily do so again. I would also date a GG, whomever I meet.

I agree that adopting would make a fine substitute.

11-14-2010, 10:54 PM
i'll never agree so we gonna jus have to agree to disagree because ya'll keep tryna justify what u do and ima stay opposed to it as i always have....and there are real women out there that dudes just wanna fuck too and they dont turn to escorting because of it. that's a cop out...and what u sayin? that because i'm attracted to *some* trannies that i should be kissin ya'll asses and praisin that you escort? fuck outta here...i aint that thirsty or that much of a bitchass.

i see you didnt address any of my other questions/points but that doesnt surprise me because guys like you see only what they want to see.you cant agree because you cant care about anything besides your dick and the hang ups you have about who you like to stick you dick in

11-14-2010, 10:54 PM
Again SDman you are talking porn life not real life. I was talking about real life.

Freddie, I have no problem with how men treat transsexuals. Transsexuals are the ones who allow it. You can easily put him in his place and move on. It's your decision to let him be a scoundrel.

There are plenty of other men in the sea ladies, no use bitching about the many like yourself.

thank you for that response to SDMAN he has no knowledge of the real life.

We are trying to explain our reasoning in escorting, not trying to coerce a hotel maid into loving us, lol.

i shoot mostly with females alot . i have booked in for december 5 females to shoot with already ...

I think yes the percantage of females that will date a TS is low compared to FEmale on female, or femaone on male , but then so is males dating TS ..

I have never had an issue with picking up girls for fun :) maybe my country is more open with things like that .

The U.K is more open with transsexuals period!

i'll never agree so we gonna jus have to agree to disagree because ya'll keep tryna justify what u do and ima stay opposed to it as i always have....and there are real women out there that dudes just wanna fuck too and they dont turn to escorting because of it. that's a cop out...and what u sayin? that because i'm attracted to *some* trannies that i should be kissin ya'll asses and praisin that you escort? fuck outta here...i aint that thirsty or that much of a bitchass.

You do not need to praise it but then neither do you need to diss it.
It is our business not YOURS and the constant threads dissing escorting just shows that you are bitter because you cannot afford our rates.

kelly From real life in all my years of living i've only seen a couple of crossdressers with women not full tiem transexuals. lol.

You live in San Diego the amount of REAL TRANSSEXUALS there is small at best.

70 % of housewives in America have turned to sex jobs FYI either webcaming, stripping, phone sex, escorting, and more.....Oprah did a show on it.

So true.

11-14-2010, 10:54 PM
interesting thread

11-14-2010, 10:56 PM
You do not need to praise it but then neither do you need to diss it.
It is our business not YOURS and the constant threads dissing escorting just shows that you are bitter because you cannot afford our rates.

no...like ima pay a trannie for ass when i can get ass for free from a real chick who's 100x hotter than ya'll? smh

11-14-2010, 10:56 PM
You already know.

talking to these guys are like talking to a brick sometimes

11-14-2010, 10:56 PM
sdman i shoot with all the mainstream female pornstars not a small percentage ... and half of them approach me to instigate it .

11-14-2010, 10:57 PM
^^^ I get tons of girls that hit on me since they saw me perform with women as well.

11-14-2010, 10:57 PM
no...like ima pay a trannie for ass when i can get ass for free from a real chick who's 100x hotter than ya'll? Smhya sure ya can freddy thats why your constantly on a tgirl board 24/7 right?

11-14-2010, 10:58 PM
ya sure ya can freddy thats why your constantly on a tgirl board 24/7 right?

and you're here to notice so what does that say about u?

11-14-2010, 10:58 PM
no...like ima pay a trannie for ass when i can get ass for free from a real chick who's 100x hotter than ya'll? smh

ive seen the females in your hood and im not impressed at all

11-14-2010, 10:59 PM
give it a rest already. TS and females are probably like the least common couples in the world and paris you sitting up here runnign your big ass mouth isn't going to change that. If you want to date a female then go out and do it and leave us the hell alone but that's probably like mission impossible for you to do that since both of you are going to be wanting the same thing some real cock in your ass.

I do not like females, I find no attraction to a female form AT ALL!
You are just a ignorant bottom who has no knowledge of the world and what goes on in it.

Do you realize that alot of these female/ts couples are legally married?
You know why?
Because you have never learnt anything of the transsexual world, your views are ignorant and focused on sucking she-cock and getting that 4 inch wide hole torn apart by as many escorts as you possibly can.

Wrong. I don't want kids, I'm past that age and have never considered myself much of a parent.

I have dated t-girls in the past and would happily do so again. I would also date a GG, whomever I meet.

I agree that adopting would make a fine substitute.

Did I say you?

i see you didnt address any of my other questions/points but that doesnt surprise me because guys like you see only what they want to see.you cant agree because you cant care about anything besides your dick and the hang ups you have about who you like to stick you dick in


11-14-2010, 10:59 PM
ive seen the females in your hood and im not impressed at all

i dont fuck crackheads or chicks who stay in the streets

11-14-2010, 10:59 PM
sdman i shoot with all the mainstream female pornstars not a small percentage ... And half of them approach me to instigate it .sdman is a prick plain and simple he loves to shoot his or her mouth off thinkin he knows people when infact hes probably one of the dudes who plays dress-up and jerks off to his boytoys on cam.

11-14-2010, 11:00 PM
though out of all my TS friends apart from 1 , i am the only one that is really into females .... the rest wouldnt go near a female with a bargepole, perhaps this is partly why the females shy from them but not me ..

all I am saying is i have no issue with finding women in work, or socially ...

11-14-2010, 11:00 PM
Freddie you really give yourself high praise. You are not attractive to me, but again I don't like the looks of black men particularly. However I still don't think many women would fall for you.

Good luck with those 10x hotter girls. They are doing us all a favor. I love men who think we want their left overs.

11-14-2010, 11:00 PM
and you're here to notice so what does that say about u?just to keep little fuckers like you in line lol

11-14-2010, 11:01 PM
Freddie you really give yourself high praise. You are not attractive to me, but again I don't like the looks of black men particularly. However I still don't think many women would fall for you.

Good luck with those 10x hotter girls. They are doing us all a favor. I love men who think we want their left overs.

naw that's ok, i dont find white chicks attractive either....but where i live i get mad love from puerto rican chicks and that's all that matters to me because i love the boricua mamis..my momma is pr and so is my son's moms...

11-14-2010, 11:03 PM
no...like ima pay a trannie for ass when i can get ass for free from a real chick who's 100x hotter than ya'll? smh

Hotter than who?
Do these female get hit on at such a high amount that it becomes annoying?

Do these females purposely dress down and have to hide thier physical body form to stop men from approaching them trying to get a number?

I know myself and MANY other ts's who have to resort to those measures because it becomes annoying as hell after a while.

talking to these guys are like talking to a brick sometimes

A brick? Even bricks can be moved. More like a mountain, lol.

ya sure ya can freddy thats why your constantly on a tgirl board 24/7 right?


ive seen the females in your hood and im not impressed at all


11-14-2010, 11:03 PM
i dont fuck crackheads or chicks who stay in the streets

ahaha i wasnt even talking about those chicks.the great thing about being a ts is we just get better looking with time as we go through our transition.we are always looking for ways to improve our look or become more passable/attractive.after a certain point females tho either just work to stay looking decent or just give up.

11-14-2010, 11:05 PM
Kids?! Damn, I can barely look after myself! But even when ive been with someone ive never seriously thought about it, I am only 25 though, but not yet for me and have no desire for it anytime soon.

11-14-2010, 11:06 PM
ahaha i wasnt even talking about those chicks.the great thing about being a ts is we just get better looking with time as we go through our transition.we are always looking for ways to improve our look or become more passable/attractive.after a certain point females tho either just work to stay looking decent or just give up.

i like yuh confidence

11-14-2010, 11:09 PM
i like yuh confidence

thanks i like your balls(not that way nasty:wink:) lol

11-14-2010, 11:10 PM
sdman is a prick plain and simple he loves to shoot his or her mouth off thinkin he knows people when infact hes probably one of the dudes who plays dress-up and jerks off to his boytoys on cam.


Freddie you really give yourself high praise. You are not attractive to me, but again I don't like the looks of black men particularly. However I still don't think many women would fall for you.

Good luck with those 10x hotter girls. They are doing us all a favor. I love men who think we want their left overs.

No shade but I do find black men attractive and at best Freddie is maybe a 6 or 7.

ahaha i wasnt even talking about those chicks.the great thing about being a ts is we just get better looking with time as we go through our transition.we are always looking for ways to improve our look or become more passable/attractive.after a certain point females tho either just work to stay looking decent or just give up.

You already know.

11-14-2010, 11:13 PM
thanks i like your balls(not that way nasty:wink:) lol

well this is my girl so i think she look pretty damn good...

11-14-2010, 11:14 PM
well this is my girl so i think she look pretty damn good...

WTF she is average at best.


11-14-2010, 11:17 PM
well this is my girl so i think she look pretty damn good...

um no comment...lol
this was me last night on my way to the city

11-14-2010, 11:18 PM
um no comment...lol
this was me last night on my way to the city

u pretty too i never said u wasn't.

11-14-2010, 11:20 PM
u pretty too i never said u wasn't.

but im prettier....j/k lol.your "friend" is cute but who knows what her body looks like.im almost certain mines looks better

11-14-2010, 11:26 PM
but im prettier....j/k lol.your "friend" is cute but who knows what her body looks like.im almost certain mines looks better

i dunno ya'll both look good, it's apples and oranges to me...ive known this chicks for years...i'm older than her & that was the thing...but she jus turned 18 in july and i'm 24....i've always liked her and she liked me but she was too young...and she's good wid my son...what more could i ask for?

11-14-2010, 11:26 PM
but im prettier....j/k lol.your "friend" is cute but who knows what her body looks like.im almost certain mines looks betternothin like a cocky spammer you must be asian right?

11-14-2010, 11:31 PM
nothin like a cocky spammer you must be asian right?

uhh okay for coming out the left field.but not im not asain.im black.west african and french to be exact

11-14-2010, 11:33 PM
i dunno ya'll both look good, it's apples and oranges to me...ive known this chicks for years...i'm older than her & that was the thing...but she jus turned 18 in july and i'm 24....i've always liked her and she liked me but she was too young...and she's good wid my son...what more could i ask for?

well i wish yall the best of luck.so yea though,if you have a new girl why are you on here?you should be off being happy with shorty..

11-14-2010, 11:36 PM
well this is my girl so i think she look pretty damn good...

That's just you with a wig on, isn't it Freddie?

11-14-2010, 11:37 PM
well i wish yall the best of luck.so yea though,if you have a new girl why are you on here?you should be off being happy with shorty..

naw i aint up her ass 24/7. i was wit her last night and this morning...today is my day off and i'm studyin for school. i'll see her later

11-14-2010, 11:40 PM
uhh okay for coming out the left field.but not im not asain.im black.west african and french to be exactare you an escort?

11-14-2010, 11:41 PM
that's just you with a wig on, isn't it freddie?roflmfao,now thats funny lol

11-14-2010, 11:42 PM
are you an escort?


11-14-2010, 11:43 PM
roflmfao,now thats funny lol

i thought the 80's were over

11-14-2010, 11:44 PM
i thought the 80's were over

why you gotta be mean for?

11-14-2010, 11:44 PM
yea.lol.why?because hes playin you and you know he thinks escorts are lowlifes it pisses me off

11-14-2010, 11:44 PM
why you gotta be mean for?

but she can laugh at dude's comment about my girl bein me in a wig? ttttt

11-14-2010, 11:45 PM
because hes playin you and you know he thinks escorts are lowlifes it pisses me off

mind yuh business yo...shit....

11-14-2010, 11:45 PM
i thought the 80's were overthen go out to jojos hair emporium and update your wig

11-14-2010, 11:49 PM
because hes playin you and you know he thinks escorts are lowlifes it pisses me off

how is he playing me?? i dont know dude lmao

11-14-2010, 11:52 PM
que cockblockin

11-15-2010, 12:03 AM
sdman i shoot with all the mainstream female pornstars not a small percentage ... and half of them approach me to instigate it .

Liberty if girls are approaching you im sure theyre they women who are not in the elite class of porn girls. I'm not trying to say that there are not girls who want work with ts porn stars just not the ones with a lot to lose.

A friend of mines wife divorced him because she found out that he had a thing for transexuals and found out he cheated on her with one. She constantly call him a faggot disrespecting him by asking why couldnt he at least been man enough to find a real woman instead of messing around with one of those creatures. Said she could never be with a man who liked trannys because men who like trannys are gay and there is a good chance that he could have infected her with HIV. It was ugly but from my experience women have a lot harsher view about men who mess with trannys than other men do another straight man will still fuck a tranny if she's hot and passable enough for most women they ony see trannys are gay men playing dress up.

11-15-2010, 12:04 AM
how is he playing me?? I dont know dude lmaodude spin out of it

11-15-2010, 12:04 AM
I do not like females, I find no attraction to a female form AT ALL!
You are just a ignorant bottom who has no knowledge of the world and what goes on in it.

Do you realize that alot of these female/ts couples are legally married?
You know why?
Because you have never learnt anything of the transsexual world, your views are ignorant and focused on sucking she-cock and getting that 4 inch wide hole torn apart by as many escorts as you possibly can.

Did I say you?


Stop lying paris you were just saying you used to have this nasty looking bull dyke fuck you with a strap on.

11-15-2010, 12:05 AM
sdman is a prick plain and simple he loves to shoot his or her mouth off thinkin he knows people when infact hes probably one of the dudes who plays dress-up and jerks off to his boytoys on cam.

If it aint the old cow who likes to send people nasty little personal messages and pretends like youre not a twisted bitch in here?

11-15-2010, 12:07 AM
if it aint the old cow who likes to send people nasty little personal messages and pretends like youre not a twisted bitch in here?i told you to fuck off and die just tellin ya how i feel

11-15-2010, 12:09 AM
I can assure you 100% they are the top models in UK ... I live/sleep and shit the adult industry my friend not just as model but as a producer, i work not only in the TS niche but heavily in the mainstream niche, shooting straight porn for clients, so i am well known ..

IT simply comes down to this, i am well liked, i am well trusted so therefore models feel comfortable to shoot with me ..

When i pay female models to shoot with me, i only want to shoot with named models as i wish to harness their fans/name to boost my own .. common logic .

11-15-2010, 12:10 AM
i told you to fuck off and die just tellin ya how i feel

Why dont you fuck off and die you old ugly bitch!!

11-15-2010, 12:11 AM
que cockblockin

wow seems like he was trying to gets some free ass

Liberty if girls are approaching you im sure theyre they women who are not in the elite class of porn girls. I'm not trying to say that there are not girls who want work with ts porn stars just not the ones with a lot to lose.

A friend of mines wife divorced him because she found out that he had a thing for transexuals and found out he cheated on her with one. She constantly call him a faggot disrespecting him by asking why couldnt he at least been man enough to find a real woman instead of messing around with one of those creatures. Said she could never be with a man who liked trannys because men who like trannys are gay and there is a good chance that he could have infected her with HIV. It was ugly but from my experience women have a lot harsher view about men who mess with trannys than other men do another straight man will still fuck a tranny if she's hot and passable enough for most women they ony see trannys are gay men playing dress up.

Well then she wasn't a lesbian OBVIOUSLY

Stop lying paris you were just saying you used to have this nasty looking bull dyke fuck you with a strap on.

Umm HE was not a dyke
if he was then myself and the rest of the transsexuals are all faggots

"he gets more and more ignorant daily"

i told you to fuck off and die just tellin ya how i feel

lol, I love you

11-15-2010, 12:13 AM
wow seems like he was trying to gets some free ass

Well then she wasn't a lesbian OBVIOUSLY

Umm HE was not a dyke
if he was then myself and the rest of the transsexuals are all faggots

"he gets more and more ignorant daily"

lol, I love you

No most females only view being lesbain being attracted to other females.

11-15-2010, 12:14 AM
why dont you fuck off and die you old ugly bitch!!listen fagboy why did you change your username from stdman to sdman? I quess a faggot like you can seem to spell either.

11-15-2010, 12:16 AM
no most females only view being lesbain being attracted to other females.how the fuck would you know?appearantly the reading material in your local bathouse is pure fiction.

11-15-2010, 12:17 AM
how is he playing me?? i dont know dude lmao

MIRA mueve el culo para mi

11-15-2010, 12:19 AM
listen fagboy why did you change your username from stdman to sdman? I quess a faggot like you can seem to spell either.

you need to change your name to something becasue its not paradise when i see that face:fu:

11-15-2010, 12:20 AM
how the fuck would you know?appearantly the reading material in your local bathouse is pure fiction.

because they dont view transexuals as women

11-15-2010, 12:21 AM
you need to change your name to something becasue its not paradise when i see that face:fu:lol i may not be all that pretty but atleast im honest,and stop giving me the finger bitch

11-15-2010, 12:21 AM
because they dont view transexuals as womenoh really? Here in canada they do

11-15-2010, 12:22 AM
No most females only view being lesbain being attracted to other females.

Ummm really?

Then why do so many lesbians hit on me?

how the fuck would you know?appearantly the reading material in your local bathouse is pure fiction.

Crackhouse is a more correct term.

MIRA mueve el culo para mi

Espero que tengan sus donaciones

11-15-2010, 12:22 AM
You say you like transsexuals but yet you would never date them because you want kids, and you want your kids to be of flesh and blood.

I have a couple of questions for you since I have been in foster care and have been adopted.

What do you think the meaning of fatherhood/ motherhood is?
Raising the kid as your own, feeding her/him, caring for her/him when they are upset, sick or lonely?


Having their genes closely match your own?


Why bring another child in the world when there are thousands who are unwanted and unloved?

Truthfully, no sure I want kids at all. If I did, and I was with a TS, then I would adopt. It would be no different than if I married a GG who couldn't bear children.

11-15-2010, 12:23 AM
Freddie you really give yourself high praise. You are not attractive to me, but again I don't like the looks of black men particularly. However I still don't think many women would fall for you.

Good luck with those 10x hotter girls. They are doing us all a favor. I love men who think we want their left overs.

Kelly youre just afriad a bro is going to tear that tight little white ass hole apart.

11-15-2010, 12:24 AM
because they dont view transexuals as women

Really? I have never once had a female friend of mine think of me as gay or HE.

oh really? Here in canada they do

In America they do also.

11-15-2010, 12:25 AM
Espero que tengan sus donaciones

Si a la derecha DIABLO

11-15-2010, 12:25 AM
kelly youre just afriad a bro is going to tear that tight little white ass hole apart.lol now thats one way of lookin at it lol

11-15-2010, 12:26 AM
Really? I have never once had a female friend of mine think of me as gay or HE.

In America they do also.

All the females I know view trannys as men and some of them view them in my more negative ways and always ask why do men mess with those things.

11-15-2010, 12:27 AM
Truthfully, no sure I want kids at all. If I did, and I was with a TS, then I would adopt. It would be no different than if I married a GG who couldn't bear children.

Nice answer.

Kelly youre just afriad a bro is going to tear that tight little white ass hole apart.

I swear this loser right here will completely turn me off from black men for life.

11-15-2010, 12:27 AM
Si a la derecha DIABLO

Eh cabron, no tienes fedia in tu bolsa por eya?

11-15-2010, 12:28 AM
MIRA mueve el culo para mi

shhhh.maybe later lmao

11-15-2010, 12:29 AM
Eh cabron, no tienes fedia in tu bolsa por eya?

que tengo en lo que la bolsa? puneta

11-15-2010, 12:30 AM
Most females would never date or settle down with a ts.

Dude your wrong I know a lot of women married to ts women!!!

11-15-2010, 12:30 AM
shhhh.maybe later lmao

Te tengo ma

11-15-2010, 12:32 AM
lol now thats one way of lookin at it lol

I know right lol

11-15-2010, 12:32 AM
Si a la derecha DIABLO

usted sabe que es una de las personas más ignorantes en este foro.
Y su capacidad de ver a la gente por lo que son y no lo que hacen es inexistente.

All the females I know view trannys as men and some of them view them in my more negative ways and always ask why do men mess with those things.

Like I said you have a very abundant amount of ignorant female friends.

11-15-2010, 12:33 AM
Nice answer.

I swear this loser right here will completely turn me off from black men for life.

Like I give a fuck who you get down with. Hell there are lot more white girls in the world than your dumb ass and guess what hell they look a lot betta too!

11-15-2010, 12:34 AM
usted sabe que es una de las personas más ignorantes en este foro.
Y su capacidad de ver a la gente por lo que son y no lo que hacen es inexistente.

que??? el diablo?

11-15-2010, 12:34 AM
Te tengo ma

huh? i dnt speak spanish like that.i only know a few phrases cause of my ex

11-15-2010, 12:34 AM
Well obviously you have never been out and about.

You sound like an ignorant fool who only hangs around ignorant people.


11-15-2010, 12:35 AM
usted sabe que es una de las personas más ignorantes en este foro.
Y su capacidad de ver a la gente por lo que son y no lo que hacen es inexistente.


11-15-2010, 12:35 AM
huh? I dnt speak spanish like that.i only know a few phrases cause of my ex

i said i got u

11-15-2010, 12:35 AM
Dude your wrong I know a lot of women married to ts women!!!

Where Alice and wonderland not in the real world!

11-15-2010, 12:36 AM
dude your wrong i know a lot of women married to ts women!!!my doctor is one of them and was on oprah last year together

11-15-2010, 12:37 AM
que??? el diablo?

Diabla guera, cabron......diabla guera.....lol

11-15-2010, 12:38 AM
diabla guera, cabron......diabla guera.....lola black guy speaking spanish lol only in america

11-15-2010, 12:39 AM
Like I give a fuck who you get down with. Hell there are lot more white girls in the world than your dumb ass and guess what hell they look a lot betta too!

LOL, not what you said a few threads back princess.


Bitch you better!


:D It is true though.

11-15-2010, 12:39 AM
Diabla guera, cabron......diabla guera.....lol

nigga que usted habla mexicano?

11-15-2010, 12:39 AM
a black guy speaking spanish lol only in america

This black guy has a Domincan father.

11-15-2010, 12:40 AM
nigga que usted habla mexicano?

yeah.... I stole that of my Chicano friends. LOL

11-15-2010, 12:40 AM
This black guy has a Domincan father.


11-15-2010, 12:40 AM
LOL, not what you said a few threads back princess.

Bitch you better!

:D It is true though.

I'll slap some dick in that ass no doubt you need to learn how to shut up sometimes hoe.

11-15-2010, 12:41 AM
this black guy has a domincan father.thats why your the sexiest black guy on h.a. Silly

11-15-2010, 12:42 AM
a black guy speaking spanish lol only in america

how do you know he's black.your making assumptions based only on the color of his skin.just like you thought i was asain.people come in many many different shades and colors hun.

11-15-2010, 12:42 AM
Haha you guys can argue good!

11-15-2010, 12:42 AM
no...like ima pay a trannie for ass when i can get ass for free from a real chick who's 100x hotter than ya'll? smh

If thats the case then why the hell do u keep coming back into here? Dont make sense!

11-15-2010, 12:42 AM
how do you know he's black.your making assumptions based only on the color of his skin.just like you thought i was asain.people come in many many different shades and colors hun.

vieja loca

11-15-2010, 12:42 AM


I see you know a few Dominicanos.

11-15-2010, 12:43 AM
If thats the case then why the hell do u keep coming back into here? Dont make sense!

i come here for entertainment, not for ass.....why do i gotta be here lookin for ass...

11-15-2010, 12:43 AM
how do you know he's black.your making assumptions based only on the color of his skin.just like you thought i was asain.people come in many many different shades and colors hun.LOL I DIDNT THINK YOU WERE ASIAN I MEANT THAT ALL ASIAN TS CHICKY ARE COCKY AND SPAmm lol with nothing intelligent to say

11-15-2010, 12:44 AM

I see you know a few Dominicanos.

i grew up in spanish harlem my nigga...

11-15-2010, 12:44 AM
how do you know he's black.your making assumptions based only on the color of his skin.just like you thought i was asain.people come in many many different shades and colors hun.

Funny thing is, my pops is really dark(Dominican), and my moms(AA) is the light skinned one. You would think it would be the other way around.....LOL

11-15-2010, 12:44 AM
If thats the case then why the hell do u keep coming back into here? Dont make sense!so he can jerk off to my aviter

11-15-2010, 12:45 AM
so he can jerk off to my aviter

naw maybe if it was still the 80's

11-15-2010, 12:47 AM
i grew up in spanish harlem my nigga...

Oh yeah, I got people over off Lexington. I also got people off Jerome in the Bronx.

11-15-2010, 12:47 AM
LOL, not what you said a few threads back princess.

Bitch you better!

:D It is true though.

Britney boykins is a lot hotter now that's one sexy ass white girl there.

11-15-2010, 12:47 AM

how am i cocky?i was just playing with him.you kinda came out of nowhere and made that comment.infact i remember giving you a compliment before.you look great.and as far as intelligence im incredibly well read,well spoken and cultured.

11-15-2010, 12:47 AM
naw maybe if it was still the 80'sroflmfao,lier if i walked anywhere near you you would be on your knees begging for attention dont give me your bullshit buddy i know you fucks oh too well

11-15-2010, 12:49 AM
how am i cocky?i was just playing with him.you kinda came out of nowhere and made that comment.infact i remember giving you a compliment before.you look great.and as far as intelligence im incredibly well read,well spoken and cultured.lol i was messin with ya beautifull dont get your snot in a knot silly woman

11-15-2010, 12:49 AM
roflmfao,lier if i walked anywhere near you you would be on your knees begging for attention dont give me your bullshit buddy i know you fucks oh too well

bwahahaha this vieja loca

11-15-2010, 12:49 AM
but she can laugh at dude's comment about my girl bein me in a wig? ttttt

Quit fucking around - we know it was you in the photo! Nice wig, though...

11-15-2010, 12:50 AM
i dunno ya'll both look good, it's apples and oranges to me...ive known this chicks for years...i'm older than her & that was the thing...but she jus turned 18 in july and i'm 24....i've always liked her and she liked me but she was too young...and she's good wid my son...what more could i ask for?

Looks like u got you a young housewife that will obey u when you want her too! See those youngins dont care about themselves its just dick and pleasing u!!! So smack her around and make her do your laundry and watch your son when your working!!! LOL!

11-15-2010, 12:51 AM
Quit fucking around - we know it was you in the photo! Nice wig, though...lol dude change your aviter its scaring the hellk outta my parrett

11-15-2010, 12:53 AM
Quit fucking around - we know it was you in the photo! Nice wig, though...

i dont want my girl's pic on this site but how do this look like me in a wig? fuck outta here

11-15-2010, 12:55 AM
Looks like u got you a young housewife that will obey u when you want her too! See those youngins dont care about themselves its just dick and pleasing u!!! So smack her around and make her do your laundry and watch your son when your working!!! LOL!

on the real she goes to college and she gonna be a lawyer.... she aint no submissive lil bitch i can manipulate. she fiesty as fuck and she'll put me in my place, she dont play. i dont want a bitch that's easy to use cuz i get bored fast wit that.

11-15-2010, 12:57 AM
I'll slap some dick in that ass no doubt you need to learn how to shut up sometimes hoe.

Umm sorry I like men who have well formed bodies not the obese

thats why your the sexiest black guy on h.a. Silly

No ryz is

how do you know he's black.your making assumptions based only on the color of his skin.just like you thought i was asain.people come in many many different shades and colors hun.

Because he says a million times he is puerto rican and black.

If thats the case then why the hell do u keep coming back into here? Dont make sense!


i come here for entertainment, not for ass.....why do i gotta be here lookin for ass...

But don't you pm alyssa daily begging her to come to the u.s.a?

so he can jerk off to my aviter

oh my

Quit fucking around - we know it was you in the photo! Nice wig, though...


i dont want my girl's pic on this site but how do this look like me in a wig? fuck outta here

No shade but your features are similiar

11-15-2010, 12:59 AM
No shade but your features are similiar

i dont see it. i'm darker skinneded

11-15-2010, 12:59 AM
because they dont view transexuals as women

it must be all those white trash rednecks you keep talking to because most of liberal america see us as women too! And a lot of them are attracted to us! I get calls from husbands who's wives want to fuck me. SO get out of the backwoods and learn a lil something.

11-15-2010, 01:03 AM
Most transsexuals require payment because they have been pushed so far by idiots that are afraid to be themselves and man up and be with one and love her for who she is. They are jaded. They know that almost no man would be proud to be with them so they use men as objects.

This is the reality. So you can complain all you want about not wanting to pay for sex with a transsexual etc etc. They were made and conditioned to be that way.

11-15-2010, 01:03 AM
thats why your the sexiest black guy on h.a. Silly

:iagree:I cosign and he looks even better in person!!!! MMMM MMM GOOD!

11-15-2010, 01:05 AM
i dont want my girl's pic on this site but how do this look like me in a wig? fuck outta here

Just winding ya up Freddie. :)

11-15-2010, 01:05 AM
:iagree:I cosign and he looks even better in person!!!! MMMM MMM GOOD!awe your so lucky i bet hes really funny one day i hope i get to meet him he sounds very real i like that.

11-15-2010, 01:09 AM
lol dude change your aviter its scaring the hellk outta my parrett

It's making me go cross eyed - might have to change it!

11-15-2010, 01:10 AM
awe your so lucky i bet hes really funny one day i hope i get to meet him he sounds very real i like that.

Well, Im not always attracted to black guys but when he came up to me that night in club and told me who he was I was like OMG HOTT!!! He is very sweet on top of that and thats what makes me find him more attractive!

11-15-2010, 01:11 AM
It's making me go cross eyed - might have to change it!

its a cute avatar but it does hurt ur eyes!! LOL

11-15-2010, 01:14 AM
Well, Im not always attracted to black guys but when he came up to me that night in club and told me who he was I was like OMG HOTT!!! He is very sweet on top of that and thats what makes me find him more attractive!

Thanks Michelle!

Michelle and her girls were running the club yall. I had to fight through security detail just to say a couple words to her. They hustled me off as the line to speak to her was pretty long.

11-15-2010, 01:19 AM
Thanks Michelle!

Michelle and her girls were running the club yall. I had to fight through security detail just to say a couple words to her. They hustled me off as the line to speak to her was pretty long.

LOL well you better come when we start throwing the tranny parties there! Which wont be so crazy like thurs nights!!!

11-15-2010, 01:21 AM
A few already pointed out that the need to have children matching your own genes is selfishness. There are already so many children waiting for a home and to me, the next logical thing would be to adopt at least one child if I ever feel the wish to have children. Being a parent means to prepare the child for the life outside and to encourage him in the sense of affirmation. The child has to develop its own personality and indepentent thinking. So many parents want their children to practice the same religion (indoctrination), to love the same football club or whatever and they act dissapointed if their children don´t follow that path.

11-15-2010, 01:30 AM
Britney boykins is a lot hotter now that's one sexy ass white girl there.

i guess



11-15-2010, 01:52 AM
naw maybe if it was still the 80's
lol this made me smile a bit.

No ryz is

Thanks babes <3

11-15-2010, 02:29 AM
lol this made me smile a bit.

what 30 pages of useless information and thats what ya came up with lol ....dude?

11-15-2010, 03:47 AM
Blackrob my man is well hung...I don't mess with small dicks :D

11-15-2010, 03:49 AM
Britney is white? I thought she was mexican?

11-15-2010, 05:13 AM
it must be all those white trash rednecks you keep talking to because most of liberal america see us as women too! And a lot of them are attracted to us! I get calls from husbands who's wives want to fuck me. SO get out of the backwoods and learn a lil something.

No disrespect but you need to come into the real world and here in the real world that's not the case. I know my friends ex wife doesnt see ts as real women and that's one of the reasons why im terrified of being caught liking transexuls because of what my freind went through and I already know how my girlfreind feels about this because she was going on and on too how she couldn't beleive ___________ was fucking those things. Those things is what my friends ex wife and my girl friend refers to transexuals as. Women in most cases are the hardest on trannys if you dont beleive me then I dont care

11-15-2010, 05:16 AM
SD you are talking predominately straight females...not bisexual or lesbian females. They of course prefer men....

11-15-2010, 05:18 AM
SD you are talking predominately straight females...not bisexual or lesbian females. They of course prefer men....

Im talking about the women that I know and socilize with maybe thats it theyre perdominately straight. Maybe they veiw ts liek that because they try to scare all the guys from ever messing with them?

11-15-2010, 05:23 AM
Well they are straight women, of course they are going to dislike it. It's "gay" to them.

11-15-2010, 05:28 AM
Maybe youre right kelly but I do know that I have to be very stiff lipped whenever the conversation come up and jump on the wagon with them and pretend like I agreed with everything they were saying. That's exactly how they see guys who mess with transexuals as homos.

11-15-2010, 05:48 AM
Im talking about the women that I know and socilize with maybe thats it theyre perdominately straight. Maybe they veiw ts liek that because they try to scare all the guys from ever messing with them?now be honest have the fish you personally know ever actuallyt had a conversation with one of us i mean a real ts not a cd and keep in mind very few genetic girls would kill to look like us period i know this for a fact because i hear it evewry freakin day i walk out of my house.

11-15-2010, 06:01 AM
not trying to be rude, but a lot of transsexuals dont even want to be ts let alone a gg.

11-15-2010, 06:08 AM
No disrespect but you need to come into the real world and here in the real world that's not the case. I know my friends ex wife doesnt see ts as real women and that's one of the reasons why im terrified of being caught liking transexuls because of what my freind went through and I already know how my girlfreind feels about this because she was going on and on too how she couldn't beleive ___________ was fucking those things. Those things is what my friends ex wife and my girl friend refers to transexuals as. Women in most cases are the hardest on trannys if you dont beleive me then I dont care

maybe you shouldnt surround yourself with so many close minded people.i never had a problem with women before but then again im careful about who i socialize with....

11-15-2010, 06:15 AM
now be honest have the fish you personally know ever actuallyt had a conversation with one of us i mean a real ts not a cd and keep in mind very few genetic girls would kill to look like us period i know this for a fact because i hear it evewry freakin day i walk out of my house.

I dont know if or what kinds of conversations they have had with a ts. I cant imagine them being positive ones unless they were being fake. If im not mistaken it ts who try to look like gg not the other way around.

11-15-2010, 06:32 AM
I dont know if or what kinds of conversations they have had with a ts. I cant imagine them being positive ones unless they were being fake. If im not mistaken it ts who try to look like gg not the other way around.

Most women like ur friends prob never met or seen a ts... I know this cuz I grew up in a small town in Texas... when I came out as a ts my family was so scared to tell people cuz they all thought I was going to look like a dude in a dress. Now that they have seen my progress and are suprised I blend into society have a different veiw of me and other ts women. Sometimes its about educating them, not encouraging their ignorance. And real reason they hate ts cuz someone cheated on them with one. They prob never met that ts ever, but they want to shift blame and create this character of what we are suppose to look like. We are not the so called trannies on Jerry Springer or Maury. Im not trying to be rude to u but I grew up in the most redneck baptist town and have been greeted and treated by women really nicely. Most of course like said above want to learn how to look this good. Once you educate people they seem to have a different impression. Of course I get a lot of people asking is my bf gay cuz hes with me and I explain everything and then they go "OH OK" So just saying not everyone is like that!

11-15-2010, 06:35 AM
You know, instead of beaming music and quadratic equations into outer space, they should send this thread out to scare away any alien race stupid enough wanting to make contact with us.

11-15-2010, 06:42 AM
Most women like ur friends prob never met or seen a ts... I know this cuz I grew up in a small town in Texas... when I came out as a ts my family was so scared to tell people cuz they all thought I was going to look like a dude in a dress. Now that they have seen my progress and are suprised I blend into society have a different veiw of me and other ts women. Sometimes its about educating them, not encouraging their ignorance. And real reason they hate ts cuz someone cheated on them with one. They prob never met that ts ever, but they want to shift blame and create this character of what we are suppose to look like. We are not the so called trannies on Jerry Springer or Maury. Im not trying to be rude to u but I grew up in the most redneck baptist town and have been greeted and treated by women really nicely. Most of course like said above want to learn how to look this good. Once you educate people they seem to have a different impression. Of course I get a lot of people asking is my bf gay cuz hes with me and I explain everything and then they go "OH OK" So just saying not everyone is like that!

I'm from South Dakota and as you can imagine there are lots of closed minded red necks who dont see things as simple black and white. They're stuck with their beleifs and it's little that people can do to change them and I have never been one to go on crusades trying to change people from who they are. There arent that many trannys here maybe if people were more exposed to them they might have a different opinion about them I cant say for sure.

11-15-2010, 06:52 AM
im sorry i dont know if you forgot some words in your statement or what but it doesnt make sense... we dont want to be ts or gg??

No, I was saying that a lot of ts dont want to be so why would a gg want to be a ts.

11-15-2010, 07:09 AM
Ummm, I would kill to be a GG.

I think most ts's would.

11-15-2010, 07:14 AM
she got it.:) Smartin up chica.

11-15-2010, 07:16 AM
you still make no godamned sense boy. maybe it makes sense in your head.

He's saying a Tgirl would rather be born a genetic girl instead of transgendered.
So why would a genetic girl want to be a TS?

11-15-2010, 07:24 AM
she got it.:) Smartin up chica.

Your grammar is atrocious and your spelling is horrendous, that is why Bridget could not comprehend what was said.

Please learn that ebonics are only used within the lowclass ethnic community, not communities where people actually went to school.

FYI EBONICS = slang, bad grammar, and a toddlers spelling.

11-15-2010, 07:32 AM
Ebonics? U obviously dont know me. But congrats to you both on correcting computer slang in a porn forum.

11-15-2010, 08:16 AM
I personally dont want to be a gg, I love my life as a ts... maybe when I was younger I thought I wanted to be a gg, but I figured out I can blend into society the way I do and just be fine. I know a few people from time to time clock me and are rude but I love being different. I feel like I am part of something not everyone can be a part of, if that makes any sense. I have no desire to have a period, or birth a child so I think being a ts is just fine for me! I have learned to accept who I am for what I am.

SDMAN: I understand where your coming from! I wasn't trying to come off rude earlier, just know that I have met the people who used to talk about ts the way people around you do. That's why I didnt transition earlier. But after I transitioned those same people changed their thinking but I guess thats because it's put in their face.

11-15-2010, 08:30 AM
I personally dont want to be a gg, I love my life as a ts... maybe when I was younger I thought I wanted to be a gg, but I figured out I can blend into society the way I do and just be fine. I know a few people from time to time clock me and are rude but I love being different. I feel like I am part of something not everyone can be a part of, if that makes any sense. I have no desire to have a period, or birth a child so I think being a ts is just fine for me! I have learned to accept who I am for what I am.

SDMAN: I understand where your coming from! I wasn't trying to come off rude earlier, just know that I have met the people who used to talk about ts the way people around you do. That's why I didnt transition earlier. But after I transitioned those same people changed their thinking but I guess thats because it's put in their face.

Thank you Michelle. I wished the world was different and people didnt judge people the way they do and put labels on everyone because then I wouldnt have to feel like shit when i've heard people talking about trannys and feeling kind of empty because of my attraction for them. I could counter them but in seriousness I know I would just get a gay label attached to my name. I do admire the strengh that you girls have because it takes a lot to go through transition.

11-15-2010, 08:36 AM
It's because they're selfish. They want their "own seed" because they want a mirror to carry themselves into the future. Totally narcissistic and showing confusion about what parenthood is.

The only thing these guys care about, other than someone else's stiff cock, is themselves.

You say you like transsexuals but yet you would never date them because you want kids, and you want your kids to be of flesh and blood.

I have a couple of questions for you since I have been in foster care and have been adopted.

What do you think the meaning of fatherhood/ motherhood is?
Raising the kid as your own, feeding her/him, caring for her/him when they are upset, sick or lonely?


Having their genes closely match your own?


Why bring another child in the world when there are thousands who are unwanted and unloved?

Excellent points ladies! Here's another one. You say you want a man to love you but don't want a man that's been with another transsexual before you?? Just another one of those oxymorons but none the less you make some valid points.

11-15-2010, 08:55 AM
Excellent points ladies! Here's another one. You say you want a man to love you but don't want a man that's been with another transsexual before you?? Just another one of those oxymorons but none the less you make some valid points.

Ive dated guys who dated ts before me. My current bf dated a now famous porn star before me. And we are all actually still close friends. I dont care who u were with before me!

11-15-2010, 09:41 AM
Excellent points ladies! Here's another one. You say you want a man to love you but don't want a man that's been with another transsexual before you?? Just another one of those oxymorons but none the less you make some valid points.

I will date a man who has been with maybe one or two ts's before but when they strictly fuck with trannys or they pay the girls for sex or they date quite a few, i feel they like dick and that isnt my style.

11-15-2010, 10:23 AM
I will date a man who has been with maybe one or two ts's before but when they strictly fuck with trannys or they pay the girls for sex or they date quite a few, i feel they like dick and that isnt my style.

Yea i get what your saying.... u dont want to date a quote on quote tranny chaser!

11-15-2010, 11:19 AM
You say you like transsexuals but yet you would never date them because you want kids, and you want your kids to be of flesh and blood.

I have a couple of questions for you since I have been in foster care and have been adopted.

What do you think the meaning of fatherhood/ motherhood is?
Raising the kid as your own, feeding her/him, caring for her/him when they are upset, sick or lonely?


Having their genes closely match your own?


Why bring another child in the world when there are thousands who are unwanted and unloved?
Dating a T-Girl and wanting kids are I guess two different things.Just because a guy dates a T-Girl doesn't mean that he doesn't want to have kids.I mean it's like "I don't want kids so I'm going to only date Transsexual woman".If that were the case than there would me alot more guys out there dating T-GIRLS.
Starting a relationship with anyone you never know where it will end up.Sure there are those few that know right away and even they are not 100%.I couldn't tell you what the average non merried relationship lasts but I would think somewhere around 2-3 years.
Now sure there are guys out there that would love to have kids and dating a T-Girl can get in the way of that dream in some ways.You brought up adoption and that you yourself were adopted.You were,I gues you can say one of the lucky ones to be adopted.And not only lucky to be adopted but to be raised with love.
For most men it is hard to raise a child that is not their own flesh and blood.As the child gets older the responsabilities get tougher and when the child begins to not listen,as all kids do,the adopted father begins to think that if he had his own child from his blood that his blood wouldn't be that way.This is the kind of things that are on the back of the guys mind.They just wouldn't know how to cope with it.When all they have to do is realize that some things are not that different.

I myself couldn't adopt from an orphanage or foster home because I am not a fan of the process and mostly politics of it.To put it short.When adopting the child and wheather or not you get to see the child before hand or the state picks one for you based on your profile,what makes that child more giving than the others? This leads to siblings being seperated and most of the time never see each other again no matter what age they were.I am just not a big fan of that.

I may say that now but then again,you never know what will happen tomorrow.

11-15-2010, 04:38 PM
Blah, blah, blah, cockhounds, blah, blah, blah.

LOL, everytime I read a comment of yours I have to cosign or die laughing.

There you have it, Paris often agrees with Phobun. As if we needed more evidence that she's a stupid piece of shit.

11-15-2010, 04:40 PM
Yea i get what your saying.... u dont want to date a quote on quote tranny chaser!

With her, there is a strong element of self-hatred involved. She isn't attracted to guys that are attracted to her because they are FAGS for being attracted to her. She's batshit crazy.

11-15-2010, 04:41 PM
There you have it, Paris often agrees with Phobun. As if we needed more evidence that she's a stupid piece of shit.now thats not very nice comming from a fat fag shoving your head up another fat fags ass now is it?:confused:

11-15-2010, 04:42 PM
Yea i get what your saying.... u dont want to date a quote on quote tranny chaser!girl your avitar is smokin hot i love it,how did your shoot go last weekend?

11-17-2010, 06:24 PM
Britney is white? I thought she was mexican?

all that pale white skin come on now

11-17-2010, 10:48 PM
Ummm, I would kill to be a GG.

I think most ts's would.

Worth its own thread????

I'm another person who doesn't have or want kids. I didn't bank any sperm either. If there comes a time that I do want a child, I totally plan on adopting her.

11-17-2010, 11:32 PM
all that pale white skin come on now

umm britney is spanish dumb ass

Worth its own thread????

I'm another person who doesn't have or want kids. I didn't bank any sperm either. If there comes a time that I do want a child, I totally plan on adopting her.


11-18-2010, 12:09 AM

Yeah... You're probably right... It would probably somehow just end up turning into a thread of who's wondering who's gay...

"I wish I was born a GG!"

"That's 'cause U R GAAAAAAY!!!"


11-18-2010, 12:20 AM
so weird.if your not into dating transsexuals why do you care if we escort or not? you go on and on about how all ts women sell theyre ass but its exactly your attitude that helped so many of us make that decision.if like 70% of the guys attracted to me wants me for no other reason than a sexual thrill why not profit for it?i suppose i should be sleeping around letting men use me for they're sexual gratification and fantasies for free.

I love you for this.. i never been able to put it in words!!!