View Full Version : Tolerance

11-05-2010, 05:46 AM
I often thought this, so I figured I might as well share it and see what the rest of the board feels about this topic.

To my surprise (and maybe naively so) I often read homophobic comments on many threads, from both boys and girls, and I find it weird to find such things on a board with topics with titles like "post your favourite cock".

Mind you, I am not trying to label anyone here. For instance, I don't believe that men who are interested in transwomen belong to the same category as men that are interested in other men (duh)...

But I would like to say two things:
1. I think that the most basic experience with one's own feelings and inclinations should reveal how it's not so black and white, that these definitions are mostly dictated by social stigma and that those of us who give in to the bashing are doing themselves a disfavour, regardless of their orientation or gender identity.
2. The idea that homosexuality is a perverted deviation is exactly the kind of ignorant bigotry typical of those who would consider most things on these boards equally as deviant, as they diverge from mainstream sexuality. It's fake morality, it's just total bullshit.

I personally think it's absurd that on a board dedicated to transsexual women in all their sassy shapes and forms there should be that kind of intolerance, and that a little more kindness and open-mindedness wouldn't hurt. A little LGBT solidarity, for fuck's sake. :grouphug

But I would be very interested in knowing what other people who come around here think about this.

kthxbai, gotta go back to hugging trees now, no homo :D ♥

Sara T

11-05-2010, 05:53 AM
sorry, couldn't resist! :lol:

11-05-2010, 05:58 AM
lol oh I see, now it all makes sense :geek:

11-05-2010, 07:15 AM
Why isn't it someone's right to believe what they believe, be disgusted in what they are disgusted with, and speak freely? You are FREE to ignore them.

11-05-2010, 07:16 AM
Yea, almost everyone on here is a judgmental douche. The tranny's call the men who like them fags, they call each other men and revel in labeling and bashing each other because, well apparently they didn't get enough of high school the first time around. Funny though that they still expect society to not have any prejudices towards them. Do as I say not as I do I guess.

Case in point, just look at the recent post by the guy about his first CD experience....i could go on but whatever, its their world and I just like to peek in once in a while.

11-05-2010, 08:10 AM
I often thought this, so I figured I might as well share it and see what the rest of the board feels about this topic.

To my surprise (and maybe naively so) I often read homophobic comments on many threads, from both boys and girls, and I find it weird to find such things on a board with topics with titles like "post your favourite cock".

Mind you, I am not trying to label anyone here. For instance, I don't believe that men who are interested in transwomen belong to the same category as men that are interested in other men (duh)...

But I would like to say two things:
1. I think that the most basic experience with one's own feelings and inclinations should reveal how it's not so black and white, that these definitions are mostly dictated by social stigma and that those of us who give in to the bashing are doing themselves a disfavour, regardless of their orientation or gender identity.
2. The idea that homosexuality is a perverted deviation is exactly the kind of ignorant bigotry typical of those who would consider most things on these boards equally as deviant, as they diverge from mainstream sexuality. It's fake morality, it's just total bullshit.

I personally think it's absurd that on a board dedicated to transsexual women in all their sassy shapes and forms there should be that kind of intolerance, and that a little more kindness and open-mindedness wouldn't hurt. A little LGBT solidarity, for fuck's sake. :grouphug

But I would be very interested in knowing what other people who come around here think about this.

kthxbai, gotta go back to hugging trees now, no homo :D ♥

Sara T

Your president recently said "at least I'm not gay." He belongs on this board more than you do.

Perhaps a pacifist translesbian board would suit you better Sara.

11-05-2010, 12:49 PM
It's a predominantly US-centred board, not exactly a country known for open-minded tolerance. That prejudice is confirmed here daily... and you'd have thought that having an interest in transsexuals would make people reconsider their old hangups, but there's little evidence of that here.

Oh, and there are quite a few idiots around here. Learn to work the Ignore list in your profile, you'll love it later.

11-05-2010, 01:08 PM
you just have to laugh at 95% of the junk on this board pretty much .. i i just deem it soley as vehicle for a few things .

1 - Promotion of Site/Content/Ttaffic generation
2 - Chatting with the fans that are into you
3 - Great sense of humor vaiue readeing topics while webcamming or editing stuff to help pass the mundanes of it .
4 - Not a bad way to chat with some other girls from time to time

thats how i see it anyway ..

11-05-2010, 03:39 PM
I can't believe how ignorant some of you are! Most of the guys who are into transsexuals are in it for the sexual gratification! There's nothing political about it! Alotta you lack basic understanding of a person with a dick even though most of you have one! This is not specific to this community. You act like every guy who likes to fuck women and get his dick sucked is a womens rights supporter and that's simply not true. Neither is it true that every guy who has fucked a pussy is respectful to women. Men have sex to satisfy a primal urge. All this other shit y'all are talking about is totally separate from that. Hell, a man can have sex with someone he doesn't even like!! Y'all need to wake up!

11-05-2010, 03:56 PM
some of the men LOL , try 99.% of men are in it purely for their own sexual fantasy kick and nothing more . not that that is a bad thing at all ,, each person deals with things how they deem ...

But you can see the relation to why so my many TS charge for sex .. TS can have sex with men they find repuslive dont like equally as long as the dollar is freely there :)

The reality is this is a porn/sex forum not a group hug board is it now , 99% of you men are hear purely to wank off to pics/vids , get free porn , and try get laid.

11-05-2010, 04:38 PM
Which often makes me wonder why I even post here. It must be my deviant nature... ;)

11-05-2010, 05:01 PM
I often thought this, so I figured I might as well share it and see what the rest of the board feels about this topic.

To my surprise (and maybe naively so) I often read homophobic comments on many threads, from both boys and girls, and I find it weird to find such things on a board with topics with titles like "post your favourite cock".

Mind you, I am not trying to label anyone here. For instance, I don't believe that men who are interested in transwomen belong to the same category as men that are interested in other men (duh)...

But I would like to say two things:
1. I think that the most basic experience with one's own feelings and inclinations should reveal how it's not so black and white, that these definitions are mostly dictated by social stigma and that those of us who give in to the bashing are doing themselves a disfavour, regardless of their orientation or gender identity.
2. The idea that homosexuality is a perverted deviation is exactly the kind of ignorant bigotry typical of those who would consider most things on these boards equally as deviant, as they diverge from mainstream sexuality. It's fake morality, it's just total bullshit.

I personally think it's absurd that on a board dedicated to transsexual women in all their sassy shapes and forms there should be that kind of intolerance, and that a little more kindness and open-mindedness wouldn't hurt. A little LGBT solidarity, for fuck's sake. :grouphug

This is exactly why I haven't come around here very often, and every time I come back I'm reminded again. Not one single person on this board has ever even seen either extreme on the Kinsey scale, I've never understood how or why they could be so intolerant.

The threads that don't get into it are so entertaining, but the constant "Am I gay/you're gay/I only top/she's a man" bullshit is so overwhelming, it's hard to overlook - y'all sound like a bunch of Christians.

It's too bad, this could be such a cool place. And some of the answers to the original post are pathetic examples of how it goes wrong:

Why isn't it someone's right to believe what they believe, be disgusted in what they are disgusted with, and speak freely? You are FREE to ignore them.

You've got to be shitting me. Are you serious? How are you any different from the religious right?

11-05-2010, 05:13 PM
Hell, a man can have sex with someone he doesn't even like!! Y'all need to wake up!
So that precludes civil behaviour, common sense, basic politeness or tolerance?

Guess that's the 'anonymous guy behind the screen' syndrome that kicks in for some people. Apparently, personality goes out the door when you're online (or unpleasant traits already there emerge from under the thin layer of civility you use every day IRL).

11-05-2010, 05:22 PM
now I know why all the girls are gone....lol

11-05-2010, 05:41 PM
So that precludes civil behaviour, common sense, basic politeness or tolerance?

Guess that's the 'anonymous guy behind the screen' syndrome that kicks in for some people. Apparently, personality goes out the door when you're online (or unpleasant traits already there emerge from under the thin layer of civility you use every day IRL).
Civil behavior and basic politeness? See that's the problem. Some think that if you're not waving a rainbow flag you're not being civil or polite. You're missing the point. My point is it's ignorant to think just because someone jacks off to your pictures he actually has to like or support you! That's a foolish assumption. A stiff dick has no conscience, but a stiff dick doesn't necessarily represent who you really are. Sorry that you don't get it. Ponder this: why have racist men been fucking outside their race for centuries?

11-05-2010, 08:42 PM
I agree with Liberty, and yes this is not a support forum, more like a mega wank circle hee hee... Which is fine, I like it that way, what's wrong with that? In fact I was originally referred to this board by a friend cos I was looking for some naughty stuff, okies?

Look I wasn't saying that you all should start wearing rainbow coloured knickers on your heads, I was just suggesting that a little less hating would make this board cooler imho. Even raising the question has prompted vitriolic comments. Now I am no Freud, but...

Oh well. I suppose that's what the internet is for, faceless confrontation :anon and porn! :banana:

11-05-2010, 09:11 PM
Your president recently said "at least I'm not gay." He belongs on this board more than you do.

Perhaps a pacifist translesbian board would suit you better Sara.

Oh and btw phobun? That was low :tongue:

11-05-2010, 09:12 PM
I agree with Liberty, and yes this is not a support forum, more like a mega wank circle hee hee... Which is fine, I like it that way, what's wrong with that? In fact I was originally referred to this board by a friend cos I was looking for some naughty stuff, okies?

Look I wasn't saying that you all should start wearing rainbow coloured knickers on your heads, I was just suggesting that a little less hating would make this board cooler imho. Even raising the question has prompted vitriolic comments. Now I am no Freud, but...

Oh well. I suppose that's what the internet is for, faceless confrontation :anon and porn! :banana:

You were right first time sarat.

There's definitely a small group of insecure guys here who try to prove how hetero they are by calling everyone else faggots. And a small group of insecure girls who try to elevate their appeal/status by slating off other girls. It’s all quite sad.

I think most people here on HA are intelligent, mature and broadminded individuals. The problem is that the insecure ones often tend to say more and say it more loudly. It’s almost as if they’re having an argument with themselves instead of anyone else. Freud would indeed have found the HA forum an interesting study…

11-05-2010, 10:54 PM
HA at times elevates into a community board, but ultimately is dragged back into the smut, (LOVE IT!!), by the ignorance and sexual paranoia that masquerades as polite discourse.

There are guys who cruise HA and jump at the first chance to call out male members as 'cockhounds', there are girls here who do the same.

Everyone comes to HA for different impulses IMO, and unfortunately, why I find TGs attractive sexually may not be the same as someone else's.

For instance, I don't get the endless cock threads on HA. Some dudes I've discovered are into COCK foremost, and whether it's attached to a trans-chick, str8 man, or twink doesn't really factor in much.

As a formerly self-identified, VERY str8 man, I've developed a greater sensitivity to the 'objects' of my affections, (that really sounds kinda wrong!lol), and have both an emotional AND sexual attraction to TGs.
But since I discovered this attraction as an adult, and not an adolescent, it's a difficult transition psychologically to relate that how I've always defined myself - 'heterosexual' - is not how the rest of the world labels me once the find out I really have a serious thing for Ts.
When someone elbows you and whispers, 'you know that's a dude?', and you tell them, 'no, SHE'S not,' well, it can be hard to deal with all the time.

I'm better than I was about the whole tolerance issue, but for a str8 man it can be a serious mind-fuck to full acknowledge that transgendered women just 'do' something really profound to you.
At least now, if and when I call someone a fag(got) on HA, it's just a harmless joke.
Because the same thing could be said equally about me.

11-05-2010, 10:55 PM
Good luck...it's like the Wild West in here most days.

11-06-2010, 12:17 AM
I often thought this...

I fully agree, of course. The site is a bit of a ghetto so it's not like things will change. But it's a relief to hear a sensible viewpoint like yours.