View Full Version : saw the weirdest fuckin thing @ 4 a.m.

11-25-2005, 12:25 PM
driving back from Allanah's party I was stopping at a red light and see a line literally going around the block at a Best Buy store, had to be around 200 people. These motherfuckers were standing in line for a fucking Microsoft Xbox 360 all fuckin night in 29 degrees weather...............


11-25-2005, 01:28 PM
driving back from Allanah's party I was stopping at a red light and see a line literally going around the block at a Best Buy store, had to be around 200 people. These motherfuckers were standing in line for a fucking Microsoft Xbox 360 all fuckin night in 29 degrees weather...............


Its black friday best buy has laptops for like 378 and i whole bunch of stuff on sale from 5-11 people probably was just rushing to get the good deals before they are gone!

11-25-2005, 01:54 PM
driving back from Allanah's party I was stopping at a red light and see a line literally going around the block at a Best Buy store, had to be around 200 people. These motherfuckers were standing in line for a fucking Microsoft Xbox 360 all fuckin night in 29 degrees weather...............


Real simple it is called "INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!"

Welcome to the nightmare, check your self respect at the door, please.

11-25-2005, 03:31 PM
driving back from Allanah's party I was stopping at a red light and see a line literally going around the block at a Best Buy store, had to be around 200 people. These motherfuckers were standing in line for a fucking Microsoft Xbox 360 all fuckin night in 29 degrees weather...............


Real simple it is called "INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!"

Welcome to the nightmare, check your self respect at the door, please.

LOL.... There's nothing I need so bad that I would stand outside – all night – in 29 degree weather only to participate in a stampede when I'm finally allowed inside. Still, it must be funny as hell to watch if you’re an employee at Best Buy.


11-25-2005, 06:12 PM
Like Johnny, I would have assumed it was an x-box line, which is somewhat understandable this time of year, after all who wants to dissapoint their kid at Christmas? The subtle distinction made by legend, that people were going for general bargains, made me wonder if we aren't witnessing a socio-economic phenomenon with more profound implications than dissapointing a tyke at Christmas. Remember during the cold war, the reference made to Russians standing in line for everything, because their economic system sucked, but ours was the best because we didn't do that shit? I think this phenomenon is an indication of how fucked up our economy is. We are conditioned by advertisers to make wants into needs, yet our earnings don't even keep up with cost of living increases. So real need costs increase,e.g. energy,housing, creating a tension with perceived needs costs, e.g. laptops,x-box, and the result is a mass psychosis where people jeapordize their health by standing in sub zero weather for hours on end. It truly is a form of insanity brought on by twisted socio-economic forces. My fear is that it will get worse as the macro economic mess of deficit spending, coupled with the surge in China's and India's economies will further erode the U.S. wage standards making for more tension. Remember the French revolution, "let them eat cake"?Worst case scenario, but as things are going, more likely than not. The political malaise that lead to Bush and the boys being put into office will eventually lead to big time payback.

11-25-2005, 06:28 PM
This happens every year.

My brother has done this stupid shit for like the past 8 years. Some stores do a midnite thing, others like a 5AM thing. So my f0ing brother goes to teh midnite one and then stays up another couple of hours and hits the 5AM one's.

I do have to admit, however, that if you actually need to buy a bunch of electronics, the deal are pretty good (and a bunch of stuff is actually totally free; they pick a bunch of stuff with rebates and then make the price the amount of the rebate, so adfter the rebate it's free).

11-25-2005, 06:29 PM
oooopppsss ...double post

11-25-2005, 06:30 PM
the funny thing is that people dont look closely at the ads...the laptop for 378 probably only sold for a little over 400 or maybe there were only like 2or3 of them in stock , or just some old discontinued models that they save for black friday...by they way , the real veteran shopper knows the best deals are had right b4 christmas..

11-25-2005, 07:52 PM
Those people are crazy and stupid, I did that two days ago when it came out. :wink: :lol: Just kidding. My cousin was one of the lucky ones to get it (He knew some guy to pull some strings). I was not impressed based on all the hype. My cousin had one racing game and I did not see a huge difference with the graphics and play based on my expectations. I understand it can be in the software not utilizing X360's capabilities.

I except the same when PS 3 comes out, though it will be less than the X360 craze since the holiday season and X360 is the first to the party.

11-25-2005, 08:20 PM

11-25-2005, 09:06 PM
yea i know what u mean. there is a best buy around my house and people were camped out there for hours waiting on a fucking x-box. My girl works there and she said that the line extended all down the block, funny thing is they only got 50 in but there were MAD people there. I could never understand camping out like that for a fucking item, but i guess its different for everybody. And today (well this morning) I had to drop her off at 3 in the morning and there were people with lawn chairs camping out, i thought it was the funniest thing :lol:

Gus The Dagger
11-25-2005, 09:30 PM
You should've seen what happened when the doors got opened.

Gus The Dagger
11-25-2005, 09:34 PM
I went to Staples today at 5:45AM. Once the doors got opened, about 300 people rushed in. Most of the people were hasidic Jews, and they are savage when it comes to a good deal, especially if its 50 DVD-R/+R for $3 (After the Rebate). All the people pushed, tackled, some even grabbed merchandise out of other people hands. Some people even brought their whole families in to cheat the limit system, kids got lost withing the 1st 2 minutes.

11-25-2005, 10:34 PM
I love this time of year, when I sit at home and watch Reuters online viddies of people trampling each other to get into a fucking Wally-Mart.

Crikeys! I won't go to the mall any other time of the year, I certainly won't go to one when it's chock full o' lemmings.

11-25-2005, 11:57 PM
not going off the topic too much but I'm waiting on my ps3, I refuse to sit on a fucking line, I get email from gamestop all the time and the shop is 15 mins from me, All I need to do is prepay for the shit and they call me the day it comes in to pick it up
no waiting on line in the middle of the night for that bullshit

but it also makes sense as to why sony is waiting til June to drop it, at least some of those BestBuy addicts will be waiting in lawn chairs in the heat of the summer, lol

11-26-2005, 12:35 AM
not going off the topic too much but I'm waiting on my ps3, I refuse to sit on a fucking line, I get email from gamestop all the time and the shop is 15 mins from me, All I need to do is prepay for the shit and they call me the day it comes in to pick it up
no waiting on line in the middle of the night for that bullshit

but it also makes sense as to why sony is waiting til June to drop it, at least some of those BestBuy addicts will be waiting in lawn chairs in the heat of the summer, lol

I recenty changed my mind about getting a xbox360, its just no of the games really look next-gen. Whats else pissed me off was that microsoft cause a shortage for no f**king reason just to hype there console that is a lame tactic!

11-26-2005, 12:52 AM
just the fact that I can run 2 screens for one console on the ps3 is enough to pull me in

but to be honest blu-ray dvd's 50 gigs per disc?!?!?!?!?!?!? Yeah I can wait

11-26-2005, 01:08 AM
well if u remember when the ps2 came out, that they did the same thing at the holidays....u could of bought the cube or xbox with ease

11-26-2005, 01:12 AM
just the fact that I can run 2 screens for one console on the ps3 is enough to pull me in

but to be honest blu-ray dvd's 50 gigs per disc?!?!?!?!?!?!? Yeah I can wait

Yeah the blu ray dvd had something to do with me changing my mind, ps3 doesnt even need a hdd do they?

11-26-2005, 05:22 AM
JWBL how nasty were those fuckin titties last nite?:)

those titties were so nasty that godzilla turned around mid attack from fighting mothra out of disgust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


you will need a hard drive to show off for the ps3 but like my ps2 sitting here which doesnt have one if they dont include it I wont bother, I'd be the guy to swap it out for one with twice the storage capacity anyway...........

but sony will have 1 gig memory cards, and with the extra time to get ready for it one could literally go out and buy 2 20 inch lcd screens...............

quiet as kept I'll be buying this for it also

11-26-2005, 07:20 AM
whats really crazy is that these same douche bags coulda got the same deals online....