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View Full Version : Woman-accused-transgender-Tube-murder-MAN-undergoing-sex-change

11-01-2010, 05:32 PM
http://www.qtl.co.il/img/copy.pnghttp://www.google.com/favicon.ico (http://www.google.com/search?q=Woman-accused-transgender-Tube-murder-MAN-undergoing-sex-change.html)http://www.qtl.co.il/img/trans.png

11-01-2010, 06:02 PM
:hide-1: Oh god that whole thing is so awful. Let me decode the title of this thread for those who want the quick look. This is the cliff notes version.

A successful human rights lawyer who the London rag dutifully refers to as Mr. Burgess aka Sonia was pushed under the train by a transwoman who was not as far along as she. This person had experienced some success as a lawyer you could say. Litigating cases before the House of Lords, and the European courts of Human rights.

The perp Nina Kanagasingham, 34, appeared "unshaven" in court. That is just about all there is about her.

The London rag does not help any by revealing selacious details on the victim being on a "lifestyle fetish" website under the name Sonia. Where Sonia advertised as an escort (TV) and according to them got some good feedback. Burgess had only been dressing for four years and looked pretty good for her age.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/11/01/article-0-0BCF7F02000005DC-860_233x341.jpg The Victim above.

Why was she pushed. Jealosy I'll bet. (Sonia seems to have met with utter success both before and after making the change) I'll bet we find out eventually that "Nina" was a trick or client or admirer of some sort.

11-01-2010, 08:00 PM
Why was she pushed. Jealosy I'll bet. (Sonia seems to have met with utter success both before and after making the change) I'll bet we find out eventually that "Nina" was a trick or client or admirer of some sort.

It looks like no good deed goes unpunished.

I've been following this since it happened.
Apparently, Sonia had befriended Nina and had been helping her out for some time.

11-01-2010, 09:13 PM
For those who are unaware of the Daily Mail its a daily paper in the UK that blows hot and cold about any topic. It is a paper that plays on the fears of the those who have nothing better to do than cause trouble. It a paper my mother and father read which could explain a lot. Its a sad lose of a person that has done some good for others.

01-09-2012, 06:49 PM
For anyone interested,a heads up to a recent article from the Guardian about the life of David/Sonia Burgess.


01-09-2012, 06:54 PM
For those who are unaware of the Daily Mail its a daily paper in the UK that blows hot and cold about any topic. It is a paper that plays on the fears of the those who have nothing better to do than cause trouble. It a paper my mother and father read which could explain a lot. Its a sad lose of a person that has done some good for others.

how is that different than any other regular newspaper.

newspapers and broadcasters often focus on the transgendered individual being trans than the actual crime committed.

i found myself lost in that story because there weren't enough details of the crime and circumstances...what Sonia did in her private life on websites shouldn't be considered newsworthy.

01-09-2012, 07:04 PM
The Daily mail,The Sun and The Mirror are pure trash!

i only read The Guardian!

01-09-2012, 07:15 PM
Just noticed the date on the Guardian article.It was published a year ago.Still fascinating and sympathetic write up.

The killer has been tried and was sentenced last month.
