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View Full Version : Queen of the Universe 2005: any photos or results please?

11-24-2005, 03:17 PM
Took place on 6 November. Website is always very slow to update. can anyone post some photos or results please?




04-19-2006, 11:07 AM
I'm sorry I never saw this request earlier. Yes, I did finally get the site updated some time ago, so please, do come and enjoy the pics:


For those in the Southern California area who may have missed the show -- you can still see many of the contestants, including the 2005 Queen of the Universe, Yuni, as well as a host of other transgender models -- modeling in the "Fashion for a Cause" fashion show on May 7th in West Hollywood at Circus Disco. Details are on the site. It's a fundraiser benefit for a worthy cause.


04-21-2006, 02:42 PM
thanks very much

QOTU looks superb and I'll be ordering the DVD.
"Fashion for a Cause" sounds great. hope you'll post some photos here.

best wishes, Dravina