View Full Version : 9 Meals Away From Anarchy

10-23-2010, 07:16 AM
Unless I'm short of bog roll, I try to avoid the Daily Mail whenever possible, but, found this interesting.

The scenario goes like this. Imagine a sudden shutdown of oil supplies; a sudden collapse in the petrol that streams steadily through the pumps and so into the engines of the lorries which deliver our food around the country, stocking up the supermarket shelves as soon as any item runs out.

If the trucks stopped moving, we'd start to worry and we'd head out to the shops, cking up our larders. By the end of Day One, if there was still no petrol, the shelves would be looking pretty thin. Imagine, then, Day Two: your fourth, fifth and sixth meal. We'd be in a panic. Day three: still no petrol.

What then? With hunger pangs kicking in, and no notion of how long it might take for the supermarkets to restock, how long before those who hadn't stocked up began stealing from their neighbours? Or looting what they could get their hands on?
There might be 11 million gardeners in Britain, but your delicious summer peas won't go far when your kids are hungry and the baked beans have run out.

It was Lord Cameron's estimation that it would take just nine meals - three full days without food on supermarket shelves - before law and order started to break down, and British streets descended into chaos.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1024833/Nine-meals-anarchy--Britain-facing-real-food-crisis.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1024833/Nine-meals-anarchy--Britain-facing-real-food-crisis.html)

So, if they turned the water off and there was no food in the shops, how long could you last with what you have stocked up in your larder?

south ov da border
10-23-2010, 07:31 AM
as it stands where I live now, not long. Up to me I'd stock the 3rd bedroom to the tee...

10-23-2010, 07:33 AM
The Lord will save us! Praise the Lord!



10-23-2010, 08:03 AM
You'll find me making a break for the hills with as much food and ammo as I can carry! And if the Messiah steps on my hill im putting 7.62 into his narrow ass!

10-23-2010, 10:02 AM
This was more or less the argument my dad made in support of the Gulf War. You can make a similar argument about fiat currency or a bunch of other stuff.

10-23-2010, 03:07 PM
Went longer then that after hurricane Andrew around here without any breakdown of civil order near two months. I don't know how it is over there on the other side of the pond, but over here you get lead poisoning if you start helping yourself to anyone's stash.

10-23-2010, 03:13 PM
Unless I'm short of bog roll, I try to avoid the Daily Mail whenever possible, but, found this interesting.

So, if they turned the water off and there was no food in the shops, how long could you last with what you have stocked up in your larder?

YouTube - Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the UK Studio Version (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQkActP-isE)

10-23-2010, 04:00 PM
I haev 30 days of food on hand and the means to protect it

10-23-2010, 04:12 PM
If you want to read a really good book similar to this situation, check out One Second After by William R. Forstchen.

10-23-2010, 04:44 PM
Well,...since you've already prepared me for cannibalism...I'm ready.

10-23-2010, 07:17 PM
I haev 30 days of food on hand and the means to protect it

I think i could make it thru about 6 days at the moment (including water)

Well,...since you've already prepared me for cannibalism...I'm ready.

Would that be a leg or a breast, sir? :lol:

10-23-2010, 07:19 PM
If you want to read a really good book similar to this situation, check out One Second After by William R. Forstchen.

I've read it, and I think the purpose of the article was to make it feel more real. People just don't get how civilization can be destroyed in a blip, without the faintest notice. We live on a house of cards, in a way no one understands...

10-23-2010, 11:04 PM
I think i could make it thru about 6 days at the moment (including water)

Would that be a leg or a breast, sir? :lol:

Breast...and I'd probably go after the lawyers first...lol.

10-24-2010, 02:00 AM
Excuse me, but in my country englishmans are usually called the nation of five (daily) meals, so they will last only two days,
Oh well, good for us:we will eat them first.

Out of cheap jokes, it is an unrealistic situation: there are strategical reserves, both of foods than, above all in the given case, of petrol derivates.
Obviously, they will not be sent to gas pumps or supermarkets for anyone to waste, army (in Usa case national guards, in ours Carabinieri), and police forces will distribute them following a pre-ordered rationament plan.
People living in cities under siege (between them some my croatian relatives just few years ago) had survived several months in that way.
So instead of nine meals to Anarchy let's call it nine meals to (temporary) fascism and we will be more exact...

10-24-2010, 02:14 AM
Well,...since you've already prepared me for cannibalism...I'm ready.

Beat me to it. lol

south ov da border
10-24-2010, 03:16 AM
Went longer then that after hurricane Andrew around here without any breakdown of civil order near two months. I don't know how it is over there on the other side of the pond, but over here you get lead poisoning if you start helping yourself to anyone's stash.

Yea after Andrew we were actually quite fine, granted I was in Liberty City area and not Homestead...

10-24-2010, 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by sunairco http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/images/ca_serenity/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?p=815927#post815927) Went longer then that after hurricane Andrew around here without any breakdown of civil order near two months. I don't know how it is over there on the other side of the pond, but over here you get lead poisoning if you start helping yourself to anyone's stash.

Yea after Andrew we were actually quite fine, granted I was in Liberty City area and not Homestead...

So, you were both prepared for that, you had stockpiles ready?

Breast...and I'd probably go after the lawyers first...lol.

In that case sir, may i recommend the Fin! :whistle:

Excuse me, but in my country englishmans are usually called the nation of five (daily) meals,

Is that you, Billy Fish? :lol:

Obviously, they will not be sent to gas pumps or supermarkets for anyone to waste, army (in Usa case national guards, in ours Carabinieri), and police forces will distribute them following a pre-ordered rationament plan.

Yes, of course, assuming that infrastructure was still in place, but if it wasn't...
Looking at your present supplies, how long could you last with what you have stockpiled?

10-24-2010, 04:51 AM
The Lord will save us! Praise the Lord!



good one there:)

10-24-2010, 04:53 AM
Yea after Andrew we were actually quite fine, granted I was in Liberty City area and not Homestead...

You're right,it wasn't that bad up there in the northern end, but you guys went through in some ways so much worse twelve years earlier. After what we went through down here, you couldn't help feeling the desperation of the folks in NOLA. You didn't want to take from your neighbor as much as you want to rip the shit out of the bastards that are protectively quarantining you keeping you from seeking food,gas,or help and absolutely doing nothing to help you while making sure the folks in the well off areas get first priority in restorative services. The rich bastards in the Grove,Gables, and other affluent areas South got taken care of first and all the media concentrated on them while we had to wait nearly a month b4 they even bothered to start clearing the streets so the itinerent crews could get in and we could move around with our vehicles. If anything it got us tighter with our neighbors collectively sharing what we had b4 it rotted in our fridges and helping each other through the mess. Nine meals my ass.

south ov da border
10-24-2010, 06:04 AM
You're right,it wasn't that bad up there in the northern end, but you guys went through in some ways so much worse twelve years earlier. After what we went through down here, you couldn't help feeling the desperation of the folks in NOLA. You didn't want to take from your neighbor as much as you want to rip the shit out of the bastards that are protectively quarantining you keeping you from seeking food,gas,or help and absolutely doing nothing to help you while making sure the folks in the well off areas get first priority in restorative services. The rich bastards in the Grove,Gables, and other affluent areas South got taken care of first and all the media concentrated on them while we had to wait nearly a month b4 they even bothered to start clearing the streets so the itinerent crews could get in and we could move around with our vehicles. If anything it got us tighter with our neighbors collectively sharing what we had b4 it rotted in our fridges and helping each other through the mess. Nine meals my ass.

I remember it well, it was horrible what happened down there, I had to go down those ways not too long after and it looked like a bomb hit. The other neighborhoods where rich ppl lived, not too bad, but there dammit. We did do a lot of gtrilling and sharing of food. We were out of power for about 2 weeks. We did have enough water and canned food though...

10-24-2010, 11:18 PM
Is that you, Billy Fish? :lol:

Yes, of course, assuming that infrastructure was still in place, but if it wasn't...
Looking at your present supplies, how long could you last with what you have stockpiled?

In your first post, you have exposed a scenario based on the sudden disapperance of oil supply , so i gave an aswer according to that scenario and concluded that it will not leading to anarchy but to "fascism", obviously not meaning the rise of a dictatorship, but to a state of emergency situation, in which private comsumption and also some civil liberties would be limited.

To suddenly destroy all infrastructure syou would assume nothing less than an "end of world" scenario as also an all scale conventional war will not destroy them in such a little time to impede the activation of emergency plans.

10-24-2010, 11:37 PM
Yeah it would be difficult to shut the oil supply down completely bit for sake of argument I will play along. A better analogy might be the destruction of the power grid.

I am no survivalist but feel I am in a better position than most to grab what I can carry (gear already packed from being a camper) and get up to some land I have in Michigan. Will be in a much better position once I get a boat which is in my near future.

10-24-2010, 11:45 PM
This was a good movie as well.

10-25-2010, 12:42 AM
Have no fear...

10-25-2010, 12:49 AM
Have no fear...


But the problem with the current argument for more government control is that throughout much of Ron Paul's career, we actually had the financial security to change the system (remember the Clinton surplus?), and now we don't, so maybe we should have listened to him long ago?! The problem with government is its lack of enforcement. It doesn't enforce its own regulations and then it blames everyone else as it pushes for even more control. It's a vicious cycle that's exacerbated by the government's obvious desire to bail out the very industries who either skirted or outright ignored not only the regulations in place, but numerous warnings from economists. :geek:

And he's not an anarchist. He's what's called a 'minarchist' - someone who wants minimal government that's solely focused on protecting individual liberties. Under a system like that, the free market would take over, but being free, it would no longer depend on government subsidies and business would rise and fall on their own merits and not solely by the strength of its lobbyists.
