View Full Version : No Mo' Sheebas, Brooke's & Kitty's...

Man Fuck It
11-22-2005, 10:02 PM
Man what the fuck is going on in the black transsexual universe? What ever happened to bombshells like these girls? Seems like an abundant, never ending supply of manly looking broads taking over the black-ts game now. It kind of frustrates me because something tells me there are better models out there who are either computer illiterate or business dumb, who just don't know about the net and all the $$$ it can bring them. I'd just like to take a moment of silence for the glory years that were the years of the beautiful black transsexual...sad state of affairs we are in now.

Sheeba didn't even have to strip to get a moth-a-fucka stiff :)

When I first saw Brooke's pic I was like dizzzzzzzzzzzzzamnnnnnnnn :shock:

and Kitty, Holy Noah, Budah, Kamal, and Mars!!! Oh did I have some thoughts about tapping that :evil:

Man Fuck It
11-22-2005, 10:21 PM
No soon as I said the shit, I took a quick glance over BTG and saw some bangin' ass shorties...some things never change, when all else fail you...black-tgirls is always on point!

11-22-2005, 11:22 PM
Man what the fuck is going on in the black transsexual universe? What ever happened to bombshells like these girls? Seems like an abundant, never ending supply of manly looking broads taking over the black-ts game now. It kind of frustrates me because something tells me there are better models out there who are either computer illiterate or business dumb, who just don't know about the net and all the $$$ it can bring them. I'd just like to take a moment of silence for the glory years that were the years of the beautiful black transsexual...sad state of affairs we are in now.

Every girl starts from somewhere. Everyone who comes to this sites knows what we were born as. Don't act so surprised when you see a girl that isn't 100% perfect. As Miss Allanah has shown with her surgery photos, it takes time and patience (not to mention pain, frustration, setbacks, MONEY, etc...). So many of you guys on here want a ready made barbie from the start. Never understanding or caring what it took for a lot of girls to get there.

Not to be an ass but what does that have to do with this guys post? You girls seem to get defensive in post where defense is not necessary. I don't think he showed pictures of girls who were not, "a ready made barbie from the start."? As guys, are we not allowed to give our opinions on what we like? I mean, from what I've gathered from a couple of your post you waste no time in denegrating black men...I think it's a bit hypocritical of you to make such a statement.

BTW, Sheeba is still #1 on my list!!! :wink:

Man Fuck It
11-23-2005, 04:19 AM
I was referring to this statement: "Seems like an abundant, never ending supply of manly looking broads taking over the black-ts game now."We have to start from somewhere. That's the main point I was trying to make.

As far as my statements about black men. When what I have to say about topics of that nature, I give them. It's not for everyone to like but it's certainly not to paint everyone in a box. I have had problems in the past with black men. Is that to say all black men fit that bill? No, it doesn't. For those that have a guilty conscience, maybe they are a part of the problem.

I wonder if you actually process what you intend to type before it hits the screen. It's okay for you to state your opinion on subjects, but it's not okay for the men on here to state theirs? So if I have a problem with the abundancy of 'ugly broads' on the net, like you have a problem with black men, it's okay for you to piss on black guys but not okay for me to call out ugly broads? Contradict much? Ironically, your logic seems to be biting you in the ass as it pertains to ugly black ts broads, "For those that have a guilty conscience, maybe they are a part of the problem"...remember you said it, not me. :cry:

11-23-2005, 04:27 AM
Boy oh Boy...would i luv to bang Blondie

Man Fuck It
11-23-2005, 04:59 AM
I wonder if you actually process what you intend to type before it hits the screen. It's okay for you to state your opinion on subjects, but it's not okay for the men on here to state theirs? So if I have a problem with the abundancy of 'ugly broads' on the net, like you have a problem with black men, it's okay for you to piss on black guys but not okay for me to call out ugly broads? Contradict much? Ironically, your logic seems to be biting you in the ass as it pertains to ugly black ts broads, "For those that have a guilty conscience, maybe they are a part of the problem"...remember you said it, not me. :cry:

I actually do process everything I say before I post it. I usually revise everything clearly a few times. As for your last comment, I was going to beat you to the punch earlier but I decided to wait. I knew either you or someone would point that out. So, let me help you with that. Do I feel slighted by your statement? Yes, just a bit. Am I the most passable? Am I the prettiest or most drop dead gorgeous girl out? No, not even close. I am working on it and like I said before, none of you men take the time to realize what it takes for the girls to get where they are. You want the ready made Barbie. Someone else made a post not too long ago about people hating on the "non-passable" girls. I have to agree. If you aren't a fucking Barbie doll (or acting like a giggling school girl to the guys) you get downed and bashed. Many of the most beautiful girls start off from humble beginnings. The same girl you bash or down now might be the very same "DIVA" you praise tomorrow. That's why I feel a lot of girls tend to give such arrogance or seem stuck up later. Look back on what they had to go through. Now, what's the difference between my opinions versus other opinions? If I fit the issue, I can admit to it. The feet many of you step on today will be connected to the asses your kissing tomorrow. Not speaking about myself but for the other girls that actually like ya'll.

To summarize...
"Back then they didn't want me...Now I'm hot they all on me" -Mike Jones
So ghetto yet so true

Look, you are a lesbian TS so pretty much you admire the same shit I do. Keep it real. I am no Fabio, Denzel, Jude Law, or whoever else the fuck is hot. But hey, I know what "I" like to see and look at. If I pay money to see hot chicks, well damnit guess what, that's what the fuck "I" want to see. I don't pay money to see potentially hot chicks...LMFAO. I mean, would you spend $20 to buy a potentially good pizza? Whatever else some of these other cats were talking about way way way back last week...I could give a fuck about. I'm just saying the following broads are hot: SHEEBA, KITTY, ANGEL, and BLONDIE. Though I could name a long list of not so hot chicks, I didn't out of respect for their "potential". I mean your argument is almost laughable really. You claim that us guys should be sensative in our critique because these girls might just be the next hot thing...but using that argument, why not go get some of their baby pics or their boy pics and start idolizing the potential in those...?

Man Fuck It
11-23-2005, 05:08 AM
pretty girls

Man Fuck It
11-23-2005, 05:09 AM
more pretty girls

11-24-2005, 02:35 AM
Passion is not "cute"...Naomi yes, Passion no...

11-24-2005, 04:49 AM
Kitty looks a bit like Cosmo (to me). If she is, then a girl like that is still around (unless something happened to Cosmo that I don't know about?) because it's her.. And if it's not, then a girl like that is still around, because ....

11-24-2005, 05:25 AM
Does anybody have more pics of Brooke ?

11-24-2005, 06:04 AM
Kitty looks a bit like Cosmo (to me). If she is, then a girl like that is still around (unless something happened to Cosmo that I don't know about?) because it's her.. And if it's not, then a girl like that is still around, because ....

same girl

and yeah, more brooke!!!!!

11-24-2005, 06:53 AM
There is life after porn...us girls do have other aspirations than to show our azz' on the net forever. So enjoy the ones you like while u can and let the new crowd come in. There will always be a rotation..trust me.

P.S. I luv you BlackAdder, u always seem to speak your mind and keep it real....i luv it...


11-24-2005, 07:15 AM
There is life after porn...

Please don't talk like that.... it scares me.... ;)

11-24-2005, 05:28 PM
I can't argue with the opinions on Brooke. Beyond tasty... just beyond. It would be great if the posts could go up - without the negativity coming down.

11-24-2005, 09:38 PM
more cosmo/kitty.......yeah she is too cute..love this girl...same goes for sheeba, naomi, and krystal

11-25-2005, 04:43 AM
So many girls look good with short hair, it's too bad more don't do it up that way.

11-25-2005, 02:04 PM
Here's some I like

Man Fuck It
11-26-2005, 01:12 AM
So many girls look good with short hair, it's too bad more don't do it up that way.

Danny I think it's because most girls equate short hair with being a boy. I could be wrong though.

11-27-2005, 07:28 AM
Post one more of krystal! Please.

Man Fuck It
11-27-2005, 08:49 PM
much obliged

12-14-2005, 07:39 AM
Sorry to bring up an oldie, but I have been searching high and low for Vanessa. She used to live here in New Orleans. Anyone knows what she is doing with herself?

12-14-2005, 09:51 AM
"Too dark for you?? You must just like the High-Yellow Vulturesses. I understand. It's less challenging to play "connect-the-dots" with the giant pores, zits, buckshot, and assorted, sundry blemishes on the Octaroons."

Dude...I dont know what the fuck your talking about, but you should seriously considered shutting the fuck up about shit you have no clue about..My last girl was about 3 shades darker then Jade.....

Some of you fucking noobs, ill tell yas....Its no wonder you cant get a piece of ass to save your lives. Youve got all the social skills of a pissed off badger.