View Full Version : Young straight(?)guy looking for advice

10-08-2010, 04:33 AM
Hey everyone,

I'm a 22 year old guy finishing up Undergrad studies on Long Island in NY. I've had this attraction to transexual women since I was a kid, but have always just lived the life of a regular straight guy. That is, with the exception of having jerked off to trans porn nearly every day since I was 16. I can remember the first time I saw a hot trans online my brain nearly exploded, and I haven't been able to go back to GG porn since

It was something I couldn't wrap my mind around, and was very embarassed about. For a few years I couldn't admit that I had this attraction even to myself, I would jerk off to it and then just immediately try to shut my brain off and not think about it. I actually tried to will myself back into being attracted to solely GG's, but the more I tried not to think about t-girls the more I wanted them.

After several years of that however, I just couldn't stop lying to myself. I realized that this is not some sort of thing I can ignore or change, this is a part of who I am.

After I finally came clean to myself, and accepted who I am, I was a lot happier. I started checking out some gay porn here and there, as I now had to find out whether I'm just attracted to T-girls or am completely gay. After having watched multiple vids and thinking about it a lot I can say I'm definitely not attracted to men. I love long hair, silky skin, breasts, etc. and I'm definitely, definitely not looking to get fucked in the ass - I'm looking for a woman

I've had a number of one/two night stands during college, and one gf during high school, but I've just never found a girl I've been able to make it work with longterm. Nearly every week I go out in the city with friends of mine, drinking and trying to pick up girls, but my hearts just not in it. I still would not turn down pussy, but I'm ambivalent about meeting/dating a GG

At this point it's been about a year since I've gotten laid, and something needs to change. It's not just the sex I want, although obviously that's a huge part(thats what she said!), it's that I'm lonely. I want a girl who I care about, and can share my life with. Someone to party with me, to hold in bed, to have romantic dinners with, or even just waste the day away lying in bed and watching netflix

so how in the heck do I go about finding a transgirl who is
d)not a prostitute

I have been extremely, extremely tempted to find a girl off eros/backpage or wherever, and pay for some play, but it's a temptation that I have not given in to. I flat out don't like the idea of paying for sex. I could definitely afford it, but I don't think I'd feel good about it afterwards.

I've tried looking for TG dating sites but didn't really find any good ones. I've never randomly met a TG while out partying. How are the TS parties in NYC? I took a look at some of the photos from them, and feel like a lot of the girls are prob "working", and was not really impressed by the hotness of the rest of the girls that weren't performing. The idea of heading to one of these parties myself and trying to meet someone is a little intimidating but if some guys here have had positive experiences with it, then I would consider it

So what do I do here, HA?

I realize this is tl;dr, but I just needed to vent...I've never spoken to anyone IRL about this ever. Feel free to ask any questions, feels good to get this off my chest. Don't wanna post pics in the thread, but if you wanna see what I look like PM me

10-08-2010, 04:36 AM
You need to listen to the sage advice from tjinla2001

10-08-2010, 04:41 AM
Get out while you can. Seriously!!!!!!!

10-08-2010, 05:04 AM
I'd say pop your TS cherry before you start worrying about finding a keeper.

10-08-2010, 06:54 AM
you came here to ask these people for advice.... good luck

10-08-2010, 07:52 AM
Hey everyone,

I'm a 22 year old guy ... I've never spoken to anyone IRL about this ever. Feel free to ask any questions, feels good to get this off my chest. Don't wanna post pics in the thread, but if you wanna see what I look like PM me

I suggest you get out there and have some real life experience first. Go to some of the parties and meet some people. Befriend a few of the TS in your town and if you are curious about the scene they can give you insight into what it's like. Go make some friends that are into the scene as well. So you have people to ask questions to before you go out alone and make a bunch of newb mistakes.

You don't want to introduce yourself to a new scene and come off as a dumbass (like some people ...) do you?

Yeah and pop your cherry. Do it now! Go with an escort that has a lot of experience so they would more likely be patient with you. And it will be discreet! You'll have a great time.

Don't go and marry the first TS that smiles at you. That would be like a deaf man buying his favorite heavy metal album with his life savings!

10-08-2010, 07:56 AM
Just find some girls anywhere/anyway you can, be it parties, clubs, craigslist, whatever, and talk with them. Even if they "work" for a living, they're still people. The sooner you do, the better. In this case, at least in my experience, the reality is infinitely better than the fantasy. If you like images of 'em on the net, you're gonna shit your pants when you meet one for real! I think almost all the guys here have been in your shoes, it's not really anything to trip too hard on. I think we're blessed to be attracted to these girls. Don't worry, just do it! I live in Las Vegas, and can honestly say that I DREAM of traveling to New York to see what you guys got over there. Don't waste another day fretting, carpe diem, fool!!!

10-08-2010, 08:07 AM
Just find some girls anywhere/anyway you can, be it parties, clubs, craigslist, whatever, and talk with them. Even if they "work" for a living, they're still people. The sooner you do, the better. In this case, at least in my experience, the reality is infinitely better than the fantasy. If you like images of 'em on the net, you're gonna shit your pants when you meet one for real! I think almost all the guys here have been in your shoes, it's not really anything to trip too hard on. I think we're blessed to be attracted to these girls. Don't worry, just do it! I live in Las Vegas, and can honestly say that I DREAM of traveling to New York to see what you guys got over there. Don't waste another day fretting, carpe diem, fool!!!
Do it!
YouTube - Doit (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ep2JEIOmjg&feature=related)