View Full Version : Anti depressants with the lowest occurrence of side effects?

10-01-2010, 02:04 AM
Anti depressants with the lowest occurrence of side effects?
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
Thank you

10-01-2010, 02:22 AM

10-01-2010, 02:43 AM
No can do.
And I partake in some extreme sports so I'm a little worried.
Any other suggestions.

10-01-2010, 03:22 AM
They all have different effects for different people. One that works for one may not work for you. It is a hit or miss thing. You just have to keep tryin different ones until you find one with the least amount of side effects and that helps your depression.
Bottom line is you have to work with your doctor or psyche. You can't self medicate.
Good luck to you

10-01-2010, 06:54 AM
I had sexual side effects with basically all of the SSRI's I tried. If that is your side effect. There is another drug, Wellbutryn, in another class of drugs, that is sometimes used in addition to SSRI's to offset that side effect.

I take Wellbutryn alone. It works for me. Ask your Doctor.

Note: If you have symptoms of depression Marijuana is the last drug you want to take. Marijuana can cause or aggravate depression.

Dino Velvet
10-01-2010, 06:55 AM
This works for me.

10-01-2010, 06:57 AM
this should do it...let your anger out!!!!

10-01-2010, 07:07 AM



10-01-2010, 09:41 AM
May I ask why you want to know? I see some other threads here about anti-depressants not working, and I would somewhat agree. I have long experience with them, and would caution against them without being very sure they are needed.

You don't need to respond here, but if you have experienced a significant loss recently, you are likely experiencing grief, which is different than true, biological depression, though they seem the same initially.

With grief, you want to have access to deep emotions, as hard as that is, in order to move through the grief. Drugs will mask and diminish your ability to do this. Unfortunately, most grief is mislabeled as depression by the medical and therapeutic professions, and drugs are the standard treatment. A support group (of others who have experienced a similar loss) is probably the best source of support and validation.

With true depression, you need help to not sink any lower, and to gain some traction to climb out of the hole. Both drugs and therapy can be helpful. There are some common side effects with the drugs, but it has more to do with your individual response to a particular one, and the dosage.

I have both personal and professional experience with both grief and depression, and I know the difference. I also know it is not easy to figure this out.

Good luck.

10-01-2010, 03:32 PM
St John's Wart is an herbal treatment for depression. For more info, click here. >>>> St John's wort - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Saint_johns_wart_flowers.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c4/Saint_johns_wart_flowers.jpg/250px-Saint_johns_wart_flowers.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/c/c4/Saint_johns_wart_flowers.jpg/250px-Saint_johns_wart_flowers.jpg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_John%27s_wort)

10-01-2010, 03:49 PM
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

See a doctor. :shrug

10-01-2010, 04:50 PM
I'm coming out of a 7 year marriage with someone who I thought was my soul mate but who for a lack of a better word just used me.
I loved her but she treated me as if i were her butler.
I'm in my early 30's, I work in a male dominated industry for 10 hours a day, I attend a masters program on the week ends and live in the suburbs so this has been a rather solitary downward spiral.
Therapy has been of little to no use. And going out meeting new people....i just don't have the time nor can I make time due to schedule.
I'm hoping some sort of medical intervention will bring me to normal so I can at least continue with my life as is until I am done with my education and can sell this condo and get an new job and start rebuilding my life.
Sadly I am looking at a 5 year recovery ark and I'm not looking forward to it.

10-01-2010, 04:53 PM
Anti depressants with the lowest occurrence of side effects?
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
Thank youwhat do you have to be depressed about?living 7 years with a woman and its over? dude you should be celebrating

10-01-2010, 05:10 PM
When you love someone unconditionally, coming to terms with how they disrespected you and left you is nothing to celebrate.
And again I'm on no position to celebrate. Between working, attending university i have next to no time to "go out" and as such discover reasons for celebration.
I just need to get through the next year or two with the least amount of anguish possible so i can do my job and graduate.

10-01-2010, 06:51 PM
When you love someone unconditionally, coming to terms with how they disrespected you and left you is nothing to celebrate.
And again I'm on no position to celebrate. Between working, attending university i have next to no time to "go out" and as such discover reasons for celebration.


I am a year out of a similar situation. It's a process, one that takes time and patience. My suggestion is seek counseling.

10-01-2010, 07:12 PM
Anti depressants with the lowest occurrence of side effects?
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
Thank you

This (what is shown on the video) will be the future of medicine. The current state in medical business is such, that in theory there cannot be no growth in sales of pharmaceuticals unless the userbase/customerbase expands. Therefor the medicine sold right now, need to produce more customers = sickness, in order for them to sustain the growth of the sales of pharmaceuticals.

There are alot of natural herbs, that people have used throughout the times, that are now demonized because of many irrational fears, labeling, and due to this fact, that incase people got well (ie. without side effects) after taking their medicine, that would mean the end for the sales of drugs..

..and this is something, that is not up to discussion, it is a fact of how the medicine industry must work, in order for the salesgrowth to be possible..

Here is one natural medication - yet it is labeled under the name of "illegal drug". ->

..one might consider getting into similar programs as this, in order to get sustainable positive effects from medicine..

YouTube - Magic mushrooms on CNN - Long lasting postive effects .. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7yKpvBQhTw)

Also you might benefit more than from any antidepressant from checking this out:

YouTube - a new earth webclass 1-7 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJItBR8t0i4&feature=PlayList&p=0CF42A87318C011C&index=6)

..And this..

"Abraham, through Esther Hicks, talks about The Stream of Well-Being that flows from Non-Physical Source, and explains how manifestation occurs."

YouTube - Abraham on: THE STREAM - Esther & Jerry Hicks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTMx3LFCuPE)

10-01-2010, 11:08 PM
If it's sexual side effects, Wellbutrin, from what I've read, is the only drug on the market, in Canada at least, that doesn't carry the sexual side effects of all the rest. Whether it's the right drug for you is up to your doctor or shrink.

10-01-2010, 11:11 PM
i also had very severe depression before. its like you feel in a hole and you cant get out of it. so scary!

ive never taken any medicine to cure it but what happened is i spend more time with my family. my mom, sisters and brother. my dad even visited me and due to that my depression dissapear. i dont know why but for me the happiest times in my life is spending quality time wit my family and love ones. im so happy being with them.

10-02-2010, 01:57 AM
i was in a very stressful and pressure-filled job for quite awhile and was prone to anxiet as well as depression. I used zoloft during the workweek and come thursday or friday i would stop taking it so as to not affect my libido/sex drive. it worked for me. The onle caveat is initially you have to take it regularly for a few weeks until it builds up in your system. good luck

10-02-2010, 02:25 AM
Sounds like you're grieving a significant loss, as I suspected in my previous post. Its very difficult to lose a close relationship. I have, several times, but looking for a magic pill to make it all go away simply won't work. I doubt you'll feel that much better with the drugs anyway, just numb, and suppressing things will only delay the learnings you need to discover sooner or later. That's the nature of loss and grief. YOU CANNOT FIND THE LIGHT WITHOUT GOING THROUGH THE DARKNESS. That includes all the hurt, anger, abandonment, etc. that you are feeling NOW. Eventually, it WILL shift and you'll move to a new emotional place, with a lot of new wisdom and experience that you can't see right now. But right now, the best thing is to "sit in the mud" and figure out just how bad the loss really is ( and it is really bad). Yes, your life is being disrupted and it SUCKS.

Please try to understand that professional or medical help is likely to not really help, or make things worse, not better. A support group of peers (others going through or have gone through a break-up) is probably going to help you a lot more than a counselor or therapist, though you could get lucky. If you live in a semi-rural or rural area, a therapist or counselor may be the only source of support available, but support groups have increased radically everywhere in the past few decades. You just have to look around, ask friends, etc.

If you try to shut down the pain and stop grieving, you are more likely to turn this into a real depression that lasts a lot longer and causes you more problems long-term than the grief will.

I used to be a therapist, by the way, and have a lot of experience with loss and grief, both personally and professionally. In fact, I am editing a book on the topic right now, a second edition of one by a close friend and psychologist with over 40 years of experience, who specializes in loss, grief and medical psychology (people with severe and chronic medical conditions).

And don't let anyone tell you how long grief is supposed to take! It takes as long as it takes, period. When you start hearing well-meaning friends say, "It's been a year, you should start dating again," resist the urge to choke them.

Find others who can validate what you are going through, who can "hold hope" for you while you are not able to, and know that you have the internal resources to get through this. Eventually, you will, but for now, it really sucks. Hang in there!

10-02-2010, 02:28 AM
Keep this in mind too. The OP (original poster) who is depressed, lives in New Jersey. It is now October. Skies are grayer, it'll soon me dark out at 5:30pm. Leaves are falling off trees. It is a dreary season. Soon there will be snow on the ground and cold temps outside.

Many people experience what is known as SAD. SAD = Seasonal Affective Disorder.

This may sound subjective, but living in NJ, NY or any state that has cold dreary winters, is enough to make any one depressed. Why do you think that when people get old and retire, they retire in Florida?

If you have vacationed in Florida in Nov, Dec, Jan or Feb, while there were cold dreary temps up in NJ, but sunshiny skies in South Florida with winter temps from 60 to 75 degrees, THAT is a cure for depression in it self.

The stress and pressure of your life. Your work and school schedule. Your broken up love relationship. Lack of sunshine. All of these variables = depression.

You desire non intrusive cures for depression, try the herbal St John's Wart. Also, spend at least an hour every day out side so that your eye balls can absorb day light or sun shine. The human spirit NEEDS an input of sun shine into their eye balls to feel well. Do not wear sun glasses when you do this. Even if it is cloudy out, look up at the sky and let your eye balls absorb the natural light.

If you Google search LIGHT THERAPY, there are light boxes that are specifically medically designed to mimic the lack of sunshine in dreary NJ where you live. Still, going out side so that your eyes can see the natural day light is better than a light box.

Hang in there.

ps: I lived the first 27 years of my life in New Jersey. From ages 20 to 27, I was sooo depressed via the dreary winter skies of NJ, that I did some thing very simple to cure my depression. It worked and I have never had a lingering bout of depression since. My solution? Very simple. I moved to Florida!!!! :)

Hang in there! Wishing you all the best.

10-02-2010, 02:34 AM
ME and a good bottle of vodka :lol:

10-02-2010, 03:11 AM
No vodka don't need it just you:twisted:

10-02-2010, 03:26 AM
Wow, just the photo cheered me up!

To the original poster: Studying at university part time is no easy thing, I can certainly relate to that. I graduated from the OU here in Britain a couple of years ago, and I've just signed up with them again to continue my studies.


All I can say in that regard is just hang in there, keep plodding away, and you'll get there in the end. One of my colleagues said to me that the harder something is, the more it's worth (to you) when you do it. That little idea kept me going through some tough nights of studying. They were right, too.

So far as helping with studying, & lightening that load a bit: why not try something like the Mind Map software? Fun, and it works too.


Or you could try one of the speech to text programs that are out there now, and get some of your studying material on your mp3 player. Go out walking and listen to your textbooks at the same time - regular exercise should give you a boost, and listening to a text, then picking up the book later and reading it later really does work. Your different representation systems are consolidating one another.


As for getting yourself out there: if the university you're studying with has a forum of some kind for students to get together, either online or on campus, that might be something to think about. Or you could set up a 'forum' for students doing the same course as you using a Wordpress blog or whatever. Something like that might be a good way of keeping in contact with some people who share your interests. Who knows, maybe you might meet someone on there ...

10-02-2010, 04:54 AM
Thank you for all the help.
I'm attending university and getting my masters in business.
So sadly everyone in my level is either married or married with kids.
The divorce has killed me from the inside out.
I have to rebuild my life from the ground up. I will need a new job, a new place to live and new hobbies. All were set up for a married man and I am no longer a married man.
The recovery ark as im told is about 5 years. I just want to survive these 5 years so that I may maybe have a better future.
thank you

10-02-2010, 05:28 AM

Maybe a little Ativan if you're having panic attacks or overwhelming feelings of dread.

10-02-2010, 06:07 AM
I want to repeat: grief takes whatever time it takes. Talk about a 5 year recovery ark is not going to be helpful if you fixate on a specific time frame. It could take you 2 years, or 10. Either may be just fine, it all depends on your needs. Don't focus on a time frame, but on letting yourself grieve as fully as possible. It will likely proceed more quickly!

10-02-2010, 06:34 AM
Keep this in mind too. The OP (original poster) who is depressed, lives in New Jersey. It is now October. Skies are grayer, it'll soon me dark out at 5:30pm. Leaves are falling off trees. It is a dreary season. Soon there will be snow on the ground and cold temps outside.

Many people experience what is known as SAD. SAD = Seasonal Affective Disorder.

This may sound subjective, but living in NJ, NY or any state that has cold dreary winters, is enough to make any one depressed. Why do you think that when people get old and retire, they retire in Florida?

If you have vacationed in Florida in Nov, Dec, Jan or Feb, while there were cold dreary temps up in NJ, but sunshiny skies in South Florida with winter temps from 60 to 75 degrees, THAT is a cure for depression in it self.

The stress and pressure of your life. Your work and school schedule. Your broken up love relationship. Lack of sunshine. All of these variables = depression.

You desire non intrusive cures for depression, try the herbal St John's Wart. Also, spend at least an hour every day out side so that your eye balls can absorb day light or sun shine. The human spirit NEEDS an input of sun shine into their eye balls to feel well. Do not wear sun glasses when you do this. Even if it is cloudy out, look up at the sky and let your eye balls absorb the natural light.

If you Google search LIGHT THERAPY, there are light boxes that are specifically medically designed to mimic the lack of sunshine in dreary NJ where you live. Still, going out side so that your eyes can see the natural day light is better than a light box.

Hang in there.

ps: I lived the first 27 years of my life in New Jersey. From ages 20 to 27, I was sooo depressed via the dreary winter skies of NJ, that I did some thing very simple to cure my depression. It worked and I have never had a lingering bout of depression since. My solution? Very simple. I moved to Florida!!!! :)

Hang in there! Wishing you all the best.

hum.... thats pretty ko0l

10-02-2010, 06:48 AM
The sky being dark and gray is uplifting for me.
Especially after a long hot summer, I welcome the seasonal change.
Though I'll admit when it get's to be around March, I'm ready for the summer again.

10-04-2010, 02:07 AM
Most all anti-depressants have one major sexual side effect, and that is the difficulty in ejaculating or reaching an orgasm. It is incredibly frustrating for both men and women.

Paxil is the worst offender. In fact, many docs give Paxil to patients who have premature ejaculation. Zoloft, Wellbutrin and Prozac also cause the problem of difficult ejaculation.

There are two solutions. First, take Prozac (the drug with the statistical profile shown to cause the least problem with orgasm) combined with a morning and night dose of Gingko Biloba. The gingko seems to help significantly with the ejaculation problem and makes it much easier to cum. It takes about two weeks for the Gingko to kick in, but it really does work for most people.

Second, take Luvox as your anti-depressant. Luvox is mainly used for obsessive-compulsive disorder but also works well for depression. And it doesn't seem to have the ejaculation side effect as the others.

The other sexual side effect with anti-depressants is a reduced libido. This really a very minor problem for most and doesn't occur often.

How do I know what I've just said is accurate? I've done major research on this issue.

Most importantly, never let any sexual side effect stop you from getting medication for depression. Prozac can be a godsend for some. Medication really does work in this area. If you are depressed, PLEASE go see your doctor. All general practitioners will prescribe anti-depressants. You can see a psychiatrist for medication and talk-therapy but regular docs will prescribe meds for depression. You will feel a 1000% better if you take a medication for this problem. There is no need to suffer with this issue.

10-04-2010, 02:16 AM
As I am sure others have said, all people react differently. However, at this time, Nefazodone (serzone) and Wellbutrin (Buproprion) have the fewest side effects, especially on sexual abilities. Wellbutrin may make you nervous and you may have to take buspar to counteract that. Also, low dosages of nefazodone and buproprion can be very effective. Hope this helps. Check on these yourself.

10-04-2010, 02:23 AM

I really can't stress this enough! :lol:


10-04-2010, 04:06 AM
Just roll w/ it and be goth.

10-04-2010, 04:22 AM
Just roll w/ it and be goth.

Life is pain.



10-04-2010, 04:26 AM
:jerkofflot's of sex...and cash:)

10-04-2010, 05:43 AM
Well, I'm going to have to see what the doctor gave me.
But I do have to say it was good.
Though today was a day I got to go out and hang out with friends.
I guess I'll know better when I'm alone for a day studying.
I have to tell you it does suck. Funny bit of fact, it takes a guy living in the burbs 1-5 years to recover from a divorce. Your average woman with no kids, 6months - 1 year.
Such is life I guess.
But thank you all for the help and may none of you ever be where I am.

10-05-2010, 04:11 AM
Funny bit of fact, it takes a guy living in the burbs 1-5 years to recover from a divorce. Your average woman with no kids, 6months - 1 year.
Such is life I guess.
But thank you all for the help and may none of you ever be where I am.

The man will come out ahead. Six months to one year is not enough time to process everything. My ex-wife moved on immediately, she is a train wreck, and not any better off. My step daughter is the one that's really paying the price.

10-05-2010, 04:46 AM
Well that is to say, it takes the average guy living in the burbs 1-5 years to rebuild his life so that he transforms from being a husband to being a single guy again.
New house, new job, new gym and new friends to put himself in a situation where he can go out and meet a potential mate. Which sounds about right.
For a girl, if she doesn't have kids, go sit at a Star Bucks look cute and get hit on.
But yes I fear the same for my x wife. Last I knew she was working two jobs just to make ends meet and at the rate she is going she will never have a university education.
I wish her the best, but I did not deserve the sex diet or being treated as if i were her butler so maybe it's karma?
As for the medication?
Well let's put it this way, it's like pounding a redbull. I'm awake, I'm ready to go and I'm focused. Which is better than were I was.
I've also been told that some doctors utilize HGH for men to counter depression.
I'm sure it would be better than what ever I'm taking and heck I'm sure the side effect of helping me pack on a few more lbs of muscle would not hurt.