View Full Version : Conflicted about liking trannies

09-25-2010, 05:14 PM
I'm a conflicted dude. On one hand i'm ok with it, but on the other hand I'm not. I still like genetic chicks, but i also like trannie chicks. Sometimes I'm more into trannie chicks than genetic chicks. But a dude got too much on his plate. I have a 2 year old son (that's basically the only thing keepin me alive and out of trouble) and i fear likin trannies is gonna make him turn against me one day. It jus seems wrong to me because i'm livin a lie and keepin this part of me from everyone out of fear of rejection from my fam and boys. Where I'm from i don't feel comfortable proclaiming my love for trannies because i also feel it's ruin my chances with the ladies (because a dude still like pussy too) and i don't wanna be seen as a faggot because lets keep it real, nobody understands men who like trannies and labels them as gay regardless and this is somethin i'm not comfortable wit at all. Maybe i should jus like trannies from afar and never attempt to actually be wit one...It's jus too much added stress smh

09-25-2010, 05:56 PM
Your son really should have no clue that his pop is sexual in the first place, forget about TGs/GGs.

I look at it like this, it's no one's business who you like/don't like. If at some point you were in a steady situation with a tgirl, you have to decide how you'd handle that, otherwise IMO it's best to keep your private life PRIVATE.

FOr what it's worth, there are hundreds of guys, if not thousands, who have gone or are going through the same personal conflicts when it comes to their attraction to transwomen.

GGs don't go around announcing they've been in previous relationships with women when they start dating a man. If it doesn't affect your current situation, there's no point in bringing it up. It's like telling a female how many people you've slept with; if it more than 10, it's best IMO to keep it quiet.

If it's too disruptive to your current lifestyle, maybe it's best to lust after them from afar, but if I were you I'd try to find a better balance.

It would be like me denying my attraction to GGs - denying my lust for TGs; at some point not admitting it and acting on it would drive me crazy.

On the other hand, if the whole TG thing is a minor fetish/curiosity for you, no need to take the plunge and keep it on the straight and narrow.

I'm at the point that theoretically, if I met the 'right' transgendered woman, I'd be willing to put it all out there and not think about the pussy I was missing. I mean, when I'm in a LTR with a GG, I don't really get caught up in the other GGs I could be fuccing.

BTW, most TGs are more than willing to let you keep you 'man' card, it's other GGs and str8 dudes who pull that faggot crap.

09-25-2010, 05:58 PM
Yeah ur conflicted were not supposed to like this. W got turned out. This stuff is like a fetish so use sum self control and get out before it becomes an addiction boi.

09-25-2010, 06:01 PM
But a dude got too much on his plate.

I was thinking about this the other day, and that's really what it comes down to. As for everything else, it's strange that you're so conflicted when you haven't even been with a tgirl.

09-25-2010, 06:08 PM
Your son really should have no clue that his pop is sexual in the first place, forget about TGs/GGs.

I look at it like this, it's no one's business who you like/don't like. If at some point you were in a steady situation with a tgirl, you have to decide how you'd handle that, otherwise IMO it's best to keep your private life PRIVATE.

FOr what it's worth, there are hundreds of guys, if not thousands, who have gone or are going through the same personal conflicts when it comes to their attraction to transwomen.

GGs don't go around announcing they've been in previous relationships with women when they start dating a man. If it doesn't affect your current situation, there's no point in bringing it up. It's like telling a female how many people you've slept with; if it more than 10, it's best IMO to keep it quiet.

If it's too disruptive to your current lifestyle, maybe it's best to lust after them from afar, but if I were you I'd try to find a better balance.

It would be like me denying my attraction to GGs - denying my lust for TGs; at some point not admitting it and acting on it would drive me crazy.

On the other hand, if the whole TG thing is a minor fetish/curiosity for you, no need to take the plunge and keep it on the straight and narrow.

I'm at the point that theoretically, if I met the 'right' transgendered woman, I'd be willing to put it all out there and not think about the pussy I was missing. I mean, when I'm in a LTR with a GG, I don't really get caught up in the other GGs I could be fuccing.

BTW, most TGs are more than willing to let you keep you 'man' card, it's other GGs and str8 dudes who pull that faggot crap.

but it's like damn how do i let this lil dude know i like trannies when he gets older? i see him now and i can already tell dude is gonna be a wiseass and gonna be jus like me in certain aspects. he got a lot of my characteristics already. and my thing is i'd never accept him likin a trannie or another dude and i know that's kinda hypocritical but that's jus the way it is wit me so i guess that's why i'm havin a hard time wit him tryin to accept me wit a trannie.

that's why likin trannies is probably better for dudes who jus wanna pay for some ass and bounce. but i don't believe i should have to pay only because i get get some fine ass real chicks for free, so why should i have to pay a trannie? naw i don't get down like that.

As for chicks already being wit another chick, shyt that aint even somethin to stress over. two chicks together is like the norm and you know dudes is into that especially if both chicks look like females. i know i wouldnt even give a shyt if a chick i was messin wit got down wit another chick. shyt, i'd join the bitch lol

but idk if i wanna be in a relationship wit a trannie only because ima get the urge for some pussy from time to time and a trannie can't provide that. for the most part i'm into trannies for the ass and the female form and all, not really into the dick so i'd probably get alone better wit a trannie who's gone all the way wit the surgery thing. but i guess after i'm done wantin kids because a nigga still want at least one more. idk...

09-25-2010, 06:09 PM
I was thinking about this the other day, and that's really what it comes down to. As for everything else, it's strange that you're so conflicted when you haven't even been with a tgirl.

because i cant fight the attraction. that's why i feel conflicted. i wish i wasn't attracted to them.

Evil Jay
09-25-2010, 06:14 PM
If you want to bone a tgirl,just do it.Like a previous poster said,they're a lot of bisexual females who will not disclose similar info,so.........FUCK IT the trannys I mean

09-25-2010, 06:15 PM
If you want to bone a tgirl,just do it.Like a previous poster said,they're a lot of bisexual females who will not disclose similar info,so.........FUCK IT the trannys I mean

bwahahaha findin the right one has been a challenge my dude

09-25-2010, 06:22 PM
Just call yourself a hedonist & quit worrying about it.

09-25-2010, 06:27 PM
.......... 0_0

09-25-2010, 06:31 PM
IMO just be your son's pop, not his friend. Meaning give him advice and counsel when he asks questions, but he doesn't need to know EVERY detail about how you get down!!lol

About not being stressed that you girl is bi, well, I was in a LTR relationship with a female who told me six months in that her 'roommate' was in reality her EX-GIRLFRIEND. And it wasn't some chummy 3's company bullshit 'cause he ex still had feelings for her.
If it's just sex, who gives a fucc?? But if you LOVE a bitch, competing with a dyke for some pussy is not cool.
Can't tell you how many times me and that dyke bitch almost came to blows!!!

If liking TGs is not a normal extension of your overall lifestyle, I would act accordingly and keep that attraction at a distance.

And stop thinking your son has a right to know about anything that you don't decide to tell him!!

09-25-2010, 06:38 PM
because i cant fight the attraction. that's why i feel conflicted. i wish i wasn't attracted to them.
hmm, good answer. I recommend just not creating an issue out of it. You're making a big issue out of something that really isn't a big issue. It's only a big issue in your mind.

09-25-2010, 06:44 PM
If liking TGs is not a normal extension of your overall lifestyle, I would act accordingly and keep that attraction at a distance.
Not even keep it at a distance, just keep it secret.

And stop thinking your son has a right to know about anything that you don't decide to tell him!!
Yes, exactly.

09-25-2010, 06:48 PM
idk i jus feel bad about it. like i'm lettin my son down by not bein a good father because i'm attracted to trannies. i'm overprotective of him.

09-25-2010, 06:48 PM
ive been with a guy for over a year now i know his whole family we did tell some of them im a ts some we didnt...i would never be with ne1 who could not walk with me in walmart lol them im not to clocked but my bf was with me before i had work done..i would only be with a man who knows what he wants and would be proud to be with me ne where!

09-25-2010, 06:51 PM
idk i jus feel bad about it. like i'm lettin my son down by not bein a good father because i'm attracted to trannies. i'm overprotective of him.

Its crzy how some ppl would nather have ppl think they killed some1 then to like trannys..If ur a good father ur son will love and respect u either way ppl are not born with hate in there hearts its learned make sure u teach him respect and everything should be fine...

09-25-2010, 06:52 PM
ive been with a guy for over a year now i know his whole family we did tell some of them im a ts some we didnt...i would never be with ne1 who could not walk with me in walmart lol them im not to clocked but my bf was with me before i had work done..i would only be with a man who knows what he wants and would be proud to be with me ne where!

ditto girl.smh @ some of these replys

09-25-2010, 06:53 PM
Its crzy how some ppl would nather have ppl think they killed some1 then to like trannys..If ur a good father ur son will love and respect u either way ppl are not born with hate in there hearts its learned make sure u teach him respect and everything should be fine...

but his moms will try to start drama and tell him bullshyt and get him to turn on me because they gonna call me a faggot and shyt. smh

he only 2 anyway tho so ima try not to worry too much about it right now.

09-25-2010, 06:56 PM
but his moms will try to start drama and tell him bullshyt and get him to turn on me because they gonna call me a faggot and shyt. smh

Like i said if ur in ur sons life and teach him different and show him ur just as much as a man as the next...by being there for him in everyway im sure who u lay with at nite will be the last thing on his mind...

09-25-2010, 06:57 PM
ditto girl.smh @ some of these replys

i know right then there mad cuz they have to pay?

09-25-2010, 07:04 PM
Amber and Sunshyne, both of you have the 'looks' that go beyond a dude just wanting to sex you.
Hypothetically, if we had sex and I caught feelings and there was a possibility of a relationship, I would not be able to ignore those emotions. At that point a man has to know the full extent of his feeling for tgirls.

For some guys it's not that serious = no future in it, just sex.

For others, it's the same as being attracted to a GG. If everything is cool you simply go with it.

IMO most trans-attracted men just don't meet enough pretty, passable girls to make contemplating dating one a reality.

09-25-2010, 07:07 PM
i know right then there mad cuz they have to pay?

exactly.men and theyre insecurities.i tolerate it in clients but i dont know why they think we would but up with that dl stuff in our personal life

Evil Jay
09-25-2010, 07:08 PM
Hey brah,a secret is a secret and you said you wouldn't want him to follow your tranny path lol.Unless you get caught,THERE ISN'T A PROBLEM.

09-25-2010, 07:11 PM
My mom knew my ex is a TS. I think she thinks I'm bi now. Oh well lol

09-25-2010, 07:13 PM
Amber and Sunshyne, both of you have the 'looks' that go beyond a dude just wanting to sex you.
Hypothetically, if we had sex and I caught feelings and there was a possibility of a relationship, I would not be able to ignore those emotions. At that point a man has to know the full extent of his feeling for tgirls.

For some guys it's not that serious = no future in it, just sex.

For others, it's the same as being attracted to a GG. If everything is cool you simply go with it.

IMO most trans-attracted men just don't meet enough pretty, passable girls to make contemplating dating one a reality.

aww thanks hun.thats one of the sweetest compliments. your my new fav :D

but yea its just alittle upsetting to hear some of the things guys think of us, and these are the guys that are supposed to be in to ts girls.hard to feel more than one dimensional these days lol

09-25-2010, 07:31 PM
I gotta a kid too and I feel ya on the not wanting him/her to grow to not love you and what you stand for. But you have a say in what they accept and what type of person they are.

I try to expose my daughter to a variety of people and things and she will occasionally say uncomfortable things. She has met some of my trans friends as well.

In the last month she has asked a person in a wheelchair why they don't walk, an Indian woman why she has a dot on her head and loudly asked me what happened to that woman's neck where the lady was in a brace. I used each of the incidents as a teaching moment and she seemed to understand and accept people are different.

Over the years I have discovered a great many things about my pops and my uncle (my best friend) and they were/are some wild mf's. Never will forget when a stripper hired for a bachelor party asked me was I related to my uncle....man was I proud.

Keep some things secret because not everything that is known needs to be told. Also use common sense with your ex as babes can be vindictive.

Last, remember HA ain't the real world, and neither is the world of escorts and porn stars. It's more like a xxx Disney Land but remember there are people out there in school, at work and living normal lives. HA can skew your perspective. Good advice and fun can be had here but this ain't really real.

09-25-2010, 07:47 PM
I gotta a kid too and I feel ya on the not wanting him/her to grow to not love you and what you stand for. But you have a say in what they accept and what type of person they are.

I try to expose my daughter to a variety of people and things and she will occasionally say uncomfortable things. She has met some of my trans friends as well.

In the last month she has asked a person in a wheelchair why they don't walk, an Indian woman why she has a dot on her head and loudly asked me what happened to that woman's neck where the lady was in a brace. I used each of the incidents as a teaching moment and she seemed to understand and accept people are different.

Over the years I have discovered a great many things about my pops and my uncle (my best friend) and they were/are some wild mf's. Never will forget when a stripper hired for a bachelor party asked me was I related to my uncle....man was I proud.

Keep some things secret because not everything that is known needs to be told. Also use common sense with your ex as babes can be vindictive.

Last, remember HA ain't the real world, and neither is the world of escorts and porn stars. It's more like a xxx Disney Land but remember there are people out there in school, at work and living normal lives. HA can skew your perspective. Good advice and fun can be had here but this ain't really real.

AMEN to That.

Do You! I discovered, my Step Father is attracted to TS, when i found his porn collection as a teen. Never looked at him any other way, thats the reason im attracted to TS, but i still never talk to him about that, and never felt the need to want to.

09-25-2010, 07:49 PM
well i wasn't around for the first 1 and a half of my son's life, i was locked up. i wasnt there when he was born, i didnt see him walk for the first time or wasnt there for his first word. When i got to hold him for the first time he didn't even know who the fuck i was, it's taken a lil while but he knows who i am now....but i see alot of his personality already and he's very similar to when i was a young buck. he's a lil wise ass and has a temper but he's my lil man. i love him to death and i dont wanna lose him again. he hasn't gotten to that stage where he's curious about the world around him yet. which is a good thing, but when he does it's gonna be a challenge and i know i'm up for it.

09-25-2010, 08:06 PM
Why don't you stop tying yourself up in knots by worrying about hyperthetical situations that may or may not happen. The more you worry about it, the more chance you have of getting a totally fucked head and a totally streesed out body. :( If you just live life as it comes and deal with situations as they arise, life should be easier. Also stop worrying about what other people think - it's nothing to do with them.

I say this and mean it, but maybe I'm lucky with my situation. The majority of my family, all my close friends and most of the people I work with know I like T-girls and nobody gives a damn. :)

09-25-2010, 08:22 PM
Give him something to be proud of and admire and he will become just like you. Give him something to be ashamed of and more than likely he will still become just like you.

Do great things then challenge him to live up to your example. Being into transgendered babes doesn't change this.

09-25-2010, 09:13 PM
Maybe i should jus like trannies from afar and never attempt to actually be wit one...It's jus too much added stress smh

It is your choice hun, it would be better for a ts that you did do that since DL dudes cause to many problems

I look at it like this, it's no one's business who you like/don't like.


This stuff is like a fetish so use sum self control and get out before it becomes an addiction boi.

well then you are a trick if we are just a fetish

ive been with a guy for over a year now i know his whole family we did tell some of them im a ts some we didnt

smh @ your tranny chaser husband girl poof!

but his moms will try to start drama and tell him bullshyt and get him to turn on me because they gonna call me a faggot and shyt. smh

lol if she is passable then why would they need to know

Amber and Sunshyne, both of you have the 'looks' that go beyond a dude just wanting to sex you.

no such thing

Floyd R
09-25-2010, 10:33 PM
If you are conflicted and a part of you feels being attracted to transsexual is wrong, then stick to genetic girls. There are a lot more options to choose from with genetic girls especially in the largest metropolis in the USA, New York City.

Maybe your liking of transsexuals is only meant to exist as a fantasy that you participate in by way of online forums, watching porn, and not meant to exit in the real world. Nothing wrong with just keeping it as your own personal fantasy.

09-25-2010, 10:43 PM
This is why girls charge by the hour. You do all the work to have a relationship a guy and then because he can't handle the pressure he pulls the rug from under your feet.

I say, have sex with whomever you'd like but don't try to establish a relationship. As long as you're unsure about who you are and what you want....no good can come from that.

If you mislead someone into believing you want a relationship and then fold under pressure, its not fair to the lady you've misled. So for now have sex and do your thing but keep it sexual.

09-25-2010, 10:51 PM
Another "am i gay" because i like transsexuals thread and as a added bonus will my kid think i'm gay as well :loser:

I feel bad for you kid because if he takes after you and that"no homo" environment he probably will reject you but if you a good father if wouldn't matter anyway.

09-25-2010, 11:09 PM
TGlover, if you don't escort, why do you constantly feel entitled to speak for those girls that do???

And what world do you live in?? Having a relationship with a T for a 'str8 man', by definition, is DIFFICULT, initially.

09-25-2010, 11:28 PM
I'm a conflicted dude.

Understandable, we've all been there.

But a dude got too much on his plate.

I'm conflicted on whether I am able to understand what you wrote! j/k (my written English isn't perfect either)

I have a 2 year old son (that's basically the only thing keepin me alive and out of trouble) and i fear likin trannies is gonna make him turn against me one day.

Wow, well by the time he is old enough to understand I am hopeful that society will be more accepting of relationships with t-girls. It seems that TS are slowly becoming more common in the media these days compared to before. Once there is more awareness out there on the subject I am hopeful that people will understand more about it and be less fearful/hateful/intolerant towards us.

It jus seems wrong to me because i'm livin a lie and keepin this part of me from everyone out of fear of rejection from my fam and boys.

Yeah that sucks, no two ways about it. You're in a tight spot. But I think you should talk to someone about this face-to-face and get things off your chest. Try to pick someone who would be open minded and empathetic with your plight. You'll feel better like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. In my early twenties I went and saw a counselor at my university. It only took a half hour of back and forth for me to get a healthier perspective on my thoughts and motives.

Where I'm from i don't feel comfortable proclaiming my love for trannies

No need to advertise it. Lots of guys have relationships with TS that are on the down-low. It's a less than ideal but they can be fulfilling. But hey if two people love each other they can make anything work out. I live in Thailand which is way more tolerant than most places in the west when it comes to sexual relationships and people still date ladyboys in secret. I wouldn't know about the percentages on the matter though.

because i also feel it's ruin my chances with the ladies (because a dude still like pussy too)

A dude should consider making peace with the fact that dude is different from what is considered "normal" by society. Doing that would be better than living life with loads of secrets and skeletons in the closet. Living a lie can alienate you from your friends and loved ones. Things don't have to be so black and white. There are still lots of shades of grey in this matter.

and i don't wanna be seen as a faggot because lets keep it real, nobody understands men who like trannies and labels them as gay regardless and this is somethin i'm not comfortable wit at all.

Yeah general attitudes in the west towards the LGBT scene aren't so tolerant nor respectful. But, hopefully they will continue getting better with time.

Maybe i should jus like trannies from afar and never attempt to actually be wit one...It's jus too much added stress smh
Yes it sounds like that is a good option for you for the time being. Once your kids are old enough to understand your choices with respect you could pursue things more openly. Along the way if you meet a TS and have a relationship on the down-low you could kick it up a notch once you are ready to be more "out" about things.
That way your kids will be fine. But, you need to realize that you can't go through your whole life trying to make others happy. Because, it is pretty much impossible to make everyone happy all at once. If/when you decide to pursue TS more openly and someone else doesn't like it forget about them. You would be pursuing your happiness and if someone else has a problem with that it would be a reflection on how shitty they are and not the other way around.

09-25-2010, 11:33 PM
Another "am i gay" because i like transsexuals thread and as a added bonus will my kid think i'm gay as well :loser:

I feel bad for you kid because if he takes after you and that"no homo" environment he probably will reject you but if you a good father if would matter anyway.

chile you are pressed.

09-25-2010, 11:35 PM
Understandable, we've all been there.

I'm conflicted on whether I am able to understand what you wrote! j/k (my written English isn't perfect either)

Wow, well by the time he is old enough to understand I am hopeful that society will be more accepting of relationships with t-girls. It seems that TS are slowly becoming more common in the media these days compared to before. Once there is more awareness out there on the subject I am hopeful that people will understand more about it and be less fearful/hateful/intolerant towards us.

Yeah that sucks, no two ways about it. You're in a tight spot. But I think you should talk to someone about this face-to-face and get things off your chest. Try to pick someone who would be open minded and empathetic with your plight.

No need to advertise it. Lots of guys have relationships with TS that are on the down-low. It's a little less than ideal but they can be fulfilling. I live in Thailand which is way more tolerant than most places in the west when it comes to sexual relationships and people still date ladyboys in secret. I wouldn't know about the percentages on the matter though.

A dude should consider making peace with the fact that dude is different from is considered "normal" by society. Doing that would be better than living life with loads of secrets and skeletons in the closet. Living a lie can alienate you from your friends and loved ones.

Yeah general attitudes in the west towards the LGBT scene aren't so tolerant nor respectful. But, hopefully they will continue getting better with time.

Yes it sounds like that is a good option for you for the time being. Once your kids are old enough to understand your choices with respect you could pursue things more openly. Along the way if you meet a TS and have a relationship on the down-low you could kick it up a notch once you are ready to be more "out" about things.
That way your kids will be fine. But, you need to realize that you can't go through your whole life trying to make others happy. Because, it is pretty much impossible to make everyone happy all at once. If/when you decide to pursue TS more openly and someone else doesn't like it forget about them. You would be pursuing your happiness and if someone else has a problem with that it would be a reflection on how shitty they are and not the other way around.

dang that's alot to respond but i appreciate the time you took to reply. good lookin out

09-25-2010, 11:39 PM
Another "am i gay" because i like transsexuals thread and as a added bonus will my kid think i'm gay as well :loser:

I feel bad for you kid because if he takes after you and that"no homo" environment he probably will reject you but if you a good father if would matter anyway.

bwahahaha ... my godfather is gay and the dude practically raised me, but this don't mean i'm gay and isn't why i like trannies. i respect this dude for bein there when my real father never was. i want my son to appreciate him also, but he's not one of those fem faggoty type dudes. i understand if the trannie is passable then it makes it easier, but i'd always be worried about peeps finding out. Maybe i'm jus insecure...

09-25-2010, 11:45 PM
If you do not want to like trannies then picture

all the bad stuff that goes

with liking them,the dangers,

the issues, the problems

because i cant fight the attraction. that's why i feel conflicted. i wish i wasn't attracted to them.

09-25-2010, 11:45 PM
bwahahaha ... my godfather is gay and the dude practically raised me, but this don't mean i'm gay and isn't why i like trannies. i respect this dude for bein there when my real father never was. i want my son to appreciate him also, but he's not one of those fem faggoty type dudes. i understand if the trannie is passable then it makes it easier, but i'd always be worried about peeps finding out. Maybe i'm jus insecure...

if she isnt a ho and they aint looking between her legs

they have no need to

09-26-2010, 12:22 AM
bwahahaha ... my godfather is gay and the dude practically raised me, but this don't mean i'm gay and isn't why i like trannies. i respect this dude for bein there when my real father never was. i want my son to appreciate him also, but he's not one of those fem faggoty type dudes. i understand if the trannie is passable then it makes it easier, but i'd always be worried about peeps finding out. Maybe i'm jus insecure...

Really because if you godfather was gay and he practically raised you one would think you'd be a little more tolerant and open minded about all this stuff,seriosuly if you grandfather was a "fem faggoty type dude" would you be ashamed of him to be around your "peeps" just saying you keep talking about trannies being ultra passable but in the end if she is a nice girl it shouldn't matter because its your life not your "peeps".

09-26-2010, 01:20 AM
Really because if you grandfather was gay and he practically raised you one would think you'd be a little more tolerant and open minded about all this stuff,seriosuly if you grandfather was a "fem faggoty type dude" would you be ashamed of him to be around your "peeps" just saying you keep talking about trannies being ultra passable but in the end if she is a nice girl it shouldn't matter because its your life not your "peeps".

GODFATHER. And i probably would have been who knows....and the ultra passable is my preference. I don't have anything against those who aren't, it's just not my thing.

09-26-2010, 01:32 AM
if she isnt a ho and they aint looking between her legs

they have no need to

This is my feeling. Let them try to guess. Most times they try to out you by saying something and waiting to see how you react. If you just laugh, and keep it moving, nothing will come of it.

People will always try to measure you. Stand tall, and most people will stroll on. Like I said before, I haven't been with a TS, but I have chilled out in public with a few. Hell, a couple girls from here have the digits, and we text and chop it up all the time. It's no problem if you just go on about your bizness. People don't need to know your private life unless they are in your circle.

09-26-2010, 02:07 AM
GODFATHER. And i probably would have been who knows....and the ultra passable is my preference. I don't have anything against those who aren't, it's just not my thing.

you like what you like
why keep trying to explain it?
ignore the fags who like men in wigs and move on.

This is my feeling. Let them try to guess. Most times they try to out you by saying something and waiting to see how you react. If you just laugh, and keep it moving, nothing will come of it.

Even if someone does guess, unless they have a large adams apple, a deep voice, or someone saw there dick how can they be for sure?

Denial is a very enjoyable thing

09-26-2010, 02:28 AM
TGlover, if you don't escort, why do you constantly feel entitled to speak for those girls that do???

And what world do you live in?? Having a relationship with a T for a 'str8 man', by definition, is DIFFICULT, initially.
Because whether transsexual are escorts or not...we all have dealt with the same or similar issues. No one said it wasn't difficult but nothing in life is. Nothing in life comes without sacrifice and that includes having the strength to love who you love regardless.

Why can't I stand up for escorts? I have to be one in order to feel their plight. Its like asking white person why are they at a civil rights march

09-26-2010, 02:30 AM
Like i told you on BGC

Your son is young enough to be impressionable. Why cant you be the one impressing upon him? And fuck the world other than him. Youre not wearing a different shirt once you admit it to someone. We all have our on unique tastes in different things: food, clothes, women, music etc. If ANY difference makes a person not like you after they find out means they really werent that into you in the first place. LOYAL people accept differences, w/e they be, and know that who u fuck, what you eat, where u sleep, how u live your life, are your choice and respect that same way u respect that in them.

09-26-2010, 02:31 AM
This is my feeling. Let them try to guess. Most times they try to out you by saying something and waiting to see how you react. If you just laugh, and keep it moving, nothing will come of it.

People will always try to measure you. Stand tall, and most people will stroll on. Like I said before, I haven't been with a TS, but I have chilled out in public with a few. Hell, a couple girls from here have the digits, and we text and chop it up all the time. It's no problem if you just go on about your bizness. People don't need to know your private life unless they are in your circle.

thats a cop out but not to bad

09-26-2010, 02:43 AM
Because whether transsexual are escorts or not...we all have dealt with the same or similar issues. No one said it wasn't difficult but nothing in life is. Nothing in life comes without sacrifice and that includes having the strength to love who you love regardless.

Why can't I stand up for escorts? I have to be one in order to feel their plight. Its like asking white person why are they at a civil rights march

Bad analogy, but whateva.

I understand the solidarity among ALL transgendered females, but IMO you speak a little too freely about something that goes beyond having a sometimes difficult time dating men as a TG.

Most TGs who escort, from what I've seen and read, have minimum respect for most men, and it erodes by the hour.

It gets to the point that many tgirls resent men viewing them sexually at all.

09-26-2010, 02:48 AM
MOST people are not into the TS/TG

because of the religious part of your personality or and the anti-gay sentiment and or upbringing and many times its the stigma that goes with it like,

TS/TG carry disease such as AIDS,syphilis,warts ,herpes and antibiotic resistance STD'S

09-26-2010, 02:53 AM
Bad analogy, but whateva.

I understand the solidarity among ALL transgendered females, but IMO you speak a little too freely about something that goes beyond having a sometimes difficult time dating men as a TG.

Most TGs who escort, from what I've seen and read, have minimum respect for most men, and it erodes by the hour.

It gets to the point that many tgirls resent men viewing them sexually at all.

I think analogy...made perfect sense, but whateva.... You don't know me, so how you can develop an opinion of me is beyond me. As a transsexual several of my friends work as escort so I fell personally connected to it. Besides when most men encounter me....they automatically assume I'm an escort based on the fact that I am transgendered.

I have respect for anyone who respects me so I judge men on an individual basis and not as a collective. However when speaking I sometimes make generalizations to make a point.

As far as being a sex object goes...that's not my issue. I like for man to sex me as sexually desired but I also want him to see me as intelligent, driven, loyal, passionate and so many other variables that contribute to my overall make-up.

09-26-2010, 03:00 AM
I really don't get that part tgl, about men assuming you're an escort. Not unlike some members on this board seeing a picture of a TG, immediately start asking for contact info and her rates. I don't frequent non TG pornstar boards, but from what I can recall, I've very rarely if ever seen someone ask a pornstar if she escorts too, unless that's already known. Pretty fucking low, but hey.

09-26-2010, 03:04 AM
TGL isn't in the adult industry.

09-26-2010, 03:06 AM
I wasn't saying that either. I was whining about how some people assume you're an escort just because you're a TG, like some people on this board for instance.

09-26-2010, 03:06 AM
I really don't get that part tgl, about men assuming you're an escort. Not unlike some members on this board seeing a picture of a TG, immediately start asking for contact info and her rates. I don't frequent non TG pornstar boards, but from what I can recall, I've very rarely if ever seen someone ask a pornstar if she escorts too, unless that's already known. Pretty fucking low, but hey.
A lot of them assume because I dress sexy and I'm transsexual that I have to be a working girl. I used to be offended but now...I say who cares. Its like sexy and intelligent can't coexist. In order to be seen as intellectual, I have to dress like a librarian.

But I don't want to turn this into a thread about me. So lets stick to the topic at hand.

09-26-2010, 03:20 AM
I've seen a little how you dress on those youtube vids, TGL, and you throw off that serious sexy vibe like daggers!!

There is a middle ground between dressing like a prude and like you're going to the club.

But hey I don't mind!lol

09-26-2010, 03:22 AM
...I used to be offended but now...I say who cares. Its like sexy and intelligent can't coexist. In order to be seen as intellectual, I have to dress like a librarian.

(to bump into the middle of a conversation) I'd say it is kind of stupid for people to even have this kind of mindframe (as to sexuality being separated from intellectualness - it is not).. Sexuality, and geniousness are both the same, they go hand in hand, and sexual energy is also intellectual energy - if it is rightly "aimed".

Good health, is allways good health... being in shape is being in shape, and that will manifest in multitudes of ways..

09-26-2010, 03:26 AM
you like what you like
why keep trying to explain it?
ignore the fags who like men in wigs and move on.

I'm basically just trying to tell your freind that he shouldn't be ashamed for liking someone who is transgender or feel the need to care what people think.I know that its his preference for super,ultra passable transsexuals but even if he finds that super, ultra passable transsexual that isn't going to change the fact that the person is transgender so it just makes sense to be more understanding and tolerant.

09-26-2010, 03:33 AM

09-26-2010, 03:34 AM
I've seen a little how you dress on those youtube vids, TGL, and you throw off that serious sexy vibe like daggers!!

There is a middle ground between dressing like a prude and like you're going to the club.

But hey I don't mind!lol
The Middle Ground is relative. I don't always dress sexy. There are some videos when I am not as sexy. I just don't see why being sexy is a bad thing?

No disrespect but as I said earlier...I don't want to turn this post into a post about me. I think the topic is a very interesting one, so I want to return the focus back to the subject at hand.

09-26-2010, 03:49 AM
aww thanks hun.thats one of the sweetest compliments. your my new fav :D

but yea its just alittle upsetting to hear some of the things guys think of us, and these are the guys that are supposed to be in to ts girls.hard to feel more than one dimensional these days lol

Hun, you need to remember that most of these guys are young and still learning to be comfortable with themselves. It takes a degree of courage and self-surety to be able to go out with a TS and say fuck it if anyone realizes.

I know that doesn't make you feel any better when some guy wants to only know you indoors, but just saying to give it some time. Some (not all) of them will come around.

09-26-2010, 03:56 AM
but idk if i wanna be in a relationship wit a trannie only because ima get the urge for some pussy from time to time and a trannie can't provide that. for the most part i'm into trannies for the ass and the female form and all, not really into the dick so i'd probably get alone better wit a trannie who's gone all the way wit the surgery thing. but i guess after i'm done wantin kids because a nigga still want at least one more. idk...[/QUOTE]

I feel your conflict, I too am conflicted and semi-new to lusting after TS ladies and still being with GG's......It is difficult, I attempt to meet TS ladies then flake out on the actual meeting not wanting to through with it trying to control my urge.......Why not find a GG that loves anal sex, they are out there

09-26-2010, 04:09 AM
I love this kind of stuff on the Onion. Always hilarious.

09-26-2010, 04:14 AM
IDK how some of you ended up realizing you were into trannies, but missed the 'clit' part.

Pasta, 'trying to control my urge'....LOL!!

Some of you talk like one day you were bitten by a tranny vampire and now you go out at night looking for dicks to bite off!!

Yall are gonna give yourselves mental complexes.

09-26-2010, 04:25 AM
Dude registered this month......

09-26-2010, 04:31 AM
I can't even control my urges for lusting after fine ass broads on a daily basis, where I'm from they're everywhere! I mean I only see TG's online and on rare occasion when I'm out. I guess the urge part comes from me to stop looking at porn in general and that leads to me wanting to meet a TG. I'm not going to stop looking at porn, but I can control my time spent looking at it. I have been with about 4 TG ladies and it was good the sex part, and partial conversation.....That's been over two years ago since last experience. My conflict comes in when I'm still attracted to GG's, but trying to deal with a lot of their emotional bullshit.....It seems like most TG's understand men more and are more laid back, and are still feminine, I like that. If I could find that in a GG it would be a lot easier.

09-26-2010, 04:32 AM
IDK how some of you ended up realizing you were into trannies, but missed the 'clit' part.

Pasta, 'trying to control my urge'....LOL!!

So of you talk like one day you were bitten by a tranny vampire and now you go out at night looking for dicks to bite off!!

Yall are gonna give yourselves mental complexes.

LOL @ tranny vampire , btw they hate being called t.v's for short.

The correct nomenclature is udtg (undead transgender) ... but "Tranpire" is acceptable.

09-26-2010, 04:40 AM
LOL @ tranny vampire , btw they hate being called t.v's for short.

The correct nomenclature is udtg (undead transgender) ... but "Tranpire" is acceptable.

You should do stand up!

09-26-2010, 11:26 AM
I'm a conflicted dude. On one hand i'm ok with it, but on the other hand I'm not. I still like genetic chicks, but i also like trannie chicks. Sometimes I'm more into trannie chicks than genetic chicks. But a dude got too much on his plate. I have a 2 year old son (that's basically the only thing keepin me alive and out of trouble) and i fear likin trannies is gonna make him turn against me one day. It jus seems wrong to me because i'm livin a lie and keepin this part of me from everyone out of fear of rejection from my fam and boys. Where I'm from i don't feel comfortable proclaiming my love for trannies because i also feel it's ruin my chances with the ladies (because a dude still like pussy too) and i don't wanna be seen as a faggot because lets keep it real, nobody understands men who like trannies and labels them as gay regardless and this is somethin i'm not comfortable wit at all. Maybe i should jus like trannies from afar and never attempt to actually be wit one...It's jus too much added stress smh

Most ALL guys who are into trannies, like genetic chicks. (this is NOT a gay mans hobby)

A tranny is a chick with a dick :) Basically the same shit as a genetic girl, except one woman has 3 holes and the other woman has 2 holes and a stick. :)

Every one is living a lie in one manner or another. It is called keeping things in the closet. Gay men have married genetic women just for appearances sake and the rest of their life they cheat on their wife with men.

10% of priests have sex with boys and men, you think that is living the truth? The bible says that homosexuality is a sin to be repented of, not adjusted to. (I wonder how Jesus types and pastors feel about the concept of a boy being born a boy and switching genders later in life < a TS >. Is that some thing that should have been repented of too? )

Keep your love of trannies in the closet like every one else does. :) I express my appreciation of trannies to most every one who I know beyond superficially. It's a part of who I am and sharing of my self, similar to having an interest in kayaking and bike riding. I like chicks with dicks too. :)

Surely if you only look at pics and videos of TS's, it'll save you a fortune in hooking up with escorts. :)

because i cant fight the attraction. that's why i feel conflicted. i wish i wasn't attracted to them.

Give up one vice and you'll pick up another. Loving trannies is a better habit than smoking cigs IMO. :)

hmm, good answer. I recommend just not creating an issue out of it. You're making a big issue out of something that really isn't a big issue. It's only a big issue in your mind.

Amen and amen.

but his moms will try to start drama and tell him bullshyt and get him to turn on me because they gonna call me a faggot and shyt. smh

he only 2 anyway tho so ima try not to worry too much about it right now.

Keep it in the closet!

Did your Mom and Dad tell you about their sex life and sexual interests? No!

Guide your son through the necessities of life. Teach him how to thrive and survive.

Your interest in trannies is not some thing that he needs to know about.

09-26-2010, 12:53 PM
Drama queen

09-26-2010, 01:24 PM
We've to address the issues of transphobia and homophobia.
It'll take time.
It comes through: education, education & education -- :) , tolerance, being rational -- ha!ha!
Ahhh... maybe one day transphobia and homophobia will disappear.

09-26-2010, 01:46 PM
well freddie, if you're that uncertain, get out now, cause once you start going out to parties or ts bars, you'll be into this scene for life.

09-26-2010, 03:54 PM
thats a cop out but not to bad

No it's not. Men will keep pushing you to the verge of fighting. These days with assault charges and losing a job, it's best to just keep moving. If you engage a group of dudes catcalling your girl about her gender, nothing good will come of it.

09-26-2010, 06:34 PM
the fact that i been labeled as a trans-admirer makes me wanna get out now!

about to join my local church

09-26-2010, 07:31 PM
the fact that i been labeled as a trans-admirer makes me wanna get out now!

about to join my local church

LOL!! What's the big deal???

I'm a Beyonce-, Miss Koi-, and Bria Myles-admirer too.

Any dude up on HA is 'admiring' the view the ladies provide!!:geek:

09-26-2010, 07:32 PM
LOL!! What's the big deal???

I'm a Beyonce-, Miss Koi-, and Bria Myles-admirer too.

Any dude up on HA is 'admiring' the view the ladies provide!!:geek:

It's equivalent to bein labeled a faggot

09-26-2010, 07:34 PM
the fact that i been labeled as a trans-admirer makes me wanna get out now!

about to join my local church

Lol, I'm a member of a church already, I still lust, we are not perfect people.

Maybe you should try the Monastery

Floyd R
09-26-2010, 07:42 PM
You might find worse people in church than you will on this forum. I don't trust anyone that tells me to believe in something that can't be proven and expects me to pay money to listen to their speculation.

the fact that i been labeled as a trans-admirer makes me wanna get out now!

about to join my local church

09-26-2010, 07:45 PM
It's equivalent to bein labeled a faggot

That's the problem with labels, especially when they are inaccurate, they provide miscommunication.

It is unfair to a gay man to call a tranny chaser gay. (or a faggot)

Gay men are sexually attracted to MEN, not to women who have a penis.

The label Bisexual means some one is attracted to both men and women. That label does not apply to tranny chasers either.

IMO tranny chaser are 100% straight men who enjoy a little bit of kinkiness in their sexual escapades.

Since much of society is not liberal or open minded, they 100% go by the medical basis that a TS was born a boy and has a penis, therefore no matter how transitioned the TS is (implants and totally passable), cause she has a penis, she is ALWAYS gonna be a man and any one who hooks up with her is 100% gay or bisexual at the very least. THAT is most of societies perception.

Avoid the whole gig via keeping your interest in trannies a secret. Keep it in the closet! :)

Evil Jay
09-26-2010, 07:52 PM
lol @escapades

09-26-2010, 07:56 PM
It's equivalent to bein labeled a faggot

then if you feel that why
then why not log out, delete everything ts related
and stick to vag?

09-26-2010, 08:00 PM
then if you feel that why
then why not log out, delete everything ts related
and stick to vag?
Maybe i will

09-26-2010, 08:10 PM
Why not just leave the whole thing if you are ashamed of it? It isn't logical unless you just want to keep a reason to hate yourself or unless you think you can move past your issues with the overall dynamic. You may need to just step back and see who you are, the same guy as always, but you honestly don't mind if a girl has a dick. If you are too ashamed to do what you want to do, then you may have bigger issues than this, and it isn't a church issue IMO.

You have the tendencies to want to fuck ts girls, so you are just wanting a dose of shame thrown at you? I mean, would you tell the people there that you are fighting the "issue", wouldn't that kind of out you to your family and the community? Wouldn't that actually liberate you to think whatever you want in some way (once you are known by the community around you, you are known and then, what is there to fear?) and be a self defeating prospect?

I think you should just figure out if you can accept it or not. If the answer is yes, then ignore the molds that you have been trying to fit and just be you. If you can't, then keep living in that mold and leave this behind. I am pretty sure at some point or another, the issue will be found out, so the "closet" thing seems a little pointless (not to mention it would make you look like a hypocrite and you would be responsible for actively teaching your son to hate you).

One big thing is your association, you don't seem to like gay people, but you equate your attraction to being gay. I don't know what it is, IMO it is seperate from all the other stuff, it is the third sex IMO. It becomes subjective what you are to how informed your audience is. It is like guys who fuck a girl in the ass are considered gay by some idiots for not using her vagina. Some guys get fucked in the ass by their wives with strapons or fingered or whatever and would be considered gay for being willing to take part in sodomy. To the point, your equation of your behavior means that you are willing to hate yourself in public just to appease an image and you are willing to embody what you hate in your mind in private. Conflicted, but uninformed seems to be the biggest thing. You aren't any of the traditional sexual orientations if you like TS, you are simply into girls who came into their own later in life.

As a frame of reference, I am still attracted to ordinary genetic girls as well as TS. I like TS best, but I love the feminine form and just like the visual of a girl who has a boner a little more than I like ordinary pussy. That and I like the way with some ts girls, less is taboo to them. You can go wherever because all zones are usable for a lot (not all obviously).

09-26-2010, 11:13 PM
No it's not. Men will keep pushing you to the verge of fighting. These days with assault charges and losing a job, it's best to just keep moving. If you engage a group of dudes catcalling your girl about her gender, nothing good will come of it.

that would be soooo humiliating

09-26-2010, 11:25 PM
You've got some soul searching to do Freddie.

You need to be comfortable w/ who you are and who you like before you worry about what other people think.

Do you wanna front w/ your boys and be a poser or do you wanna step up and be real?

Evil Jay
09-27-2010, 12:15 AM
He should front,its safe in the closet lmao

09-27-2010, 12:20 AM
smh... alot of people dont realize the shit alot of these girls go through...Wether they are out to get food or simply shopping for the necessitates they get the 3rd degree especially if they are just starting off I have many many ts friends not one of them do I treat incorrectly unless they deserve a reality check as do I here with the straight up cunts.... Awe well, Respect transwomen but when a bitch is out of line check her shit!

09-27-2010, 12:41 AM
No it's not. Men will keep pushing you to the verge of fighting. These days with assault charges and losing a job, it's best to just keep moving. If you engage a group of dudes catcalling your girl about her gender, nothing good will come of it.

You're right...there will be times in your life when you have to fight...but you have to be smart about it too. You will have to pick the odds in your favor...odds of winning, odds of winning without getting arrested (and the odds of the arrest affecting your job and your life), odds of losing...and of course (nowadays)odds of getting killed.

...everyone gets humiliated in life, sometimes you have to take a bit of it (you can always get even later...OH yeah...lol)...

...and sometimes you don't.

09-27-2010, 01:34 AM
Maybe i will

please do us all a favor

09-27-2010, 03:09 AM

09-27-2010, 03:20 AM
please do us all a favor
Confused bitchass niggas get no love!
If you not man enough to be with a bad bitch, move the fuck on.
Another black man in the closet!
Now shut the lite off and close the door, so the REAL men can have fun!

09-27-2010, 03:21 AM
the fact that i been labeled as a trans-admirer makes me wanna get out now!

about to join my local church
How about we change trans admire to bitchass punk. Going to church wont save you, those pastors find boys like you a blessing!

09-27-2010, 03:33 AM
Confused bitchass niggas get no love!
If you not man enough to be with a bad bitch, move the fuck on.
Another black man in the closet!
Now shut the lite off and close the door, so the REAL men can have fun!

Ummmmmm :|

09-27-2010, 03:36 AM
Ummmmmm :|
I hate bitcasses and confused homos.
Especially when they are on other sites talking mad shit about the girls they allegedly admire.
No homo here!

09-27-2010, 04:24 AM
I hate bitcasses and confused homos.
Especially when they are on other sites talking mad shit about the girls they allegedly admire.
No homo here!

A little compassion goes a long way Vanessa. Rome wasn't built in a day ya know :wink:

09-27-2010, 07:43 AM
He wants to be with a ts who doesn't get clocked

thats all so girls stfu

09-27-2010, 08:29 AM
Right on Vanessa, good posts.

09-27-2010, 11:02 AM
I hate bitcasses and confused homos.
Especially when they are on other sites talking mad shit about the girls they allegedly admire.
No homo here!

LOL Owned!

09-27-2010, 11:19 AM
once a man has had a ts experience theres no going back

09-27-2010, 03:11 PM
once a man has had a ts experience theres no going back

yep, it's a slippery slope.

09-27-2010, 03:13 PM
TO the guys

Who gives a flying fuck?

Hand the nigga advice and move the fuck on!

09-27-2010, 03:56 PM
You're right...there will be times in your life when you have to fight...but you have to be smart about it too. You will have to pick the odds in your favor...odds of winning, odds of winning without getting arrested (and the odds of the arrest affecting your job and your life), odds of losing...and of course (nowadays)odds of getting killed.

...everyone gets humiliated in life, sometimes you have to take a bit of it (you can always get even later...OH yeah...lol)...

...and sometimes you don't.

My brother learned that lesson.

He played football for Texas A&M, so he gets tested quite a bit. Anyway, he got cornered outside a bar, by three dudes that had beef from awhile back. The first dude took a swing, and he beat the shit out of all three of them. Guess who ended up in jail?

When I was in college, I might go that route, but now you get fired for anything you do outside of work. Hell, people get fired for what's on their Facebook pages. You have to be careful.

09-27-2010, 07:41 PM
once a man has had a ts experience theres no going back

You can go back as many times as you want. So long as you have the donation. Now you can't pop twice during a session, that's true.