View Full Version : L.A. Trans Club Sexy Bitch @Rage closes. :(

09-21-2010, 10:31 PM
I just got a text from Aubrey Brianna of Sexy Bitch at the Rage nightclub in WeHo. Unfortunately, she's decided to pull the plug on it. :(

You can still catch Aubrey and her dancers at Angels nightclub at the Oxwood (http://www.tgcd.net/club-shine) in Van Nuys on Thursday nites. And of course we'll all have the memories:

YouTube - Club R@GE Aubrey & her Sexy Bitches! (http://il.youtube.com/watch?v=M4AjCUmuFt4&feature=related)

http://www.tgcd.net/editor/image/AngelsTalent2W340.jpg (http://tgcd.net/club-shine)


Star Angel 86
09-21-2010, 10:42 PM
That sucks I'm running out of places to hangout when I make my return to Hollyweird.

09-21-2010, 10:49 PM
I see a bunch of round asses that dont look like they move? hmmm

09-21-2010, 10:56 PM
I see a bunch of round asses that dont look like they move? hmmm



Buddy Wood
09-22-2010, 02:34 AM
Yeah I got the same text Bella. You're not that special. lol. Too bad though. Rage was fun and Aubrey is great. Gonna talk her into giving up The Oxwood chicken coup soon and party at Blue Moon. At Blue Moon Nights on Lankershim in North Hollywood on Thursday nights we have 5-6 rotating go-go dancers in one of the nicest ts clubs you'll ever step foot in with the hottest girls in LA...some girls from the flier Bella is posting are usually or always there. Not sure how they can be 2 places at once but...Bella's a good liar. lol

Don't promote or talk about things u know nothing about Bella...

If u can hijack threads with lies and bullshit. I can at least do it with the truth..right?

Ohhh and apparently the wonderful people at Oxwood (here's reason I'm over them) that promote their Thurs nite spread the word (somewhere and i've been told by many people) to not got to Blue Moon Nights cuz it's filled with hookers and whores?? lol. You guys are awesome!! Uplifting community leaders. Sounds like your specialty though Bella. Smear campaigning. Although that probably backfired on ya.

Gloves are off Bella. I think people should know how mean-spited and straight up evil u are...and I think promoters AND forums owners should think twice before they allow you and your name or lies to be attached anywhere near them.

This is a girl who has admitted to me that her goals are to bring people down...lol. Awesome!!

Sparky...put up a flier for Blue Moon Nights here!! Fuck her!!

check out www.buddywood.com later for this week's lineup. Or go to the oxwood and see Bella.

09-22-2010, 02:39 AM
Yeah I got the same text Bella. You're not that special. lol. Too bad though. Rage was fun and Aubrey is great. Gonna talk her into giving up The Oxwood chicken coup soon and party at Blue Moon. At Blue Moon Nights on Lankershim in North Hollywood on Thursday nights we have 5-6 rotating go-go dancers in one of the nicest ts clubs you'll ever step foot in with the hottest girls in LA...some girls from the flier Bella is posting are usually or always there. Not sure how they can be 2 places at once but...Bella's a good liar. lol

Don't promote or talk about things u know nothing about Bella...

If u can hijack threads with lies and bullshit. I can at least do it with the truth..right?

Ohhh and apparently the wonderful people at Oxwood (here's reason I'm over them) that promote their Thurs nite spread the word (somewhere and i've been told by many people) to not got to Blue Moon Nights cuz it's filled with hookers and whores?? lol. You guys are awesome!! Uplifting community leaders. Sounds like your specialty though Bella. Smear campaigning. Although that probably backfired on ya.

Gloves are off Bella. I think people should know how mean-spited and straight up evil u are...and I think promoters AND forums owners should think twice before they allow you and your name or lies to be attached anywhere near them.

This is a girl who has admitted to me that her goals are to bring people down...lol. Awesome!!

Sparky...put up a flier for Blue Moon Nights here!! Fuck her!!

check out www.buddywood.com later for this week's lineup. Or go to the oxwood and see Bella.

WTF are you talking about now? Seriously. You wait until now after everything that's been said to attack my credibility, and you don't offer any evidence that I've told even one lie. You're a director who works for a company with questionable business ethics (i.e. exploiters) and I'm a model (i.e. the exploited). I also have nothing to gain by telling the truth and you have plenty to gain by lying. And what's worse is that you claim to know my goals. I plan to 'bring people down?' No, not 'people.' I just can't tolerate you or your company and you've given me plenty of valid reasons. That doesn't mean that I spread rumors. Why would I do that when I can just tell the truth?

Gee. I wonder who's being honest here. :screwy


Buddy Wood
09-22-2010, 03:36 AM
I am!! Credibility??? I'm never sure why you lie so much...but you do. lol. Yeah I think it is about time someone puts your credibility in check. Since you have none. Where is your credibility Bella?? My work and my reputation, my friends (mostly all ts) and my night at Blue Moon can speak for me. I waited til now to call u out...cuz I'm over it. Someone has to let everyone know how much shit you're full of... Exploited??? Get over yourself!! What's the truth Bella....? Feel free to tell it!! Actually don't I'm too busy to read it...lol

You use the forums and twitter as your platform to lie and manipulate...it's all bullshit.

You are NEVER truthful Bella. Damn near never. lol.

Blue Moon Nights!!! Thursday Nights!!

09-22-2010, 03:42 AM
You use the forums and twitter as your platform to lie and manipulate...it's all bullshit.

Actually, I spend more time on Facebook, but that just shows how little you know. And again, why would I feel the need to lie when the truth is already so convenient?

I'm still waiting for you to point out one lie I've told. So yeah, whenever you're ready there, Mr. Man.


09-22-2010, 03:46 AM
Looks like we got a good thread goin here.

Buddy Wood
09-22-2010, 04:13 AM
Come over to my house and we can talk about it...I live my life in the real world Bella...not online. And why the fuck would I re-post things that you have lied about, that pissed me off at the time and get in a debate over them with you...! This is going back well over a year too. Not just since The Evil Empire (me) started running a tranny night. These are things you thrive off of...this is how you market whatever it is you do!! You are non-stop negativity!!

Talking to you online is like hitting myself in the head with a hammer. Pointless, painful and ridiculous. But in real life you're a scared, jealous, awkward girl. Seriously...get a real job...Mr. Man.

Last word. lol

Ohhh Nody Nautiya and Britney Foxx go-go dancing this Thursday at Blue Moon Nights...2 of the hottest new black t-girls around. And Liz from that flier above will be dancing at Blue Moon....not at Oxhood. More girls announced later.

09-22-2010, 04:13 AM
I have absolutely no dog in this fight, but the crazy unnecessarily aggressive response in #5 is the type of thing that smells really bad. You go, Bella.

Sparky Snakeden
09-22-2010, 04:25 AM
well i'm still working on the back of the flier but this is what i got so far

i think the fans can decide for there self, hot porn stars in a giant fun club or shemales in a rundown shed, kinda a no brainer

Buddy Wood
09-22-2010, 04:26 AM
lol. You go Bella?? Way to go dude. You proved my point. Some guys will agree with a ts no matter what...cuz she's a chick with a dick. Do you know Bella?? Or are u just agreeing with...the lady??

This is a girl who IMed one time asking me about my (completely non-existent) interest in little boys (??)...like underage boys(??)...then sent me a link that I was supposed to click on. Yeah...you go Bella!!! She's a fucking terrorist. I'm over it. I'm fighting back.

09-22-2010, 04:35 AM
lol. You go Bella?? Way to go dude. You proved my point. Some guys will agree with a ts no matter what...cuz she's a chick with a dick. Do you know Bella?? Or are u just agreeing with...the lady??

This is a girl who IMed one time asking me about my (completely non-existent) interest in little boys (??)...like underage boys(??)...then sent me a link that I was supposed to click on. Yeah...you go Bella!!! She's a fucking terrorist. I'm over it. I'm fighting back.

'Dude?' Wow, you must be REALLY desperate now.

And the NAMBLA thing? Uhh, that was a joke, Mr. Man. Duh. It was also a private IM. But nice try. Maybe I should release some of the things that YOU'VE said in private. 'Dude' is just the tip of the iceberg.

You didn't think I'd let you talk all that shit and not save at least SOME of the transcripts, did you? You're funny... 'dude.' :lol:


Buddy Wood
09-22-2010, 04:46 AM
I've called you a lot of names Bella...all true. Most out of anger because you've been very mean and hurtful to me or my close friends. You're a real asshole. I have no enemies in my life Bella. None. You are the one persone that is mean and angry and that I don't like. you seem to have many. Save whatever the fuck you like. I say what i mean. See...why would u need to save transcripts anyway...lol. Weirdo!! You're out to do bad things. Always. Out to do harm... to smear.

You're "almost fight" with Amy. You're "informaton" from "friends" and everything you post ...all bulshit.

Okay...way too long with this. I have a life dammit and a beautiful girl here!!!

Bottomline...I wish u were different Bella. I wish I could harness your evil for good...but alas there is no saving you...you're a perpetual jackass. I just don't want u to spread it...

09-22-2010, 04:55 AM
I wish I could harness your evil for good...

Wouldn't you actually have to be good yourself first? How does that work exactly? Although to be fair, I don't think you're a bad person Buddy. I think you're a sellout, and so is everyone who works with you.

Besides, you and your boss both had opportunities to be better to me and you blew them. I do a lot of good, positive work for a lot of folks in the community, and I would do so for you too if I thought you deserved me. And like you claim you have no other enemies than me, I also have none outside of your clique. Go figure. :geek:

And I have a witness to the Amy Daly episode, not to mention her admission on Twitter. I'm pretty sure still have the screen shot if anyone's interested.


09-22-2010, 05:08 AM
Found it.

And you can call it evil that I sometimes save our chats, but I call it self-defense. I suggest you stop here before you dig your hole any deeper.


09-22-2010, 05:26 AM
nobody listens to bella. poor girl

09-22-2010, 05:35 AM
nobody listens to LittleFag. Poor punk.

Buddy Wood
09-22-2010, 05:39 AM
lol. omg. Yeah I'm not saying it didn't almost happen Bella. You pissed Amy off...you flipped her off and challenged her to a fight...lol. And u did it once all her friends left (me, Morgan, Olivia) and she was alone..? Cuz that's your style. She was ready to take you up on it. lol. And I guess you drove away. Once again...you bring out the best in people Bella. And once again you used it as a marketing tool...? Or to smear her...sad. Amy's not one to take shit.

Look...I ignore u for the most part but it gets very frustrating to hear how much shit you spew and how you use it all to do whatever it is you do!

I have no hole I'm digging Bella. I got nothing to hide. I'm just finally sick of you're multiple holes...and you're stories full of holes and you being a giant asshole!!

Ahhhh I've wasted several hours now talking to you! Fuck!!!

Hey you going out tonite Bella??

09-22-2010, 05:55 AM
Did Buddy ask Bella not to "spread it"?

Tonight has been a hoot but i gotta go to work. I'll ask for transcripts later ... or just read the thread.

Later peoples.

09-22-2010, 06:04 AM
Some guys will agree with a ts no matter what...cuz she's a chick with a dick. Do you know Bella?? Or are u just agreeing with...the lady??

None of the above. You're confirming my point with the unwarranted aggression and wrongheadedness. I just read semi-carefully, that's all.

eyes wide shut
09-22-2010, 06:45 AM
I'm a complete outsider and I'm sorry you guys are running a feud but I like both the Oxwood and Blue Moon. The Oxwood is a more of a hang but Blue Moon is a Club. The Oxwood is dumpy and the Blue Moon is nice.......laser lights, good sound system, great DJ's, no cover before 11 and one more thing.......I like how BW walks around and greets everyone. The dress code is pretty free and I like how all the girls get dressed up. You know what else is cool about Blue Moon is that I'm not there to get instant action and the girls there respect that....I'm there to veg out, listen to music, watch the lights, and watch the crowd. For me, the Blue Moon is a real club. As far as this 'exploitation' issue.......fighting over club night schedules and fucking with someone elses business is chickenshit. If exploitation is going on, file a lawsuit or call the cops.

09-22-2010, 09:35 AM
I like Pudding...

09-22-2010, 03:55 PM
I like Pudding...
What kind of pudding?

Willie Escalade
09-22-2010, 07:13 PM
I'll miss Sexy Bitch; it was a cool and mellow place. I'll check out Oxwood on Thursdays eventually. And Aubrey is one of the sweetest girls around!

09-22-2010, 08:17 PM
nobody listens to LittleFag. Poor punk.

hey kid, grown folks are talking. stfu you little bitch

09-22-2010, 11:46 PM
hey kid, grown folks are talking. stfu you little bitch

Nice talk. :loser:


09-23-2010, 03:35 AM
I like Pudding...


09-23-2010, 10:08 PM
Tapioca pudding is boooomb!!!!!!!

09-23-2010, 10:50 PM
Man damn it!!!!!!! I just like puddding!

09-23-2010, 10:52 PM
But do you like milkshakes?



09-23-2010, 11:08 PM
But do you like milkshakes?


fuck to the nah! you must be trippen on something good...Can I have that thiz? heh heh.

Dino Velvet
09-23-2010, 11:32 PM
As long as we're talking about what we like. I like...

09-24-2010, 12:49 AM
Man damn it!!!!!!! I just like puddding!

YouTube - Jello Pudding commercial Bill Cosby 1987 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt6IyMYcyZk)

09-24-2010, 12:56 AM
Maaaaan that shit was probably made before I was fucking born Lmfao.

09-24-2010, 12:56 AM
YouTube - Jello Pudding commercial Bill Cosby 1987 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt6IyMYcyZk)

He looked so you... pfft! I can't even say it with a straight face. Did that guy ever look like he was young?! :lol:
