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View Full Version : Yes on Prop 19: Marijuana Legalization Gets its Number in California

09-15-2010, 02:22 AM
Get out there and vote!

The latest LA Times poll found 49% of Californians support marijuana legalization, with 41% opposed in May. Earlier that month, the Public Policy Institute found the state evenly split, with 48% supporting to 49% opposing.

I just really hope this year’s campaign can produce some equally awesome posters like the one here from the 1972 Prop 19 campaign for legalization.

Pot isn’t the only issue on which Californians will vote in November. Jon Walker has a rundown of the 10 initiatives on the ballot for Golden State voters.

While California confirmed its state’s marijuana legalization initiative would be on the November ballot months ago, today the state assigned proposition numbers to this year’s slate of initiatives. Get used to hearing about Proposition 19, which is where you’ll get to vote to legalize marijuana in California.

south ov da border
09-15-2010, 02:25 AM
They just need to let this happen...

09-15-2010, 03:54 AM
...I'm a card-carrier and it was either a life of vicodin or some alternative means for pain-management...I got more metal in me than Judas Priest from racing [crashing] motorcycles...PROP 19 is a good thing...legalize it, tax the shit out of it, get it legit and I'm sure you'll see the CA state fiscal problems slowly erode into a surplus...I'm all for it-

09-15-2010, 04:41 AM
"Stupid is as stupid does, Mrs Blue"

09-15-2010, 09:27 AM
Legalization would cause thousands of home growers their secondary or primary source of income. There aren't enough jobs to go around as is. Many of those growers would likely start selling harder drugs to get by even if they had never considered it before. Watch meth become an epidemic.

If I lived in California (I don't. I live in Oregon), I'd vote no on legalization in favor of a new bill supporting decriminalization. The state wouldn't make a ton of money, but stores could purchase from large scale growers and sell to the public which would drive the economy and it'd start from the common man up instead of from government down.

09-15-2010, 02:01 PM
Most of the weed comes from the Mexican cartels. I don't see why all the growers in nor cal would be out their income- as most of them sell primarily to medical cannabis shops anyway.
I have no issues putting the cartels out of business (actually they would just switch to other drugs).

Dr. Piroca
09-15-2010, 02:08 PM
Drugs are for losers.

09-15-2010, 02:16 PM
Drugs are for losers.

heard this for years...easy to say..

not all true..if you look in the Netherlands where POT is easy to
get they have lower crime and better school grades then the U.S.A.

plus Pot seems to be a Cancer fighter too...

09-15-2010, 02:33 PM
Drugs are for losers.

Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do? :rolleyes:

Dr. Piroca
09-15-2010, 07:36 PM
heard this for years...easy to say..

not all true..if you look in the Netherlands where POT is easy to
get they have lower crime and better school grades then the U.S.A.

plus Pot seems to be a Cancer fighter too...

In Netherlands, the crime rates may be lower than in USA, but are relatively high in Amsterdam. Two friends of mine were robbed there and got this information with police.

Smoking marijuana may relieve the unpleasant side effects of cancer treatment, but it's not a "cancer fighter". In fact, marijuana is carcinogenic as tobacco.

And we must face a proved fact: marijuana is a path for stronger drugs. At least here in Brazil, the immense majority of crack users started smoking pot.

As a doctor, I know precisely what I am talking about.

09-15-2010, 08:00 PM
In Netherlands, the crime rates may be lower than in USA, but are relatively high in Amsterdam. Two friends of mine were robbed there and got this information with police.

Smoking marijuana may relieve the unpleasant side effects of cancer treatment, but it's not a "cancer fighter". In fact, marijuana is carcinogenic as tobacco.

And we must face a proved fact: marijuana is a path for stronger drugs. At least here in Brazil, the immense majority of crack users started smoking pot.

As a doctor, I know precisely what I am talking about.

proved fact? ask the millions of pot smokers who never had a desire
for stronger drugs....myself included...

been smoking for over 40 yrs and can still run a 5k in under 30 min...

as for Pot fighting cancer it's big news! where have you been?

I would think as a Dr. you would keep up with the times..
guess not!

Q. I would like you to know about medical marijuana for cancer. In her late 30s, my wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, stage 4a. It was a 6 centimeter tumor that had grown around the hepatic artery and portal vein.
At first I thought marijuana was just for nausea caused by her chemo, but then I found a study in the journal Cancer Research (July 1, 2006). It showed that cannabinoids specifically fight pancreatic tumor cells. I changed her diet and started her on a regimen, and she is now cancer-free. The regimen is being studied at the University of Wisconsin. I hope others can benefit from medical marijuana.
A. For years, marijuana research was suspected of being a way to rationalize people getting high. But as a recent article in Science News points out, scientists are now starting to take it seriously (June 19, 2010). The article you cite demonstrates that compounds from marijuana make pancreatic tumor cells commit suicide. Other cancer researchers have followed up with studies on its effectiveness against a range of tumors in test tubes, including breast, colon, glioblastoma brain tumors and lymphoma, a blood cancer. None is yet in a clinical trial, but this will be an interesting field to watch.

more news..From WEBMD.

Marijuana Chemical May Fight Brain Cancer
Active Component In Marijuana Targets Aggressive Brain Cancer Cells, Study Says
By Kelli Miller Stacy
WebMD Health News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

April 1, 2009 -- The active chemical in marijuana promotes the death of brain cancer cells by essentially helping them feed upon themselves, researchers in Spain report.

Guillermo Velasco and colleagues at Complutense University in Spain have found that the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, causes brain cancer cells to undergo a process called autophagy. Autophagy is the breakdown of a cell that occurs when the cell essentially self-digests.

The team discovered that cannabinoids such as THC had anticancer effects in mice with human brain cancer cells and people with brain tumors. When mice with the human brain cancer cells received the THC, the tumor growth shrank.

Two patients enrolled in a clinical trial received THC directly to the brain as an experimental treatment for recurrent glioblastoma multiforme, a highly aggressive brain tumor. Biopsies taken before and after treatment helped track their progress. After receiving the THC, there was evidence of increased autophagy activity.

The findings appear in the April 1 issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

The patients did not have any toxic effects from the treatment. Previous studies of THC for the treatment of cancer have also found the therapy to be well tolerated, according to background information in journal article.

Study authors say their findings could lead to new strategies for preventing tumor growth.

09-15-2010, 08:19 PM
And we must face a proved fact: marijuana is a path for stronger drugs. At least here in Brazil, the immense majority of crack users started smoking pot.

I can't believe people are still trotting out this same old shite!

I'll bet you a bar of gold to a pound of dog shit, the first health destroying drugs the majority of crack users tried, were cigarettes and alcohol (both legal, go figure!)

09-15-2010, 08:25 PM
Mission statement:

Prohibition does not work (North Americans should know that better than anyone).
Legalize all drugs, we are adults - We know the risks.
If you break the law while under the influence of drugs, you should be punished accordingly, no excuses.

Dr. Piroca
09-15-2010, 10:10 PM
I can't believe people are still trotting out this same old shite!

I'll bet you a bar of gold to a pound of dog shit, the first health destroying drugs the majority of crack users tried, were cigarettes and alcohol (both legal, go figure!)

I am sorry, but I see this "same old shite" every day.

If I am a critical of marijuana, this does not make me an advocate of alcohol and tobacco. The legal drugs are a problem, too.

I repeat: at least in Brazil, there's a connection between marijuana and crack.

09-15-2010, 10:35 PM
I repeat: at least in Brazil, there's a connection between marijuana and crack.

Not just in Brazil, everywhere.
Of course there's a connection.
But, marijuana is not the gateway drug. That's not the first drug people come into contact with.
If you can't differentiate the difference, i'm glad i don't rely on a Brazillian doctors for health care...because you don't have a fucking clue! :shrug

09-15-2010, 11:19 PM
LOL!! Hey I took a tylenol the other day, does that mean I will become addicted to oxycontin?? The gateway stuff is nonsense. Many people smoke cigarettes but don't end up smoking weed or other drugs, many people smoke Marijuana and don't smoke cigarettes or other drugs too. Proves it isn't a given that if you smoke weed you will smoke crack. It's the person using it not necessarily what they are using. I smoke weed and have tried a few other drugs in my past but me trying those other drugs had nothing to do with weed. I was curious, that's it. I didn't like anything else but weed. It should most definitely be legalized. It is safer and healthier then alcohol and cigarettes which are both legal. Millions die from smoking cigarettes each year and millions die from alcohol related deaths. Have you ever heard of even 1 person die because they smoked weed??? Hmmmm millions vs nobody. I live in NY and we are worse of then California, we don't even allow medicinal marijuana never mind even making it legal. But yet right over the bridge to New Jersey you can get medicinal weed. Why there and not here? Just make it legal so you don't have to spend taxpayers money on busting people for smoking a blunt and let the cops go after criminals instead. It would also help the economy because now the government can make money on it and tax it...it's a multi-billion dollar business!!

09-16-2010, 09:12 PM
Drugs are for losers.

go drink some decaf tea. If i lived in Brazil and be drinking bottles of cachaca and doing huge lines of blow of girls asses.

Dr. Piroca
09-17-2010, 04:52 PM
Not just in Brazil, everywhere.
Of course there's a connection.
But, marijuana is not the gateway drug. That's not the first drug people come into contact with.
If you can't differentiate the difference, i'm glad i don't rely on a Brazillian doctors for health care...because you don't have a fucking clue! :shrug

My dear friend,

At least Brazilian doctors aren't a bunch of greedy motherfuckers and insurance companies lackeys, as their American counterparts.

And we have an universal health care system here in Brazil, which provide free treatment and medication for all diseases, cancer, drug addicts, transplants and even AIDS. We don't need a pathetic Michael Moore begging for free medical care in a movie. It's not a Canadian system, but is far better than the deplorable and shameful situation you have in USA.

09-17-2010, 06:01 PM
At least Brazilian doctors aren't a bunch of greedy motherfuckers and insurance companies lackeys, as their American counterparts.

I agree entirely, old chap! :shrug
btw, i still think yer talking bollocks, but, apologies for the fuck all bit, that was uncalled for.

09-17-2010, 06:55 PM
I also don't agree with the gateway argument, about weed being a gateway drug. It would probably be better to do a study on people that smoked marijuana and didn't try any harder drugs. Also people that started with marijuana and graduated to harder drugs. Where are the statistics or proof of the people that go from weed to crack?
Personally I had a older brother, IMO he wasn't a very good influence and had my first beer in highschool, later by the time I was a senior I tried weed, and liked it fairly well. Approx. 8 yrs later I tried coke, it was readily avail, I liked it, but more as a party drug, off and on, and I only got it if I could afford it, and stopped using it cold turkey within 2-3 yrs. I don't believe it's a fact about it being a gateway drug still just opinion

09-17-2010, 10:03 PM
The time has come


09-18-2010, 02:23 AM
1st I want to say I am in favor of legalization of marijuana.
But have some issues with prop 19.
It taxes, regulates, controls, by cannabis unfriendly local goverments, all 538 of them.
This is not our last opertunity to vote for true legalization, which prop 19 is not at all.
We will trade our rights under the Calif. constitution as well jeopardise prop. 215. We invite 'garden police' with a yard stick. We give up privacy for weed.. which we already have under prop 215
it negate the Calif. constitution and our rights in many ways, Articule13 Taxation. Section3. "The following are free from property taxation....(h) growing crops...' and not withstanding any other provision of State or Local law, includes prop 215 and the constitution.

i urge all to study this prop before you vote, so we don't get stuck witha bad law.

prop 19 doesn't address the multi million dollar hemp industry that use to exist in the U.S. before hemp was made illegal.
Our US constitution is written on hemp paper.
George Washington's main crop was hemp.
In James town it was law that the majority of your crops had to be hemp.
Hemp so many uses in products it could replace many products that are now made w/ harm chemical products.
prop 19 does not take into account the huge hemp industry that can come back under intelligent law.
So put down the bong and think before you vote yes on prop 19

just my 2 cents worth.. back to lurking

09-18-2010, 04:09 AM
Great pic of Ahhhnald... :)

09-18-2010, 06:22 AM
Had my first encounter with weed at the age of 13! Still have not tried any thing else since. Gateway was a term they brainwash you with in school to stay away! Bigots...

And to the Guy that stated most of the weed comes from the Mexican Cartel, i HIGHLY doubt the cartel would take there time, and grow and cross breed stands of marijuana, leave that to the hippies in the North that run "High Times" Any pot coming from Mexico, is probably "What i call" Dirt Weed 5$ a Gram, full of seeds. Cartels are going for BIG DOLLARS they got bigger fish to fry.

09-19-2010, 05:09 PM
This topic can't have a straight answer because you have two sides that will never meet in the middle and people saying in this country it works so blah blah well you can't compare to other countries different life style and laws.

I have been around drug scenes in UK for a while and cannabis here is the starting path to higher drugs this may not be the case is US but it is here also it has shown here that it causes a lot of mental issues because people want the high thc levels to get stoned which is the main cause of mental issues, if it was made legal and sold like cigerretes then it would be sold with a lot of the junk removed but people don't want that they buy it for a curtain reason.

09-22-2010, 10:23 AM
Marijuana is the ONLY plant that is smoked where you smoke the FLOWER not the leaf. Life, Liberty, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS is what our forefathers built this country around, me being called a criminal for typing this and toking the vape w some amazing sativa is bullshart, im not putting anyone in danger only doing it in my home. it should be treated like alchohol for driving, being in public, minors, and like enjoying wine w dinner like a responsible adult we earned the right to do what we want. E$ducation on facts not assumptions is the most vital part of legalizing. Watch a documentary called "the union", it is available on netflix instant. its about who gets rich by keeping a natural product illegal.

there have been 0 i repeat ZERO documented cases of cancer from only cannibus use, NO deaths from only weed. people believe too much what they here from the govt, they are creating criminals out of mostly peaceful ppl. its def not something for evertyone, and absolutely needs to be