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View Full Version : OK so your an amateur but why the beard stubble?

09-08-2010, 01:02 PM
Hey I'm an amateur as well but the one thing I constantly see in the amateur TV thread is beard stubble under makeup. I think its the biggest let down in many of the pic's with amateurs. It's not as if you can't cover it up of course you can no matter how dark your beard area is.

Many go to so much trouble with your dress and poses etc I just don't understand it and your then let down by your Homer Simpson. Of course some girls get it spot on with no sign or beard stubble at all. Also flash photography only highlights the problem.

Perhaps what we need on here is a tips forum to help all those new or amateur (or not so new) at dressing and makeup advice? I'm not really having a go or complaining as such and I appreciate we can't all be so fem. I just feel with a bit more care and maybe knowledge some of these girls would look so much better.

I did a "how do for a well known UK TV forum on the subject and would be happy to post it up here for those interested.

09-08-2010, 03:59 PM
Please do post your how to, I don't have dark hair nor have I ever tried to put makup on but if I do I'd like to know how.

Nicole Dupre
09-08-2010, 04:36 PM
Please do post your how to, I don't have dark hair nor have I ever tried to put makup on but if I do I'd like to know how.
See? This is what I mean about you. One minute you want to be a MALE porn model and the next you're gravitating towards being a woman.

You're confused as hell. That's why you creep me out.

Nicole Dupre
09-08-2010, 04:38 PM
Plus, who in their right mind would be using a quasi-fag farm like HA as an info resource to be a tranny? SAD! lol

09-08-2010, 07:22 PM
get him Nicole':wiggle:

Nicole Dupre
09-08-2010, 08:51 PM
He's expressed a desire to be a tranny before, yet he's also asking every girl for help in becoming male talent in TS porn, so I don't get this guy at all. I think he should just transition, and cut to the chase.

Seriously, tranny porn is not exactly a stepping stone for male talent. If he's ok with being a man, he might as well start in gay porn and take it from there. There are TONS of guys who break into porn in the gay male genre. South FL has a "buttload" of them. lol ;)

09-08-2010, 09:43 PM
Seem to gone off topic here. :praying: Anyway if any GENUINE TVs out there wish to know how I do my foundation (good foundation is the clue to good makeup get that wrong and your sunk before you have started) then I would be happy to post it. Think of your foundation as an artists blank canvas. You need a plain black canvas(face) on which to paint (put your makeup on) then it all happens from there so IMO and IME preparation and foundation is the first to get right.

Nicole Dupre
09-08-2010, 09:55 PM
You need something in the orange or pink end of the spectrum to kill the blue hue. It looks retarded before you put foundation over it though. I never had much facial hair to begin with, but I've seen drag queens with 5 o'clock shadows perform miracles that way.

And I agree. Seeing facial hair on any M2F is a bit disturbing. I had mine removed with laser a solid year before I was even on hormones.

09-09-2010, 12:02 AM
You need something in the orange or pink end of the spectrum to kill the blue hue. It looks retarded before you put foundation over it though. I never had much facial hair to begin with, but I've seen drag queens with 5 o'clock shadows perform miracles that way.

And I agree. Seeing facial hair on any M2F is a bit disturbing. I had mine removed with laser a solid year before I was even on hormones.

Yes I know about the red spectrum under foundation trick and its in the article I wrote. laser would be the way to go however most amateur TVs can't go down that route for whatever reason.

I have been doing TV makeup for some years now and I even had a supportive girlfriend who worked on the beauty counter at a famous UK chain of shops to help me. Perhaps you could write your own "how to" and post it on here.

Nicole Dupre
09-09-2010, 12:12 AM
Yes I know about the red spectrum under foundation trick and its in the article I wrote. laser would be the way to go however most amateur TVs can't go down that route for whatever reason.

I have been doing TV makeup for some years now and I even had a supportive girlfriend who worked on the beauty counter at a famous UK chain of shops to help me. Perhaps you could write your own "how to" and post it on here.
Wish I could tell you, but I've never done it. I just watched, and it's been some years.