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View Full Version : Thank you all so much for your support!

10-18-2003, 11:04 AM
I just got in from the Carnivale party and I AM SO EXAUSTED.
This was a huge event to prepare and it took me twon months to promote and get it all together. Luckily I had great sponsors, assistants, decorators, entertainers, and friends who made it all happen.
The party was an incredible success! Easily 400-500 people.
I would like to take this moment to publicly thank ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE SUPPORTED ME, MY WEBSITE, AND PARTIES OVER THE LAST YEAR.
This was my fourh event since last Dec. and it just keeps on getting better and better.
Thank you so much to guy for always helping me out and promoting my parties, ShemaleYum to whom I
owe so much to (thank you for financing a huge part of this event and making it possible for ir to be so well put
togther) Gia & Joanna for their friendship and for traveling to NYC for me, all the beautiful girls
who work so hard to make the party look good, ALL THE FANS WHO COME TO THESE EVENTS-without you none of it would be possible, my assistant Sonia (who works so hard for me), my sister Valerie V., my decorator Methusula, Gregg and his posse,
and everyone who makes this event possible.
I am very touched by all of you who came tonight and had kind words to say to me.

THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BUTTOM OF MY HEART..The reward for me in doing this is that everyone had a night to remember ,that an excellent time was had by all, and that a fun, creative party for trannies be produced.


10-18-2003, 07:15 PM
1.23pm Sat.
Allanah - a huge thankyou for pulling off a great party - the decor was great, the atmosphere, everything. Thanks for working so hard - I hope you take a break.
Recovering from hangover...it was an absolute pleasure to meet many of you guys last night, just some great personalities and downright nice guys.
I had a blast - before and after the party for those who might have seen me stumble away.
Mega, guy, Flabby and the rest of you guys - thanks for being so cool.

10-18-2003, 08:29 PM
What a blast! Allanah, your parties just get better with every go round. She literally transformed the usually dankish club shelter into a Carnival atmosphere (but the shemale pixie glitter is a bitch to get out my jeans).
Great shows, everything the flyer promised and more, tons of giveaways, a shitload of beautiful girls. Allanah is a great host, working the room to make sure everyone is having a good time. Just wonderful.
seanchai, dude. Too cool for words, like an old college drinking buddy. Always smiling, surrounded by a circle of chicks, until poof he exits with a beautiful chick. Great meeting you too.
Mega, Bigguy, as always great to see you and put faces to these online personas. Told a couple of people about the site and hopefully they'll log-on sometime soon.
Keyle. wow. Just wow. Joanna, Wendy, Lisa, Tara (from Tara-Ts),so many, I have to look thru the photos.

By the way, sorry if I seemed out of it, I was running a fever and really should have been in home sick in bed. But I left that party feeling great thanks to some medicine prescribed by Dr. Grooby himself. What was that purple stuff?

10-20-2003, 02:32 AM
Awesome party Allanah! I hope you keep on planning to do more. I can see how much work you must have put into it. There were more girls than last time, and many more people showed up. If the trend continutes, you will have to get a bigger place for the next party. Also there were more interesting shows and more photo shoots, so much was going on I know I missed a lot of stuff.

Megabody, guy & Seanchai was great meeting you guys there. I didn't run into anybody else that I know from this site, but if you were there share your experiences and pictures if you have them. :D

10-20-2003, 04:28 AM
Thanx LOVE!

Yes, I plan to do another party in 3 months time.
I think if it had not rained and the weather would of not been so bad
we would of needed that second floor for sure. As is, there was no walking room anyway!

I tried not to take too many pics that night since my jaw is still very swollen from my reconstructive surgery- So guys please excuse me if I lool a little weird in the pics!

10-20-2003, 08:04 AM
Yep..that would have been exactly what she would of said ;)...

10-20-2003, 10:33 AM

Sounds like you pulled of another superb party... and sincerely well done to you and all those helping you out.

i'll be the first one mailing joan jet trying to get here to do something similar in London and well be expecting you, gia, wendy lisa etc... dont forget to bring guy,seanchai, mega & longman etc. love to have a beer with those boys some day.

