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11-18-2005, 01:32 AM
Transgender Women Criticize Police Treatment

By Justine Nicholas - WeNews correspondent

New York (WOMENSENEWS)--Maria Lopez heard catcalls and whistles from police
officers. They stopped her, demanded ID and ordered her to a police van. There,
they strip-searched her.

One officer "accidentally" brushed against her genitals and breasts while
handcuffing her.

Lopez, a 20-year-old transgender woman from Queens, N.Y., was arrested on April
24 for loitering. Since the Sept. 11 attacks four years ago, she said, police
have been interpreting the anti-loitering law very broadly. They often profile
transgender women as sex workers and target areas such as the Village, where
Lopez, an HIV-AIDS educator and activist, was waiting for a bus that April

When Lopez, who has had several encounters with police, was booked into Riker's
Island her medical intake examination was done in front of 20 male corrections
officers, she said.

None of this, she emphasized, took place on a dark, remote country road. Her
harassment by police began on a street in New York's Greenwich Village "in the
middle of the afternoon, in broad daylight, while I was waiting for a bus."

Lopez related the incident at an Amnesty International-USA press conference in
September, when the Washington, D.C.-based human rights group released an
11-page report on police misconduct and abuse against lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people. The report included summaries of 23 testimonies from
transgender women in New York City who described mistreatment by law enforcement

Lopez--a counselor at People Of Color In Crisis, Inc., which helps homeless and
HIV-infected minorities in New York City--said at the press conference she has
met other transgender women who have been stopped, searched and detained on
phony allegations.

They were subjected to taunts about their sexuality and their transgender
identity. Police threatened some with violence, or even death, she said.

A spokesperson for the New York Police Department said that the department
treats all people equally, but could not respond immediately on Wednesday with
details on what policies the department has in place or to the Amnesty report.
Women's eNews will update the story if the department replies at a later date.

A Day to End Transgender Violence

Every November, marches, candlelight vigils and other events around the world
mark Transgender Remembrance Day aimed at ending the violence against
transgender people.

Several transgender-related organizations "black out" their Web sites on that
day, which began in response to the killing of Rita Hester on Nov. 28, 1998 in
San Francisco, seven weeks after college student Matthew Shepard's hate-based
murder in Wyoming.

The case of Hester's murder has not been solved, like 92 percent of the 3,068
killings worldwide during the past 30 years based on fear, hatred or bias
against transgender people, as reported to Interpol.

Organizers of this year's events are calling particular attention to what they
perceive as the cavalier way in which anti-transgender violence--and transgender
people themselves--are treated by police.

Many of Lopez' clients at People Of Color In Crisis, she said, are teens who
have been kicked out of or run away from their homes after experiencing
hostility or violence over their gender identity and expression. As a result,
they may not have identification or other papers, access to legal assistance or
eligibility for social services.

Lopez' state identification card indicates that she is female, as did the
documents of the other women she mentioned, at least those who had such

Taunted to Reveal 'Real' Gender

Nonetheless, police and corrections have taunted them to reveal their "real"
gender, and their genitals. "There's nothing telling the cops they can't behave
that way," said Lopez, who blames the ordeals of transgender women at the hands
of police on poor police oversight and training.

Only 1 in 6 police departments surveyed has official policies regarding
interactions with transgender people, according to the Amnesty report. Only 1 in
3 has written policies regulating the detention of transgender people.

Lopez' story didn't surprise Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department
Sgt. Brett Parson, who also spoke at the Amnesty press conference.

"Whether or not stories like Ms. Lopez' are verified, the perception is there
that LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender] people aren't treated
equally," Parson said, adding that one result of such a perception is that LGBT
people often don't report assaults and other crimes against them, whether police
or civilians committed those infractions.

Parson supervises the Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit for his department, which is
increasingly identified by scholars as a leader in how police agencies develop
relations with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities.

Eleven percent of the 810 documented LGBT crime victims in New York City in 2003
were transgender women, even though they are estimated to be just 1 to 2 percent
of the overall LGBT population, according to the Washington-based National
Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs. The coalition, which includes organizations
that document LGBT-related violence and advocate for victims, interviewed 2,131
crime victims in 12 U.S. cities for its survey that year.

Although statistics on how many of the attacks were committed by law enforcement
officials were not compiled in reports from the coalition or Amnesty, both
Parson and Lopez contend that police attacks on LGBT people are significant.

Incidents of assault and harassment persist in New York City, which added
language to protect "gender identity and expression" to its human rights laws in
April 2002.

In adopting the language, New York joined 74 other U.S.
municipalities--including San Francisco, New Orleans, Boston, Minneapolis and
Rochester, N.Y. - --that had similar laws in effect that make physical or verbal
violence against an actual or perceived member of a protected group--such as
transgenders--a hate crime.

Hate Crimes Not Documented

However, New York City law still doesn't require that the police department or
any other agency document hate crimes. As a result, advocates say transgender
people are reluctant or fearful of reporting harassment against them and may
believe that such complaints won't be taken seriously.

Parson agreed with Lopez that LGBT people--particularly young transgender
women--comply with police officers' demands and threats because they feel they
have no recourse.

Too few officers are trained to properly handle transgender people, according to
Amnesty International USA Executive Director William F. Schulz. He initiated the
study of the largest police department in each state as well as the Washington,
D.C., and San Antonio, Texas, departments.

Of the 29 departments that responded, only seven have written policies regarding
strip-searches of transgender people and nine have policies on the detention of
transgender people. Just 11 of the departments have a LGBT liaison officer on

Schulz, who is also a Unitarian Universalist minister, said the Amnesty study
found that police departments routinely profile transgender women as sex
workers. As a result, they are often arrested and detained on vague
quality-of-life or nuisance charges. In the absence of specific guidelines, law
enforcement officers arrest and detain people on loitering charges "simply for
standing in one place for too long," according to Schulz.

One result of this is that transgender crime victims incur the blame when they
tangle with the police. "The cops wanted to know what I was doing there at that
time of day," Lopez recalled. "Too many of us internalize the hate. We don't
think we're good enough to file charges and seek help."

Parson looked at her. "You have to speak up. You're worth it." Then, turning to
the audience, he said, "We have to speak up. We're worth it!"

Justine Nicholas began her life and writing vocation as Nicholas Valinotti. She
is a freelance writer based in New York and teaches English at York College.

11-18-2005, 01:41 AM
Sounds about right. NYPD isn't as bad as they were during Giuliani's reign of terror, but they are still pretty rough especially in the village area.

11-18-2005, 01:42 AM
soooo weird...whats up w/ them molesting her? is that common?

11-18-2005, 01:50 AM
I don't know how common that is but I've heard stories before. Off the top of my head I remember one tale of a cop arresting a girl. When they saw that the name on the id didn't match the gender, they told her that if she "showed them her dick" they'd let her go without taking her to jail.

11-18-2005, 01:51 AM
thats seriously fucked up

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-18-2005, 02:03 AM
Its a sad but a common occurence in the big apple. I used to work at a fetish club down by the west village around 14th street (Now moved elsewhere) where there are alot of transexual women working the streets. I have seen a few times police cars and vans and officers rounding up the gurls. This was at the time Gulliani was mayor. And it seems like is still like that with Bloomberg.

Round up happens mostly during Friday and Saturday nights. Never seen any violence but Im sure it happens here and there. The NYPD are vigilant in cleaning up problem areas and suirveillances areas where theres tranny bars/clubs nearby as there are alot of guys in their cars driving round and round trying to pick up ts women. That sadly led to the demise of the Now Bar, Edeilweiss (always gets raided) both popular TS bars to name a few. Its a common knowledge that most ts bars and clubs are frequented by working ts'es and johns. Which is why I rarely go to a Tranny club. Id much rather go to a straight non gay club with a few friends than be caught inbetween a club raid.

So I wouldnt be surprised if that article was true.



11-18-2005, 02:09 AM
Weird because in Queens many of the cops socialize with the girls they see.................... not all of them but the passable ones definately

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-18-2005, 02:16 AM
Weird because in Queens many of the cops socialize with the girls they see.................... not all of them but the passable ones definately

LOL. Thats true. Cops in NYC does that too (Ive met some on my way to clubs or going home and hung out with a few). So what youre saying is..If one is not passable or pretty they are out of luck? That's kinda discrimination isnt it JWBL?



11-18-2005, 03:25 AM
I'm not saying that at all. I am just saying what I've seen. Interestingly enough the cops I've seen talking to these girls ONLY talk to the most passable of the few....

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-18-2005, 03:47 AM
LOL. I know JWBL..Was just playin' with you sweety. ;) There are nice cops (like there are nice people) out there that isnt rude or anything to transgendered women.
