View Full Version : Japanese Girls

08-04-2010, 10:07 PM
Of the Asian videos, I've noticed that the Japanese girls both GG's and TS's in particular make sounds and have facial grimaces that to me or western culture would be interpeted as experiencing pain. I'm not only considering anal sex, but vaginal as well. Even the body language suggests in many cases that they they are passively accepting violation of their bodies rather then enjoying sex. Again, this observaton is seen through western eyes. My dad lived in Japan after the occupation and had quite a bit of experience with Japanese women. I've ran this by him and it puzzles him. From what I gather from him, a sexually precocious Japanse girl back then would surprise an American GI with their enthusiasm for sex by comparison to stateside women. He doesn't recall any torturous sounding whines. If anything the women seemed to enjoy the American's comparatively larger endowment then Japanese males. I sort of wonder if this is largely a culturally determined issue as it would seem Japanese men have a penchant for an innocent schoolgirl look as evident in most videos that you see and the violated virgin response is much in the way that western women feign orgasm for the male's sake. While it does appear that in other Asian nationalities, the "girls" do seem to have more difficulty initally with Anal sex and don't seem to pre-dilate in preparation for a shoot, once they acclimate, there doesn't seem to be any of this pained expressions that you see with Japanese. Of the other Asian GG's you don't see this either with vaginal sex or the passivity. I hate to generalize, but based on what I've seen this seems consistant.

Anyone in a postion to comment on this?

08-06-2010, 11:40 AM
Nope nobody is...

08-06-2010, 11:55 AM
A press conference has been called for 11am, stay tuned to this channel for live updates.

Heres a link: http://www.mustbesomethinginthetea.com

08-06-2010, 05:23 PM
I thought the same thing SUNAIRCO when I watched videos on ShemaleJapan. Sounded like they are in agony.

08-06-2010, 06:01 PM
Yea thats one of the reason i can't watch japanese porn. But i thought it was because they wsa trying to sound like a little girl or something but now you say the pain thing that might be it. Either way is a big turn off for me anyway maybe japanese guys like that

08-06-2010, 06:33 PM
yes, noticed it. they really don't look like they're enjoying it do they! i think its a cultural thing. i lived in japan for two years and its crazy (but kinda cute)

08-06-2010, 06:46 PM
Of the Asian videos, I've noticed that the Japanese girls both GG's and TS's in particular make sounds and have facial grimaces that to me or western culture would be interpeted as experiencing pain. I'm not only considering anal sex, but vaginal as well. Even the body language suggests in many cases that they they are passively accepting violation of their bodies rather then enjoying sex. Again, this observaton is seen through western eyes. My dad lived in Japan after the occupation and had quite a bit of experience with Japanese women. I've ran this by him and it puzzles him. From what I gather from him, a sexually precocious Japanse girl back then would surprise an American GI with their enthusiasm for sex by comparison to stateside women. He doesn't recall any torturous sounding whines. If anything the women seemed to enjoy the American's comparatively larger endowment then Japanese males. I sort of wonder if this is largely a culturally determined issue as it would seem Japanese men have a penchant for an innocent schoolgirl look as evident in most videos that you see and the violated virgin response is much in the way that western women feign orgasm for the male's sake. While it does appear that in other Asian nationalities, the "girls" do seem to have more difficulty initally with Anal sex and don't seem to pre-dilate in preparation for a shoot, once they acclimate, there doesn't seem to be any of this pained expressions that you see with Japanese. Of the other Asian GG's you don't see this either with vaginal sex or the passivity. I hate to generalize, but based on what I've seen this seems consistant.

Anyone in a postion to comment on this?

Well, (even though I did not totally read all what you said, but I have noticed the same thing, and this is my theory, I am thinking) there are different ways of acting "being aroused / enjoying what one is doing & what is being done to one", in different cultures. Now, in Asianic lands, the charasteristing seen as important to boost when enacting lovemaking, seems to be that of "surrendering against ones will" - or "giving [bit reluctantly] in, into ones sexual urges, like being totally immensed into something, one has been trying to pull away from beforehand.."

Then, this form of acting, ..that is culturally dependent of the varying forms of laws, mind presets (such as religion), and other subconscious and physical enforcements that affect, and are experienced by the individuals living in that society.., has been cultivated as the way to represent [enact] a state of mind, where one most naturally is, when doing the very natural thing, we all should freely be able to do, without too much constraints from ourselves, or the others.

Because we live in a society though, where such thing as reproduction, is to be considered as somewhat a trouble, and the mindsets of people - and the openness to pure forms of love, without and compolsurities such as a life long commitment/agreement on living with just a one person, due to the difficulties in our communication with others that bring up fears in losing that only one real connection we have to anyone, incase we happened to be aroused by someone else - for example, and due to the overall impossibility, to expect that ones children will be raised, and that their needs would be met (even withouth the mother and the father - like in a good, and loving society they would), by the society - by the others, the people we live amongst... these are such thoughtforms, that actually force anyone even thinking about making love with/to someone, to quickly drop any ideas of any deeper level intimacy with anyone else, except just the one person they are willing to make life long plans with.

This all - from my point of view - boils down to the fact, that currently (though this has not allways been the situation on human history) we are experiencing a situation, where all the "goods" are not equally shared to all the being things on the planet, not meaning that we should let wolves enter our houses, but that we have 0,0001% of population, telling others that they own the only thing that will run their cars - not that it would be "shared" to everyone, so that there actually would not be that much need of reproducing that oil, because there would be much less hurry, incase everything was shared evenly - as a principle, that would then determine how the system -we call society- works.

Also, we have certain amount of posse around here telling others that they can actually draw a line into a map, that is a portait of someone elses homeland - such as was the case when the native indians were slaughtered due to the want of others for such a need for mapping the resources, and lands, they had before decided to have an ownership to (..as was mentioned by Trish, in the ownership thread earlier - as an example..).

All this, including the religions that predetermine one form of experience as forbidden before actually understanding that what would have been experienced (such as premarital lovemaking - which is quite absurd, incase one would like to know wheter one is willing to spend time with another, to make such a choice as to live with that person, one would certainly need to know, wheter they enjoy eachother intimately also), and systems of unjust laws - that are just legal, but do not have the soulful benefit factory, as what is good to person being their basis.. ..are such thoughts, that cause people, as rational beings, to hesitate when listening to their vibes, they cause people to even hesitate to listen their feelings at all - and this, when one "gets freed from that fearful state of mind - or is getting freed of, and is giving into something" is, what happens when we really give up that egoic rant inside our heads, choose to follow what we feel as the guiding principle, and also - what we see as a form of enjoyment being (culturally dependently) enacted - in these films.

Personally I see alittle work to be done towards a better and more natural, and therefor more providing state of humanity to arise, to free those who can be freed from such mindsets that prevent a pure and natural flow of both goods and love, from one another.

So, the enacting we see in the Asian films, is just a culture-dependently evolved representation of -both- the state of what our world is in, and the mindstate of us (as humanity as) the people living on this earth (as a way of showing, how different in different cultures it is to actually let go, and follow such a natural urge, as to being physically intimate with another)..

08-06-2010, 07:29 PM
Big cock, it's hurting me to take it all...Ow...Ow...Ow!
Just crap at acting and giving us what they think we want to see! :shrug