View Full Version : Ufc 117 thoughts ???

08-01-2010, 10:58 PM
Silva V Sonnen, defo want Sonnen to win

Fitch V Alves

Guida V Anjos

Huges V Almeida

Santos V Nelson, HATE BIG COUNTRY !

08-02-2010, 01:38 AM
all the favorites should take each fight... really weak card... and HUGES is my far and away favorite fighter...

08-02-2010, 06:14 AM
I want Sonnen to win, but look for Silva to win.

I think Fitch will win the fight. Although I am not really concerned about the fight.

Guida is fighting again? Didn't he just fight recently.

Look for Hughes to win against Almeida

Whoever wins in the fight between Santos v. Nelson will have a title shot against whoever wins between Lesnar and Carwin. I am looking for Nelson to win. Nelson will win if this fight goes to the ground. I don't think Nelson wants to stand with Dos Santos.

08-02-2010, 02:04 PM
I just want silva to lose, after that last match he was such a jerk. felt bad for the guy he was fighting.

08-03-2010, 02:53 AM
I just want silva to lose, after that last match he was such a jerk. felt bad for the guy he was fighting.

this will happen AFTER the upcoming fight... when they Match him with Jones... that might be a fast night for Silva... "you ready, you ready.... FIGHT"... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITS ALL OVER... LOL... Jon Jones IS the real deal... lets hope UFC heads make this fight happen...

08-03-2010, 06:04 AM
why would anyone root per Sonnen, the dude is a douche and quasi racist. I hope silva KTFO's him!!

08-03-2010, 09:42 PM
Silva is a jerk ! Up the racist lol

08-04-2010, 04:57 AM
I don't think Sonnen is a racist, at least nothing that I heard him say is racist.

08-05-2010, 08:05 PM
i hope sonnen gets his ass beat.

08-05-2010, 08:31 PM
this will happen AFTER the upcoming fight... when they Match him with Jones... that might be a fast night for Silva... "you ready, you ready.... FIGHT"... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITS ALL OVER... LOL... Jon Jones IS the real deal... lets hope UFC heads make this fight happen...

I doubt Silva will fight Jones. If anything if Silva wins this match against Sonnen then he might move up to HW. Dana knows Jones is going to be a superstar, so he wants to slow Jones progression and let everyone know that Jones is the real deal. I have a feeling that his (Jones) next opponent might be Thiago Silva or someone like that. Which I think Thiago Silva vs. Jon Jones would be a good fight.

08-06-2010, 04:40 AM
I doubt Silva will fight Jones. If anything if Silva wins this match against Sonnen then he might move up to HW. Dana knows Jones is going to be a superstar, so he wants to slow Jones progression and let everyone know that Jones is the real deal. I have a feeling that his (Jones) next opponent might be Thiago Silva or someone like that. Which I think Thiago Silva vs. Jon Jones would be a good fight.

thats all UFC has done to Jones... is slow him down... then man is a wrecking machine with only 1 loss (DQ, not dairy queen)... This kid is going to get a HUGE fight, much bigger than T. Silva...

08-07-2010, 01:00 PM
Silva is a jerk ! Up the racist lol

I don't know if sonnen is a racist but apparently he thinks quite highly of himself and talks a lot of crap. now can he actuallly back it up, i guess we'll find out.

08-07-2010, 04:04 PM
thats all UFC has done to Jones... is slow him down... then man is a wrecking machine with only 1 loss (DQ, not dairy queen)... This kid is going to get a HUGE fight, much bigger than T. Silva...

Dana White has said that Jones next opponent will be against one of the top 8 in the UFC. I doubt it will be Rampage or Machida (considering they have a fight together). It won't be Rashad (since he has a title shot). It won't be Ryan Bader (because he has a fight as well). Thiago Silva is the only one that makes sense, but he is out with a back injury. It could be Rich Franklin that could be his next opponent, if I had to guess.

08-07-2010, 04:07 PM
I don't know if sonnen is a racist but apparently he thinks quite highly of himself and talks a lot of crap. now can he actuallly back it up, i guess we'll find out.

If it was a verbal war, then Sonnen wins hands down. Its interesting to see if Sonnen can back up his words and be the first person in the UFC to actually beat Silva. Logic would say no, although Sonnen has great takedown ability and he comes at you relentlessly like a Night of the Living Dead zombie, I don't think it will be enough to beat him. If he were to drag the fight on for 5 rounds and not get caught. Then he would win by decision, because of the takedowns. Although most of Sonnen losts have been by submission, so that tells me that he has to look out for Silva submissions, considering Silva is no rookie on the ground.

08-08-2010, 07:15 AM
Silva BY Triangle!!! Suck it!

08-08-2010, 07:26 AM
Silva capitalized on Sonnen inability to handle submissions. The entire fight belonged to Sonnen till the 5th round. There should be a rematch, hopefully there will be. If Penn can get a rematch with Edgar then Sonnen should get one too.

08-08-2010, 09:33 AM
Silva capitalized on Sonnen inability to handle submissions. The entire fight belonged to Sonnen till the 5th round. There should be a rematch, hopefully there will be. If Penn can get a rematch with Edgar then Sonnen should get one too.

Penn got a rematch b/c it was in his contract... (and b/c that decision went to the wrong fighter)... Sonnen WAS the challenger, therefore there will be no rematch...9 out 10 bouts this fights goes toward Silva... Sonnen was impressive, but couldnt finish a 25min fight... how about MAT... wow... still hold him as my fav!!! did I say this would happen? cant remember

08-08-2010, 07:56 PM
I think there is going to be a rematch. Dana was hinting at a rematch, but of course, you gotta look at Vitor Belfort, since he is next in line for a title shot. Dana wants a rematch, Chael wants a rematch, so I guess we have to see how it plays out.

08-08-2010, 08:45 PM
guess that mcdonald's blackbelt from the nogueira brothers came in handy after all.


08-08-2010, 08:49 PM
they'll probably try to squeeze out another season of tuf to set up the rematch.

08-09-2010, 04:34 AM
I think there is going to be a rematch. Dana was hinting at a rematch, but of course, you gotta look at Vitor Belfort, since he is next in line for a title shot. Dana wants a rematch, Chael wants a rematch, so I guess we have to see how it plays out.

you said it... Vitor is def in line... if not for that setback a few months back he would be wearing the belt instead of Silva... wish he would never have gone nutts years back...

08-09-2010, 04:50 AM
I am actually hoping that someone beats Silva, whether its Vitor, Yushin or Chael, just hopes someone beat him soon.

south ov da border
08-10-2010, 01:04 AM
what a comeback by Silva. Very one sided fight until the end. No rematch. Silva will lose soon if heperforms like he did in this last fight...

08-11-2010, 10:41 AM
Silva lucked out, the guy had him dominated through 4 rounds, unfortunately it's a rough sport and it can be ended in a split second/one mistake is all it takes. His wrestling ability really had Silva in trouble. If he doesn't get a rematch than have Silva fight someone with similar ability.

11-27-2010, 05:11 PM
Well Sonnen tested positive for elevated testosterone levels. He is going to get fined and suspended. It's too bad though because he had such a great performance against Silva.

It turns out Silva went into the fight with a rib injury. And most people are speculating that it is the only reason the fight played out like it did. I would like to see a rematch when they are both healthy and not failing PED tests.

11-27-2010, 05:20 PM
CSAC challenges Sonnen’s rumored TRT defense

2 hours ago | source: fightersonlymagazine.co.uk (http://www.fightersonlymagazine.co.uk/news/viewarticle.php?id=5654) | 18843 Views | 47 Comments

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Chael Sonnen will not be able to use Testosterone Replacement Therapy as an excuse for failing his UFC 117 drug tests, according to a California State Athletic Commission executive George Dodd.

The CSAC does allows athletes to undergo TRT, but the exception is made with two caveats. First,, the fighter must give adequate prior notification to CSAC. And second, the fighter must not show levels of testosterone outside the norm when he is tested.

“We have to clear it. We need to get necessary documentation from a physician saying why you’re on this medication, ‘these are the treatments that we’ve attempted and it hasn’t worked or it has." Dodd told MMAFA.tv "Then we forward that information to our ring-side physician for review. If our physician agrees with their doctor then as long as they don’t test outside of a particular range they are fine.”

Sonnen’s appeal hearing is set for December 2nd. He will be joined - in theory - by Josh Barnett, who is set to appeal the results of a test which stopped him getting a license to fight at Affliction Trilogy last year, which inadvertently killed the promotion.

11-27-2010, 05:52 PM
It is important to note that Chael has not been found guilty as of yet. As DDerek mentioned, his trial is a week away. I will say this, if Chael is found innocent, then Yushin will not have his title fight. I imagine Chael and Yushin will fight to see who is the no.1 cotender. Then again they might not since they are friends, and Chael probably doesn't want to steal Yushin spot.

12-15-2010, 01:32 PM
The commission halved his suspension and that is the final result. Too bad all of this happened.

There are rumors goin' around that Chael and Wanderlei Silva could be the next TUF coaches. That would be really cool. Except Silva can barely speak English.

12-15-2010, 07:15 PM
The commission halved his suspension and that is the final result. Too bad all of this happened.

There are rumors goin' around that Chael and Wanderlei Silva could be the next TUF coaches. That would be really cool. Except Silva can barely speak English.

I heard about that. At one point, there was a rumor that Frank Mir and Brock Lesnar would be coaches, but since they start filming in January and Mir is now fighting Schaub in March, I don't think it will happen.

If I had to pick, I would pick Sonnen and whoever is in top contention for a title shot. If Bisping didn't have a fight already, I would pick Bisping and Sonnen, that would be an epic show right there. Wanderlei is kind of funny, but I can't understand him half the time.