View Full Version : Peggy Gee's statement on HD about not telling men about her past - Your thoughts?

Nicole Dupre
07-29-2010, 08:33 PM
Can you believe this bitch has the nerve to call herself a "guidance counselor"? :puke

Apr 27 2010, 01:19 AM Post #1

She-Devil Guidance Counselor

Group: She-Devils
Posts: 1010
Joined: 19-November 06
From: In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked.
Member No.: 1823

I'm not telling my gender status!

I agree with the majority of the ladies 'that it t'aint nobody's business if I do, as Billie Holiday would say.

There's no way in hell that I'm going to tell every guy that hits on me, my gender status. You approached me, you're trying to get my attention. If I end up talking with you, it's to see you're worthy of getting to know better, if you aren't then one of us will get to stepping.

Telling people all over the place, that your trans is more dangerous than not. Next thing your whole town or city knows, or people at your workplace or school. And you really don't want to bring that up in a crowded club, where it can spread like wildfire.

The reality of this issue is that men don't have a clue what our lives' are like. They think cause you chat with them on a forum, or they have been in a pay for play situation that they know what makes us tick.

Hell most of them have never even met a transwoman.

I've been full time over 35 years, going on to the 13th year as a post op. I have been in many, many relationships with men. I have dated many, many men. I have been sexually intimate with many men. In none of those years have I had violent or verbal altercations with men about my gender status.


Well the men will say that I've just been lucky, and that I'm skating on thin ice, and that one day the ice will break.

As I stated as a post op I don't confide my gender status if it's just a casual encounter. And when I say casual encounters I don't mean having sex with someone I just met on the train, in a social setting, etc. We've talked about various things, conversated on a variety of topics, and I now find you somewhat interesting. You're smart, funny, engaging, so we might date for a while, but you're not quite a 'keeper'.

Now if in the course of getting to talk with and know you,what type of person are you, your temperment, and you're starting to look like a 'person of interest', somebody that I might like to be in a relationship with, then I will pick a safe time, place, and method to tell you my herstory.

But no I don't meet someone in a bar, bring him home, we're both drunk, we start to make out, and he might feel something that shouldn't be there.

For me those aren't issues cause I don't drink, and all my parts are the correct ones, but I trust you get the point.

In my life I have known many, many transwomen, and for the most part they too are aware of how to protect themselves from hazardous situations like the ones I just outlined.

I won't say that guys going off on girls because of finding out their 'T' is an urban myth or legend, but from my time as a working girl 'on the game', I've known more girls to get into situations for dipping into a clients' pocket for money, or that he doesn't want to pay after he has played.

And that "we should go to gay and tranny bars, where the men who love us are".

Sorry, that dog won't hunt.

I'm not sitting through lip-synching drag shows, with men all up on the walls looking for dick.

I don't have a dick, so you don't have any use for me, and I don't have any interest in you.

So no gay or tranny bars, I'm mildly bi, but I'm not gay, I'm not a tranny, I'm not on the game, I don't drink, so why would I go to a gay or tranny bar.

Finally, I feel that men are blaming the victim or condemning us each time a violent incident is reported in the media.

I also feel that they want to keep us in a tranny ghetto, all to themselves.

On the stealth issue, I didn't transition to be a transsexual, I transitioned to be the woman I am. I am all for helping the cause, but all I've ever wanted was a normal, hetero, mainstream, 9 -5 life, which is what I have.

So guys, when you have walked in our Payless or Ferragamo shoes then you can speak on this issue, till then I must say that you know not whereof you speak.

Nicole Dupre
07-29-2010, 08:52 PM
Here's my take on this. If you have a platonic relationship with a man, this is fine. Beyond that, you're asking for trouble. Once you let a man get emotionally attached to you, they should know. I agree that there's a time and place for everything, but I don't agree that it happens after they make an emotional investment in you or you lead them on sexually.

Also, I don't appreciate the dis to the gay or drag scene. There are plenty of drag queens who are indeed post-op. And if a man is interested in them, knowing full-well what their original gender was, there's nothing wrong with it.

Nicole Dupre
07-29-2010, 09:06 PM
And one more thing. Every girl who has done porn or modeled has the potential to be spotted, clocked, or spooked. We live with it every day, and do just fine without this deceitful nonsense. I don't believe that Peggy Gee has ever "been on the game". Maybe she knows trannys that pick pockets in hotel rooms, but those are her friends, not mine. She is NOT a GG. She is a TRANNY, whether she wants to face it or not. Sorry, but we are a third gender. We have no chance of giving birth or menstruating. Most of us have XY chromosomes. We should be proud of who we ARE and not bitter over who we should have been. If you want to live in bumfuck nowhere, the KKK will hang you from a tree for a variety of reasons, and being black is definitely one of them. Big cities are more progressive. That's why I would never live in some backwoods shithole. Even NJ is pushing it imo, but I deal with it just fine. I'm not into outing anyone, and I'm not wearing a sign on my back that says"I was born with a cock", but I'm not kidding myself or anyone else.

Lastly, if the guys looking for cock are soooo offensive to her, why the hell does she spend so much time on shemale porn forums? Wtf is that about? Have cake, eat it much too?

Nicole Dupre
07-29-2010, 09:13 PM
LMAO @ "mildly bi".

Yeah, going by the Harry Benjamin Standards, they would NEVER have let her get a pussy if she said she liked girls! Never!

They would have given her electro shock therapy and/or a lobotomy, because that's how completely fucked up the mental health "experts" were when she transitioned.

Solitary Brother
07-29-2010, 09:23 PM
We know that all women lie and have skeletons in their closet.....
Only a fool trusts a woman.

07-29-2010, 11:11 PM
As I stated as a post op I don't confide my gender status if it's just a casual encounter. And when I say casual encounters I don't mean having sex with someone I just met on the train, in a social setting, etc. We've talked about various things, conversated on a variety of topics, and I now find you somewhat interesting. You're smart, funny, engaging, so we might date for a while, but you're not quite a 'keeper'.

Now if in the course of getting to talk with and know you,what type of person are you, your temperment, and you're starting to look like a 'person of interest', somebody that I might like to be in a relationship with, then I will pick a safe time, place, and method to tell you my herstory.

I agree. I don't feel I'm under any obligation to divulge my medical history to every man who shows an interest in me. If I did, I'd be outing myself on the regular. By insinuating that every transgirl should be so open about it, you're implying that we should all accept the 'third sex' just as you have. Well many of us reject that notion, myself included. We may have ambiguous sex characteristics, but the world only has two pure sexes. Anything in between is just that - in between, not something else entirely as some people would like to claim. We're women born in the wrong body and like any other birth defect, we work to correct it. We're not something else entirely and your argument actually lends credence to the idea that we're 'freaks.' Remember: separate is not equal. To put it simply: most of us aren't born to be 'trannies.' We were born women with the wrong genitalia.

Also, I don't appreciate the dis to the gay or drag scene. There are plenty of drag queens who are indeed post-op. And if a man is interested in them, knowing full-well what their original gender was, there's nothing wrong with it.

OK, fine, SOME drag performers are also trans (read: women), but they're the exception that proves the rule. Drag is a performance art for men. Drag = dressed as a girl - a distinction that's redundant, unnecessary, and inappropriate for any person who's expected to dress as a girl and IMHO it's only 'drag' for someone who's not a girl. That said, probably 98% of drag queens actually identify themselves as men. I know most of my friends in that life do. Some even get upset and defensive when you try to imply that they might be TG. Plus, let's face it: most GG's wouldn't be caught dead at a drag show because drag is primarily (although I'll admit not always) a performance art for men by men and steeped entirely in gay culture. I'm sorry that you take this attitude so personally, but if a transwoman looks up to a male-identifying drag queen as an inspiration to her womanhood, then she gets what she pays for. For many of us that's just the way we see things and it has nothing to do with you.

Most of us have XY chromosomes.

What's your obsession with chromosomes? Can you see a chromosome? Does it affect a DAMN thing? No, and no. If you want to call yourself a man due to your invisible chromosomes, then fine. I don't care if your call yourself an Abominable Snowman, but that doesn't make it so for the rest of us, so stop calling us men. Is this any way to treat your 'sisters?'


07-29-2010, 11:24 PM
I'm not telling my gender status!

I agree with the majority of the ladies 'that it t'aint nobody's business if I do, as Billie Holiday would say.

There's no way in hell that I'm going to tell every guy that hits on me, my gender status. You approached me, you're trying to get my attention. If I end up talking with you, it's to see you're worthy of getting to know better, if you aren't then one of us will get to stepping.

Telling people all over the place, that your trans is more dangerous than not. Next thing your whole town or city knows, or people at your workplace or school. And you really don't want to bring that up in a crowded club, where it can spread like wildfire.

The reality of this issue is that men don't have a clue what our lives' are like. They think cause you chat with them on a forum, or they have been in a pay for play situation that they know what makes us tick.

Hell most of them have never even met a transwoman.

I've been full time over 35 years, going on to the 13th year as a post op. I have been in many, many relationships with men. I have dated many, many men. I have been sexually intimate with many men. In none of those years have I had violent or verbal altercations with men about my gender status.


Well the men will say that I've just been lucky, and that I'm skating on thin ice, and that one day the ice will break.

As I stated as a post op I don't confide my gender status if it's just a casual encounter. And when I say casual encounters I don't mean having sex with someone I just met on the train, in a social setting, etc. We've talked about various things, conversated on a variety of topics, and I now find you somewhat interesting. You're smart, funny, engaging, so we might date for a while, but you're not quite a 'keeper'.

Now if in the course of getting to talk with and know you,what type of person are you, your temperment, and you're starting to look like a 'person of interest', somebody that I might like to be in a relationship with, then I will pick a safe time, place, and method to tell you my herstory.

But no I don't meet someone in a bar, bring him home, we're both drunk, we start to make out, and he might feel something that shouldn't be there.
For me those aren't issues cause I don't drink, and all my parts are the correct ones, but I trust you get the point.

In my life I have known many, many transwomen, and for the most part they too are aware of how to protect themselves from hazardous situations like the ones I just outlined.

I won't say that guys going off on girls because of finding out their 'T' is an urban myth or legend, but from my time as a working girl 'on the game', I've known more girls to get into situations for dipping into a clients' pocket for money, or that he doesn't want to pay after he has played.

And that "we should go to gay and tranny bars, where the men who love us are".

Sorry, that dog won't hunt. http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/Rover.gif

I'm not sitting through lip-synching drag shows, with men all up on the walls looking for dick.

I don't have a dick, so you don't have any use for me, and I don't have any interest in you.

So no gay or tranny bars, I'm mildly bi, but I'm not gay, I'm not a tranny, I'm not on the game, I don't drink, so why would I go to a gay or tranny bar.

Finally, I feel that men are blaming the victim or condemning us each time a violent incident is reported in the media.

I also feel that they want to keep us in a tranny ghetto, all to themselves.

On the stealth issue, I didn't transition to be a transsexual, I transitioned to be the woman I am. I am all for helping the cause, but all I've ever wanted was a normal, hetero, mainstream, 9 -5 life, which is what I have.

So guys, when you have walked in our Payless or Ferragamo shoes then you can speak on this issue, till then I must say that you know not whereof you speak.

07-29-2010, 11:30 PM
Nicole, thanks for your concern, but as per my usual I'm going to have
to respectfully disagree with your viewpoints.

Oh, and you forgot the cute little doggie, when you were quoting me.


07-29-2010, 11:36 PM
Girl: Hi! Nice weather we're having!

Guy: Yes, it's beautiful, but not as beautiful as you.

Girl: Thanks. Just because you said that, I am obligated to tell you that I have / had a penis.

I'll take 'Unnecessary, Endangering, and Counterproductive Disclosures' for a thousand, Alex.


07-29-2010, 11:40 PM
On the stealth issue, I didn't transition to be a transsexual, I transitioned to be the woman I am. I am all for helping the cause, but all I've ever wanted was a normal, hetero, mainstream, 9 -5 life, which is what I have.


So you are also a mother of children I assume?

That is the embodiment of a normal, hetero, mainstream, 9-5 life of a woman.

Nicole Dupre
07-29-2010, 11:44 PM
I agree. I don't feel I'm under any obligation to divulge my medical history to every man who shows an interest in me. If I did, I'd be outing myself on the regular. By insinuating that every transgirl should be so open about it, you're implying that we should all accept the 'third sex' just as you have. Well many of us reject that notion, myself included. We may have ambiguous sex characteristics, but the world only has two pure sexes. Anything in between is just that - in between, not something else entirely as some people would like to claim. We're women born in the wrong body and like any other birth defect, we work to correct it. We're not something else entirely and your argument actually lends credence to the idea that we're 'freaks.' Remember: separate is not equal. To put it simply: most of us aren't born to be 'trannies.' We were born women with the wrong genitalia.

OK, fine, SOME drag performers are also trans (read: women), but they're the exception that proves the rule. Drag is a performance art for men. Drag = dressed as a girl - a distinction that's redundant, unnecessary, and inappropriate for any person who's expected to dress as a girl and IMHO it's only 'drag' for someone who's not a girl. That said, probably 98% of drag queens actually identify themselves as men. I know most of my friends in that life do. Some even get upset and defensive when you try to imply that they might be TG. Plus, let's face it: most GG's wouldn't be caught dead at a drag show because drag is primarily (although I'll admit not always) a performance art for men by men and steeped entirely in gay culture. I'm sorry that you take this attitude so personally, but if a transwoman looks up to a male-identifying drag queen as an inspiration to her womanhood, then she gets what she pays for. For many of us that's just the way we see things and it has nothing to do with you.

What's your obsession with chromosomes? Can you see a chromosome? Does it affect a DAMN thing? No, and no. If you want to call yourself a man due to your invisible chromosomes, then fine. I don't care if your call yourself an Abominable Snowman, but that doesn't make it so for the rest of us, so stop calling us men. Is this any way to treat your 'sisters?'

Actually, it sounds like you're calling us freaks by saying we were born in the "wrong" body. I think we were born in the wrong social climate. It's not my problem, unless other people make it my problem and cause me to feel I was born in the "wrong" body. If people minded their own fucking business, we could do whatever we want with our bodies and they could kiss our asses.

But no. Being a TS is DIFFERENT than being a GG. It's not being a freak, and I'm not calling anyone a man. I'm also not telling you that you have to broadcast it. Don't put words in my mouth, you retard. Chromosomes do mean something. How do you think you were born in the "wrong" body? Some trannys have XY, some have XX, and some have both. Some trannys are intersexed and some are not. And unfortunately, some men might give a shit. That doesn't mean I give a shit, fool.

And don't start this shit about "drag=man". You don't know enough about the subject, because you just said a month ago that everyone in a drag pageant is a man. Do you want me to dig that statement up? Sunny Deelite is not a man. Stop basing your ideas on Ru Paul's Drag Race, and your TS friends "in a world of pain".

07-29-2010, 11:44 PM
So you are also a mother of children I assume?

That is the embodiment of a normal, hetero, mainstream, 9-5 life of a woman.

Na-uuuh. Drag is. Duuuh!


07-29-2010, 11:45 PM
Girl: Hi! Nice weather we're having!

Guy: Yes, it's beautiful, but not as beautiful as you.

Girl: Thanks. Just because you said that, I am obligated to tell you that I have / had a penis.

I'll take 'Unnecessary, Endangering, and Counterproductive Disclosures' for a thousand, Alex.


That pretty much sums it up right there. :Bowdown:

To confide, not to confide, and / or when to confide are as unique as as the
woman involved.

There is no one size fits all, and it is solely up to the individual woman how
she chooses to proceeed.

Nicole Dupre
07-29-2010, 11:50 PM
I totally agree with her. I consider my gender status need to know information. The only people who need to know are those who get to see me nakkkid, everyone else doesn't not needs to know. Since transition, I've gotten hit on my lots of guys in different settings. Usually I ignore guys advances. I once got approach while riding a bus, and I had to interact with the guy although he seem nice enough, there was no reason for me to tell him I was transgender especially since I had no intentions of having any future interactions. Safety is my primary concern for not always divulging my status to men. If I'm shopping downtown and have random guys cat calling me, they don't need to know my status. I once was walking down the street with my daughter and had two random guys comment about how I had a nice ass. I felt powerless but used silence as a defense mechanism. So it's not about lying or being deceitful, rather its about keeping safe.
Of course. That's not my point. My point is that a time will come when telling someone is the right thing to do. It's not the right time on a bus or when you get catcalls. But when you start moving from a platonic to a romantic relationship, no matter who initiates it, that's the time imo.

07-29-2010, 11:53 PM
If people minded their own fucking business, we could do whatever we want with our bodies and they could kiss our asses.

So you don't want attractive men hitting on you? Personally I only expect the guys that are nowhere near my league to mind their own fucking business. ;)

Chromosomes do mean something.

If an invisible genetic code is relevant to someone when selecting a partner, then that's thier problem. I'm sorry but the chromosome argument is primarily the one leveled against us most by the cisgendered population at large and is, on it's face, also the most ridiculous. Why you would provide the concept any kind of political cover is completely beyond me.

And don't start this shit about "drag=man". You don't know enough about the subject, beacsue you just said a month ago that everyone in a drag pageant is a man.

Actually I said that anyone who identifies as a 'drag queen' is a man. And you're right, that's not true all the time, only 99% of the time. :rolleyes:

I know you came up in the drag scene, and I respect that, but if you stop harping on bones of contention for two seconds, you'll be able to see the bigger picture.


07-29-2010, 11:54 PM
Of course. That's not my point. My point is that a time will come when telling someone is the right thing to do. It's not the right time on a bus or when you get catcalls. But when you start moving from a platonic to a romantic relationship, no matter who initiates it, that's the time imo.

... but Peggy never said otherwise, so why the attack? I don't get it.


Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 12:03 AM
Na-uuuh. Drag is. Duuuh!

~BB~Who do you think makes us all look more "wrong"? You, banging GGs and having them pop out kids who you have to establish custody over, and going around wagging your dick in front of cameras being flat-chested, or Candis Cayne?

I'll take trainwrecks who shame all transwomen for a hundred, Alex.

Also, Candis Cayne can go on television and be PROUD of who she is. Peggy is hiding behind avatars and using fake names. Who's more of a gender-traitor?

I'm by FAR more proud of Candis than I am of a sanctimonious load like Peggy.

Silence=Death for EVERYONE; not just gay people.

07-30-2010, 12:07 AM
Who do you think makes us all look more "wrong"? You, banging GGs and having them pop out kids who you have to establish custody over, and going around wagging your dick in front of cameras being flat-chested, or Candis Cayne?

I'll take trainwrecks who shame all transwomen for a hundred, Alex.

Also, Candis Cayne can go on television and be PROUD of who she is. Peggy is hiding behind avatars and using fake names. Who's more of a gender-traitor?

I'm by FAR more proud of Candis than I am of a sanctimonious load like Peggy.

Silence=Death for EVERYONE; not just gay people.

Sorry. Reverse here. Peggy is an activist role model. Candis is just an actress. And it's so nice of you to spell her name right this time. :whistle:

And again, who cares who I have sex with? That's your defense? The tired old 'you can only be a woman if you let men fuck your ass' argument again? Try something new for the 2010, huh? ;)

Besides, I've been successfully experimenting with bottoming and... SURPRISE! I don't feel any more 'womanly.'


Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 12:08 AM
So you don't want attractive men hitting on you? Personally I only expect the guys that are nowhere near my league to mind their own fucking business. ;)

I'm into guys. I don't know about you. You won't even take it up the ass.

But the people who need to mind their own business are religious kooks who think we're "sinning".

Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 12:11 AM
Candis goes on television and gives interviews, and millions of people pay attention.Where is Peggy doing all of this activist work? On a porn forum? Sorry. This is not the time or place. Let her stick to figuring out where and when she should tell people they're fucking an inverted penis. Most girls here don't need coaching from her.

07-30-2010, 12:14 AM
Of course. That's not my point. My point is that a time will come when telling someone is the right thing to do. It's not the right time on a bus or when you get catcalls. But when you start moving from a platonic to a romantic relationship, no matter who initiates it, that's the time imo.

... but Peggy never said otherwise, so why the attack? I don't get it.


Methinks, she was bored, and needed to start a flame thread, on a post that
I made over a year ago, on another forum, in the hopes that it would cause
folks to see her name, and garner her some attention, imo.


Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 12:15 AM
Sorry. Reverse here. Peggy is an activist role model. Candis is just an actress. And it's so nice of you to spell her name right this time. :whistle:

And again, who cares who I have sex with? That's your defense? The tired old 'you can only be a woman if you let men fuck your ass' argument again? Try something new for the 2010, huh? ;)

Besides, I've been successfully experimenting with bottoming and... SURPRISE! I don't feel any more 'womanly.'

Who knows what it's like to be fucked by a man and enjoy it? Not you, obviously. That's who.

But you've fathered children, so I'm not going to make any sense of anything for someone like you, because "99%" of TS don't do that.

Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 12:17 AM
Methinks, she was bored, and needed to start a flame thread, on a post that
I made over a year ago, on another forum, in the hopes that it would cause
folks to see her name, and garner her some attention, imo.

Convenient theory, but think again. You initially made the post, not me. I want to know how you think you're any type of role model or counselor, hiding in anonymity?

07-30-2010, 12:26 AM
Who knows what it's like to be fucked by a man and enjoy it? Not you, obviously. That's who.

But you've fathered children, so I'm not going to make any sense of anything for someone like you, because "99%" of TS don't do that.

So now Nicole, you are the moral authority, and final say-so on who people
can have sex with, in what positions, when transwomen should divulge their
backgrounds, and over-all guru on how transwomen should lead their live's.

Hate to break it to you, but you're just an over-tatooed, late
transitioning woman, with serious anger and impulse control issues, and
believe me when I tell you, no right thinking woman is heeding your advice.

07-30-2010, 12:26 AM
I'm into guys. I don't know about you. You won't even take it up the ass.

I believe I said I've been bottoming, although you're right that I never said anything about 'taking it up the ass.' :geek:

But the people who need to mind their own business are religious kooks who think we're "sinning".

Agreed. Fuck the religious zealots.


Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 12:27 AM
I guess she's back in her office counselling a tranny escort on where to get those pellets under their skin so their dick stops working, or being "mildly bi". lol

Toodles, Invisible Trans-Crusader from the planet Bluff! lol

07-30-2010, 12:28 AM
Methinks, she was bored, and needed to start a flame thread, on a post that
I made over a year ago, on another forum, in the hopes that it would cause
folks to see her name, and garner her some attention, imo.


I really, really wish my sarcasm translated better through text!


Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 12:33 AM
I'm not giving advice to anyone. I'm not play-acting counselor. I've seen your mug and it's hideous. The sides of your mouth look like Heath Ledger's in his Joker makeup. Deformed.

Don't hate my tattoos. Don't hate that I didn't core out my crotch before it was more socially acceptable to be pre-op. You're a sad dinosaur who is no longer relevant.

07-30-2010, 12:38 AM
Don't hate my tattoos. Don't hate that I didn't core out my crotch before it was more socially acceptable to be pre-op. You're a sad dinosaur who is no longer relevant.

Wow. That's just harsh. Be fair. You're acting like Peggy is going through some sort of self-doubt on her surgery or something. I hardly think she would have passed on it even if it was more acceptable to do so in years past. When you say things like this, you're really attacking all post-ops. Are you really prepared to do that?


07-30-2010, 12:40 AM
Only if you can sense that things are about to get intimate, like a date or going back to someone's place, would I feel that it's a must that a guy know your gender status.

Nowadays since there are men out here specifically looking for a TG female, I would think it's not that difficult to broach this subject or have it be that big an issue, IMO.

But I'm not a TG, so I'm strictly looking at this situation from that of a guy who would absolutely LOVE to hit on a girl in a club and have her tell me she's preop!


07-30-2010, 12:53 AM
I'm not giving advice to anyone. I'm not play-acting counselor. I've seen your mug and it's hideous. The sides of your mouth look like Heath Ledger's in his Joker makeup. Deformed.

Don't hate my tattoos. Don't hate that I didn't core out my crotch before it was more socially acceptable to be pre-op. You're a sad dinosaur who is no longer relevant.

Please don't confuse my face, with your's.

And your face is the one thing you really should have had tatooed.


Would have been an improvement.

And you're the one who shouldn't hate, just got tits in the last 2 years,
still have a flat ass, with a ton of pan cake make-up on your face, haven't
taken a mone in years, yeah your transition is going real well. :loser:

If you notice, you are the one always trying to come for me, unsuccessfully
might I add.

I have you on block / ignore, you're not a thought in my mind, it is you
who is without revelance.


Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 12:54 AM
Save your bullshit for your friends in a "world of pain", Bella. I know PLENTY of post-ops. My TS mother is one, and she was a Miss Continental (drag pageant ;) ), and she hides from no one. She's too cunt to hide her mug and do "counselling".

Now THAT's a fucking post-op. Gag, grandma! lol


Do you want to see more beautiful post-ops who don't hide?

Sorry. I'm not going to take a geriatric brick seriously. I KNOW what type of horrible pressure that world placed on her. When she transitioned, it was taboo to say that you wanted to fuck a woman. The first thing they did was castrate you. Do you think if she had it to do all over again today, it would be the same? Hardly.

07-30-2010, 01:00 AM
Only if you can sense that things are about to get intimate, like a date or going back to someone's place, would I feel that it's a must that a guy know your gender status.

Nowadays since there are men out here specifically looking for a TG female, I would think it's not that difficult to broach this subject or have it be that big an issue, IMO.

But I'm not a TG, so I'm strictly looking at this situation from that of a guy who would absolutely LOVE to hit on a girl in a club and have her tell me she's preop!


In the case of a pre op, she has little choice but to confide, if she is about to
get intimate.

In the case of a post, she has a choice, if it's casual then she might not
divulge, if a relationship was heading to something more serious, then I am
inclined to share that information.

07-30-2010, 01:12 AM
Save your bullshit for your friends in a "world of pain", Bella. I know PLENTY of post-ops. My TS mother is one, and she was a Miss Continental (drag pageant ;) ), and she hides from no one. She's too cunt to hide her mug and do "counselling".

Now THAT's a fucking post-op. Gag, grandma! lol

Do you want to see more beautiful post-ops who don't hide?

Sorry. I'm not going to take a geriatric brick seriously. I KNOW what type of horrible pressure that world placed on her. When she transitioned, it was taboo to say that you wanted to fuck a woman. The first thing they did was castrate you. Do you think if she had it to do all over again today, it would be the same? Hardly.

Wrong again, " all not knowing one".

Unlike some, I do not allow society to dictate what I can and can not do.

I have never allowed my race or my gender to hold me back from
employment, housing, or educational opportunities. I set my mind on
something, and I achieve it.

Unlike some, I have been fortunate that my trans-status, pre or post
operatively has not hindered me in my upward mobility.

And by no means did I have gender reassignment surgery because society
dictated it to me, rather like many of the women on this forum, I transitioned
to be the woman I was meant to be.

I realize that this is a concept that is foreign to you, as you feel that you are
a member of a third gender. I however subscribe to a more binary definition
of gender.

Is mine right and your's wrong.

For me, mine is right, and for you, your's is right.

Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 01:18 AM
In the case of a pre op, she has little choice but to confide, if she is about to
get intimate.

In the case of a post, she has a choice, if it's casual then she might not
divulge, if a relationship was heading to something more serious, then I am
inclined to share that information.
No shit, Shirley. But is this what you call "counselling"?

But not divulging, when a man is thinking he is potentially finding a soulmate who can bear kids, is not being honest. Being too scared to say "This is who I am, and I'm proud", when you know damn well where the flirting is going, is saying "I'm a freak. I hope that's ok w/ you". How many times do you lead the man on? Once? Twice? A hundred? Seriously. Even when the man KNOWS, he can dump you when it dawns on him that you CAN'T give him a child. I've seen that happen.

Peggy is single. Let's not forget that.

Maybe we are cursed, and maybe we have to be careful, but we are NOT freaks. Let's just call a spade a spade. We're different. Be proud, and don't get your penis inverted thinking the grass is greener. It never is. In fact, when you're officially no longer "the best of both worlds", you might be EXTREMELY sorry.

Anyway, I'm not here to tell anyone what to do. I'm not being a pretentious " counselor" like Peggy, or a "love warrior" like Bella. That shit's for fags. ;) lol

But take note, I didn't attack Peggy's looks before she attacked mine. I didn't say she made a bad decision either. On the contrary, I see exactly why many girls become post-ops. I may be post op some day. But I'm not bullshitting myself or anyone else. Sorry.

Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 01:27 AM
Wrong again, " all not knowing one".

Unlike some, I do not allow society to dictate what I can and can not do.

I have never allowed my race or my gender to hold me back from
employment, housing, or educational opportunities. I set my mind on
something, and I achieve it.

Unlike some, I have been fortunate that my trans-status, pre or post
operatively has not hindered me in my upward mobility.

And by no means did I have gender reassignment surgery because society
dictated it to me, rather like many of the women on this forum, I transitioned
to be the woman I was meant to be.

I realize that this is a concept that is foreign to you, as you feel that you are
a member of a third gender. I however subscribe to a more binary definition
of gender.

Is mine right and your's wrong.

For me, mine is right, and for you, your's is right.
You physically defy that dichotomy, and that binary viewpoint. When you transitioned, it HAD to be that way. Why don't you admit that? Back then, they would label you crazy if you said you were a "mildly bi" woman who just so happened to be born with a cock. That meant that you were "secondary", which was and IS bullshit. You still subscribe to that school of thought, yet you say you're mildly bi? C'mon, Peggy or Maggie or whatever your name is. Don't perpetuate this bullshit. It's not real. German "sexologists" came up that binary bullshit in the early 20th century, and that's exactly where Harry Benjamin got a LOT of his ideas from. Before that, there was sexual pleasure, and if it was not missionary position between a man and a woman, it was sodomy. But other cultures embraced what we are. Some still do. Be proud, Peggy, and pull your head out of your ass. Harry Benjamin is dead, girl. It's ok. lol And Ray Blanchard might as well be.

07-30-2010, 01:28 AM
Nicole, I trust that you have enjoyed your 15 minutes of font, as it will have to last
you a while, for it is back to block and ignore for you.

Should you resurrect another thread or post of mine from time gone by,
you are very unlikely to get a response.

My time, and energy are both precious and finite, thus I do not waste time,
or countenance foolishness.

Thus on that note, I shall bid thee a less than fond adieu.


07-30-2010, 01:31 AM
We know that all women lie and have skeletons in their closet.....
Only a fool trusts a woman.
Yea, as the men we deal with are totally honest.
Maybe thats why angry females call me phone asking who I am and I tell them ask their cheating man:wiggle:

07-30-2010, 01:33 AM
Save your bullshit for your friends in a "world of pain", Bella. I know PLENTY of post-ops. My TS mother is one, and she was a Miss Continental (drag pageant ;) ), and she hides from no one. She's too cunt to hide her mug and do "counselling".

Now THAT's a fucking post-op. Gag, grandma! lol


Do you want to see more beautiful post-ops who don't hide?

Sorry. I'm not going to take a geriatric brick seriously. I KNOW what type of horrible pressure that world placed on her. When she transitioned, it was taboo to say that you wanted to fuck a woman. The first thing they did was castrate you. Do you think if she had it to do all over again today, it would be the same? Hardly.
Chanel is one of the most beautiful Puerto Rican transexuals out and about. From right here in Chicago, and her 2 sisters are just as beautiful and passable.

Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 01:36 AM
Chanel is one of the most beautiful Puerto Rican transexuals out and about. From right here in Chicago, and her 2 sisters are just as beautiful and passable.
DOWN, mamacita!!!

Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 01:44 AM
Nicole, I trust that you have enjoyed your 15 minutes of font, as it will have to last
you a while, for it is back to block and ignore for you.

Should you resurrect another thread or post of mine from time gone by,
you are very unlikely to get a response.

My time, and energy are both precious and finite, thus I do not waste time,
or countenance foolishness.

Thus on that note, I shall bid thee a less than fond adieu.

Translation? I got pwned by Nicole. lol

It's all good, sister. I know why you won't talk about this, but you're not bullshitting anyone but yourself and a handful of dopes like Bella Buh-ullshit. We are ALL sodomites in the eyes of Jesus, his dad, and those a-hole sexologists who got off on ideas like "master races".

Peace out, hussy. lol

07-30-2010, 01:59 AM
Obviously, i've never walked anywhere in Payless or Ferragamo (weren't they the freaky little midgets with the big ears in DS9?) so my opinion's worthless, but....

Cutting through a lot of the bullshit and deliberate obtuseness in this thread, no one expects anyone to disclose their status just because someone whistles at your arse as you walk down the street.

But, if you're going to jump in the sack with someone, casual or not, you should tell them.

Or don't you think guys should have the choice too?
(Golly, that sounds familiar!)

07-30-2010, 03:02 AM
Nicole are you being bad again? You need to get yourself to church, young lady! :cool:

07-30-2010, 03:11 AM
Nicole are you being bad again? You need to get yourself to church, young lady! :cool:

Considering the inordinate amount of confession that goes on here, I thought we were in church already! :praying:


Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 04:02 AM
Nicole are you being bad again? You need to get yourself to church, young lady! :cool:
Seriously, I think she's wrong. I know I can be a bitch. But I don't see how she elected herself as an authority on these topics, while writing me off as speaking "nonsense". If I'm wrong, simply tell me why. Don't just call it "nonsense" and claim it's about getting attention when it's not. I get plenty of attention.

The truth is, she and Bella really are "secondary" transsexuals by HB's standards. And I've actually been diagnosed as a primary TS, over a year before anyone knew me from porn or escorting. Women really don't give me an erection. I have to think about guys to get hard and/or get manual or oral. I don't think of women sexually, even though I can have sex with them and physically enjoy it. That's the irony.

But the truth is, they are NOT biological women, although they are indeed women. But cosmetic changes don't change your inner-plumbing. I'm a woman too. I'm just not a genetic one. Btw, I'm going for a caryotype test in less than two months, just out of sheer curiosity. They offered to give me one right before I first transitioned because my pre-HRT levels were so off.

Saying that drag is for men looking to find chicks with dicks is laughable. Peggy should know better. What she said is an insult to Lee Brewster (http://www.yvonnesplace.net/news/leebrewster.html), who she claims to have known and respected. But anyway, it's performance art, whether those two "mildly bi" faggots see it that way or not. lol

Here are some links on Ray Blanchard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Blanchard2008.JPG" class="image" title="Ray Blanchard, 2008"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Blanchard2008.JPG/225px-Blanchard2008.JPG"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/1/11/Blanchard2008.JPG/225px-Blanchard2008.JPG (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Blanchard),

Blanchard, Bailey, and Lawrence theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Unbalanced_scales.svg" class="image"><img alt="Unbalanced scales.svg" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/Unbalanced_scales.svg/45px-Unbalanced_scales.svg.png"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/f/fe/Unbalanced_scales.svg/45px-Unbalanced_scales.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBL_controversy),

Harry Benjamin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Benjamin),

the guy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl-Maria_Kertbeny) who first coined the words hetero and homosexual,

and the German asshole (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krafft-Ebing) who first threw around the idea that "any form of sexual desire that did not go towards that ultimate goal procreation was a perversion".

Read up on them, not just on Wiki, and make up your own minds how much these guys should be judging and categorizing any of us. Then keep in mind that Peggy is a firm believer in both Benjamin and Blanchard's ideas about "primary" and "secondary", even though she herself CAN'T BE "primary" and also be "mildly bi".

Happy reading. ;) lol

Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 04:03 AM
Considering the inordinate amount of confession that goes on here, I thought we were in church already! :praying:

Get back on your anal sex learning curve and stfu. lol

07-30-2010, 04:30 AM
The truth is, she and Bella really are "secondary" transsexuals by HB's standards. And I've actually been diagnosed as a primary TS, over a year before anyone knew me from porn or escorting. Women really don't give me an erection. I have to think about guys to get hard and/or get manual or oral. I don't think of women sexually, even though I can have sex with them and physically enjoy it. That's the irony.

Didn't you just recently remind Peggy that Harry Benjamin was dead? So how is that I'm talking to him right now? Seriously, if you think he was full of shit, why provide him a medium from beyond the grave? Benjamin came from a mindset that said that a desire to change the genitals should be paramount to a transsexual, but it wasn't long after when people started to realize how much more important 'secondary' sex characteristics are to transition than SRS and how unimportant SRS is in the grand scheme of said transition, that is to say physical transition and social transition need to be looked at separately.


07-30-2010, 04:31 AM
Get back on your anal sex learning curve and stfu. lol

Talk about learning curves. How about my previous post? It's called 'growth.' You should try it.


07-30-2010, 04:33 AM
PS: Fuck Ray Blanchard.


Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 04:34 AM
Talk about learning curves. How about my previous post? It's called 'growth.' You should try it.

Try ramming a watermelon up your ass and wearing a gag-ball.

07-30-2010, 04:39 AM
Try ramming a watermelon up your ass and wearing a gag-ball.

Oo! Thanks for the tip! :Bowdown:


Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 04:43 AM
Didn't you just recently remind Peggy that Harry Benjamin was dead? So how is that I'm talking to him right now? Seriously, if you think he was full of shit, why provide him a medium from beyond the grave? Benjamin came from a mindset that said that a desire to change the genitals should be paramount to a transsexual, but it wasn't long after when people started to realize how much more important 'secondary' sex characteristics are to transition than SRS and how unimportant SRS is in the grand scheme of said transition, that is to say physical transition and social transition need to be looked at separately.

I don't believe in 'primary and secondary', jackass. Peggy does. Why shouldn't people know where she gets the crap she peddles? I don't agree with the HBS. I see it as the bible you need to recite to get SRS.

I just said that the irony is, technically, I'm primary and she's secondary. But I don't see what difference it makes if you're going to transition anyway, unless the gender police are included in the process. But I don't look at girls and say to myself, "Whoa. I want to hit that." lol I can shove a dildo up my ass and be just as content.

07-30-2010, 05:12 AM
My head hurts after going through all that, I dont know why I didnt just stop myself and go, oh hey, same old HA BS, next thread!

Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 05:26 AM
Same old BS? This thread isn't another "am a gay" thread. Those are the threads where the boy scouts among you ponder what it "means" to want to suck a girl's cock.

This thread is a little different. Peggy is saying girls can't have cocks, and I'm saying they can and do. Chances are that someday I will have SRS, but it sure as hell won't be to become a woman. I already AM a woman.

Oh btw, guess who, on this very forum, is a firm believer in the Blanchard Manifesto. I'll give you a hint. His name begins with a 'p' and ends with an 'n'. ;)

07-30-2010, 05:32 AM
I am going to speak on this but I am still a baby as far as actually having a normal life as Peggy stated.

I didn't feel like I had a normal life till I went post-op. Slowly the whole " I love sleeping with straight guys and not telling them because it validates me " tranny thing went away. I guess all of that "growing up " comes with age and knowledge of your true birth gender.

I agree with Peggy in many ways, I think she is very wise and has lived in the " real world " for longer then me, I don't agree with very few things.

As Bella noted, in casual conversation, in school, casual meetings, dinners, even at straight clubs I don't tell people. I am proud of being a transsexual, I am different and have embraced that - I am not a genetic woman hence my need to be open when I am intimate with someone.

I was once intimate with a really nice guy who was doing some plumbing work in the building next to where I used to live. We hit it off and talked for a good 2 weeks before I had to make a move or he wouldn't. I never thought of telling him because I wanted to just have a normal encounter with someone, to feel normal and to be treated like I deserve to be treated. So after we were intimate I handed him my business card not even thinking about it twice.

He googles me and eventually finds my stuff on YouTube and you know the rest...

Well. . . He calls me and rips me a new one. But not in an angry manner but in a deep psychological human level. After he said all he had to say I felt so dirty, mentally drained and just awful, not for being who I was or for wanting some normality in my life but for deceiving him and not giving him the choice. It went beyond me and my selfish needs into me actually giving someone the consideration to make their own choice as to being intimate with me.

God forbid I get a call from his family ( cause mine was the last number he dialed ) saying he committed suicide or went on an angry rage because of the pain I caused him.

I felt awful after that. I truly did. I still feel awful sometimes when I think of how lonely life for us truly is.

The men who vow to love us see us as a walking cock, and even if you are post-op after you tell someone you can actually watch their soul and aura change. . . You are automatically categorized and thought of as a sub human.

I am extremely proud of my life, my accomplishments and my strengths. I will not allow myself to engage in a dishonest relationship or encounter because I care about honesty and by being dishonest with them I am being dishonest with myself.

I want someone to love me for me and not for my physical shell. My soul is special, and I am a very special complexed human being, who in some countries is seen as being mystical.

I blame a lot of it in transsexual porn, not because of its taboo nature but because a lot of times that is the only way any of the " admires " can get to see us. Not because we are taboo but because of their own insecurities and lack of respect for their own true existence.

There are guys who love fat chicks and they would never tell anyone in fear of being ridiculed. Why is that? Because we are creatures of pain. We hurt each other and we are selfish - But it all comes with having a conscience and being human.

Here is a sniped of what it says on wiki:

Conscience is an aptitude, faculty, intuition, or judgment of the intellect that distinguishes right from wrong. Moral evaluations of this type may reference values or norms (principles and rules). In psychological terms conscience is often described as leading to feelings of remorse when a human does things that go against his/her moral values, and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when actions conform to such norms. The extent to which conscience informs moral judgment before an action and whether such moral judgments are, or should be, based wholly in reason has occasioned debate through much of the history of Western philosophy.

I believe that one day we won't have to say " I AM A WOMAN BECAUSE I HAVE A VAGINA - I HAD A SEX CHANGE TO BE A WOMAN AND THAT'S WHAT I AM ". I think in the future gender will all be very blurry anyway. We are growing out of that phase in human history, moving into a better existence, that of a higher understanding of each other. A deeper level of connecting, that being through physical intimacy or through partnership.

In the end you have to be with someone who understands you ( as Peggy stated ). I feel like I have not met the person who truly understands me and the depth of my soul. At times we do go very deep in the depths and it takes another strong soul to hold our hands and to walk by our side.

I want someone to tell me " You are special " and truly mean it - in a deeper level

Sorry for the lengthy post !

07-30-2010, 05:44 AM
Oh, and one more thing:

Who do you think makes us all look more "wrong"? You, banging GGs and having them pop out kids who you have to establish custody over, and going around wagging your dick in front of cameras being flat-chested, or Candis Cayne?

I'll take trainwrecks who shame all transwomen for a hundred, Alex.

I dare you to say that to these families:



Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 06:14 AM
Oh, and one more thing:

I dare you to say that to these families:


I don't care about anyone else's family. I'm talking about you. You're fucked up. Don't use them as an alibi for your odd behavior.

Yet, you want to call drag queens who are TS "men". lol Pathetic. As usual, you're the one who's wrong.

Oh, and do you know when your family was no longer off limits for me? When you dared to accuse me of mooching off of my parents, you dumb bitch. Like you know. I'd bet my life you've tried to bleed your family at some point. Where as, I GIVE to mine, shithead.

07-30-2010, 06:32 AM
How about this, take each individual as exactly that, just like I do on a daily basis, if they wish to be viewed as a female, they are 100% female to me, vice versa, I dont give a rats ass what society says people are, society is fucked up enough as it is without trying to tell me how to think and believe. Each person may have preferences, different opinions, etc.. etc.. etc.. why? Because we are human and probably one of a high beings more....complex creations

07-30-2010, 06:36 AM
I don't care about anyone else's family. I'm talking about you. You're fucked up. Don't use them as an alibi for your odd behavior.

Yet, you want to call drag queens who are TS "men". lol Pathetic. As usual, you're the one who's wrong.

Oh, and do you know when your family was no longer off limits for me? When you dared to accuse me of mooching off of my parents, you dumb bitch. Like you know. I'd bet my life you've tried to bleed your family at some point. Where as, I GIVE to mine, shithead.

You've been saying I'm fucked up BECAUSE I'm trans and a parent. And I said so are the people on that site. You act like I'm the only transwoman with children. In fact I'm sure there are many, many more trans-parents than drag queens who aren't men.

And me attacking you, a grown woman, for mooching is not equal to you attacking my child, a minor, because you don't like me. I'd like to think you know the difference but sometimes I can't be sure with you.


07-30-2010, 06:38 AM
How about this, take each individual as exactly that, just like I do on a daily basis, if they wish to be viewed as a female, they are 100% female to me, vice versa, I dont give a rats ass what society says people are, society is fucked up enough as it is without trying to tell me how to think and believe. Each person may have preferences, different opinions, etc.. etc.. etc.. why? Because we are human and probably one of a high beings more....complex creations

OK, cool. Then I wish to be viewed as:



Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 06:52 AM
You've been saying I'm fucked up BECAUSE I'm trans and a parent. And I said so are the people on that site. You act like I'm the only transwoman with children. In fact I'm sure there are many, many more trans-parents than drag queens who aren't men.

And me attacking you, a grown woman, for mooching is not equal to you attacking my child, a minor, because you don't like me. I'd like to think you know the difference but sometimes I can't be sure with you.

No. I'm not saying that at all. But this thread is littered with you putting words into my mouth, which you often do; just like fabricating quotes.

But I don't give a rat's ass if you're someone's parent. I'm someone's child. So it works both ways. So great. You married a GG as male, and fathered children. That would be just dandy, but you're far from a responsible adult.

And you didn't "attack me for mooching". You dreamed it, and accused me of it. "I'd like to think you know the difference, but sometimes I can't be sure with you."

07-30-2010, 06:53 AM
That's always the way it is....

07-30-2010, 07:00 AM
No. I'm not saying that at all. But this thread is littered with you putting words into my mouth, which you often do; just like fabricating quotes.

... but you're far from a responsible adult.

Says who? You? :loser:


07-30-2010, 08:28 AM
Wow and I thought I occasionally indulged in a long rambling thread.
There was a very interesting case I watched on TV a few years back, the sad case of David Reimer
For those who don't know or remember the story, his penis was essentially destroyed during an operation and since he didn't have a dick anymore, a doctor convinced his parents to raise him as a girl.
they did and seemingly it went fine, but after a few years it was obvious that despite not having the proper looking sex organs, and having been raised as a girl, he knew he was a boy. The poor guy committed suicide around his 38th birthday.

Two things I take from this story are genitals do not determine your sex and the truth is generally your best bet.
If I were someone seriously looking for a relationship, long term or otherwise, with someone, the fact that they'd been born a male is of some importance and the truth is not a bad thing to disclose at the starting point. I honestly can't see the upside in not telling, even if it is a one night stand, because humans often turn meaningless sex into long term relationships...

Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 08:45 AM
Says who? You? :loser:

You threaten people on the web, right along with calling transsexuals "men". You figure it out.


07-30-2010, 10:10 AM
You threaten people on the web, right along with calling transsexuals "men". You figure it out.


You fuck pigs. And uncles.

Provide some evidence of your claims or else 'shut your fucking face, unclefucker.' Thank you.

YouTube- South Park - Uncle fucker (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDmoDs8TXLE)


07-30-2010, 10:27 AM
Thats cool with me Bella, like I said, I take each person and treat them as an individual, with you I could get along famously, and with the girl in the photo I could find her a stuck up bitch for all I know. But yes, I get the point you wish to be treated as a woman, and yes I would be more than happy to treat you as a woman, because in my and your eyes you are a woman, like I said, fuck what society thinks ;)

07-30-2010, 10:43 AM
Thats cool with me Bella, like I said, I take each person and treat them as an individual, with you I could get along famously, and with the girl in the photo I could find her a stuck up bitch for all I know. But yes, I get the point you wish to be treated as a woman, and yes I would be more than happy to treat you as a woman, because in my and your eyes you are a woman, like I said, fuck what society thinks ;)

Umm. I think you missed the point! :lol:

The point is that the girl in the photo is Megan Fox. I'm not Megan Fox. I can't go around saying that I'm am and expect people to accept it. I have to prove it somehow.

And while your progressive, even chivalrous attitude towards transwomen, and me in particular here, is commendable, society already does think I'm a woman. Still, you're very sweet. Thank you. :)


07-30-2010, 10:50 AM
oh for fuck's sake get a room you two!

Nicole Dupre
07-30-2010, 03:45 PM
You fuck pigs. And uncles.

Provide some evidence of your claims or else 'shut your fucking face, unclefucker.' Thank you.


Nice avoidance tactic. Go sue your dad, you maladjusted sissy.

You're the laughing stock of shemale porn. You were born without a chin. You're built like Sinbad. You dress like a bag lady. Your tattoos look like they were done in a Microbus. You're the booger who never had the courage. You're the straight crossdresser who got their hands on birth control pills and a dollar store epilator. You're Michelle Sabrina's role model. You're a Springer guest who wishes they got a call from Maury. You make Hondarobot look like Charlie Rose. Pack more peanutbutter into your mouth with that butter knife, and keep your pathological tongue stuck to your "poorly lit" teeth.

07-30-2010, 10:21 PM
Imagine that I used to fantasize about a threesome w/ Bella and Nicole!!

Um, no.

07-30-2010, 10:49 PM
Oh yeah, I'm hideous.


Why you mad, brah? :lol:

'Cuz you have facial skin like a pug even though you cake on 20 pounds of makeup, shop your pics nearly to death, and have been using the same set for years? You berate Peggy for 'hiding behind an avatar,' but considering how old (and fake) your photos are, aren't you doing the same thing?

You insist that (also fake) tits and receiving anal sex define you as a woman and that all transsexuals should be just like you, which is to say 'shemale.' We should all just shut up and be vapid whores, right?

You think a post-op activist who has counseled countless young, impressionable transsexual women is the enemy, but Candis Cayne is your idol, even though you couldn't even spell her name until I corrected you, and even though she's just an actress - an actress who expressed her desire to not be a role model or spokesperson for transgenderism (and really who could blame her?).

You stalk people online so vehemently that you actually validate yourself as someone who knows what she's talking about, but you really have no clue, instead acting as a sort of National Enquirer of transdom. You're awesome. :Bowdown:

All of our mutual contacts and acquaintances hate you. All of them. On a personal level. I have plenty of enemies due to my personal beliefs (as should anybody who stands for something), but I also have friends. All you have are sycophants here on HA and I think your circus act is even wearing thin with them too. In fact IMHO, the only reason Seanchai lifted the ban on you on HD was to run me off, but attacking me isn't so easy over there, is it? Because, again, everyone hates you.

Speaking of bans, haven't you been banned from nearly every major TS forum at one point or another? What's that all about?

And finally, but certainly not least important, there are always the questions of how many times and when you last shot for a major producer. *crickets chirp*

I'm sure I have more if you want me to continue, and there are plenty of other members here that can probably even help me out a little more with that, so if you want to keep talking shit, insulting my 7-year old child, threatening me, posting crappy photos of me, or whatever, I'll be more than happy to ignore you and post 10 times as many (current) pics that look great, so seriously, why are you still even fighting with me? You have nothing.

Oh, and one more thing: 'avoidance technique?' Since when is demanding proof of something avoidance? If anything, I was inviting you into a dialog by asking you to present a case. Are you really this retarded?

Fuck you. :fu:


07-30-2010, 11:14 PM

Damn nobody addressed what Danielle said. That dude had issues girl I mean if a hot chic like u approached me like u did there would be no issues whatsoever. FUCK THAT!

Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 02:21 AM
Oh yeah, I'm hideous.


Why you mad, brah? :lol:

'Cuz you have facial skin like a pug even though you cake on 20 pounds of makeup, shop your pics nearly to death, and have been using the same set for years? You berate Peggy for 'hiding behind an avatar,' but considering how old (and fake) your photos are, aren't you doing the same thing?

You insist that (also fake) tits and receiving anal sex define you as a woman and that all transsexuals should be just like you, which is to say 'shemale.' We should all just shut up and be vapid whores, right?

You think a post-op activist who has counseled countless young, impressionable transsexual women is the enemy, but Candis Cayne is your idol, even though you couldn't even spell her name until I corrected you, and even though she's just an actress - an actress who expressed her desire to not be a role model or spokesperson for transgenderism (and really who could blame her?).

You stalk people online so vehemently that you actually validate yourself as someone who knows what she's talking about, but you really have no clue, instead acting as a sort of National Enquirer of transdom. You're awesome. :Bowdown:

All of our mutual contacts and acquaintances hate you. All of them. On a personal level. I have plenty of enemies due to my personal beliefs (as should anybody who stands for something), but I also have friends. All you have are sycophants here on HA and I think your circus act is even wearing thin with them too. In fact IMHO, the only reason Seanchai lifted the ban on you on HD was to run me off, but attacking me isn't so easy over there, is it? Because, again, everyone hates you.

Speaking of bans, haven't you been banned from nearly every major TS forum at one point or another? What's that all about?

And finally, but certainly not least important, there are always the questions of how many times and when you last shot for a major producer. *crickets chirp*

I'm sure I have more if you want me to continue, and there are plenty of other members here that can probably even help me out a little more with that, so if you want to keep talking shit, insulting my 7-year old child, threatening me, posting crappy photos of me, or whatever, I'll be more than happy to ignore you and post 10 times as many (current) pics that look great, so seriously, why are you still even fighting with me? You have nothing.

Oh, and one more thing: 'avoidance technique?' Since when is demanding proof of something avoidance? If anything, I was inviting you into a dialog by asking you to present a case. Are you really this retarded?

Fuck you. :fu:

~BB~Nice manly arms with manly jailhouse tattoos. lol

And please. Candis is not my "idol". I just respect her, and I don't respect Peggy. So what? Why should I respect Peggy? Because she was supposedly a Black Panther and she got SRS? That's meaningless to me. I'm not kissing her ass over such nonsense. I know 2 out of the 3 M2F post op sisters from Chicago, VERY WELL, who could write books on being sexchanges. NONE of them ever escorted either. That impresses me. Peggy doesn't. So Peggy will never be a guru in my eyes based on sheer bluff.

Anyway, you're hated by far more people, who've actually have met you, than people who may or may not like me, who I don't even know! lol This sounds a lot like you telling me that I "won't make it out of HM's", when I know for a fact that I'm quite welcome there. And besides,anyone who "hates" anyone is pretty weak-minded. But hating people who you don't know is just beyond retarded. I don't hate anyone. Not a soul. Not even you. You're just thoroughly trashy. But why would I take that personally? lol

Be as jealous as you want of me knowing something about cosmetics. You told me a year ago you were going to start watching YouTube tutorials because you knew nothing about using makeup. Looks like you still don't. The closest you've come to getting anywhere, was having Danielle grace you with her techniques, which you threw back in her face like the peanutbutter chomping cretin you are.

Now go back to Vicki Richter's forum of Trekkies, comic book junkies, and automobile aficionados. You fit right in, you homely hetero crossdressing pariah on birth control pills. lol Your name is mud in shemale porn. You're like Charles Manson skulking around the Beach Boys' recording studio. lol Before you know it, you'll be institutionalized again, just as you should be, at a cost to the taxpayers who you're not fit to share the streets with. lol

And btw stay tuned for the re-launch of Nicole-Dupre.com on SMC Network, you manly slug. lol

Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 02:28 AM
Oh, I forgot to use a pretentious little trademark signature. lol


07-31-2010, 02:40 AM
You should be more careful Nicole. Angry jealousy is a bitch.

I really pity you. :sadcry


Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 02:56 AM
I am going to speak on this but I am still a baby as far as actually having a normal life as Peggy stated.

I didn't feel like I had a normal life till I went post-op. Slowly the whole " I love sleeping with straight guys and not telling them because it validates me " tranny thing went away. I guess all of that "growing up " comes with age and knowledge of your true birth gender.

I agree with Peggy in many ways, I think she is very wise and has lived in the " real world " for longer then me, I don't agree with very few things.

As Bella noted, in casual conversation, in school, casual meetings, dinners, even at straight clubs I don't tell people. I am proud of being a transsexual, I am different and have embraced that - I am not a genetic woman hence my need to be open when I am intimate with someone.

I was once intimate with a really nice guy who was doing some plumbing work in the building next to where I used to live. We hit it off and talked for a good 2 weeks before I had to make a move or he wouldn't. I never thought of telling him because I wanted to just have a normal encounter with someone, to feel normal and to be treated like I deserve to be treated. So after we were intimate I handed him my business card not even thinking about it twice.

He googles me and eventually finds my stuff on YouTube and you know the rest...

Well. . . He calls me and rips me a new one. But not in an angry manner but in a deep psychological human level. After he said all he had to say I felt so dirty, mentally drained and just awful, not for being who I was or for wanting some normality in my life but for deceiving him and not giving him the choice. It went beyond me and my selfish needs into me actually giving someone the consideration to make their own choice as to being intimate with me.

God forbid I get a call from his family ( cause mine was the last number he dialed ) saying he committed suicide or went on an angry rage because of the pain I caused him.

I felt awful after that. I truly did. I still feel awful sometimes when I think of how lonely life for us truly is.

The men who vow to love us see us as a walking cock, and even if you are post-op after you tell someone you can actually watch their soul and aura change. . . You are automatically categorized and thought of as a sub human.

I am extremely proud of my life, my accomplishments and my strengths. I will not allow myself to engage in a dishonest relationship or encounter because I care about honesty and by being dishonest with them I am being dishonest with myself.

I want someone to love me for me and not for my physical shell. My soul is special, and I am a very special complexed human being, who in some countries is seen as being mystical.

I blame a lot of it in transsexual porn, not because of its taboo nature but because a lot of times that is the only way any of the " admires " can get to see us. Not because we are taboo but because of their own insecurities and lack of respect for their own true existence.

There are guys who love fat chicks and they would never tell anyone in fear of being ridiculed. Why is that? Because we are creatures of pain. We hurt each other and we are selfish - But it all comes with having a conscience and being human.

Here is a sniped of what it says on wiki:

Conscience is an aptitude, faculty, intuition, or judgment of the intellect that distinguishes right from wrong. Moral evaluations of this type may reference values or norms (principles and rules). In psychological terms conscience is often described as leading to feelings of remorse when a human does things that go against his/her moral values, and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when actions conform to such norms. The extent to which conscience informs moral judgment before an action and whether such moral judgments are, or should be, based wholly in reason has occasioned debate through much of the history of Western philosophy.

I believe that one day we won't have to say " I AM A WOMAN BECAUSE I HAVE A VAGINA - I HAD A SEX CHANGE TO BE A WOMAN AND THAT'S WHAT I AM ". I think in the future gender will all be very blurry anyway. We are growing out of that phase in human history, moving into a better existence, that of a higher understanding of each other. A deeper level of connecting, that being through physical intimacy or through partnership.

In the end you have to be with someone who understands you ( as Peggy stated ). I feel like I have not met the person who truly understands me and the depth of my soul. At times we do go very deep in the depths and it takes another strong soul to hold our hands and to walk by our side.

I want someone to tell me " You are special " and truly mean it - in a deeper level

Sorry for the lengthy post !
Don't apologize for the length of your post. Such posts are cathartic experiences, for not only you but your TS sisters as well. Much of what you said actually encompasses the HUMAN condition, and not just the TS one. We ALL want to be unconditionally loved. That's the HUMAN condition. Humans are social creatures, and being insular is an illusion. Human hands reach out to help and guide us at the most odd times. Life is both comedy and tragedy. But don't dwell on either. It's when you give up on controlling fate that life is usually the most forgiving, and gives us what we need. Life has a funny way of showing you that what you seek is not necessarily what you need. Opportunities are everywhere, but far too often we overlook them. If you love YOURSELF first, you will BE love, and you will only attract more love. :2cent

07-31-2010, 02:58 AM
Look at my join date. I may not have a lot of posts but I've been here a long time (2nd screen name). In all my time lurking on this board there's only been one person whose posts I'm utterly revolted by. Can you guess who that is? Nope, not Peggy. Yes, you Nicole. Every thread you start is a provocation... A pointless provocation.

I'd imagine that if you a choice between being a tattooed freak with a dildo in your ass or being an unclockable suburban housewife (fuck it, better yet, someone with an acutal career), you'd pick the latter. Peggy apparently had that choice but you didn't and feel the need to attack. Is a woman who suffers from androgen insensitivity not a woman?

Why would anyone want to acknowledge the "third sex"? You're not transitioning because you desired to be a fa'afafine since birth (hell, maybe you did). You (well, again, maybe not you) wanted to be a woman.

As far as the "having kids" and "chromosomes" argument. I have a friend who is married to a woman who cannot conceive. Is she not a real woman because they're adopting? Is an infertile woman suffering from Turner's Syndrome not a woman?

Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 03:03 AM
You should be more careful Nicole. Angry jealousy is a bitch.

I really pity you. :sadcry

But I'm not angry AT ALL. Why should I be? :shock:

And who in the world would I be "jealous" of? You, of all people?

You're pure COMEDY, Bella. lol

07-31-2010, 03:04 AM
If you love YOURSELF first, you will BE love, and you will only attract more love. :2cent

OMG! How the fuck would YOU know?! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 03:10 AM
Look at my join date. I may not have a lot of posts but I've been here a long time (2nd screen name). In all my time lurking on this board there's only been one person whose posts I'm utterly revolted by. Can you guess who that is? Nope, not Peggy. Yes, you Nicole. Every thread you start is a provocation... A pointless provocation.

I'd imagine that if you a choice between being a tattooed freak with a dildo in your ass or being an unclockable suburban housewife (fuck it, better yet, someone with an acutal career), you'd pick the latter. Peggy apparently had that choice but you didn't and feel the need to attack. Is a woman who suffers from androgen insensitivity not a woman?

Why would anyone want to acknowledge the "third sex"? You're not transitioning because you desired to be a fa'afafine since birth (hell, maybe you did). You (well, again, maybe not you) wanted to be a woman.

As far as the "having kids" and "chromosomes" argument. I have a friend who is married to a woman who cannot conceive. Is she not a real woman because they're adopting? Is an infertile woman suffering from Turner's Syndrome not a woman?

I take your contempt as a compliment. I love being tattooed, getting fucked in the ass, and being a trans-bimbo. I wouldn't want to be a suburban housewife EVER. Just because I'm a TS doesn't mean I'm a braindead suburbanite. Take your preconceived notions about "what I'd choose" and womanhood, and stick them in Peggy's crusty old neo-vagina. I'm very unimpressed. :p

Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 03:18 AM
OMG! How the fuck would YOU know?! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're so fascinated with me, my relationships, who I love and who loves me, that I'm deeply flattered and touched.

You are my very own dancing pet-monkey with the King Kong arms.

Dance, monkey, and I will put you in a dress and give you more peanutbutter! lol

07-31-2010, 03:20 AM
You're so fascinated with me, my relationships, who I love and who loves me, that I'm deeply flattered and touched.

You are my very own dancing pet-monkey with the King Kong arms.

Dance, monkey, and I will put you in a dress and give you more peanutbutter! lol


Please seek help. Seriously. You're making me sad. :(


Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 03:24 AM

Please seek help. Seriously. You're making me sad. :(

Awwww. Well, here's a razor blade, Bella. I don't want you to be so "sad".

(Cut long ways. Nobody likes a fuck-up. lol)

07-31-2010, 03:43 AM
I'm serious Nicole. This isn't an insult. It's an intervention. I know you don't want to hear this from me, so maybe others will chime in, but I think you're very sick and you need to get some help.

Don't do it for me. Do it for you. You'll be much better off for it and you know I know all about that because during those infamous phone conversations where you tried to dig up 'dirt' on me, I told you some things about my mother who has the disorder and how it makes having a relationship with her impossible. Her refusal to seek treatment has destroyed my family. I'd hate to see that happen to anyone else. Please get some help. :praying:


Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 03:55 AM
I'm serious Nicole. This isn't an insult. It's an intervention. I know you don't want to hear this from me, so maybe others will chime in, but I think you're very sick and you need to get some help.

Don't do it for me. Do it for you. You'll be much better off for it and you know I know all about that because during those infamous phone conversations where you tried to dig up 'dirt' on me, I told you some things about my mother who has the disorder and how it makes having a relationship with her impossible. Her refusal to seek treatment has destroyed my family. I'd hate to see that happen to anyone else. Please get some help. :praying:

Actually, no. You never told me your mother was bi-polar. I'm not quite sure how that makes you an online mental health professional, especially considering that most people really do think you're nuts, but it's an interesting jump in your logic. lol

But, then again, you never told me that you actually sued your own father. One of the people who "hates" me told me about it. So, what's the story with that? Did you win the suit?

And tell us the truth. You've been institutionalized, in either prison or a psych ward. Every time I ask you this, you either stop posting or dodge the subject. Point blank: have you been locked up? When, and for what, pet monkey?

07-31-2010, 04:03 AM
But, then again, you never told me that you actually sued your own father. One of the people who "hates" me told me about it. So, what's the story with that? Did you win the suit?

I sued my own dad because the verbally and physically abusive asshole who destroyed my childhood was hiding mutual funds in my name and the IRS was sending me the bill. Do you feel better now that you know that? Do you think it makes you special? You're a funny chick.

And tell us the truth. You've been institutionalized, in either prison or a psych ward. Every time I ask you this, you either stop posting or dodge the subject. Point blank: have you been locked up? When, and for what, pet monkey?

I've been ignoring this question for months because it's so ridiculous. Get over it.


Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 04:05 AM
And in no way, shape, or form did I "try" digging up dirt on you. You told me stuff. What am I supposed to say now? That you didn't?

And at least what I'm saying is based on what you told me. Your peanutbutter, your lack of clients, your lack of understanding about makeup, etc. But you're constantly putting 2 and 2 together about me and coming up with 22.

The nut house is loaded with people who say, "I'm not the crazy one. It's THEM!" Yet I could make a list of dozens of people who really do think you're nuts, right here on this forum in fact. But I'm not going to embarrass you like that, since right now you're doing such an amazing job all by yourself, with your posts. lol

Ok, monkey. Dance!!! lol

07-31-2010, 04:07 AM
And in no way, shape, or form did I "try" digging up dirt on you. You told me stuff. What am I supposed to say now? That you didn't?

And at least what I'm saying is based on what you told me. Your peanutbutter, your lack of clients, your lack of understanding about makeup, etc. But you're constantly putting 2 and 2 together about me and coming up with 22.

The nut house is loaded with people who say, "I'm not the crazy one. It's THEM!" Yet I could make a list of dozens of people who really do think you're nuts, right here on this forum in fact. But I'm not going to embarrass you like that, since right now you're doing such an amazing job all by yourself, with your posts. lol

Ok, monkey. Dance!!! lol

You really do need help. *sigh*


Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 04:15 AM
You really do need help. *sigh*

Great non-response. lol

C'mon, lil' monkey. Aren't ya gonna dance for me anymore tonight? Pleeeaaaaaase? I've got a nice big jar of peanutbutter... Awwww, you're no fun, monkey. :(


Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 04:19 AM
Anyway, thanks for confirming the story about your dad. He and your mom sound fab. lol

But now that you've confirmed that my source is accurate, they also said that your loathed by everyone who's anyone on your local TS scene. They also said that Buddy Wood considers you to be, hands down, the worst model he's ever worked with. Care to comment?

07-31-2010, 06:25 AM
We are all bipolar in some way or another - bipolar disorder isn't a laughing matter or to be thrown around in some bullshit cat fight.

You are both nuts - just look at this thread...what kind of sane person would do something so childish?

If u live in a glass house...

Its those who do not think they are crazy that really need assistance.

07-31-2010, 07:50 AM
Anyway, thanks for confirming the story about your dad. He and your mom sound fab. lol

But now that you've confirmed that my source is accurate, they also said that your loathed by everyone who's anyone on your local TS scene. They also said that Buddy Wood considers you to be, hands down, the worst model he's ever worked with. Care to comment?

First of all, I haven't confirmed that your source is anything. If you honestly think the standard of reliability for a 'source' is being right about one thing that isn't exactly kept private, then that's pretty sad.

Comment? Sure!



We are all bipolar in some way or another - bipolar disorder isn't a laughing matter or to be thrown around in some bullshit cat fight.

You are both nuts - just look at this thread...what kind of sane person would do something so childish?

If u live in a glass house...

Its those who do not think they are crazy that really need assistance.

... says the patron saint of sanity Danielle Foxx. Sheesh lady! But for the record, I'm absolutely serious. Nicole really needs to see a professional and I hope she will.


Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 12:22 PM
We are all bipolar in some way or another - bipolar disorder isn't a laughing matter or to be thrown around in some bullshit cat fight.

You are both nuts - just look at this thread...what kind of sane person would do something so childish?

If u live in a glass house...

Its those who do not think they are crazy that really need assistance.
I may be a sadistic bitch, but I'm sane. Bella, I don't know about, but it's not looking good. But Bella is a masochist, begging for abuse here so it's pretty hard not to oblige her when you're genuinely sadistic. My sadism is usually reserved for the bedroom, but Bella is here, and I'm bored between clients and other things.

And I never said being bi-polar was "funny". I just know that I'm not. I do know that I'm not using my mother as a prop in a diatribe. Bella seems to have conveniently thrown "bi-polar" in here right after you posted. "Things that make ya go hmmmmmmm." ;)

Anyway, I already told you that if you decide you hate me, I don't care, Danielle. I still respect you. But I have my beliefs and I'm not rolling over for Peggy, Bella, or you if you don't like them.

Anyway Peggy left this thread ages ago so it's pretty obvious that Bella is straggling just to argue. People have no interest discussing the original topic, obviously. But ok. I'll take a stab at it. Here's a pretty good example of how I deal with flirting. I was in Bed Bath & Beyond buying stuff for my kitchen. A guy there struck up a conversation and was a bit flirtatious. About five minutes later, he asked for my phone number. I said, "Are you ok with me being a pre-op tranny? You should know that we have the same plumbing in our underwear." He smiled, and said, "I don't care." I said, "Oh, cool." and wrote down my number. I've been in similar situations, and that's how I deal with it. I don't give a shit. I'm not living in a self-made prison. I'm not scared of retribution. I don't have a 9-5 job that I could lose if the word spread like "wildfire". All of this grandiose stuff is bullshit. When you know where the convo is going, you just blurt it out. Who cares? If you live in some bumfuck area where they'd make an issue of it, you'd be pretty unwise to do so. But I'm heavily tattooed, and I would never live somewhere that people were so fucked up anyway. And do you know what I'd say if I was a post-op? I've thought about it. "Hope you don't care that I was born with a cock. But don't worry, baby. It's gone now." lol Because again, I don't give a rat's ass. Read my lips. I don't hate my penis, and I'm not ashamed of being a transsexual. Fuck that bullshit. 'Love me, love ALL of me.'

07-31-2010, 01:56 PM
NIcole is an internet troll, plain and simple. If you're not paying attention to it, it says shitty things to get attention.

Nicole is *desperate* for attention, folks. Were the circus-freak exterior and frothing, raving posting habits not a huge neon clue? It will say whatever gets the pot stirred in order to get attention. Nicole has been guilty of using ever tactic it has ever accused anyone of using.

Notice Nicole's love of drama? Street kiddies and drag queens have nothing else BUT drama to live for. Empty little lives scrabbling for... ATTENTION! Just like the definition of nothing is a turd with the shit kicked out of it, nothing is also a drag queen with nobody to watch them. Seriously folks. The most harmful thing you can ever do to Nicole is ignore it. Want to see someone have a meltdown and start lashing out? Ignore it and watch the madness take hold.

Why the hell you're letting an ugly, hypocritical, attention-whoring, freakishly-tattooed trashvestite bottom-feeding cretin with no soul get you riled up is beyond me. You get upset at people. Nicole is a thing. You don't get upset at things. Things don't matter.

07-31-2010, 02:36 PM
NIcole is an internet troll, plain and simple. If you're not paying attention to it, it says shitty things to get attention.

Nicole is *desperate* for attention, folks. Were the circus-freak exterior and frothing, raving posting habits not a huge neon clue? It will say whatever gets the pot stirred in order to get attention. Nicole has been guilty of using ever tactic it has ever accused anyone of using.

Notice Nicole's love of drama? Street kiddies and drag queens have nothing else BUT drama to live for. Empty little lives scrabbling for... ATTENTION! Just like the definition of nothing is a turd with the shit kicked out of it, nothing is also a drag queen with nobody to watch them. Seriously folks. The most harmful thing you can ever do to Nicole is ignore it. Want to see someone have a meltdown and start lashing out? Ignore it and watch the madness take hold.

Why the hell you're letting an ugly, hypocritical, attention-whoring, freakishly-tattooed trashvestite bottom-feeding cretin with no soul get you riled up is beyond me. You get upset at people. Nicole is a thing. You don't get upset at things. Things don't matter.

OMFG! I was going to stop posting on this thread but OMFG! That was the funniest fucking thing I've ever read in my life! I've been laughing for 2 minutes straight, eyes watering, snorting, and all that good stuff! You killed her dead. Girl, you're like a transsexual Lisa Lampanelli. Fucking awesome!



Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 04:37 PM
Tika aka Viridian is a hater, and she hates any girl who isn't a brick, and who who doesn't need to stoop to changing bedpans in obscurity like she does. Like Bella, she takes issue with anyone who's had success in shemale porn. Look at this man's face...


Simply hideous. A dude, if I've ever seen one.

But when you look like that on the outside, of course you're also a beast on the inside.


Notice, Bella really has squat to say about the topic. She came here to argue, as did Tika aka Viridian. And notice how pathetic Bella has become, stooping to befiend every jackass who goes for my jugular. Well, no wonder your porn career is dead, Bella. Look who you've just put on a pedestal? Bella, you really do need help. That's not sarcasm. You're the saddest fool to ever have done shemale porn, and you sink deeper and deeper into the obscurity you deserve everyday.

Now I'll let you two jealous hater bricks get back to sucking each other's dicks, since no one else is going to. lol

Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 04:47 PM
Oh, and by the way, Ecstatic is a close friend of mine. He's not "freakishly smart". He's extremely intelligent and a genuinely nice person. You're neither, dude.

And Peggy/Maggie is not even close to being in his league. Just because someone copies and pastes stuff all day, and had srs decades go, doesn't give them credentials or a high IQ. It's a shame that she somehow latched on to Danielle at such a milestone moment in her life. There are far more competent and accomplished post-ops, who actually can relate to being as fishy as D, who would have been better "counselors".

Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 05:14 PM
And you know who I respect? Allanah, Wendy, Vicki Richter (even though she's a mental case), Danielle, Tula, Jenny Hiloudaki, Marie France, Foxy Angel, Cocchinelle, Amanda Lepore, Candis Cayne, Sulka, Calpernia Adams, Romy Haag, and of course aLL THREE Dupree sisters. There are PLENTY! But I don't respect these kinky crossdressers who decided to live out their lesbo sexual fantasies, and went tranny, like Bella or Tika. This crusader bullshit is not what I'm about. I didn't transition to burn my bra and denounce being a sex object.

Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 05:28 PM
This, btw, always cracks me up! "Oooooh, that BABYFACE RICHTER! DAMN HER!" LOL


Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 05:52 PM
I think this thread is an abortion. Nobody really wanted to discuss being honest about gender status, except for an handful of people. Peggie used it to play the official Nicole Dupre victim, because I simply disagree with her, and then these two bricks showed up with axes to grind.

Oh, and Danielle got hurt when Bella played the crazy mother card, and I got labeled as a mentally ill pop psychologist, which is actually kinda sexy-sounding now that I think about it. lol

"Doooooooooooon't fuck with me, FELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAZ!!!" LOL

YouTube- Mommie Dearest - Don't F@ck With Me Fellas (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSGXe-x-E9g)

Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 05:59 PM
YouTube- No She Damn Didn't!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_2jsan75zk&NR=1)

07-31-2010, 06:54 PM
Joan Crawford drops...classic. Damn they've got almost everything on youtube.

Wish there was more LOVING in this thread(!!), I'll return back to the sidelines on this one.


Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 07:41 PM
God knows I tried, Gio. But go back and retrace the posts, where Peggy starts making the personal disses, and how she never addressed the issues. It takes some major BALLS to call yourself a counselor when you can't even say anything more on the subject than she has. Sounds kinda dude-ish for a broad who no longer has gonads. But this is her m.o. It's all about bragging thats she followed the HBS, right after she was done supposedly kickin' it with Huey Newton, and then expecting everyone to kiss her ass like phobun/Vietboy does. I'm not taking another faceless internet warrior seriously at face-value.

Btw, just got off the phone with Ecstatic, and I don't think he's drinking the Kool-Aid on this one. lol

But I think one look at Tika's mug speaks volumes. Gag me with a fucking spoon. lol

Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 07:47 PM
Btw I love this one. Suddenly being a sex worker is supposed to become CHARITY! lol Uh huh. Why am I not surprised that brick would cop this attitude? ;)

More from the Viriddler... lol


Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 07:59 PM
I wonder if Bella is choking with laughter on her knife's worth of Jiff over these dumbass statements. ;)

Bella and Viridian should start a terrorist cell of brick trannys, and have Peggy be their counselor. I mean, with all of that illustrious experience as a Black Panther, how could they go wrong? ;)

Nicole Dupre
07-31-2010, 08:39 PM
More neon-emblazed attention-seeking from, yours truly, Nicole Dupre! :p

Knock down that BRICK BITCH of a love warrior and put a pile of lovely marijuana where it ought to be! lol

YouTube- Mommie Dearest - B@tch of a Bearing Wall (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYcxXsFQscA)