View Full Version : SEX

11-14-2005, 04:28 PM
Has anyone else felt that the nature of sex changes over time? I suppose things vary from person to person and depend a great deal on personal experience, but it seems to me that sex starts out as a curiosity, then becomes a need. As a person matures, it is refined into a method to achieve an ends, then just becomes something fun to do on occasion with a person or persons you happen to like a great deal on many other levels.

On the other hand, a lot of people view sex as the single defining purpose in life.

It's an interesting and complicated subject. For many people the pursuit of intimacy, or achieving an orgasm in some way, is the sole reason they post on these boards.

What's the deal with sex (beyond the obvious)? Is it a dominant/submissive thing? Is it enjoying the moment? I mean, most of us here aren't looking to procreate, which is the geneticly imprinted purpose behind sex, but we still love it just the same.

Why is sex such a powerful influence on us all? I think it's an interesting question.

I just had to post a Big Question thread, I can't help myself.

(and this isn't some lame brained nonsense. I love sex, love girls, love the whole deal, it's just a subject I think is worth asking. What does sex mean to you?)

11-14-2005, 06:14 PM
Has anyone else felt that the nature of sex changes over time? I suppose things vary from person to person and depend a great deal on personal experience, but it seems to me that sex starts out as a curiosity, then becomes a need. As a person matures, it is refined into a method to achieve an ends, then just becomes something fun to do on occasion with a person or persons you happen to like a great deal on many other levels.

On the other hand, a lot of people view sex as the single defining purpose in life.

It's an interesting and complicated subject. For many people the pursuit of intimacy, or achieving an orgasm in some way, is the sole reason they post on these boards.

What's the deal with sex (beyond the obvious)? Is it a dominant/submissive thing? Is it enjoying the moment? I mean, most of us here aren't looking to procreate, which is the geneticly imprinted purpose behind sex, but we still love it just the same.

Why is sex such a powerful influence on us all? I think it's an interesting question.

I just had to post a Big Question thread, I can't help myself.

(and this isn't some lame brained nonsense. I love sex, love girls, love the whole deal, it's just a subject I think is worth asking. What does sex mean to you?)

I've just highlighted that rather than snipping. I think that I am one of those. Sex is the single defining purpose in life. Well, (yes it's me, you wanted a simple answer?) sex in the wider context as part of the creative urge. It's all part of the same thing. A lot of highly creative people have been notoriously highly sexed. Michelangelo, Mozart, Lawrence, Weston....It's almost as if every time you look closely at the life of a really creative artist you begin to wonder where they found the time in between all that bunny-fucking to actually do some work.

I also think that the whole creative drive/sex-drive continuum is a denial of mortality. This idea was well expressed during the Italian Renaissance (see I did read a book once) when the cult of fame really took off. To be famous was to transcend the temporal nature of our mortal existence. And who can deny that the likes of Michelangelo, Botticelli, Fra Angelo succeeded in this? We know and love them even now, though their earthly bodies mouldered into dust centuries ago.

And through our children, we live on. This is believed in many cultures, and I believe it. By fucking as many women as he can, a man produces as many partial genetic copies of himself as possible-- so he really does live on. Of course, women do too, but they have the constraint of childbearing. Even in really enthusiastic cultures, double figures is unusual for the number of copies of herself a woman can make-- but for a man-- it is limited only by the hours in the day and the number of willing women. So even for accountants and lawyers, shagging is a way to transcend mortality.

Personally, I'm quite simple......I see a woman I fancy, I want to shag her. Even in situations where I can't, because she's not available, I still want to shag her and the truth is if her boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/significant dickhead disappeared in a puff of smoke, I'd go for it. In fact, I'll go for it even if he doesn't and she just fancies a bit. I had a friend and business associate's wife in the bathroom once while he was fixing dinner. (She was great.) I don't even care if she has a cock-- if I'm turned on I want to be in there. I want her on the end of my cock, writhing in passion. That simple. I absolutely have the morals of an alley-cat when it comes to poontang.

I think, therefore, to answer your question, that fucking is about immortality. Well you did say it was a big question.

Oh, so you want to know how that figures with anal sex, this being a shemales board? Well, my dick is one really really really dumb fuck. As long as he's enjoying himself, he don't care. He never figured out that you can't get someone pregnant by tailgating her. And I don't care, 'cos fucking a woman who really, passionately, likes it deep in her anus is just the most outrageous, mind-blowing, express-train turn-on I have ever discovered. It's just so lovely and tiiiiiight, too. And if she's pulling on her dick at the same time, that's just so much more entertaining.

Back to work.

11-14-2005, 07:17 PM
That was a very interesting post, the whole concept of sex is really why this board exists in many ways. So many different aspects to it and points of view.

I'm curious to read other peoples opinion on the subject.

Thanks for posting in this thread, MacShreach.

11-14-2005, 10:03 PM
I was just wondering awhile ago what blind people prefer for porn, but I've never heard anything pro or con about having sex with a blind girl. Although I did just have an amusing mental image of a massive blind person orgy combined with a form of musical chairs. Hehehe.

"OK, music stops! Everyone switch partners!"

"Ah! OOh! Dammit!" crash, thud, etc.

I mean no offense to any blind people reading this. . .oh, wait. Well, anyone reading this, please do not read this post aloud to a blind person as it may cause offence.


11-14-2005, 10:32 PM
I mean no offense to any blind people reading this. . .oh, wait. Well, anyone reading this, please do not read this post aloud to a blind person as it may cause offence.


Careful, they do "read" online forums, with the use of voice recognition software. A blind friend of mine publishes an online newsletter of sorts to trade notes on books and current events with his friends.

On the subject of "What does sex mean to you?":

Every so often someone will try to pick my brain on this, and all they seem to end up with is cerebral belly-button lint. :P

I think it works out to the thought that it's the one thing I haven't figured out how to fuck up. Yet. That's not to say I haven't had an endless horror show of sex =partners= that have been fairly destructive to my mental and emotional health. Let's face it, tab-A-slot-B is pretty hard to do wrong (though there are certainly variations on a theme).

I do know that, over time, I put too much importance in it. This came to the fore after my last relationship, which put me off people as a whole, and has made me a bit of a mess. Hermitic sex addicts don't make for a sound picture of sanity. :?

But I digress...

11-14-2005, 10:59 PM
Do you have to make it sound so mechanical? :roll:

Sadly, that's what it became in the end. :cry:

11-15-2005, 01:41 AM
Once sex becomes "mechanized", it's not really worth the effort. Just banging away because you think it's an expected part of a relationship, that sucks. It's more like work than fun.

I also don't like the "macho" view of sex. "I gotta bang this bitch, give her what she needs, I'm the man!". What a bunch of nonsense.

And the possesive jealousy is another aspect. It's something that naturally happens when you feel attached to someone, but it's stupid. Sex is a physical act and most times, unless there is an emotional attachment, sex really doesn't mean anything beyond pursuing an orgasm. It means about as much as riding a rollercoaster.

Sex is fun, it should be fun, the best sex is when both people at some point laugh. I mean really, if you break it down sex is pretty silly, but it feels good. I just don't think it should be taken too seriously or have too great an importance put on it, beyond other aspects of interacting with another person or persons. Unless you happen to be in High School, because then you just have to fuck like crazy, it's an unwritten rule.

Honestly, there is nothing better in the world than just making out with a pretty girl that you really like a lot.

11-15-2005, 01:58 AM
Once sex becomes "mechanized", it's not really worth the effort. Just banging away because you think it's an expected part of a relationship, that sucks. It's more like work than fun.

It helps if the one ending the relationship isn't Oscar material. For some reason, she felt the need to pretend that things were going fine between us for almost three months after she'd decided to ditch me. The mechanics were there, but I was the only one feeling any kind of emotion at the time. That's what hurt the most, my being so clueless to what she was playing.

About a month after the ditching I went and got myself seriously laid just to be sure that all the parts still worked as they should. Swung all the way to the other end of the spectrum, too. Went from a year-long relationship with a lesbian to a weekend fuckfest with a bi-curious feller.

Still trying to determine if it was a conscious act on my part that said feller turned out to be her ex-fiance'.

11-15-2005, 02:10 AM
Now that's fuckin funny. If a guys gonna fuck someone, why not be your ex's former boyfriend.

I wouldn't do it, but big props just the same.

11-15-2005, 02:20 AM
thats awesome lol....

Sex has changed for me as well....pre-28 is was all hormonal and more physical then mental. Now Id say that the mental part is much more important... If your 18 and smokin hot, but I cant stand to be near you for more then 15 seconds without wishing you were an ex-girlfriend.....then sex just aint happenin lol...

11-15-2005, 03:34 AM
I've never heard anything pro or con about having sex with a blind girl.
Depends on what you look like. :twisted:

Sex is very important to me. No question. But it's secondary to feeling a connection with my partner, a bonding that at the least makes me want to be with her over and over again. As important as sex is (and I can be as sex-crazed as the next guy), friendship, companionship, and--in rare cases--love are far more important.

11-15-2005, 04:28 AM
Now that's fuckin funny. If a guys gonna fuck someone, why not be your ex's former boyfriend.

I wouldn't do it, but big props just the same.

Kinda sad ending, though. Afterwards, he more or less did an inventory of who he wanted in and out of his life. Though he was polite about it, I got shed while he remained friends with her (Though somewhat strained after she found out who he'd shagged most recently). :cry: Shame, as he was one of only two men in my life that I felt most comfortable with on a relationship basis, beyond the sex.

He's the one that got me calling uncut dicks "turtlenecks". :)

11-15-2005, 06:14 AM
I would say that it's just a form of emotional bonding. That's a very flawed answer though, lol. As with your own statements, it isn't always *needed*. I would more want to say that it's just instinctual. Built into us from many many years of evolution and development. Perhaps you've evolved Mystique :) Just my own little comments.

My personal belief is that for guys, emotion doesn't even come into it most of the time. We're just not programmed to attach emotion to the act. We're genetically programmed to propogate the species, and that's one of the reasons we will fuck at the drop of a hat and attach no emotion to the act. That's not saying we can't attach emotion to the act, we just don't in most cases. Emotion is attached as an after-effect.

I wish I could say, "Ladies, we love you dearly and we want to express our love for you in this deep physical way that doesn't come close to matching what we feel inside."

Sorry, ladies, we're not that deep.