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View Full Version : Dell mini 10 notebook

07-12-2010, 06:34 AM
I want to buy one to take on my travels but im not sure ??? do any of you guys have this notebook who can tell me how good it is ??? THANK YOU

Tiffany Anne
07-12-2010, 07:39 AM
Depending on which 10, it's an ideal candidate to hackentosh...

07-12-2010, 09:46 AM
Depending on which 10, it's an ideal candidate to hackentosh...

I've done a hackintosh desktop, considering doing a netbook.

07-12-2010, 10:31 AM
Poor keyboard, poor battery life, mousepad buttons integrated into keypad so it's easy to inadvertently activate a mousekey. Consider the Samsung N110 series (I don't work for them)

Go on Amazon and read user reviews

07-12-2010, 11:38 AM
Depends on what your going to use it for, I always tell the people I build computers for, that if your going to use it for another purpose, tell me, things are usually based upon certain aspects

07-12-2010, 12:59 PM
all dells blow!!! buy a acer netbook

07-12-2010, 01:19 PM
i really find these kind of ultra compact laptop so cutie!!!

i like small laptop!!!

theres also alot of ultra compact brands out there i think HP, Toshiba, Acer have it ;)

07-12-2010, 06:19 PM
Depends on what your going to use it for, I always tell the people I build computers for, that if your going to use it for another purpose, tell me, things are usually based upon certain aspects

hey bulldog, can you tell us why someone would have a computer built as opposed to just buying one at Best Buy?
do you provide tech support afterwards? how much more expensive is a custom built machine for the most common uses of a pc? (approximately, u don't have to give your specific prices)

07-12-2010, 07:35 PM
A woman friend of mine bought a Dell notebook, it had a desktop chip and overheated at the drop of a hat. I was an early adopter of Dell in the UK but they are questionable now, did I see last week that they have told suppliers 60 day payment terms? Why?
What about this evidence of Dell's policies:
About ten years ago there was a furore abot Dell's return/warranty policy. They said they had no problems repairing and returning breakdowns within their guaranteed policy. (this was on usenet)
Soon a guy at their carriers in Austin,TX, posted a message that they had 40 or 50, 45 foot semi-trailers of returns in their yard which Dell would not accept! So Dell kept their promise about turn round but were economical with the real truth!
Make your choice.....................................

07-12-2010, 08:45 PM
Asus Eee and Acer netbooks are the best!! I have a Dell desktop, dell laptop, Dual G5 Apple desktop and an Asus Eee 1000he netbook which I love. Use the netbook probably the most ;)

It's great if you're looking for a comp that has an unbelievable battery life, very portable, running simple programs (MS Office and photo editing, etc) and internet browsing. Get an 1-2 gig memory stick and you're good to go!!