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View Full Version : Funny and Fucked up at the same time

07-05-2010, 06:14 AM
So a friend asks me to come hang out over on the west side of Chicago on Friday and reluctantly I agree though I hate the atmosphere with the drugs and shit.

So we go to the liquor store and as I am getting in my ride my alarm goes off and I can't shut the shit off so the horn is blaring and the lights are blinking. My remote panic button is broke so it won't go off for two minutes so I am stuck.

We get in the car and drive off and are heading back to the spot to hang out and have a drink. We come to a stop sign where bruhs are obviously doing business and the alarm is freaking them the fuck out. We drive off and 10 seconds later an undercover cop car filled with fucking clown detectives cuts us off and hauls my ass out of the car by my arm, cuffs me and tells me to shut the fuck up. They proceed to ransack my car, pop the hood and disconnect the battery and then call me every kind of faggot in the book. They go out of their way to call my girl sir and pull out a catcher's mask and show it around asking what kind of kinky shit do we use this for.

After about ten minutes of turning the car they let us go but not before stealing a pint of fucking cheap assed Paul Masson brandy (hers, I drink Jack). I mean come the fuck on, Paul Masson motherfuckers?

The entire time they have me cuffed and are searching me, I am smirking at them because I know I am clean and I am thinking to myself this shit is comical. Pull out my wallet and find condoms so they laughed at that shit. Search me right down to pulling my draws out and looking down my at my package.

After they let us go I am thinking I should be more shaken up but I am not, hell I wasn't even too pissed at being called a faggot.

Bottom line is I think I am so fucking jaded I just don't give a fuck anymore and expect this kind of shit out of stupid motherfuckers. Only reason I even posted this here was I wanted to remember what happened.

Solitary Brother
07-05-2010, 06:24 AM
Thats really fucked up....sorry that happened to you.

07-05-2010, 07:30 AM
Are you sure they were real cops? I mean you could sue them for the shit they did, hard to believe that a whole group of cops could be THAT stupid

Nicole Dupre
07-05-2010, 07:46 AM
Are you sure they were real cops? I mean you could sue them for the shit they did, hard to believe that a whole group of cops could be THAT stupid
No offense, buy that sounds kind of naive. Real cops often act like real assholes.

Nicole Dupre
07-05-2010, 07:56 AM
Btw I'm sorry to hear that, Ed.

07-05-2010, 08:24 AM
wWell Ed I live in a nice part of town, and the cops in my area are cool as fuck so we'd never have that problem.
Dave would call you a lucky scoundrel whatever that means to every guy he see's me walking with and I drink Henny., lol
Sorry but yea Chicago's finest are dicks!

07-05-2010, 01:59 PM
Naive in your part of the world maybe, but that kinda stuff doesnt happen up here, up here if the cops fuck up, they are held responsible, and taken to court just like anyone else

07-05-2010, 06:23 PM
There are certain areas you know and you avoid. I chose to go there. The cops were true assholes but while I can just take my butt back to the ivory tower where I live, work and go to school, those dickheads have to toil day in and day out in a hellish existence where they are despised and hated but they have to go to put food on the table. Good.

I am more worried that I had no reaction except bemusement. I am wondering if I am depressed or something that has disconnected my ability to sense dangerous situations. I mean my alarm is going off in an open drug market and I am more pissed than afraid. Then the cops roll up and I am just amused as they violate all kinds of civil rights.

Here is one last thing. Being called a faggot helped me to see first hand what others have to endure on a daily basis from homophobia. I can hear about it and read about it but having it directed at me gave be a better idea of what many others go through by just being who they are. I am glad for the experience, small though it was.

07-05-2010, 07:06 PM
Sorry bro ..... btw what were you doing w/ a catchers mask? lol

Nicole Dupre
07-05-2010, 07:09 PM
I didn't mean it like you're naive in general. I just mean, if you grew up in a big city, it probably wouldn't shock you.

I'm sure the crap that cops pull in Mexico City wouldn't last too long in NYC either.

Btw have you ever seen The Bad Lieutenant? If not, check it out. It's takes place in pre-Giuliani NYC, but it's not as fictional as you might think.

Also, we should never forget Stonewall or the Compton Cafeteria Riots. Those things took place as the result of the cops fucking with the trannys of the time. Imagine if the cops marched into a tranny party today and started trying to make something out of nothing. Transsexuals didn't just wake up one day, and everyone thought we were cute. ;) lol

07-05-2010, 07:10 PM
I play a lot of baseball and softball.

Also protects me from an errant stiletto

07-05-2010, 07:16 PM
Idk Ed , they can be thrown w/ deadly precision.

07-05-2010, 07:48 PM
...my ride my alarm goes off and I can't shut the shit off so the horn is blaring and the lights are blinking. My remote panic button is broke so it won't go off for two minutes so I am stuck.

So this whole deal occurs within a 2-minute period?

07-05-2010, 07:59 PM
ED Honda's factory alarms suck....Go ahead and get a viper 791xv remote start alarm with a mile radius :D all I gotta say I have been enjoying the car im driving right now :D

07-05-2010, 09:52 PM
So this whole deal occurs within a 2-minute period?

The alarm goes off every time the door was opened and kept going as long as the door was left opened.

So it was going off when they pulled us over and kept going till they disconnected my damned battery. That's part of the humorous surreal nature of the event.

07-06-2010, 01:02 AM
Pics or it didn't happen!


07-06-2010, 02:13 AM
Next time I will ask CPD to uncuff me and let me get a couple of shots.

07-06-2010, 02:43 AM
LOL wow what jerks those guys are well at least it wasn't Arizona.

07-06-2010, 04:57 AM
ED Honda's factory alarms suck....Go ahead and get a viper 791xv remote start alarm with a mile radius :D all I gotta say I have been enjoying the car im driving right now :Dwell atleast someone can afford a rediculous car lol

07-06-2010, 07:18 AM
I can understand pulling you over, and I can also understand cuffing you while they sort it out. Everything else though was way out of line. They should have simply checked your ID and the car's registration, and then let you be on your merry way.

07-06-2010, 05:58 PM
So seriously...

Did this really happen, and is this the "norm" of Chicago?

I've never been, so I'm asking.

07-06-2010, 07:41 PM
well atleast someone can afford a rediculous car lol
dude ill take a honda over a benz any day firstly because I can rip on benzs with a honda :p ^_^

07-06-2010, 07:55 PM
Next time I will ask CPD to uncuff me and let me get a couple of shots.

That's a terrible story, but it probably is for the best that you didn't ask them to pose for photographs.

The problem with cops like that is their ego, if you laugh at them or toy with them that'll only make them want to be shitter towards you.

07-06-2010, 10:32 PM
So seriously...

Did this really happen, and is this the "norm" of Chicago?

I've never been, so I'm asking.

It happened alright.

In certain areas things are so bad the cops can't hope to stop much of the "crime" being committed so they go far over their role to try and oppress people to, in their minds, keep order.

If you take all hope of economic development out of a community and introduce a way to make money such as drugs, it is inevitable that a community will use that as their own person neighborhood stimulus package.

So yeah, it happens on a daily basis. Just not everywhere in Chicago.

07-06-2010, 11:01 PM
It happened alright.

In certain areas things are so bad the cops can't hope to stop much of the "crime" being committed so they go far over their role to try and oppress people to, in their minds, keep order.

It's a well understood phenomenon in the context of military operations. Same basic idea.... you have a finite amount of soldiers surrounded by a greater population of hostile enemy forces & hostile civilians... the (by the numbers) inferior force can't create the order they need/want, so they start going after the weak groups of the local civilian population (women/children/elderly) to try to establish some illusion of control.

07-07-2010, 01:41 AM
It's a well understood phenomenon in the context of military operations. Same basic idea.... you have a finite amount of soldiers surrounded by a greater population of hostile enemy forces & hostile civilians... the (by the numbers) inferior force can't create the order they need/want, so they start going after the weak groups of the local civilian population (women/children/elderly) to try to establish some illusion of control.

Apparently the black people too.

07-07-2010, 03:00 AM
Was this the Checkerboard Patrol? I always had fun with those guys. The last time I was there I offered to buy one of them dinner if he'd let me try on his body armor and then I tried to sell him a set of Smith & Wesson 104s to replace the cheap, joke-shop department issue he had on his belt.

Needless to say, I did not get to try on the body armor, sell him the cuffs, of feed him. He found it all a little disturbing and left the area, post haste.