View Full Version : Last Airbender (Avatar movie)

07-03-2010, 01:57 AM
Anyone see this yet? I'm looking forward to it, but won't get a chance to see it til next week. Any good?

I remember there was a girl that used to post on here that was really into Avatar, can't remember who it was, though.

07-03-2010, 02:10 AM
They were protesting this movie in L.A. this week. Chants of 'Shame on M. Night' could be heard through Hollywood, which is interesting because I didn't know he was a casting director. You see, all of the actors, save for one who plays a villain, are Caucasians playing Asian characters, which is of course just as ridiculous as blaming the director for the problem. :lol:

Personally, I think the protesters had a good point though, and even though I want to see it, I'm not sure I can support it by buying a ticket.


07-03-2010, 02:32 AM
Who the hell cares if a white person is playing an asian character???
Political correctness run amuck.

07-03-2010, 02:34 AM
But you'd miss that M. Night twist ending. *twist*

07-03-2010, 02:34 AM
Who the hell cares if a white person is playing an asian character???
Political correctness run amuck.

No, no. You didn't read what I said carefully enough: all of the Asian characters, save for one, was played by a Caucasian. You don't think that's just a bit racist? Really?


07-03-2010, 02:42 AM
The real shame was they couldn't use the "Avatar" name because someone else used it to make a movie about tall indian smurfs.

Excuse me ... Vertically enhanced Native Pandoran Smurfs.

07-03-2010, 03:40 AM
The series takes place in a FANTASY WORLD. The concept of asian is only aplied in astetic and martial arts concept. Many of them aren't "asian" by standards set in reality. I think those that are complaining feel marginalized and want to get some exposure wherever possible. It's fucking dumb.

07-03-2010, 07:03 AM
Anyone see this yet? I'm looking forward to it, but won't get a chance to see it til next week. Any good?

I remember there was a girl that used to post on here that was really into Avatar, can't remember who it was, though.

It was alssya and i think she would be disappointed with this movie because it sucks.

07-03-2010, 07:11 AM
No, no. You didn't read what I said carefully enough: all of the Asian characters, save for one, was played by a Caucasian. You don't think that's just a bit racist? Really?


Well, if you ignore the first 4 letters in caucasian, then they were all asians. Racism averted. You can all go back to your normal lives now.

07-03-2010, 12:00 PM
Half the cast is Indian from what I saw! Last I knew, they were part of asia too.

As for the movie, the special effects where awesome, the acting and editing sucked. It's a shame. I never knew anything about the Last Airbender til seeing it, and I think it could have been awesome.

07-03-2010, 12:00 PM
No, no. You didn't read what I said carefully enough: all of the Asian characters, save for one, was played by a Caucasian. You don't think that's just a bit racist? Really?


No more racist than Asian actors being cast to play Native-Americans; and even so, most of the characters from the cartoon were depicted as vaguely if not totally Caucasian anyway. The only ones that were all without a doubt Caucasian were the bad guys (fire - so destructive just like all us white people who can't wait to burn things down and enslave others, because we invented all that, you see.) who ironically were all depicted as Indian in the movie.

But none of it really matters because, you see the movie sucked. REALLY BAD!

It was like Battlefield Earth all over again.

07-03-2010, 01:18 PM
But none of it really matters because, you see the movie sucked. REALLY BAD!

It was like Battlefield Earth all over again.

Oh, no! Really? My son's going to be disappointed. :(


07-03-2010, 06:35 PM
I agree,

It's kinda insulting putting a whole bunch of Caucasians in the movie when clearly in the cartoon, they were Asian.

Basically, the only way they thought this movie would be Palatable, is if you turned the Asians into white people.

This movie failed before the first take.

It's a shame, because the cartoon was a really good and inspiring show.

07-04-2010, 03:25 AM
How were they "asian" in the series. I mean people complainign about it re-inforce the stereotype of "All asians do kung-fu" . The show takes place not on earth. There is no "Asia" to speak of. Asia is a region only applicable to our earth, not some fantasy land where the world consists of 4 island countries.

07-04-2010, 03:44 AM
How were they "asian" in the series.

the main character's names are Aang, Katara, and Sokka. This alone is enough to assume they were asian. Also, the producer of the TV series has said in numerous interviews that the show mainly drew on elements from asian culture. It's also worth noting he had nothing to do with the casting of the characters in the movie

07-04-2010, 03:47 AM
Its like the Dragon Ball movie they made and casted a WHITE GOKU, doesn't make any fuckin SENSE. Thats why it flopped as well lol. Been reading alot of mixed reviews on Airbender alot of hate towards director M.Night Shyamalan

07-04-2010, 03:50 AM
Well Tom Cruise was "The Last Samurai".

07-04-2010, 03:53 AM
Well Tom Cruise was "The Last Samurai".

dont get me started on that lol

07-04-2010, 03:58 AM
That DBZ movie was awful.

They claimed it would be hard to translate the action and style of the anime to live action , hmph i guess they should have watched "Shaolin Soccer" and "Kung Fu Hustle" before making DBZ.

07-04-2010, 04:57 AM
the main character's names are Aang, Katara, and Sokka.

Those names are made up, nothing intrinsically Asian about them. It's a dumb argument

07-04-2010, 05:08 AM
tropic thunder!! robert downey needs a PC class too. I want to see it now that white's are acting chinese. Laughing at inappropriate times is golden in the theater

07-04-2010, 05:10 AM
I can respect the protest from the perspective of Asian actors needing work (but they should've listened to their Mom and Dad and got a real job, LOL); but on the other side, I believe a director or a producer has the license to interpret a cartoon any way he feels and use whatever talent he wishes. I'd bet the choice of actors was a marketing decision.

07-04-2010, 05:57 AM
I would like to point out that Katara and Sokka are supposed to be Inuit. People with a slight reddish brown to their skin (especially latter int he series where they are in allot of sunlight) and blue/green eyes.

Now in real life their are only a couple tribes of Inuit that actually look that way, they are a mixture of Inuit and Scandinavian. I don't know how many of them are actors. If they had cast one actor who was say from Norway and another of Inuit descent that would have been cool.

As for the casting of Asians. If they had cast the fire nation like the cartoon they would have to have said it was racist against Japanese folks. (Think about it Asian, strong navy, heavily industrialized, lives on a long thin landmass, the red sun is their national symbol, all their talk about honor and the look of their culture...)

Oh and M. Knight managed to work in some black people as part of the Earth Kingdom. The cartoon world with all it's varieties of earth benders had no black folks what so ever.

All in all I don't think they did too bad.

07-04-2010, 06:13 AM
That DBZ movie was awful.

They claimed it would be hard to translate the action and style of the anime to live action , hmph i guess they should have watched "Shaolin Soccer" and "Kung Fu Hustle" before making DBZ.

Just read that the movie got a 8% rating, thats worst then the DBZ movie.

And yea its a kids movie but even the kids are calling out M.Night Shyamalan on this one!

07-04-2010, 08:18 AM
Well Tom Cruise was "The Last Samurai".

Did you even see that movie? Tom Cruise was not the Last Samurai.

07-04-2010, 11:36 AM
^ Did you even see Chapelle's Show and get what the joke was?
Obviously not.

07-04-2010, 09:47 PM
[/QUOTE]But none of it really matters because, you see the movie sucked. REALLY BAD!

It was like Battlefield Earth all over again.[/QUOTE]

OMG That is the best comparison I've heard yet! I ended up watching it in 3D, from the second row..... I don't recommend ever watching 3D from the second row, but the 3d was the bast part of the movie and that was only OK. I take it back, the best parts of the movie were the hot chick sitting next to me and listening to all the fanboys Oh, Aw, and cheer through out the movie at the times when they did an ok job of reenacting a scene from the movie. Sigh, I'm not even going to make fun of that attempt to start a "roaring" applause at the end of the movie, I went to a midnight showing on Wednesday and there weren't even enough fanboys to make an acceptable applause =-( I'm just glad the guys at the cartoon saw this coming and finished the series. At least we have that.

07-04-2010, 10:14 PM
Wait untill the Naruto movie comes out.

Mara JamesCD
07-04-2010, 10:31 PM
I Saw The Movie Lastnight and I would say it was a GREAT movie a 20 out of 10

07-06-2010, 03:34 AM
No, no. You didn't read what I said carefully enough: all of the Asian characters, save for one, was played by a Caucasian. You don't think that's just a bit racist? Really?


Of course he doesn't, he's a fucking moron.

07-08-2010, 10:53 AM
total shit if your into the cartoon
Theres a major difference between creative license (the name pronunciation is understandable given we americans fudge up oriental names) and getting it wrong. M Night got it way wrong. (iro being tall and skinny, when he was short and pudgy, zuko and is non-existent scar, story line holes and errors)
I sincerely hope he doesnt get the reigns for the other chapters (if nickelodeon even attempts to make them).

07-13-2010, 02:01 PM
No more racist than Asian actors being cast to play Native-Americans; and even so, most of the characters from the cartoon were depicted as vaguely if not totally Caucasian anyway. The only ones that were all without a doubt Caucasian were the bad guys (fire - so destructive just like all us white people who can't wait to burn things down and enslave others, because we invented all that, you see.) who ironically were all depicted as Indian in the movie.

But none of it really matters because, you see the movie sucked. REALLY BAD!

It was like Battlefield Earth all over again.

Have you even seen the show? The fire nation is obviously based of Japanese people and society.

07-14-2010, 10:07 AM
It's kinda funny how people say if it's in characters are in an anime they must be all Asian.
Wrong, if you notice almost(key word almost) are suppose to be white...What person in native Japan has blonde or redhead hair blue eyes(aka Naruto,Bleach,etc.) But as for the Airbender movie, I didn't think it was terrible,but not great...more less rushed with great action...

06-04-2012, 07:46 AM
Avatar is an allegory about the American Indian, or, I suppose, the attempts to subjugate indigenous peoples anywhere and everywhere. And their race was alien!

Odd thing is I have seen or read the story line before but can't remember where?

It is pure fantasy people ... get over it !!! :yayo: