View Full Version : The name Tranny Chaser

10-08-2003, 05:28 AM
Does every girl consider any guy who likes shemales a trannychaser? I hate that term.

10-08-2003, 07:45 AM
Bleech. Horrible term

01-29-2007, 01:55 AM
Does every girl consider any guy who likes shemales a trannychaser? I hate that term.

Don't call them 'shemales', and maybe they won't call you
a 'trannychaser'

01-29-2007, 02:14 AM
we are even discusssed in wikipedia,lol

A Tranny chaser is an individual who is sexually attracted to transgendered people. Originally (and still predominantly) used to describe the men interested in pre-operative transwomen, the term tranny chaser is now being used in FTM communities as well. Many members of the transgendered community (particularly in the MTF population) use "tranny chaser" in a pejorative sense, because they consider it a fetish-like attraction to the penis of a pre-operative or non-operative transwoman MTF or to the vagina of a pre- or non-operative transman.

it even links back hungangels.com

http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=159&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 Is a discussion of tranny chasers regarding their reasons for "admiration" of transwomen.

01-29-2007, 02:17 AM
derogative and hateful term.

we should all be supporting each other. there's enough hatred and small-mindedness in the world without us tearing each other down.

01-29-2007, 02:18 AM

I wonder who wrote that wiki-article?

01-29-2007, 02:25 AM
At least this isn't another "Am I Gay?" thread.

Or is it?

And BTW...

No, I'm not...

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

01-29-2007, 02:28 AM
Hmmmm....Thanos held it down in that thread. What happend to him?

01-29-2007, 02:34 AM
I don't consider myself a tranny chaser.I simply like "Model number 2"of the female form or women with the"deluxe package'.They are simply women with different plumbing to me.

01-29-2007, 02:59 AM
Someone here called me a 'chaser' recently, clearly in a derogatory reference.

In the end, it's the gurls that determine both the definition and those that earn it.

I feel somewhat safe.

01-29-2007, 03:33 AM
The whole anti-"Tranny Chaser" thing is nonsense. I started working at a GLBT club years ago because it was a good job opportunity. I've never had any connection to, or aversion towards, any "community" of any sort. I don't "chase TS", I just like girls and don't discriminate.

That being said, yes there are tranny chasers. Guys (or girls I suppose) who pursue a sex kink for transexuals.

So what?

The fact that TS don't generally like those people because TS don't want to be viewed strictly as sex objects is understandable. But honestly, most tranny chasers know of TS strictly through porn. I'm not defending tranny chasers (because the one's I've met at our club are generally pretty damn weird), but I don't see anything wrong with them having a kink and being into it. It's just a sex thing.

Nothing wrong with that.

If you want weird, you should check out some of the old gay drunk guys that hang out in our happy hour bar, getting wasted, at 10am.

Those people are really weird.

But yeah, "shemale" is a porn term. Just use woman, girl, or something along those lines. Respect and understand (or at least try to) girls GG or TS. That's it. If you like a girl to have a cock, then you do. If your a girl with a cock (either long term or just for the time being), give those guys a break.

Some of us guys don't care one way or the other. But quite frequently were treated just as badly as the guys who are really into the whole thing.

It's admittedly very complicated.

01-29-2007, 05:10 AM
Someone here called me a 'chaser' recently, clearly in a derogatory reference.

In the end, it's the gurls that determine both the definition and those that earn it.

I feel somewhat safe.

Dear General,

We have performed a extensive search of our database, and I am
happy to share with you that we do not have you classified in the
TC category.

Rather you have been assigned an 1AA status (Admirer - Ally - 1st Class).

While this designation does not allow you voting privileges, on
trans related matters, it is the highest category that can be
conferred upon a non transwoman.

Should you have any questions or would like to dispute your
category, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Cordially Yours,

01-29-2007, 05:37 AM
"Wed Oct 08, 2003"....wow, this site has been around forever...

01-29-2007, 05:57 AM
Does every girl consider any guy who likes shemales a trannychaser? I hate that term.

Don't call them 'shemales', and maybe they won't call you
a 'trannychaser'

Politely and with compassion I ask you what is the correct and tasteful and considerate term you would like to be called. I would appreciate your input as you always seem to have wonderful posts and seem to have much compassion yourself. Thank you.

01-29-2007, 06:30 AM
Does every girl consider any guy who likes shemales a trannychaser? I hate that term.

Don't call them 'shemales', and maybe they won't call you
a 'trannychaser'

Politely and with compassion I ask you what is the correct and tasteful and considerate term you would like to be called. I would appreciate your input as you always seem to have wonderful posts and seem to have much compassion yourself. Thank you.

Thanks Wombat, much respect right back at ya 8)

Terms that will keep me off the soapbox :soapbox :

I don't think you can go wrong with these: women, ladies,
female, transwomen, transsexual, transgender, t-girl, transperson.

Gender variant and gender dysphoric person are okay but sound
very clinical. TS and TG also are acceptable as abbreviations.

And just between you, me and the 10,000 other people reading
this, using any of the above terms will endear you to a trans -
woman quicker and more effectively than calling her a "she-male',
'he-she', 'shim', 'lady boy', tranny and the like, which are all
perjorative or deragatory terms created by the porn industry
for marketing purposes.

01-29-2007, 11:55 AM
Yeah, I hate the term too. Mostly because people can lump someone into a category without getting to know the individual.

Anyway, nearly all humans have a lists of traits they find sexy, and others they look for in making long term relationships. Most are related to looking healthy and fertility related traits. Because a women prefers taller men, does that make her a height chaser? No.

That being said, there are people who go after sex as a conquest and dont care who they hurt. Especially if the ones they go after are seeking mates (ltr). They deserve any name people call them.

But long ago I got an impression that many tgirls do not like a lot of people that admire them. That is a shame because so many relationships in the world get started because of physical attraction, then they find the deeper things that lead to longer relationships.

Thank Peggy Gee for all of your input. You are worth your weight in gold.

01-29-2007, 12:01 PM
Hm, though I refer to transwomen as girls, tgirls, women, ladies... I thought "tranny" was alright as it's a simplified word for "transsexual?"

Is it, too, because the porn industry uses the term tranny? Just curious.

01-29-2007, 08:12 PM
Thank Peggy Gee for all of your input. You are worth your weight in gold.

Thank you 'darlin'.

At today's market valuation that would be $3,990,000

I will let you do the math as to my weight :wink:

However I feel that I am worth far, far more than that.

01-29-2007, 08:23 PM
But long ago I got an impression that many tgirls do not like a lot of people that admire them. That is a shame because so many relationships in the world get started because of physical attraction, then they find the deeper things that lead to longer relationships.

I don't believe that most transwomen have a problem with
you being open to them being transsexual, I think the
disconnect occurs when men seek them out 'only' for
what is between their legs.

It is the pursuit of them as fetish objects, that may have someone
classified as a tranny-chaser.

Tranny chaser are not the most desirable person for a transwoman
for many times they are very fickle in their interests and attractions,
and tend to collect 'trannys' like baseball cards, or as trophies of those
that they have 'bagged'.

Tranny chasers for the most part do niot make very good mates for
LTRs, as they often are on the D/L

They however are great for business for their near insatiable
quest for the next new, hot, 'tranny' to bed makes them a
veritable cash cow.

01-29-2007, 08:39 PM
Hm, though I refer to transwomen as girls, tgirls, women, ladies... I thought "tranny" was alright as it's a simplified word for "transsexual?"

Is it, too, because the porn industry uses the term tranny? Just curious.

Of the terms that are Black and White, right or wrong, in my
opinion 'tranny' starts to fall into that grey area.

If you want to show a woman that you understand her, and that
you have a sense of her 'herstory' and background, then I would
lead off with the ones I have outlined.

Now just as some women don't have a problem with being called
'bitches and hoes' and some African - Americans are fine with the
'N' word there definitely is a time and place for it.

And perhaps that time isn't "Looking for a she male for a LTR", or
"Looking for a she male to wife up".

Me personally I tend not to even respond to threads with the title
'she-male' in them, cause I know that it won't have any relevance
to me. :smh

01-29-2007, 08:54 PM
"Be vwerry quiet"

"I'm chasing twannies"

"Hehh, hehh, hehhh" http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/elmer2.jpg


01-30-2007, 07:08 AM
Hey! I admit it! I'm a tranny chaser! But you know, I always catch them cause they can't run that fast in heels. :D

01-30-2007, 10:44 AM
Hey! I admit it! I'm a tranny chaser! But you know, I always catch them cause they can't run that fast in heels. :D

{short drum roll and cymbal crash!}

After that joke, I'm running now too!

{short drum roll and cymbal crash!}

01-30-2007, 11:57 AM
Hey! I admit it! I'm a tranny chaser! But you know, I always catch them cause they can't run that fast in heels. :D

Now that's funny :lol:


01-30-2007, 04:38 PM
"Be vwerry quiet"

"I'm chasing twannies"

"Hehh, hehh, hehhh" http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/elmer2.jpg

:lol: :lol: :lol: Vewwy funny, Miss Peggy!

01-30-2007, 04:40 PM
8) I'm simply a man who appreciates femininity and the beauty and grace of the human form. I just don't really care what sex a beautiful person is.

06-03-2007, 12:53 AM

06-03-2007, 01:07 AM
Does every girl consider any guy who likes shemales a trannychaser? I hate that term.

Don't call them 'shemales', and maybe they won't call you
a 'trannychaser'
Exactly, Thank You

06-03-2007, 03:09 AM
It has never ceased to amaze me that a group largely unaccepted by the mainstream would classify those who regard them with respect in such a derogatory manner. Of course, when an individual has a sexual interest only, I can see where the term applies. However, a couple of times I've been called a "tranny chaser" by a tgirl, apparently because I'm willing to converse with them publicly and so forth. It made me want to ask if they would prefer I look disgusted at the very sight of them, as some people do. With some people, you just can't win. Of course, not every tgirl is like that, but as they say, one bad apple...

06-03-2007, 03:17 AM
Does every girl consider any guy who likes shemales a trannychaser? I hate that term.

Don't call them 'shemales', and maybe they won't call you
a 'trannychaser'


But that maybe is a big MAYBE.