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View Full Version : Are you a tranny-chaser or trans attracted male?

06-18-2010, 05:59 PM
Check out this video and then decide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5fa7pejQAg)

Also check out more of my Youtube videos here
http://www.youtube.com/user/brwneizs (http://www.youtube.com/user/brwneizs)

Free TG social network
setup a free profile and join in on the fun at www.tglovers.com (http://thetrannydiaries.ning.com/)

06-18-2010, 07:02 PM
good post


06-18-2010, 07:32 PM
thats crazy when hes finish he cant shit 4week proberly gona have to go doctors

06-18-2010, 08:32 PM
I've always thought the concept of a "tranny chaser" was a little strange. It's like saying a straight woman is a "man chaser" or getting mad at her and saying "You're just trying to date me because I'm a MAN! MAN CHASER!"

Even if she's just trying to fuck around with lots of guys we don't call her a "man chaser" -- we just call her promiscuous.

So why can't we say that there are guys who like transexuals, and there are guys who are sluts, and some of those guys are the same people.

It's almost like the ts community doesn't want guys around, even though very many of them are attracted to men. It'd be like a group of straight men who are openly hostile toward women just because the women found them attractive.

It's a pretty negative pattern, I think. If there are too many cavemen bumbling around trying to stick their cock places, why not focus on education instead?

06-18-2010, 08:58 PM
Beautiful boobays, but I can barely hear what the fuck she's saying.

Now for a non sequitor musical interlude!!

Cockhound, ( Hate that term!!LOL), tranny chaser, etc....whateva, I just luv tranny chicks!!

WTF!!?? Girls, please stop hating!!

06-18-2010, 09:17 PM
I've always thought the concept of a "tranny chaser" was a little strange. It's like saying a straight woman is a "man chaser" or getting mad at her and saying "You're just trying to date me because I'm a MAN! MAN CHASER!"

Even if she's just trying to fuck around with lots of guys we don't call her a "man chaser" -- we just call her promiscuous.

So why can't we say that there are guys who like transexuals, and there are guys who are sluts, and some of those guys are the same people.

It's almost like the ts community doesn't want guys around, even though very many of them are attracted to men. It'd be like a group of straight men who are openly hostile toward women just because the women found them attractive.

It's a pretty negative pattern, I think. If there are too many cavemen bumbling around trying to stick their cock places, why not focus on education instead?

The tainted part is ridiculous, imagine if every GG said that, or if every guy said that about TS. Everyone is someones LEFTOVERS or SECONDS no matter what!

TS like to use double standards, but be real the word tranny chaser is some insecure shit. I guess i will be a GG chaser the rest of my life, but no GG would ever say oh you fucked a girl before, i cant fuck with you. GTFOH!

06-18-2010, 09:20 PM
Yeah , I'm attracted to tgirls but it's as if they hold it against you or something. :shrug:

It's like that Groucho Marx quote about not joining a club that would have him as a member.

06-18-2010, 09:24 PM
How come we couldn't see her face? Also does it matter on the term? I mean some guys are dogs and players and will sleep anyone and some guys are nice guys. Its like that no matter if the guy is attracted to guys, girls, or TS's. To put a label on a guy for simply liking TS is ridiculous.

06-18-2010, 10:12 PM
Whats worse, a guy that will fuck ANYTHING walking, and there is alot of "You Guys out there" or a Guy that, is openly promiscuous, that is picky?

06-19-2010, 11:33 AM
I've always thought the concept of a "tranny chaser" was a little strange. It's like saying a straight woman is a "man chaser" or getting mad at her and saying "You're just trying to date me because I'm a MAN! MAN CHASER!"

Even if she's just trying to fuck around with lots of guys we don't call her a "man chaser" -- we just call her promiscuous.

So why can't we say that there are guys who like transexuals, and there are guys who are sluts, and some of those guys are the same people.

It's almost like the ts community doesn't want guys around, even though very many of them are attracted to men. It'd be like a group of straight men who are openly hostile toward women just because the women found them attractive.

It's a pretty negative pattern, I think. If there are too many cavemen bumbling around trying to stick their cock places, why not focus on education instead?
I with you on this one.

Nicole Dupre
06-19-2010, 02:15 PM

OMG! Look, my TS sisters! It's a bunch of tranny chasers discussing why finding free T-nookie isn't as easy as watching football. Life can be soooooo complicated and sooooooooooo unfair. I mean, Rockabilly is a nice guy on an internet forum, who has a jpg to post for comic relief in any and all situations. What more does a guy need to do to get a little poonTang around here? Wave around a supposed 75K on a porn forum? Jesus Christ. lol

06-19-2010, 03:06 PM
I'm really not here to start any shit or step on any toes but I gotta stand up and say something on behalf of all the guys, or as you call them " tranny chasers"

First of all, if there were no "tranny chasers" there would be no HA, the shemale porn industry would be an even smaller niche than it is right now, and most of the ladies who post here and even those that don't would most likely be out of work as a result so at least have the courtesy to not degrade the men that girls in the TG world make a living off of, its like getting fucked by a guy while at the same time bitching that he is fucking you, either accept it or don't but shut the fuck up already with all the hating.

Second of all, tgirls are not on some higher level of existence than women or men for that matter. Stop placing yourselves on some pedestal above everyone else, if you want to charge someone for your time or be a shemale pornstar that is your right to do so but you have to realize that by doing so you are in fact creating "tranny chasers"! Some guys just genuinely like tgirls and want to be involved with them in the same way they would be involved with a woman or man depending on their preferences. Their are sluts and whores from even gender pool and there are always gonna be people who want something for free but to make a blanket statement that covers men from all walks of life is not only unfounded, its immature at best.

What is with all the bitterness, if you all hate men so much then stop using us to support your way of life, its a hypocrisy of the highest order! And of course its harder to get with a tgirl because the ratio of tgirls to women is astronomicaly low but if there weren't guys who tried, where would you all be?

I thought tgirls wanted to be treated like gg's? Well guess what, there are guys who are loyal and treat women with respect and that are genuine/honest just like there are guys who will just chase any tail they can get, welcome to the real world. If you want to be on the level of gg's, which in my eyes you already are, then you have to accept the fact that someone can always be labeled as a "chaser", but what and how they chase is the difference!

Besides, like I said, if you post naked pictures of yourself all over the net and have videos of you getting fucked one simple google search away, then where do you really come off feeling used and only seen as a sexual object,regardless of gender. I doubt you care anymore about who I am personally as I care about who you are personally, except I'm not charging for my time or using you to make some bank! You peddle the oldest commodity on the planet, SEX! And partake in one of the oldest and easiest of professions, escorting/prostituting, are you really so surprised why some men treat you the way they do or act the way they do?

Nicole Dupre
06-19-2010, 03:17 PM
No. You're wrong. Tgirls are more rare than GGs and men. I didn't say better. I said more rare.

Second, you are talking about sex work AND dating. A guy who goes to a strip club looking for a GF is an idiot. A guy who discusses wanting a GF in a strip club is an idiot. Pick ONE topic and stick with it. You guys come to a porn forum to discuss why you're dating material, using pics of superheroes as your avs, and you want to be taken seriously? Please. Quality dating isn't easy for ANYONE. But you sure as fuck are not going to get anywhere with dating on a porn forum, unless you want to pay for it. This is not rocket science.

06-19-2010, 03:36 PM
If any guy comes here thinking he is gonna get a date, then yeah, he gets what he deserves in that respect. Its obvious to anyone with a brain that this whole forum is a vehicle to make money off of "tranny chasers" who are drooling at the chance to get with the girls who post here and the girls here are very smart and clever about making guys feel like they can come here and connect when in reality its just guys looking to get laid and tgirls looking to get paid, end of story!

06-19-2010, 04:58 PM
If any guy comes here thinking he is gonna get a date, then yeah, he gets what he deserves in that respect. Its obvious to anyone with a brain that this whole forum is a vehicle to make money off of "tranny chasers" who are drooling at the chance to get with the girls who post here and the girls here are very smart and clever about making guys feel like they can come here and connect when in reality its just guys looking to get laid and tgirls looking to get paid, end of story!


Pin, meet bubble. Truth hurts, but it feels so DAMN good!!.:fuckin:

I know why guys who frequent HA get confused though. You talk to enough girls here online and sometimes you forget that mostly it's a venue for escorts to connect with johns. Sometimes HA is more than that, but at its core, it's an escort/porno promotional service.

There's another thread somewhere about a guy who wants to lose his tgirl virginity, but doesn't want to go to an escort, as the experience might be tainted from an emotional standpoint.

Guys act like there are MILLIONS of transgendered women in the world, when in fact it's just a fraction of that number. IMO there's no shame in seeing a TG who escorts, but expecting a relationship to develop from that encounter is naive.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, there's a higher concentration of tgirls in the adult entertainment/services industry than those one may encounter in the 'civilian' world, so if you wanna find a pretty TG, if you go this route, most often she's charging a fee for her time.

I will say the upside is that many TGs are cool chicks, even the professionals.
Not all, but more than one would think IMO.

Even I get caught up in wanting to see a girl on a more steady basis, but there aren't really too many places on the interwebz that cater to that kind of desire.

I'd say 97% of HA is about the business, and 3% is other, for both the guys AND the girls.

If you can spark a meaningful relationship from mining that 3 percent, more power to ya!

06-19-2010, 05:08 PM
If you're looking for a date with a TG then maybe join somewhere like TSdating. This is a porn/escort board.

Nicole Dupre
06-19-2010, 05:58 PM
If you're looking for a date with a TG then maybe join somewhere like TSdating. This is a porn/escort board.

Thank you.

I mean, really. What's next? Looking to score with virgin pussy in a convent?

06-19-2010, 06:01 PM
Well, even before watching the video, how about defining everyone as "a love attracted human being" , instead of any other definition..

(..and now, after watching the video, I must say that I truly feel you on this..)

In the times we live in, or in the world we live in, for some f*cked up reason people are filling their minds with social behaviour patterns, (religious and legal wise) - and I do not see the sense in judging anyones affection, by their ability to loose a social mask. Sure that is a spiritual state of maturation maybe, but I am thinking it might be misleading to try to categorize others as chasers, if they simply cannot get rid of their fears about "what the outside society might do to them, if someone noticed their affection to a lovely TS girl"..

..I really see your point, but it is not just the TGirls struggling with this situation we live in this world right now. Perhaps it would need also a little more understanding from the girls part, that it really is a total mask removal, when someone considers to go out.

Personally I hate social masks, I hate it on other people, and I hate when I see myself wearing one (even slightly), because I associate such behacing with lying (and deminishing onesself - and the people around you), even though in some parts of the world it might be the only means for survival.

So therefor, the term tranny chaser - might actually be a bit too broad a word, and way of brushing someone off ones life. There must be understanding, and love from both parties - (for any relationship to work), and it just might be that in some cases you girls perhaps could see things a bit more from the guys standpoint -> that way you might also help these guys to understand that they are battling their fears (and honesty issues, towards themselves and the others), instead of their feelings toward you.

..Just saying..

Nicole Dupre
06-19-2010, 06:04 PM
and the girls here are very smart and clever about making guys feel like they can come here and connect when in reality its just guys looking to get laid and tgirls looking to get paid, end of story!

Stop smoking pot. It's turning your lonely brain to mush. The girls are not "making guys feel like" anything. There's no deception. The same expectations you gentelemen have exist both before and after we post here.

Nicole Dupre
06-19-2010, 06:19 PM
Let me ask you guys something. Do you think being on here and pondering why you can't hook up with trannys makes you more sexy and desirable? Because it really doesn't. It makes you look LAME.

And this guy with the pot leaf av is telling us he thinks of us as GGs. Well, guess what? We don't need your validation. But thanks. And btw, GG's think guys who try to make real strides in their love life on porn forums are losers. So now you have the GGs AND trannys thinking you're a dweeb.

Nicole Dupre
06-19-2010, 06:21 PM
Do you see JWBL on this thread, wondering what the secret to getting a tranny in bed is? No, you don't. And there's a reason for that.

06-19-2010, 06:54 PM
Who's JWBL?

06-19-2010, 07:01 PM
I mean, really. What's next? Looking to score with virgin pussy in a convent?

Wasted afternoon, THAT was! :shrug


06-19-2010, 07:03 PM
Let me ask you guys something. Do you think being on here and pondering why you can't hook up with trannys makes you more sexy and desirable? Because it really doesn't. It makes you look LAME.

Well, I personally could - and can, but I understand those who cannot.

We cannot categorize everyone under one simple term - is what I was meaning. Although I understand that there might be those who are not that serious about getting a relationship, but then again there are those who would be very serious - unless they had to pretend something else than they really are, in the society.

I'm not sure if that remark was made for me, but yes I consider myself very sexy :) (and so do many girls that have passed my life)

06-19-2010, 10:22 PM
This is a good thread, with a good video to introduce and explain this subject.

Now i can safely say: i'm a trans-attracted male:dancing:

06-20-2010, 12:12 AM
good video..good point of view.

06-20-2010, 12:14 AM
Wasted afternoon, THAT was! :shrug


:):)...those nuns aint all that!!

06-20-2010, 12:26 AM
:):)...those nuns aint all that!!

O'rly? Meet sister Helen.

Nicole Dupre
06-20-2010, 01:57 AM
I knew a lesbian with a nun fetish. I even tattooed a nun on her leg about 5 years ago actually.

06-20-2010, 06:25 PM
Just so you know....its not a matter of hating Tranny Chasers. I personally feel that a man can only do to you what you allow him to do. So if you allow yourself to be objectified...that is exactly what will occur.

My issue is with guys who pretend to not be in it for the sex but clearly they are. I think its important for men who deal with transsexual to expand their ideals of what a transsexual is. Lets face it...most guys only see transsexual as one dimensional sexual beings.

I don't solely place the blam on the shoulders of the men because often time its the transsexual who are objectifying themselves...

I'm really not here to start any shit or step on any toes but I gotta stand up and say something on behalf of all the guys, or as you call them " tranny chasers"

First of all, if there were no "tranny chasers" there would be no HA, the shemale porn industry would be an even smaller niche than it is right now, and most of the ladies who post here and even those that don't would most likely be out of work as a result so at least have the courtesy to not degrade the men that girls in the TG world make a living off of, its like getting fucked by a guy while at the same time bitching that he is fucking you, either accept it or don't but shut the fuck up already with all the hating.

Second of all, tgirls are not on some higher level of existence than women or men for that matter. Stop placing yourselves on some pedestal above everyone else, if you want to charge someone for your time or be a shemale pornstar that is your right to do so but you have to realize that by doing so you are in fact creating "tranny chasers"! Some guys just genuinely like tgirls and want to be involved with them in the same way they would be involved with a woman or man depending on their preferences. Their are sluts and whores from even gender pool and there are always gonna be people who want something for free but to make a blanket statement that covers men from all walks of life is not only unfounded, its immature at best.

What is with all the bitterness, if you all hate men so much then stop using us to support your way of life, its a hypocrisy of the highest order! And of course its harder to get with a tgirl because the ratio of tgirls to women is astronomicaly low but if there weren't guys who tried, where would you all be?

I thought tgirls wanted to be treated like gg's? Well guess what, there are guys who are loyal and treat women with respect and that are genuine/honest just like there are guys who will just chase any tail they can get, welcome to the real world. If you want to be on the level of gg's, which in my eyes you already are, then you have to accept the fact that someone can always be labeled as a "chaser", but what and how they chase is the difference!

Besides, like I said, if you post naked pictures of yourself all over the net and have videos of you getting fucked one simple google search away, then where do you really come off feeling used and only seen as a sexual object,regardless of gender. I doubt you care anymore about who I am personally as I care about who you are personally, except I'm not charging for my time or using you to make some bank! You peddle the oldest commodity on the planet, SEX! And partake in one of the oldest and easiest of professions, escorting/prostituting, are you really so surprised why some men treat you the way they do or act the way they do?

Nicole Dupre
06-20-2010, 07:10 PM
In porn, being objectified is the nature of the beast. But the big difference is, tranny chasers are 99% in the closet and LIE. They lie - not only to us, their wives, their kids, their friends, and their families, but also - TO THEMSELVES. The first person they want to prove to that they're "not gay" is themselves, even though the jury is still out, showing no signs of returning with a verdict on the subject any time soon. So, instead of not caring what they "are", having healthy self-esteem, and just behaving like sane adults; they selfishly play stupid fucking games.

Tranny admirers are not not game-players, and tranny chasers ARE. They behave like promiscuous cock-thirsty gay men, yet they want the convenience of going back to their fake lives, and throwing around words like "fag" and "queer". They're the first people to hang us out to dry when it comes to something important. Well, fellas, that's why you pay; you pay for discretion. We allow you to go back to your full of shit "straight" lives and LIE. So, when you eventually try getting freebies and playing games, YOU ARE INDEED BEING BIGTIME FAGGOTS. And I'm not talking your sexuality here. I'm talking about you being a bunch of pussys. :2cent

06-20-2010, 09:13 PM
legally it will be considered a mental illness/disease.

so any one who dress like a woman and or transitions will be considered for all intents and purposes mentally ill.

those who or attracted to them will have a legal definition too.

I with you on this one.

Nicole Dupre
06-20-2010, 09:36 PM
Please, Brenda. It's because of crazy CDs like you, who are running away from the police, that the psych community might feel being TS is a mental illness; guys like you, Ottis Toole, and Ed Gein.

06-20-2010, 10:06 PM
I've always thought the concept of a "tranny chaser" was a little strange. It's like saying a straight woman is a "man chaser" or getting mad at her and saying "You're just trying to date me because I'm a MAN! MAN CHASER!"

Calling a tranny chaser a tranny chaser is totally valid, whereas calling a woman a "man chaser" is not. Women search out guys for all sorts of reasons, but a hypersexual-in-the-closet-lust-for-cock is generally not at the forefront. However, cock-lust is THE raison d'etre for tranny chasers, and as long as there is a hint of make-up +/- implants, it's enough of a "feminine cock" for most tranny chasers.

Most guys lie to themselves and say it is about the girl, but it's not. Tranny chasers are always objectifying the girls by thinking about cock.

06-20-2010, 11:06 PM
I can see both points of view here, but Nicole, feel like you're really angry toward men. I guess if the men you're around most of the time act like what you're describing -- the lying, cheating, gay bashing, self loathing, in the closet type. I don't like being lumped in there for my sexual preference. It's too much baggage, and the baggage sure as shit isn't mine.

I hope you find people who make you really happy, Nicole, I do.

06-20-2010, 11:27 PM
Wasted afternoon, THAT was! :shrug



06-20-2010, 11:29 PM
Never cared for throwing around labels myself. Labels are just another way to discriminate.

06-20-2010, 11:38 PM
Labels suck, and that's really what a lot of this is.

I would like to think of myself as an 'admirer' rather than a 'chaser' or 'trans-attracted male', but your mileage may vary.

I never watched the vid in the original post because the sound quality sucked and I couldn't make any kind of sound decision based on gobbledy-gook.

Yet, seriously, I am one of the few T-admirers that has no shame in telling the world that yes, I suck cock, yes, I take it up the ass, and yes, it's none of you're fucking business what I do with my mouth, dick, and ass.

Jeezus! People are so fucking shallow as to worry about =MY= lack of sex life. Thank you! Please send money!

06-21-2010, 12:11 AM
If a girl sees a guy on a professional basis, how does she differentiate whether he's a tranny chaser' or a 'tranny admirer'??

Whether or not I'm paying for her time, I don't think someone could tell the difference between how I treat a girl who escorts versus one who does not. The only thing not the same would be obviously, with an escort, I rightfully (because of my prior donation)expect to have sex with her.

Honestly, if this was anyone else but Nicole making this point, I would call BS because IMO it's a distinction without a difference.
But because it IS Nicole(!) I'm warping my brain to get her point.

If it's about some guys that obsessively pursue tgirls but who at the same time are conflicted sexually and on some level are in denial about their sexual preference, I get that, sort of, as being a 'tranny chaser'.

As for Phobun, I don't know many guys who rate all TGs the same with the only criteria being that they have a penis. Some dudes clearly are overly preoccupied with a girl's cock, but if I were to use Phobun's rationale, men who lust for tgirls are using a TG's 'femininity' as a cover for their total cock craving and latent homosexuality.

To have a strong sexual desire to be with a TG, including her cock, I still don't understand how that makes you a 'tranny chaser'.

As for Nicole, when she says a guy is a 'tranny chaser', I think she's talking about something quite different.

Just all very confusing.

06-21-2010, 12:18 AM
Calling a tranny chaser a tranny chaser is totally valid, whereas calling a woman a "man chaser" is not. Women search out guys for all sorts of reasons, but a hypersexual-in-the-closet-lust-for-cock is generally not at the forefront. However, cock-lust is THE raison d'etre for tranny chasers, and as long as there is a hint of make-up +/- implants, it's enough of a "feminine cock" for most tranny chasers.

Most guys lie to themselves and say it is about the girl, but it's not. Tranny chasers are always objectifying the girls by thinking about cock.

Lol, guess I'm not too up on labels and how people views Ts's but the notion of a "feminine cock" is a little strange, what's feminine about a cock & balls?

06-21-2010, 12:19 AM
They keep running , so how do they expect guys to catch them if they don't chase them?

Think about it.

06-21-2010, 12:25 AM
They keep running , so how do they expect guys to catch them if they don't chase them?

Think about it.
Yeah, good point.;)

06-21-2010, 03:12 AM
Do you see JWBL on this thread, wondering what the secret to getting a tranny in bed is? No, you don't. And there's a reason for that.

Is it because Jennifer Paris has him locked in a trunk at the foot of her bed in a full-on gimp suit complete with ball-gag?

Nicole Dupre
06-21-2010, 04:02 AM
is it because jennifer paris has him locked in a trunk at the foot of her bed in a full-on gimp suit complete with ball-gag?
no comment. ;)

Nicole Dupre
06-21-2010, 04:19 AM
I can see both points of view here, but Nicole, feel like you're really angry toward men. I guess if the men you're around most of the time act like what you're describing -- the lying, cheating, gay bashing, self loathing, in the closet type. I don't like being lumped in there for my sexual preference. It's too much baggage, and the baggage sure as shit isn't mine.

I hope you find people who make you really happy, Nicole, I do."Really"? I mean, do you "really hope" that? Awwwww. Thanks. I love a little patronizing on a beautiful Sunday evening. lol

But do you "feel like", or you're just making convenient assumptions to feel better?

Because I still think you're in the same boat as every other guy on a porn forum. (You do know that this is a porn forum, right? Where the girls are generally sex workers? Or did you think this was a Day of Remembrance, or the fouth floor of Callen-Lorde?)

Imo you want to play, but can't come to grips with the PAY. Well, good luck with that. See you at the next Pride Parade, or maybe the next Miss Continental Pageant. ;)

06-21-2010, 07:44 AM
"Really"? I mean, do you "really hope" that? Awwwww. Thanks. I love a little patronizing on a beautiful Sunday evening. lol

But do you "feel like", or you're just making convenient assumptions to feel better?

Because I still think you're in the same boat as every other guy on a porn forum. (You do know that this is a porn forum, right? Where the girls are generally sex workers? Or did you think this was a Day of Remembrance, or the fouth floor of Callen-Lorde?)

Imo you want to play, but can't come to grips with the PAY. Well, good luck with that. See you at the next Pride Parade, or maybe the next Miss Continental Pageant. ;)

I'm not following....

What's wrong with being on a porn forum for porn? Everyone that does that and/or everyone that has his (or her) own porn stash is an automatic loser?

That's alot of losers then.....like....80% of the male internet population.

Include me in the losers club too.....with pride, I guess.....

Nevermind that TS's are a dime a dozen in the Bay Area.

06-21-2010, 07:52 AM
Calling a tranny chaser a tranny chaser is totally valid, whereas calling a woman a "man chaser" is not.

roll eyes:screwy

Nicole Dupre
06-21-2010, 08:02 AM
Of course not. But you don't go to a strip club looking for a bride. Right? You go to shove bills in their G strings, have them grind their ass and pussy on your crotch, and rub their tits in your face.

But coming on HA? And trying tell everyone what a unique and special individual you are? So you don't want to pay for sex? Well, that's just lame.

Maybe this guy needs to move to Frisco. Help him out with this, Armanixxx.

06-21-2010, 02:38 PM
The 'problem' with HA is that it lapses into being a social networking forum, not just a board that allows girls to connect with potential clients or to promote themselves.

SO the girls become MORE than just escorts or adult entertainment entrepreneurs in the eyes of many members, ( that sounds fucked up LOL! - just meant that a guy should assume because this is a porn forum, men should take to heart that most girls here are trying to establish their 'brand' with potential johns/customers), and forget that sex is still a commodity being traded here.

There's a distance an escort in real time keeps between herself and a client that doesn't always exist here; even if it's a tiny slice, TGs open up a part of their lives on HA to admirers/chasers that doesn't always deal with discussing the 'job', which sucks in TG lovers even more, like quicksand(!).

Personally speaking, I talk about miscellaneous shit here to random girls I would NEVER, EVER discuss in real time with an escort.

So instead of liking how a girl looks, you can have instances where you simply like the GIRL.

And any guy who potentially likes a working escort as more than a casual friend is setting themselves up for PROBLEMS.

Bottom line, no matter how 'connected' you feel to a girl on HA, or anywhere for that matter, going in, knowing that she's an escort, and expecting her to float her ass to you for free is a chump move.

That's really the decision only a girl can make, not an expectation an admirer/chaser/lover should have. EVER.

06-21-2010, 11:43 PM
Of course not. But you don't go to a strip club looking for a bride. Right? You go to shove bills in their G strings, have them grind their ass and pussy on your crotch, and rub their tits in your face.

But coming on HA? And trying tell everyone what a unique and special individual you are? So you don't want to pay for sex? Well, that's just lame.

Maybe this guy needs to move to Frisco. Help him out with this, Armanixxx.


We got enough losers here already.

06-22-2010, 12:03 AM
legally it will be considered a mental illness/disease.

so any one who dress like a woman and or transitions will be considered for all intents and purposes mentally ill.

those who or attracted to them will have a legal definition too.

legally it will be considered a mental illness/disease.

so any one who dress like a woman and or transitions will be considered for all intents and purposes mentally ill.

those who or attracted to them will have a legal definition too.

06-22-2010, 12:11 AM
legally it will be considered a mental illness/disease.

so any one who dress like a woman and or transitions will be considered for all intents and purposes mentally ill.

those who or attracted to them will have a legal definition too.

Hey tsbrenda,
Quick and curious Question that I hope you don't mind,

Are you a full time ts, part time, or something else?

Nicole Dupre
06-22-2010, 01:02 AM
I seriously doubt he'll share with us here. But I can tell you what I've observed/read.

He's a married CD. There were lots of pretty crazy stories coming from him on this really sad CD forum (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/) a few years ago, and they eventually banned him from it. Over there, he was a bit antagonistic. On here he seems a little more intimidated by the realness factor, and by the fact that most people are somewhat literate.

But let's see. Based on his own posts; he rents out lockers to other married guys to hide their girly clothes from their wives, has been chased by the cops dressed as a woman, gets changed in trailers in abandoned lots, ruins his wife's clothing by wearing it and jerking off in it, etc, etc. Seriously, he's fascinating in a train wreck kinda way, but also very scary. He lives for the excitement of risk-taking. And after what I've read on that forum, there is no way in hell that he is a physician or studied medicine. That was his claim on here about 5 years ago.

He's pretty much the embodiment of what I can't relate to in crossdressers; the pathological Buffalo Bill-type people, a la Ed Gein.

06-22-2010, 01:08 AM
Its put the lotion on it skin or else it gets the hose again.

06-22-2010, 01:17 AM
a brick is a so called ts that look manly/rough and somewhat cartoonish.

not soft or womanly looking at all but a bitter hard lookin brick with a worn out duke chute (ass hole).YUCK!

the brick (arianne aka nicole dupre)does not know me. illusions of knowing me and of having information about me are totally false.

Hey tsbrenda,
Quick and curious Question that I hope you don't mind,

Are you a full time ts, part time, or something else?

06-22-2010, 01:33 AM
Nicole Dupre said,
Based on his own posts; he rents out lockers to other married guys to hide their girly clothes from their wives, has been chased by the cops dressed as a woman, gets changed in trailers in abandoned lots, ruins his wife's clothing by wearing it and jerking off in it, etc, etc. Seriously, he's fascinating in a train wreck kinda way, but also very scary. He lives for the excitement of risk-taking.
Is this true or partially true, tsbrenda,

Or is this mostly a lie?

Nicole Dupre
06-22-2010, 01:56 AM
Brenda, you've posted enough bricks in your bullshit threads to rebuild the Berlin Wall. For the most part, I feel like I've been watching a Rikers Island production of La Cage with an all-black cast.

06-22-2010, 03:23 AM
nicole dupri aka arianne the hardest brick on hungangels
a brick is a so called ts that look manly/rough and somewhat cartoonish.

not soft or womanly looking at all but a bitter hard lookin brick with a worn out duke chute (ass hole).YUCK!

the brick (arianne aka nicole dupre)does not know me. illusions of knowing me and of having information about me are totally false.

06-22-2010, 03:27 AM
Ahh, ol' duke chutes!! My fave new vocabulary word from HA~~!!

Nicole Dupre
06-22-2010, 03:49 AM
I wouldn't want to know you. Hell, according to you, your wife doesn't really know you very well either.

And, if the stories are false, blame yourself. You told them, you illiterate crossdressing baboon. But other people on HA are familiar with your creepy posts on there as well, so deny it all you like. You can't make up the shit that you've talked about. But go ahead. Deny it, because anyone who wants to can contact the mod on that forum, who banned you, and they'll confirm it too. See if I care, you big liar.

Oh, and yes. My real name is actually Arianna. Big deal. That, and £ 51.99, will buy you a new mask (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://gfx.adzooks.co.uk/upl/F/97F2CA4F5B7397C840C13D569B2F2F88.jpg&imgrefurl=http://london.adzooks.co.uk/for-sale/personal-accessories/latex-mask-for-crossdressing-3607885.html&usg=__U3nxzRo65qxDxhRXaQGNY1qeKeY=&h=604&w=336&sz=31&hl=en&start=9&sig2=NtAeXfW4mBdXQwmjZk5r9w&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=Zi3CMsgCJFBJTM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=75&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcrossdresser%2Bmask%26um%3D1%26hl%3De n%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26qscrl%3D1%26gbv%3D2%26tb s%3Disch:1&ei=ARQgTI3FI9KInAfhloTnDw) to go trick or treating in, sissy boy.

06-23-2010, 01:25 AM
"Really"? I mean, do you "really hope" that? Awwwww. Thanks. I love a little patronizing on a beautiful Sunday evening. lol

But do you "feel like", or you're just making convenient assumptions to feel better?

Because I still think you're in the same boat as every other guy on a porn forum. (You do know that this is a porn forum, right? Where the girls are generally sex workers? Or did you think this was a Day of Remembrance, or the fouth floor of Callen-Lorde?)

Imo you want to play, but can't come to grips with the PAY. Well, good luck with that. See you at the next Pride Parade, or maybe the next Miss Continental Pageant. ;)

As silly as it may seem, no, I didn't really realize this was a porn forum at first. I mean, I knew there was porn on it, but I actually saw coming here as an opportunity to learn about transsexual cultural norms... there are plenty of porn sites out there.

06-23-2010, 04:10 AM
This forum is educational , had i never joined HA i would have been deprived terms like "powerbottom" or "chaser" and how can i not mention .... "feminine cock". lol

06-23-2010, 04:19 AM
great video!

Nicole Dupre
06-23-2010, 05:01 AM
Transsexual... "cultural norms"? lol


Transsexual Cultural Norm #1 - We are rare. (The more attractive, the more rare. We were born with testicles, remember? How many people born with balls and a dick can turn you on in the same way that an attractive biological woman can?)

Transsexual Cultural Norm #2 - You must seek us out.

Transsexual Cultural Norm #3 - Just because you might have found one of us, doesn't mean we were looking for you or that we'll find you attractive enough to even talk to you, let alone sleep with you.

Transsexual Cultural Norm #4 - If you feel like you "shouldn't have to pay" for the convenience of having an experience with a TS escort because you're "not like all the other guys out there"; by all means, try your luck and start pounding the pavement. Someone else will pay us for our time while you're being "different".

Transsexual Cultural Norm #5 - We don't care if you ever get what you want in life. There are things that we want in life, and you probably aren't on that list and won't be any time soon.

Good luck.

06-23-2010, 07:27 AM
I with you on this one.

I've always thought the concept of a "tranny chaser" was a little strange. It's like saying a straight woman is a "man chaser" or getting mad at her and saying "You're just trying to date me because I'm a MAN! MAN CHASER!"

Even if she's just trying to fuck around with lots of guys we don't call her a "man chaser" -- we just call her promiscuous.

So why can't we say that there are guys who like transexuals, and there are guys who are sluts, and some of those guys are the same people.

It's almost like the ts community doesn't want guys around, even though very many of them are attracted to men. It'd be like a group of straight men who are openly hostile toward women just because the women found them attractive.

It's a pretty negative pattern, I think. If there are too many cavemen bumbling around trying to stick their cock places, why not focus on education instead?

Looks like you need a little education. A chaser is not simply any guy who is attracted to T-girls, but rather a slimeball who follows the chicks around with their dick in their hand, all over the clubs....these guys are generally jerk-off zombies. Some chasers however do pick-up. I suppose the biggest quality is that most chasers are in the closet...living a double life. Go out to a tranny club and look around, You'll see some guys hanging out and having normal conversations and interactions with the people around them, then there are guys who stand out for the lecherous antics. Those guys are chasers.

08-16-2010, 11:00 PM
Looks like its time for a reminder course for the guys who seem to be unsure of their sexuality

08-18-2010, 04:50 AM
I've always thought the concept of a "tranny chaser" was a little strange. It's like saying a straight woman is a "man chaser" or getting mad at her and saying "You're just trying to date me because I'm a MAN! MAN CHASER!"

Even if she's just trying to fuck around with lots of guys we don't call her a "man chaser" -- we just call her promiscuous.

So why can't we say that there are guys who like transexuals, and there are guys who are sluts, and some of those guys are the same people.

It's almost like the ts community doesn't want guys around, even though very many of them are attracted to men. It'd be like a group of straight men who are openly hostile toward women just because the women found them attractive.

It's a pretty negative pattern, I think. If there are too many cavemen bumbling around trying to stick their cock places, why not focus on education instead?

really, really, good points. two thumbs up.