View Full Version : iphone 4

06-07-2010, 11:57 PM

Not only did previous iPhone users just get screwed (again)
they also just got hung angel-style fucked by Jobs sticking exclusively with the deathstar (worst network in the states) AT&T.........

funny how AT&T began to fuck over their customers on 6/1 with data capping and suddenly the phone dependant on unlimited data arrives.............

Android is starting to look better and better IMO


06-08-2010, 12:06 AM

Not only did previous iPhone users just get screwed (again)
they also just got hung angel-style fucked by Jobs sticking exclusively with the deathstar (worst network in the states) AT&T.........

funny how AT&T began to fuck over their customers on 6/1 with data capping and suddenly the phone dependant on unlimited data arrives.............

Android is starting to look better and better IMO


Previous owners, keep there unlimited data plan, according to my local at&T store, so im good to go when #4 ships out.

06-08-2010, 12:22 AM
yeah I still have my unlimited plan, but still, newbies will argue EVERY other company and their data package when they weigh the pros & cons

06-08-2010, 12:27 AM
You know it's only a metter of time before they all cap

AT&T (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/03/technology/03phone.html?scp=9&sq=at&t&st=cse)

06-08-2010, 12:48 AM
the HTC EVO 4G is shitting all over this (honestly there's no comparison at this point). I will give the iPhone props for two things 1. The size of the phone and 2. the marketing that will go behind it (and encourage people to buy a product that doesn't work well using its primary function-making calls).

06-08-2010, 01:01 AM
the HTC EVO 4G is shitting all over this (honestly there's no comparison at this point). I will give the iPhone props for two things 1. The size of the phone and 2. the marketing that will go behind it (and encourage people to buy a product that doesn't work well using its primary function-making calls).

Glad that i am not the only one who feels this way about the phone :) I went bonkers when i saw exactly how fast the internet was ! The Hd screen on and on . I LOVE THE EVO . I am using my Old hero as my second line . Both Android phones . But Evo does put all phones to shame :Bowdown:

06-08-2010, 01:15 AM
You know it's only a metter of time before they all cap

AT&T (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/03/technology/03phone.html?scp=9&sq=at&t&st=cse)

Apparently there are some people (2%) hogging up the network and most of them own iPhones

06-08-2010, 01:32 AM
I donīt get all the IPhone hype.

06-08-2010, 02:27 AM
i hope the tide finally turns again and screws steve jobs ala pc vs Macintosh. That dudes a prick.

Although i love android(by google) i do have to question if google will become like them or worse. Anyone remember the privacy issues with them?:mad:

Solitary Brother
06-08-2010, 02:58 AM
You say you wont get this phone but you will ........AGAIN.
This phone is bad ass.
I shudder when I imagine all the creative uses the trannyset will concoct for
Apples vaunted "FACETIME" videoconferencing.

06-08-2010, 04:09 AM
I won't get the iPhone again. I can say that because I have the HD2, and the MyTouch Slide, so I have the best of all 3 OS worlds, all I honestly need is the now archaic but best designed smartphone ever the n900 to finish off my brief collection.........

as nice as the Evo is, until it gets 2.2 Froyo the Nexus One shits on it like a newbie shits on a trany's........................nvm too graphic

bottomline is this, until AT&T takes all the money they've robbed folks of over the past 4 years and invests in their troubled (drops every other 3g call) network, the iPhone will be half assed..........

one thing I will say in Apple's favor: I've had the same sim card in my iPhone since day one, and the battery has never failed me, until HTC (or Blackberry for that matter) design a phone that doesn't burn out sim cards or doesn't need a $40+ replacement battery quarterly Apple wins system design.....

06-08-2010, 04:41 AM
I won't get the iPhone again. I can say that because I have the HD2, and the MyTouch Slide, so I have the best of all 3 OS worlds, all I honestly need is the now archaic but best designed smartphone ever the n900 to finish off my brief collection.........

as nice as the Evo is, until it gets 2.2 Froyo the Nexus One shits on it like a newbie shits on a trany's........................nvm too graphic

bottomline is this, until AT&T takes all the money they've robbed folks of over the past 4 years and invests in their troubled (drops every other 3g call) network, the iPhone will be half assed..........

one thing I will say in Apple's favor: I've had the same sim card in my iPhone since day one, and the battery has never failed me, until HTC (or Blackberry for that matter) design a phone that doesn't burn out sim cards or doesn't need a $40+ replacement battery quarterly Apple wins system design.....

Why does one person need so many phones? :geek: :loser:

06-08-2010, 05:19 AM
In 6 months a 64GB model will be released anyway.

06-08-2010, 06:12 AM
In 6 months a 64GB model will be released anyway.

who needs 64gb in a phone, half the ppl cant fill a 8gb

06-08-2010, 11:12 AM
It can now shoot and edit HD video w/ imovie on your iphone.

06-08-2010, 12:08 PM
It can now shoot and edit HD video w/ imovie on your iphone.

half the ppl with macs cant even work imovie, maybe it could be a good thing educationally, but i doubt ill be wasting space on my phone when i can edit video, fine on my macbookpro.

Video Conferencing from the phone = the future well see how long it takes for the competition to catch on.

06-08-2010, 04:35 PM
I refuse to play the AT & T game, but Apple's marketing is brilliant. The facetime vids with couples sharing baby video calls and whatnot almost compelled me to upgrade!

06-08-2010, 05:56 PM
I will probably get one. I'm only a few months into my contract so reuppingitwount drag me out too bad. And I'm in DC/MD where my service isn't bad...not great but hey I came from nexte. So anythings better. I'm looking forward to it and 4.0 OS as well

Dina Delicious
06-08-2010, 10:50 PM


06-08-2010, 10:56 PM
Well i love being EMO. :p

06-08-2010, 11:45 PM
So the network is the worst factor in the US too? Same here in Holland, we have to deal with the crappy T-Mobile network when we buy an iPhone...

06-09-2010, 02:18 AM
I won't get the iPhone again. I can say that because I have the HD2, and the MyTouch Slide, so I have the best of all 3 OS worlds, all I honestly need is the now archaic but best designed smartphone ever the n900 to finish off my brief collection.........

as nice as the Evo is, until it gets 2.2 Froyo the Nexus One shits on it like a newbie shits on a trany's........................nvm too graphic

bottomline is this, until AT&T takes all the money they've robbed folks of over the past 4 years and invests in their troubled (drops every other 3g call) network, the iPhone will be half assed..........

one thing I will say in Apple's favor: I've had the same sim card in my iPhone since day one, and the battery has never failed me, until HTC (or Blackberry for that matter) design a phone that doesn't burn out sim cards or doesn't need a $40+ replacement battery quarterly Apple wins system design.....

what good is the nexus one if its on a crappy network? google dropped the ball on how they marketed the phone. They wouldn't let me get the upgrade price because i have a flimsy 10% corporate discount with my now ex-tmobile plan. I still don't understand what it matters to them. They refused to sell it with tmobile or any retail stores (until now a new announcement was made and we're still waiting). With tmobile they could of sold it even at 528!$(or w.e it was) with an the installment plan they offer but google refused to go that route.

Now you see new better phones coming out 6 months later, and now is when they are thinking they should sell it in retail stores. Verizon, Sprint, and att were going to get it and dropped it for newer phones well because google 2-stepped.

To end it, tmobile has a shitty 3g speed, and call drops all the time no matter what phone. I just ran a speed test on my g1 for their network and its shows 250kbps, 88kbps, 500kbps, .... all inconsistent while downloading, and these speeds is when you actually get 3g.

With sprint and the evo, im getting a better plan deal, and consistent speeds between 500-650kbps. Who cares about froyo for now if its a faster better network the phone is on. If its that important im sure they will have a froyo rom to flash onto the evo pretty soon, since it seems its sold out almost everywere, meaning more people interested in development for android and evo roms.

06-09-2010, 02:40 AM
Video Conferencing from the phone = the future well see how long it takes for the competition to catch on.

YouTube- Skype IM and Video Chat on The Nokia N900 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BsMBu_p6ng)
best of all its skype so its free and everyone already uses is so you dont need 2 iphones for this to work