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View Full Version : The McMillan's on Oprah.................................

11-10-2005, 04:43 AM
Terry McMillan and her gay ex husband on Oprah today and from what I heard he got verbally assaulted from both women.....................wow

anyone see it, I heard about it on the radio

personally I think Terry knew about him being gay for years and didn't say anything out of fear of her publishing.................

11-10-2005, 04:45 AM
Haven't watched it yet but from the few minutes I saw, it was brutal. They were going at him pretty hard.

11-10-2005, 03:27 PM
I am not surprised. I've seen Oprah go after or cut the mike on people she wanted to humuliate. I have never been a fan of her and don't watch the show - especially since she moved from the more gritty stories to Book of the Month, Brad Pitt and how to decorate McMansions shows.

11-10-2005, 05:38 PM
Haven't watched it yet but from the few minutes I saw, it was brutal. They were going at him pretty hard.

Being married to a woman like her, I can SEE why he went gay. :P

And remember, this is Operah......her fanbase are men-hating women that, had Terry done that to him, they'd all be shouting, "You go, girl!" :roll:

And another thing, these older women, especially one's like Terry.....have big egos and go ballistic if anything is made to make em look bad.

11-10-2005, 05:51 PM
What I don't understand is why they would want to air
their dirty laundry in public like that. They must be
wanting to try and parlay this "scandal" into some
cheap kinda fame. She will come out with a new book
warning women to look for signs their man
is on the DL and he will be trying to turn himself into
some kinda spokesperson for late blooming gay men.

when was the last time someone who really helped
people got some kinda recognition?

11-10-2005, 05:59 PM
yall are all "wrong".... b4 terry even had her lil jamacian mahn sent over her book had already gone to print... was the guy obviously gay.. VERY MUCH SO... he claims he wasnt gay till he was in his early 20's which is obvious bs b/c you know by the time ur in h.s. if not years earlier... all that guy did was see a golden opportunity to become a US citizen and his gay ass jumped for it and like anyone else in his shoes he did whatever it took to better his life.. just like a poor good looking woman looks and dates a much older unattractive rich man to better hers... he should be getting no sympathy and as for oprah and terry ripping him up ... he deserves it trying to sue her for money .. she stayed w/ him long enough to get citizenship even tho he told her b4 he was up for citizenship, therefor thats all he SHOULD get...

11-10-2005, 06:08 PM
Well, one thing though, this might might upset some, but I seen over the years where in a divorce, the man gets skrewed to hell, loosing his house, car, retirement, kids and all that, paying allimony and what not to the woman, and her not giving anything to him, but hell. I think if a man tries to get something out of a woman in a divorce, I'm all for that, especially as how many women say they want to be equal to men, but when something like this happens, they use the gender card to get unfair advantage.

So I see nothing wrong in getting a woman to pay a man she devorced half of her stuff as we see guys loosing half of their stuff to the women. That's the only way you'll have equality. :idea:

11-10-2005, 06:20 PM
i agree... HOWEVER ... if the roles were reversed and the woman had decieved the man in such a way... she wouldnt be getting anything, just like him