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View Full Version : Allanah's replies on KSEX forum

11-10-2005, 03:11 AM
I'm a total newbie here, but I just wanted to take a minute to congratulate Allanah on her articulate and insightful responses to the recent tranny controversy on the KSEX radio forum. Her replies argue against bigotry and hatred and for acceptance. If you haven't read them yet, I encourage you all to check out that forum. Thanks for having the courage to stand up for what you believe in, Allanah. You rock!

11-10-2005, 06:08 PM
post a link

11-10-2005, 06:17 PM

Actually, we've covered this here:

but there have been more posts since by Vicki, Allanah and various others, and the lovely Ms Joanna Jet has put in her two cents. I think it's pointless for the girls to argue anymore, however.

Vicki Richter
11-10-2005, 06:23 PM
Some people just can't help but advertise even when it's a real issue.
I mean really. WTF is posting web links and a video box going to do for the cause? I'd love to know how Allanah's Big Boob Adventures ties into the entire debate going on. It's really ridiculous, and despite the sharp rhetoric, it makes the community look silly too.


I agree 110% with 99% of what Allanah wrote in her messages. I really just didn't get the advertising tie in.

I have decided to become a regular member of their board there. Kind of that uninvited guest that won't leave. I think my input is sorely lacking from that board.

11-10-2005, 06:33 PM
I don't know Vicki. Maybe Allanah is simply trying to show how attractive and feminine TGs can be, to convince people that transgendered women are not just guys with tits, and that being attracted to them is far more normal and common than some might think. But then again it does come of as advertising a little, I agree and does take the edge of her eloquent and well thought out reply. Maybe you should tell her personally.

However, each of us has our own way of fighting for a cause.

11-10-2005, 06:40 PM
First of all, hello, and thank you for allowing me to join the board.

I have never posted on here- but I was prompted after I read some of the ignorant comments made by Ms. Faith- followed by a few other members on the board.

While freedom of expression and opinions are some of the reasons why we all love this country -there is such a thing as hate speech and ignorant speech. The KKK is free to spew their rhetoric as much as they want, but it is still ignorant and insultive-yet that does not make it illegal and we all have to live with it.

Neither it is illegal for Ms. Faith to make her remarks- as ignorant and uneducated as they may be. I am a transsexual and I have to live with the judgements of small minded people all the time.
That is a fact when you are part of any minority-especially a sexual minority. There are a few roads of action you can take when you encounter such- you can get angry and attack the person back to hurt their feelings (which would be just bowing to their level) or you can try to explain your life and what you do- to see if they come to a better understanding of who you are and why you exist. You can't expect everyone to be enlightened or intelligent- but I shall give it a try.

The fact here is that Ms Faith sadly has poor understanding about transsexuals, the psychology behind it, and the that male to female transsexuals in fact know they are not genetic women- we are just living our lives as we see fit- seeking our own happiness by fixing what nature failed us in. If we were so "confused" we would not take such a huge risk-mdeically, financially, and socially, just for the hell of it. This takes a lot of guts and if I dare say "balls" to do. If we were confused we would not go through the therapy, the surgeries, the changes that we endure.

It is has been my experience in life that when a person, puts somone or something down- or degrades it intentioanlly it is because they do not understand it or are threatened by it. Especially some women. The fact is that a lot of transsexuals do look better than a lot of women. That still does not make a genetic women less of a genetic woman. Granted- I could name five transsexuals off the top of my head- Tula for one, who who appeared in Playboy- who are far more beautiful than Ms. Faith. But the issue here is not beauty- as Ms. Faith is beautiful so I do not see her being threatened by other pretty ladies, I see it as a misunderstanding. You see, as a transsexual , you know you will never be a genetic woman because only those are born. There is something called a transsexual woman- which is what I am. A person who was born of one sex, and has dedicated her life to hormone therapy, plastic surgeries, and to living an adjusted life as the opposite sex. I am not deranged, "or fucked up"- for lack of a better term Ms. Faith said; anything statemnt as such, would be further from the truth. I know what I am-I know how I live- and I know that by genetic disposition I was born in the wrong body. I know that I will never be a genetic woman, I know what I look like, I know there are millions upon millions of men who are into someone like me, and I know there are those who dislike me-but trust me when I tell you from my fans and website and films- I believe there are more who like me than dislike me . Still, it does not stop me from doing what has made me happy- to change my sex.

The second issue here is Ms. Faith and others trying to identify gender, sexuality, and attractions into the same realm and into neat little boxes. I find it quite hypocritical of a person who lives and alternative lyfestyle and has had alternative sex to look down upon others who are alternative themselves. Human sexuality and fetishes and attractions are way too complex to fit into groups. I sometimes find that some people in the adult industry can be as, or even, more close minded to certain subjects than others who are not in the field.

I hope that this helps some of you understand this life a wee bit better- and by no means is it something to be taken as an offense to Ms. Faith. I actually, hope that she becomes more educated on the subject and shows a little more esteem for all kinds of people- the same I am sure she would like to recieve from others in the world. -- Allanah Starr

BOWS to allanah's great use of the english language, educated and informative words... *****

Vicki Richter
11-10-2005, 06:45 PM
I don't know Vicki. Maybe Allanah is simply trying to show how attractive and feminine TGs can be, to convince people that transgendered women are not just guys with tits, and that being attracted to them is far more normal and common than some might think. But then again it does come of as advertising a little, I agree and does take the edge of her eloquent and well thought out reply. Maybe you should tell her personally.

However, each of us has our own way of fighting for a cause.

You know what is funny about this. I am clearly just having fun in their forums. Tyler Faith is a nobody performer who I had never heard of before Wendy started posting this everywhere. It's not like Jenna Jamison, Brianna Banks, or Asia is posting this stuff. I think what the other guy said earlier is fine... She has a right to her opinion and nobody is going to change it. She is no doubt laughing at all the irrate transsexuals posting in their message board. I mean the Wankus show isn't even a huge thing in the straight industry. I'd never heard of him either until all this. It's fairly amusing that someone with very little prestigue says something and everyone gets all upset.

11-10-2005, 06:52 PM
Vicki you're right. Tyler Faith is no Jenna Jameson (or Brianna Banks, Tera Partick, Kobe Tai) as I noted in a previous post. I hadn't really herad of her before and personally I had no idea who Wankus was until I read the last thread- although I live in Europe, which might explain it.

So, reading what you just wrote, what I'm thinking is, why don't you just stop bothering with them. You girls are better than her. This Tyler chick not worth your time.

11-10-2005, 07:04 PM
You know what is funny about this. I am clearly just having fun in their forums. Tyler Faith is a nobody performer who I had never heard of before Wendy started posting this everywhere. It's not like Jenna Jamison, Brianna Banks, or Asia is posting this stuff. I think what the other guy said earlier is fine... She has a right to her opinion and nobody is going to change it. She is no doubt laughing at all the irrate transsexuals posting in their message board. I mean the Wankus show isn't even a huge thing in the straight industry. I'd never heard of him either until all this. It's fairly amusing that someone with very little prestigue says something and everyone gets all upset.

It's a standard marketing technique-- take a shy at somebody you think is an easy target and then watch the fireworks. Politicians do it all the time. Journalists call it "getting a good row going." You and Allanah, who are after all the right people to be doing so, since you are TG, deserve support and credit for responding. I think your idea of being the resident fly in the ointment over there is great. I also think Allanah's response, as copied here, was cogent, persuasive and reasonable.

But remember what this is really about-- a couple of small minded chisellers trying to get an advantage and coin a few more bucks by picking on others. It's probably bumped their ratings a point or so.

11-10-2005, 07:06 PM
I posted the pictures so I could show myself and those negavtive posters could see what I looked like; as they were probably imagining a crossdresser or some monster. I always tag my website where ever I go or post- as I am posting under my entertainment name and persona. Who knows? Maybe those that are on there that have such obtuse views on transsexuasl can go and check out my site and get a lot of free information about my life and my story and soften their views. I think some people who tend to criticize me for the marketing of me- tend to forget that my website has quite a bit of free information that is non sexually related that you do not have to pay for to get. There are not a million JOIN NOW buttons everywhere. In fact, as far a marketing terms of adult websites- it is pretty non aggresive in that aspect. I get thank you notes all the time for having being so open, for helping some guys out their attraction into perspective through my opinions. Of ocurse, it is a business as well, but my intention when I built it, apart from a business, was to offer a site where people could also understand my lifestyle and my life better without having to buy something. And I do think that is something I have accomplished.

I am not there (KSex Forum) to sell anything- as I am likely unsure any of those guys would join my website or buy my video judging them by their response. Just as I come here for fun as well- and post on a variety of subject including my business ventures.

I posted the picture of Gia and I on KSex, as some posters on there claimed that we were fucked up in the head and crazy. I wanted to show that -' here are two transsexuals who are not bad looking and have a brain as well that have it together in the adult industry'- we are not all fucked up or deranged as some would have it.

I do not think that my my posting of picutres has at anyway way compromised my views on there or the community. I went there to speak out on my views. I as well posted Buck Angels site to turn the cards on those negative ones a bit and even screw around with their minds some more, as so many of them are trying to define sexuality into little neat boxes. (Scented or not ;)?)

In turn, I have neither posted a picture with every single response I have made- I think out of the 13 or so post on the subject, I have posted 4 or 5 pics?

In any case, I feel proud of my post and that I was able to get my points accross without being insulting or stooping down to the level of most of the holy rollers there. If someone wants to take my responses as a marketing ploy or some publicity stunt- as obviously KSex has from the release of press releases on Ms.Tylers comments- I could have my publicist as well send out press releases with my responses to her comments (but I have not)- then let them think of it that way. It usually comes from the same crew who is critical towards me anyway, so I am unbothered to say the least. I stand by what I said and what I posted.

Thank you to those of you were complimentary and supportive of the community on there. I am glad that other girls came and posted and I have to thank Wendy Williams for working hard to get this out there- it was through her that I found the post and decided to respond.

11-10-2005, 07:19 PM
I'd never heard of Tyler Faith before this either. :D


co-sign and im a HUGE follower of straight porn... she is and will always be a nobody bottom feeder trying to catch any attn that jenna or ashton or any other mainstream girls drop on the floor

Vicki Richter
11-10-2005, 07:28 PM
Tyler is really not that hot. Like any of us performers, she has some good pictures, but the mediocre ones are far more common. It's not like she's a Vivid girl or anything.

11-10-2005, 07:35 PM
KSEX radio, heheh. About two years ago I use to hang out in their live chats and blab with the girls while the shows were going on. I even called in once and talked with Ginger Lynn Allen (we both knew this loopy producer guy). It was fun, but then Wankus would come on and, many times, find some reason to kick me out.

It got old after awhile, but still had some good times.