View Full Version : What a shock....

11-09-2005, 08:46 PM
"Texas voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, making their state the 19th to take that step. In Maine, however, voters rejected a conservative-backed proposal to repeal the state's new gay-rights law."-AP

11-09-2005, 08:55 PM
As a legal professional, I think that a ban on gay marriages is unconstitutional, and I think that this issue will one day have to go before the U.S. Supreme Court.

11-09-2005, 09:42 PM
it will brides and it will be overuled ... i went to several voting spots and held signs and talked w/ voters in lines... i cant even begin to tell you how many of these ppl were either told by pastors, friends, or uniformed idiots that prop 2 would harsher punishments for child molesters/ pornographers, some were told it would only affect gay men and women but NONE had any idea it would affect straight ppl due to if it passed common law marriages and unions would be dissolved... i was talking to this one country ass chick who said i didnt know that i thought it would only affect faggots i said nope those 2 kids you have w/ your "husband" and i used the finder qotes... will be annuled and unless yall really get married he can walk away w/ everything and leave you nothing... so many ppl were misinformed and i think if the public had been made aware of what prop 2 was REALLY about the turnout would have been different... not to mention only 16% of pop voted... so anyone that didnt vote has whats coming to them.. until the supreme court fixes the problem

11-09-2005, 09:46 PM
it will brides and it will be overuled ... i went to several voting spots and held signs and talked w/ voters in lines... i cant even begin to tell you how many of these ppl were either told by pastors, friends, or uniformed idiots that prop 2 would harsher punishments for child molesters/ pornographers, some were told it would only affect gay men and women but NONE had any idea it would affect straight ppl due to if it passed common law marriages and unions would be dissolved... i was talking to this one country ass chick who said i didnt know that i thought it would only affect faggots i said nope those 2 kids you have w/ your "husband" and i used the finder qotes... will be annuled and unless yall really get married he can walk away w/ everything and leave you nothing... so many ppl were misinformed and i think if the public had been made aware of what prop 2 was REALLY about the turnout would have been different... not to mention only 16% of pop voted... so anyone that didnt vote has whats coming to them.. until the supreme court fixes the problem

In a way, gay marriages will have to be resolved the way it had to resolve Loving v. Virginia. This is the case where the U.S.Supreme Court gave the opinion that prohibitions against interracial marriages was unconstitutonal.