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11-09-2005, 05:21 AM

11-09-2005, 05:27 AM
I wonder who wrote it ? That's certainly not how Jhellis writes. Too many errors for it to be the guy in here.

11-09-2005, 06:02 AM
Wendy posted it a few days ago here: http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=5103
After being posted here for a few days it appears that it is the most viewed topic on their whole forum, lol. I think we got them way outnumbered.

11-09-2005, 07:51 AM
Allanah's kicking some ass over there. I'm doing my part, but I'm just a casual fan, she's showing everyone what it's like to really debate someone who knows what it's all about.

11-09-2005, 08:03 AM
Yea Edmund you sure did your part, in order to prove a point you only did what they did by putting me down. If you wanted to prove a point to them about transsexuals not attacking one would have validated your point rather than contradicting yourself and stooping to their ignorant views.

Vicki Richter
11-09-2005, 08:03 AM
What would y'all think if I posted the below message in this thread? ps - to the girls who posted in that thread Allanah and Wendy - nice job playing nice.


I have a completely different reason to explain a small cluster of guys liking TS... Maybe it is because they have been hurt so deeply and had their hearts ripped out by genetic females over and over. Then there is the fact that the top 20% (being generous with that percentage) of women look very good to amazing, and then the rest turn into frumpy soccer moms with no makeup who carry around 20-40# extra the rest of their lives. Why? Because they get married, lazy, and complacent and bon-bon's are more important than keeping your man satisfied. Then there are the women who stop having sex with their husbands... please don't deny this happens more often than not. Why do 50+% of men cheat if their wives are taking care of them at home? The other 50% are wanking off to Internet porn.

I think if most guys have a choice between lazy, no sex drive, chunky women with saggy boobs, and some of the TS posted here, they are going to at least consider it and at most cheat on their wives with one. Then there are so many literally fat American girls, that they had to come up with a nice name for it... BBW. Hey guess what, it's not beautiful. Go on a diet and get on a treadmill because guys only fuck you because their desperate or fell in love with you when you were still attractive. Classic bait and switch.

I prefer women only 42 votes, 4%
I prefer TG's only 32 votes, 3%
I prefer men only 0 votes, 0
I prefer women and TG's 737 votes, 72%
I prefer men and TG's 18 votes, 1%
I prefer men and women 2 votes, 0%
I prefer everything (M, W, TG) 187 votes, 18%

This is what I call an unbiased "living" poll in my Yahoo fan club. It gives one an interesting insight into what guys into TS are into. A gay man wants to do Tom Sellek or Brad Pitt, he doesn't want Tyler Faith... or Vicki Richter. Well maybe 1% of them do.

I honestly feel that in the right circumstances, I could make almost any man "gay" by the interpretation I've heard here. But I'll be the first to say that there are a lot of off camera "gay" male performers doing "straight" porn by that definition as well. Some of the best judges of beautiful, sexy women in the adult industry find TS irresistable. *don't worry guys I am not here to name names*

Finally, I think that Tyler has issues with the fact that some "men with boobs", look better than her (no I'm not one of them). Maybe it's penis envy. ;p

ps - Sorry Allanah's response was much more eloquent than mine.

AVN - bisexual man with tits performer of the year -

11-09-2005, 08:36 AM
Yea Edmund you sure did your part, in order to prove a point you only did what they did by putting me down. If you wanted to prove a point to them about transsexuals not attacking one would have validated your point rather than contradicting yourself and stooping to their ignorant views.

I wasn't 'putting you down', I simply said you're not my type. I did use the term manly, which I do regret, but simple fact, you veer more toward the masculine side of 'unclockable', and since you had been a part of the thread, I mentioned you. If I had 'did what they did', I would have called you a fag freak man with tits. I didn't.

My intent was not to attack, I wasn't trying to say look at these women and how much hotter than wendy they are. I showed the pictures I showed there to appeal to their sense of logic by showing the most feminine t-girl pics I could find, to show them that there was no real difference. If I insulted you by my accidental jusxtaposition and poor choice of words, I am truly sorry.

11-09-2005, 08:41 AM
Noone in the previous thread had posted a picture of me and or deluted to me except for you. Its ok I just think trying to change someones view of us as a whole doesnt help when you pick apart the whole as a group.

Never apologize for how you believe I dont need as I have stated by the many on here who find me less than appealing your apology I just found your post amusing for someone who started out trying to defend the ladies you obviously enjoy.


11-09-2005, 09:22 AM
You girls are giving that tyler chick way to much publicity!

11-09-2005, 11:24 AM
Didn't catch the first thread when Wendy posted the link. Here are my thoughts:

* Way to go Wendy and Allanah! You put your views across eloquently and I'm sure you made a few fans in the process.

* Not being American, never heard of Ksex radio or even that Tyler chick. She looks pretty hot, sure, but she's no Jenna Jameson or Tera Patrick (although my favourite would be Silvia Saint) but her attitude really sucks. You'd expect a liberated woman who experiments with sex to be more open-minded and accepting than that. Seems to me that with every post she was getting more and more obnoxious even though Wankus was trying to smooth things out, trying to explain what she meant in a polite manner.

* She and that Wankus guy seem to think that human sexuality is simple, just black and white, when I would expect them to understand how complex it is, how many grey areas there are. I can accept what he was saying as his own opinion, but the way she voiced her views suggests to me that she's an ignorant, obnoxious, bloody-minded, shit-talking horse's ass.

* The Jhellis post doesn't sound at all like him. At least I hope it's not him. Didn't he post something on HA about people pretending to be him on other forums?

* Vicki, go for it. I think all the girls should post in that thread. The arguments you can provide will be far more interesting, eloquent and well thought out than anything the "haters" can come up with. However, I fear they will fall on deaf ears. Once a bigotted asswipe, always a bigoted asswipe.

* We need to come up with a new word for admirers that puts the point across clearly that most of us don't like guys. Didn't I once suggest something like "heterotransmaniac" and "transexual-sexual? Okay I admit they sound silly. How about "transexophile"? Sounds kinda creepy, huh? "Heterotranophile"? No? We'll think of something.

11-09-2005, 12:04 PM
When you deal with poeple like that- you can not argue with them on their level because they already think you are trash and expect you to act like trash.

Yeah I felt like picking her looks apart and telling her her implants were one mile apart from each other- but then she would think I was just jealous of her. And what good what that really do. I have met many women who are threatened by other women- and can't stand transsexuals for the same reasons. We make them even angrier because how dare we look better than some of them, how dare we get so much attention- it all boils down to insecurity. So they always have to pull out "i'm a real woman" card. well hip, hip, hooray- tell me something i do now know. i don't hate women or eny women because they are gg- i am a transsexual and will always be one. it's clear she has faith has transphobia. The last thing I do is hate women- if anything my life is a celebritation of feminity and my goal has been to emmulate beautiful women.

Most of the guys on there posting the negative stuff are threatened by us and gays and have to charge backand empower their insecurities by being ignorant and base and choosing to attack by the lower common demoninator.

It would be so easu to call them ignorant, sexist, in the closet fags-
but that is what they want. To make you act like a Jerry Springer show.

Even though you really want to go for them like that- you have to show them that you can be a bigger person and you can tolorate someone else calling you a fag- because I have encountered ignorance all my life.

At the end- when you express yourself diplomatically and with reason-
even if they still think what they want to think- they will at least know that you are smart and have dignity about your life and who you are.

I wish some more ts would go on there and intelligently post their response about a proiment gg adult actress using a public medium to preach biggotry and intolerance.
Yes Faith has the right to express her biggotry and hate towards us- but we don't have to take it.

11-09-2005, 12:48 PM
When you deal with poeple like that- you can not argue with them on their level because they already think you are trash and expect you to act like trash.

100% the nail, on the head, something you do with worrying frequency. When you deal with a prejudiced, arrogant person like that you simply can't win. And they are really not worth your effort either. They're not worth it at all. And you're right, Tyler comes across as a small-minded, jealous person with an inferiority complex. The world is full of them. And why wouldn't she be jealous? She is confronted with women more beautiful than she, more intelligent than she, more committed than she and, oh crime of all crimes, more attractive to men than she who used to be men!

You girls are competition. That's why this Tyler woman gets het. She's an okay looking chick that probably manages a decent BJ. The planet is swarming with women like that, you know it's a jungle out there. To have beautiful trans women not just contesting a piece of the turf but taking it over is, just, anathema. Fucking anathema. Think how horse traders must have felt when Henry Ford launched the model T.

You know for the sake of interest I just had a check to see when was the last time I downloaded any GG porn. September 04. Why? It's boring. And a quick glance through the thousands of images shows something else: While all of the GG porn is very xxx hardcore, most of the TG stuff is softcore. Full nude, partial nude, even clothed. Only about 1/3 is hardcore. Telling us what? Trans girls are sexier standing still with their clothes on than GG's fucking their brains out. I know I'm a sample of one but if that is common, then Tyler has some issues to deal with.

11-09-2005, 04:23 PM
100% the nail, on the head, something you do with worrying frequency. When you deal with a prejudiced, arrogant person like that you simply can't win. And they are really not worth your effort either. They're not worth it at all.

In this case, you might not win, but if we just go silent, then the undecided out there only hear one voice: The other side's. That makes it worth the effort, to make sure people realize that there's a opposing view and that she's not necessarily right.

11-09-2005, 05:11 PM
100% the nail, on the head, something you do with worrying frequency. When you deal with a prejudiced, arrogant person like that you simply can't win. And they are really not worth your effort either. They're not worth it at all.

In this case, you might not win, but if we just go silent, then the undecided out there only hear one voice: The other side's. That makes it worth the effort, to make sure people realize that there's a opposing view and that she's not necessarily right.

Point taken entirely. I haven't posted to the offending radio show board because I'm out of area but absolutely, people should. However that's not about winning the debate--you can't-- but about persuading the silent watchers.

Vicki Richter
11-09-2005, 05:21 PM
When you deal with poeple like that- you can not argue with them on their level because they already think you are trash and expect you to act like trash.

Yeah I felt like picking her looks apart and telling her her implants were one mile apart from each other- but then she would think I was just jealous of her. And what good what that really do. I have met many women who are threatened by other women- and can't stand transsexuals for the same reasons. We make them even angrier because how dare we look better than some of them, how dare we get so much attention- it all boils down to insecurity. So they always have to pull out "i'm a real woman" card. well hip, hip, hooray- tell me something i do now know. i don't hate women or eny women because they are gg- i am a transsexual and will always be one. it's clear she has faith has transphobia. The last thing I do is hate women- if anything my life is a celebritation of feminity and my goal has been to emmulate beautiful women.

Most of the guys on there posting the negative stuff are threatened by us and gays and have to charge backand empower their insecurities by being ignorant and base and choosing to attack by the lower common demoninator.

It would be so easu to call them ignorant, sexist, in the closet fags-
but that is what they want. To make you act like a Jerry Springer show.

Even though you really want to go for them like that- you have to show them that you can be a bigger person and you can tolorate someone else calling you a fag- because I have encountered ignorance all my life.

At the end- when you express yourself diplomatically and with reason-
even if they still think what they want to think- they will at least know that you are smart and have dignity about your life and who you are.

I wish some more ts would go on there and intelligently post their response about a proiment gg adult actress using a public medium to preach biggotry and intolerance.
Yes Faith has the right to express her biggotry and hate towards us- but we don't have to take it.

Good point. I won't post it. I'll leave that to the more diplomatic members of our community. I think you both did really well.

Vicki Richter
11-09-2005, 05:22 PM
ps - Did you know that Wankus is dating Tyler? Just curious.

11-12-2005, 07:35 AM
I wonder who wrote it ? That's certainly not how Jhellis writes. Too many errors for it to be the guy in here.

If you're referring to the person who wrote the original e-mail complaint, that would be I. I didn't realize that it was rife with errors. My most profound apologies.

11-12-2005, 09:49 AM
I didn't even see this until now -

Tyler isn't that big a star, trust me. Good looking women are a dime a dozen in Hollywood. Alot don't make it and end up in porn. Some come here for the specific reason they want to get into porn.

If you haven't watched that Frontline show about the porn industry, you should.

I live at ground zero. The industry is around me and you can know as little or as much about it as you want.

Women in general feel threaten by TG's. Look how many women are devastated to find out their man is Bi or Gay and not the "ideal" man she thought she hooked up with?

Insert your Terry MchMillan joke here

I never thought the transition (no pun) would be smooth for TG's in a Hetro world that is Adult Entertainment. Yes there a plenty of Bi people and its generally accepted to be female and be Bi, but not so much to be male and Bi in this industry. Just shows you how much control women have.

Your going to have a few ememies in this industry it shouldn't be shocking at all. I'm sure some women still get blacklisted for being in interracial movies, its just the genre makes so much money for the companies they can't have things like that for contract girls anymore.

You can argue until your face turns blue, that won't change her views and fears of TG's in her profession.

11-12-2005, 04:23 PM
fuck you

11-12-2005, 04:37 PM
fuck you

Eh? Who are jabbering to, you dick-head?


He's a very confused little donkey, I think he forgot which thread he's in.