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View Full Version : Question for the Ladies: Sexual Power Over Men

05-25-2010, 12:18 AM
I really don't know how to ask this question of the ladies on this board as it's no doubt very different then how GG's develop. Watching my girls mature, you seen a gradual process that really starts when they're toddlers. They instinctively seemed to know how to play their grandfathers and to some degree their grandmothers. The transition to adulthood was very different though, but in it's inital stages, you could see the foundations were already there. The awkwardness slowly gives way to an awareness and confidence, building an arsenal of wiles at their disposal. For them, there seemed to be a natural predisposition to this behavior as well as one that's learned and supported within their social group. There were times that I would hear conversations within earshot that almost equated boys with labratory rats where the cause and effect observations were shared between them, so there is a strong intersocial learning component that's part of this too.

That sort of makes me wonder how you ladies cope with this as you transition. You've never really had the same growing and maturing experience the way a GG develops physically,socially, and emotionally. This would seem to be something that not only occurs rather swiftly with transition, you have to deal with it real time without much support or models to emulate. Heads are turning, you're suddenly being objectified by males and have this attention. With it comes a formidable power over men that find themselves attracted to you. I would suspect that having a board like this,chat,and PM's gives you some opportunity that you wouldn't have had before the internet as a buffer.

Did you navigate this alone or have support? How did you, or are you reach(ing) that point of confidence? How do you manage seperating the sexualized object the men see from the person within?

05-25-2010, 02:49 PM
Well, what a lot of guys don't realize is that "girl talk" can often include boys who aren't seen as that typical straight-macho type. I really don't know to what extent little girls know about transsexuality, or what they tend to think about it, but if one of their boy-classmates is flamboyant and/or oozing femininity, then they'll not be reserved when talking around (...or with) him about these types of things.

The same is true in adulthood. You know that stereotype about GG's talking about their.... "social" lives in the office and including a GB flamer? The same thing occurs in childhood.

A trans girl pre-transition, as a child, would only miss out on those types of conversations if she stays away from GGs, or manages to convincingly pass herself off as a "normal" boy.

I know when I was in k-12, the girls in my classes generally sat around me and freely talked about just about everything without thinking anything of it. But then if say... a guy from the football team sat down near them, they'd suddenly either go quiet or change conversation topics (probably without even thinking about it as they did it...).

It seems that GGs in my K-12 years, both my age and adults, were pretty quick at "figuring it out." If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me "if I were gay" or "if I was trans" in my childhood, I'd be able to retire right now.

But I think one part of your question... the more difficult part... is addressing how trans girls after/into transition react to the attention they get from guys initially. Obviously it's hard to like, give a generalized response to that, but, my theory... is that a lot of trans girls at that point in their lives are more... "free going" with responding to that attention because they see it as a self-validation thing. When a GG gets hit on, at most she's going to feel good about herself & think that guys find her hot. But when a trans girl gets hit on there's that and... in addition to that... there's the whole "passing" part of the picture, especially if the guys are straight & have no idea that the girl is trans. So I think the later part of that, the whole "I bet that guy is straight and has no idea" that subconsciously convinces a lot of trans girls to be "free going" in responding to being hit on. So while a GG might simply take it as an ego boost & move on about her day, a trans girl might be more willing to get the guy's # or something more serious than that. At least that's my impression (...excluding of course the trans girls who seem to hate guys & are deathly afraid of being hit on by anyone, and are so insecure that they assume any time they are being hit on, the guy must be a chaser and therefore "icky.").