View Full Version : Balloon Fetish

05-18-2010, 12:07 AM
Most any male fetish can be explained by an association of some event at a young age that leads to sexualization. It makes sense and even if it doesn't do anything for you at least you can rationalize it. But come on, girls popping balloons and guys get hard from it? Even something like websites that have chicks smoking or farting have at least something that a human male might pop a boner over. I'm lost on the significance of a ballon breaking. WTF can a kid associate sexually with a ballon that he gets a thrill out of fully dressed girls popping ballons as an adult? There seems to be two versions. Those that like to see girls blowing up the balloons and fondling them for the noises and those that want to see them pop them.

Anyone care to enlighten me or am I missing something here? Is it the girls screaming? Is it the rubbery sound they make? The smell? The pop equated with an orgasmic event? Or are these guys just fucked up in the head and would get hard watching a chick fill bottles with water or fold newspapers and cut out paper dolls? I've seen guys seemingly fascinated with a sheet of bubble wrap and pop every cell. Make you wonder.

05-18-2010, 09:25 PM
Check http://www.mellyloon.com; http://www.emmasballoons.com; http://www.balloongirls.com for it. Normally, psychologically balloons are associated with condoms and the process of theirs inflation - with the process of growth of sexual excitement, progressing erection, etc.