View Full Version : Roy Jones Jr. vs. Anderson "The Spider" Silva

05-03-2010, 05:37 PM
Pro boxer Roy Jones Jr. will take on UFC Middleweight Champion Anderson Silva, when Silva is through with his contract with the UFC. Silva only has a couple of more fights left on his contract. After his contract with the UFC expires, he will fight Roy Jones Jr. in a boxing match. No ground game, no kicks, no muay thai clinch, no submissions, just straight up boxing.

Fans of MMA know how lethal Silva can be in his stand-up, but will he be a match for Roy Jones Jr. Fight fans want this fight, but Dana White does not want this match, because he believes its a lose-lose situation for Silva.

If Silva beats Roy Jones Jr. then he will be credited as beating a has-been. If Jones beat Silva then people will say well Silva lost because he is not a boxer.

Who do you think will win against a match of Jones and Silva? I figure it will settle the debate of MMA vs. Boxing.

05-03-2010, 07:32 PM
I'm with Dana White on this one. Roy Jones Jr. has been done for quite some time. Anderson Silva needs to fight someone more his skill level and style, not some old brawler.

GSP comes to mind. I'd love to see GSP beat the snot out of him for that nonsense in Silva's last fight. He jumped and danced and preened like a fucking clown.

05-03-2010, 08:32 PM
The Roy Jones Jr. and Silva fight would be a boxing match, not a MMA match. Although, I believe that if Silva took on GSP, then GSP would lose. Silva would dominate GSP in stand up and he would block all of GSP takedowns.

05-04-2010, 08:22 PM
You're crazy! GSP took down BJ Penn at will, and Penn has one of the best takedown defenses in the history of the sport! GSP has the best all around game. He wouldn't let Silva dance around and preen, and once he got him to the ground it would be over.

And yes, i understand that Jones vs. Silva would just be a boxing match, but again, Silva needs to challenge himself with someone who isn't an old, washed up has-been that's looking for publicity and a quick paycheck. He hasn't faced a real opponent in years because his weight class is so barren of talent. Time for him to face a real fight, instead of padding his wins and losses like Pretty Boy Floyd.

05-04-2010, 09:26 PM
I will admit that GSP is an excellent fighter. Possibly, one of the best welterweights in the UFC, but I don't think he can handle Silva. I like Silva and I think he is one of the best pound for pound fighters in the world. Regardless of his past performances, you have to admit that when Silva comes to fight, he fights. Then again he also dances around and makes a mockery out of his opponent. Even in his last fight, he danced around like a fool, but look at Maia's face after fight compared to Silva's face.

In my opinion, I think the UFC middleweight division is kind of dry. He should move up to light heavyweight. He would fare well against fighters like Ryan Bader, Jon Jones, Rashad Evans, Shogun Rua and others in the light heavyweight division. Hell at one point he was talking about going to heavyweight.

05-04-2010, 11:33 PM

05-05-2010, 08:33 AM
Did you see Silva when he fought Forest Griffin in the light heavyweight division? He owned him that whole fight, and Griffin ran off like a school girl with a skinned knee. He definitely has the talent and body to fight at 205, but will he? Again, I challenge his drive. I agree that his weight class has no talent, so he definitely needs a challenge. Hence why people are asking GSP to move up to fight him, or Silva to move up to light heavyweights. Hell, light heavyweight is where all the talent is stocked right now! Rua, Machida, Evans, Rampage (when he comes back from his failed movie career), Ortiz, Griffin...

Hell, until Machida beat Rua (and a controversial win at that) not one person could defend the belt in the past what, 3 years?!? So much talent there!

Oh, and PartlyCloudy, your smiley's there look just like the boobs bouncing in your avatar, lol.

05-05-2010, 04:12 PM
Did you see Silva when he fought Forest Griffin in the light heavyweight division? He owned him that whole fight, and Griffin ran off like a school girl with a skinned knee. He definitely has the talent and body to fight at 205, but will he? Again, I challenge his drive. I agree that his weight class has no talent, so he definitely needs a challenge. Hence why people are asking GSP to move up to fight him, or Silva to move up to light heavyweights. Hell, light heavyweight is where all the talent is stocked right now! Rua, Machida, Evans, Rampage (when he comes back from his failed movie career), Ortiz, Griffin...

Hell, until Machida beat Rua (and a controversial win at that) not one person could defend the belt in the past what, 3 years?!? So much talent there!

Oh, and PartlyCloudy, your smiley's there look just like the boobs bouncing in your avatar, lol.

The Silva vs Griffin is my favourite UFC fight. It just shows how talented Silva is and there is nobody that can touch him. I will agree with you that Silva needs to be challenge. Nobody has ever really challeneged him. Dan Henderson lasted 2 rounds with him, but got choked. And everyone else he just dismantled within the 1st round.

GSP vs. Silva will be epic. But I would put my money on Silva, based on this current win streak and his past performances. By the way, Machida and Silva will never happen. Although this would be an awesome fight. Machida has gone on record to say that he will not fight Silva, because they are close friends.

Also do you have ESPN2? Tonight ESPN2 is finally airing MMA Live at midnight (central time).

05-05-2010, 07:12 PM
I do, but somehow totally missed that they have MMA fights on tonight. Anyone good or is it just a bunch of crap fighters from Strikeforce, or Pride, or whatever they are calling the back up league now.

05-06-2010, 06:58 PM
It actually premires tonight at midnight (central time). They actually interview fighters from UFC, Strikeforce, and Dream.

07-11-2013, 02:25 AM

07-11-2013, 01:47 PM
Jones would annihalate Silva with speed and punching power alone in a boxing match. From what I've seen Roy is most dangerous when he is confident and ahead in the fight.

Then there's his experience, skills and technique etc. Jones has probably lost a step or two but he is probably light years ahead of Silva in the boxing ring.

IMHO, the boxing match would embarrass Silva and his fans. I would love to see Roy fight box again though.

I think Silva should stick to MMA. He has 10 fights left and he's close to 40 years old. I would like to see what he could do at 205. Lots of good match ups for him there.

07-12-2013, 07:28 AM
Jones would annihalate Silva with speed and punching power alone in a boxing match. From what I've seen Roy is most dangerous when he is confident and ahead in the fight.

Then there's his experience, skills and technique etc. Jones has probably lost a step or two but he is probably light years ahead of Silva in the boxing ring.

IMHO, the boxing match would embarrass Silva and his fans. I would love to see Roy fight box again though.

I think Silva should stick to MMA. He has 10 fights left and he's close to 40 years old. I would like to see what he could do at 205. Lots of good match ups for him there.

I agree. Now that Silva lost the belt, he should try LHW. Although I think that there is going to be a rematch with Silva and Weidman. I would have like to see Jones Jr and Silva participate in a boxing match. It would have been entertaining even though I think Silva would probably lose.

07-12-2013, 10:06 PM
You're right, of course, guys. It's two different sports completely. Jones destroys Silva in a ring, and I mean "badly", even today's Jones. But in an octogon, it's the exact opposite.

07-14-2013, 02:10 AM
If the boxing Silva vs. Jones boxing match does happen. I think it would be a really light-hearted fight with both guys whiffing punches while wearing full headgear.

Here's an exhibition between fedor and aoki with Russian Sambo rules (I assume).


08-06-2013, 08:49 AM
Silva ducked it and is fighting shot Rampage Jackson instead.

Jones would have knocked him out btw even though jones is about 0.1% of what he was in his prime

08-06-2013, 09:08 PM
Jackson is fighting Tito in Bellator. It's going to be a sloppy fight.

There was a rumor floating around about Rampage fight Roy Jones but that didn't pan out obviously. Jones would wreck him because he's waayyy too slow.

08-16-2013, 04:10 PM
The Rampage and Tito is a fight that I won't pay for. Bellator has to be out of their mind to put a card on PPV. Their numbers on free tv are okay not great, so do they honestly think anyone who is going to buy a PPV with two aging MMA stars who haven't had a win in a while.

08-23-2013, 02:17 AM
The Rampage and Tito is a fight that I won't pay for. Bellator has to be out of their mind to put a card on PPV. Their numbers on free tv are okay not great, so do they honestly think anyone who is going to buy a PPV with two aging MMA stars who haven't had a win in a while.

Yeah i hear you. The whole thing seems a bit desperate. If they keep producing crap cards like this I think Bellator will eventually be bought up by Zuffa. That's unfortunate for the fighters though.