View Full Version : american t girls are overpriced

04-29-2010, 01:54 AM
cant believe the nerve of some of these american t girls the prices they charge. below average looking at best except for a few out of a few thousand and those ones wants 1000's. insane american t girls just dont cut it and compared to brazil its no contest. like 2 different worlds.

04-29-2010, 02:03 AM
in before $200- escorts are called 'whores' LOL

04-29-2010, 02:44 AM
cost of living in US.........cost of living in Brazil......I for the life of me can't imagine why they charge more.

04-29-2010, 02:48 AM
what is it with all of these pathetic cheap trick posts lately? This board has turned into a place for broke johns to whine about how they can't afford to play. Thumbs down.

04-29-2010, 02:51 AM
Hey Cheap Trick is a great band Mandy ... " I want you to want me " nuff said.

04-29-2010, 03:48 AM
cant believe the nerve of some of these american t girls the prices they charge. below average looking at best except for a few out of a few thousand and those ones wants 1000's. insane american t girls just dont cut it and compared to brazil its no contest. like 2 different worlds.

You're the tool who has to pay for sex.

04-29-2010, 03:54 AM
cant believe the nerve of some of these american t girls the prices they charge. below average looking at best except for a few out of a few thousand and those ones wants 1000's. insane american t girls just dont cut it and compared to brazil its no contest. like 2 different worlds.That's the free market. What are you, a socialist?

04-29-2010, 04:15 AM
I'll take Mandy Mitchell and Natassia Dreams over just about anyone.
Well,I do like Fabiane Spears,but my God who doesn't.
Anyway market prices are made by the consumer as well as the retailer.

04-29-2010, 12:38 PM
I would give whatever it takes to see Mandy

شخته بن ودكه
04-29-2010, 12:44 PM
you sound either ugly or broke.

04-29-2010, 12:50 PM
They charge what they want to charge. If you're willing to pay it then go see em, if not then they don't get a customer. It's nothing about their gall or nerve, it's about who is willing to give them what they're asking for. No one is forcing you to go see them.

04-29-2010, 01:00 PM
I don't think this post went the way you wanted it to go.

04-29-2010, 02:49 PM
You said it "two different worlds".

04-29-2010, 02:54 PM
Dude, you don't wanna pay ....use your hand! Like the lady said, "you're the tool that has to pay for sex,"

04-29-2010, 07:10 PM
Dude if you cant afford Gucci, go shop at Walmart buddy.

04-29-2010, 07:16 PM
Dude , I just wanted to say dude.

04-29-2010, 07:17 PM
Dude, you don't wanna pay ....use your hand! Like the lady said, "you're the tool that has to pay for sex,"

I never met a girl that I was interested that wasn't trying to get paid. Or crazy.

04-29-2010, 08:00 PM
Dude , I just wanted to say dude.

lol u rock dude :rock2

04-29-2010, 08:29 PM
lol u rock dude :rock2


04-29-2010, 08:34 PM
You're the tool who has to pay for sex.
Im not going to sugarcoat it we all pay one way or another the girls in this scene are used to a certain lifestyle if you cant keep up dont try it escort or not. that said to addicted if you dont make enough wait till the time you do then you wont have place to complain :D

04-29-2010, 11:18 PM
cant believe the nerve of some of these american t girls the prices they charge. below average looking at best except for a few out of a few thousand and those ones wants 1000's. insane american t girls just dont cut it and compared to brazil its no contest. like 2 different worlds.
who do you think is overpriced?


04-29-2010, 11:32 PM
Hahaha, classic case of 'engage brain before attempting to post'.

04-29-2010, 11:36 PM
If you have to complain about paying, then you have no business looking.

04-29-2010, 11:44 PM
It never hurts to do a little window shopping , who knows you might find a sale. :)

04-29-2010, 11:54 PM
It never hurts to do a little window shopping , who knows you might find a sale. :)
Rock just stop adding to it, if your looking for an escort imo-firstly dont be a cheapass.. "Find a sale" secondly dont let your gf/wife find out Lmfao:p

04-29-2010, 11:58 PM
Unless she wants to play too. :p

Then you can go Dutch before you go Greek. lol

04-30-2010, 12:01 AM
Unless she wants to play too. :p

Then you can go Dutch before you go Greek. lol

Not funny at all. :D

04-30-2010, 12:06 AM
lol maybe a lil bit funny.

04-30-2010, 02:22 AM
cant believe the nerve of some of these american t girls the prices they charge. below average looking at best except for a few out of a few thousand and those ones wants 1000's. insane american t girls just dont cut it and compared to brazil its no contest. like 2 different worlds.

Maybe it's simply that the American gurls just understand free market principals better than Brazilian gurls. You sell a product or service at what the market will bare ! I agree that 1000 bucks is more than I'd pay in most cases, but if there's some preppy Wall Street type dudes with pockets full of bail out money, then why shouldn't the gurl charge extra? In fact, there's some Karma in that ! LOL
As far as the Brazilian gurls being cheaper, you may be right...I don't frequent them, but I bought a pair of Wal Mart work boots many years ago when I worked construction. My feet have never been the same. You get what you pay for in most cases.

For me...it's not so much about price, but value. If I pay 500 or 200, it's my choice....but either way, I want a smile, a tidy room, and a big dose of T gurl Kink for my dollar !:D

04-30-2010, 02:27 AM
You want the most bang for your buck.

04-30-2010, 08:22 AM
Yogi saying this: yogi a former marine says you get what you pay for and this is gsxr saying he's been all over the world and fucked ts women all over thatsaid he is teh LA guru

04-30-2010, 08:28 AM
cant believe the nerve of some of these american t girls the prices they charge. below average looking at best except for a few out of a few thousand and those ones wants 1000's. insane american t girls just dont cut it and compared to brazil its no contest. like 2 different worlds.

that's because the cost of living in the US is much higher. not the fault of the girls. why is the cost of living so high? because of the pointless wars that have $16 BILLION a month spending, and of the retarded judicial system, which upholds ridiculous lawsuits costing companies millions of dollars in settlements and lawyer fees.

example: latest multi-million class-action sex discrimination lawsuit against walmart. give me a break! then sue the US government for discrimination, why are all the US presidents men??? why are all US doctors men? why are all boards of directors in all large companies men? discrimination? BECAUSE A LOT OF THINGS IN AMERICA ARE STOOOOPIIID.

www.ctoutlet.com - fetish/latex/masks online boutique in LA.

04-30-2010, 08:47 AM
I think his point is why do they charge Guccis prices with walmart merchandise.

04-30-2010, 10:59 AM
what is it with all of these pathetic cheap trick posts lately?

Don't you be dogging my bud Rick Nielsen.

04-30-2010, 12:41 PM
Don't you be dogging my bud Rick Nielsen.

Or the awesome ambidexterous of Bun E. Carlos's percussion.

04-30-2010, 01:38 PM
People charge what they want to charge, also beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so ones mans gucci is another mans primark ...

Myself at present I charge £200.00 pounds for a 1 hour Incall ... So i guess that is $300 dollars with current exchange rate ... Do i think i am a super model looking girl ? NO i dont .. I am just a pleasant looking TS woman with probably one of the most amazing personalities out there.. I see clients that want to be entertained and wish to have a mesmorising time ..

girls will charge what they feel they are worth, there is always people out there that will pay ...Also depends on the clientelle you wish to see.. myself i dont wish to see muppetts so i charge abit more as i want to be amused myself ...

but then our escort market is entirely different to the USA one, main factor being its legal in england to escort..

i also agree with the statement you get what you pay for to certain degrees, now there will be some escorts that charge the bomb and offer shite service unfortunately this is something you have to filter out ..

just my thoughts on it ..
libby x

04-30-2010, 04:34 PM

yes ive noticed that too the clientelle who pay me more like the ones who pay me 300US$,400US$,500US$....1000US$ even 2000US$ are the really nice gentleman and knows how to treat a girl very well

the ones who pay low are the very hard to handle clientelle, rude, cold, obnoxious, unrespectful, very demanding and even dirty sometimes and hate to use condoms!

why is it like that?

04-30-2010, 04:35 PM
Strange to see someone call someone a "socialist" as an insult. Different worlds indeed.

Sane words from the fair lady Harkness.

This is all market driven. Girls decide what to charge and thus attract the clientele who can afford them. So you go all the way from the $100 trick to the $1,000 dollar escort and beyond. I know that, in the UK where I live and run a review site for escorts, there is a lot of grumbling about American girls who come to visit and charge a lot more than locally based girls and then - too often - offer a poor service. Its not at all true of all but true of too many. Would be great if some of the girls who're members here and haven't crossed the bit ditch for a working vacation yet came over to make some of the British revise their views and dent this reputation.

04-30-2010, 04:36 PM
Alyssa - those who are dirty and/or refuse to use condoms are just stupid or scum. Simple as that.

04-30-2010, 08:13 PM

yes ive noticed that too the clientelle who pay me more like the ones who pay me 300US$,400US$,500US$....1000US$ even 2000US$ are the really nice gentleman and knows how to treat a girl very well

the ones who pay low are the very hard to handle clientelle, rude, cold, obnoxious, unrespectful, very demanding and even dirty sometimes and hate to use condoms!

why is it like that?

ya rich ppl are all around nicer and more pleasant than poor ppl ... thats how it goes

05-01-2010, 01:17 AM
a) Some of this has to do with the weakness of the dollar. Wost working girls who I know who's home base is not in the US are not making US trips with anywhere near the regularity that they used to. And why should they? As Liberty (to some extent) points out: if you can charge $200 or 200 pounds Sterling (don't know how to make that sign) or 200 Euros, which you gonna pick?

b) The one counter point I will make is that there are lots of girls who publish different prices all over the place and I don't think they have the right to bitch all that much (although I do believe they have the right to refuse the appointment) when some "cheap trick" asks them to do an appointment at the number he knows the girl does appointments at (most common is girls advertising on CL or BP for one number and Eros for 50% to %100 more).

05-01-2010, 01:21 AM
ya rich ppl are all around nicer and more pleasant than poor ppl ... thats how it goes

I disagree with that. I know just as many obnoxious AND CHEAP rich people as not rich people.

I know lots of waitresses who tip twice as much as the average rich person (and is that a surprise?).

I also know a lot more rich people who have expensive work done for them and then find an excuse not to pay than poor people.

05-01-2010, 01:24 AM
cant believe the nerve of some of these american t girls the prices they charge. below average looking at best except for a few out of a few thousand and those ones wants 1000's. insane american t girls just dont cut it and compared to brazil its no contest. like 2 different worlds.

I think you have to better define "overpriced". Are you talking about "American" girls performing services here vs Brazilian girls performing services over there? That's just not a valid comparison. Take a look at what the best looking Brazilian girls charge in London...... I don't think it's all that much different than what "American" girls are charging over ther.

05-01-2010, 01:39 AM
no no no someone is underpaid..... wonder why

05-01-2010, 01:53 AM
Help me, Jayzus! :rolleyes:

This subject is second only to the amigay threads. Feh.

You're the tool who has to pay for sex.

Yah, well Fleshlights aren't free, either. Some of us like to have a conversation as well.

I've been with escorts that charged $300 an hour and others that charged $600 a night and I've never had any regrets. I've been fortunate that they all offered quality time and inspired me to call for repeat vizzits.

Aside from market equations (Ex: A five-star hotel room in NYC can run about $5-800 a night while an equally high-quality room/suite in Pataya might ring in at $100 USD), few seem to get the basic math of a professional companion's inventory.

I know a gurl that flies into Philly from the Left Coast every so often and stays at a fairly nice hotel while she vizzits. She uses a car service (Having driven taxicrabs in my early life, I can attest to the fact that at least half of the drivers are total maroons who couldn't find their own dicks with a map and a compass), and eats at the better clubs/restaurants (Nothing huge, but not a lot of street vendors).


Airfare: $500 (At best)
Car service: $100
Hotel room/two nights: $500
Meals/sundries: $100

Now, should she turn a couple of dozen cheap-ass, low-life, skanky tricks just to break even, or two or three class acts and make a profit?

Get real. Do the math and stop posting these threads. :soapbox

05-01-2010, 02:03 AM
Help me, Jayzus! :rolleyes:

This subject is second only to the amigay threads. Feh.

Yah, well Fleshlights aren't free, either. Some of us like to have a conversation as well.

I've been with escorts that charged $300 an hour and others that charged $600 a night and I've never had any regrets. I've been fortunate that they all offered quality time and inspired me to call for repeat vizzits.

Aside from market equations (Ex: A five-star hotel room in NYC can run about $5-800 a night while an equally high-quality room/suite in Pataya might ring in at $100 USD), few seem to get the basic math of a professional companion's inventory.

I know a gurl that flies into Philly from the Left Coast every so often and stays at a fairly nice hotel while she vizzits. She uses a car service (Having driven taxicrabs in my early life, I can attest to the fact that at least half of the drivers are total maroons who couldn't find their own dicks with a map and a compass), and eats at the better clubs/restaurants (Nothing huge, but not a lot of street vendors).


Airfare: $500 (At best)
Car service: $100
Hotel room/two nights: $500
Meals/sundries: $100

Now, should she turn a couple of dozen cheap-ass, low-life, skanky tricks just to break even, or two or three class acts and make a profit?

Get real. Do the math and stop posting these threads. :soapbox

Well said, BO

05-01-2010, 03:44 AM
i think the point that was trying to be made is just the general audacity some of these trashy looking girls have nowadays. It's not necessarily "understanding of the free market" as some of these tgirls certainly don't deserve half of what they ask, by looks and more importantly, the attitude. I know A+ gg escorts that don't expect near so much as some of the uglier tgirls i've seen advertise. So quick to defend; yes the author MUST be ugly or broke.. (sigh)

jump on me please, tell me how i must not have any good looks or money, how i'm an asshole or how i'm oppressive of the transgendered movement

05-01-2010, 05:25 AM
i think the point that was trying to be made is just the general audacity some of these trashy looking girls have nowadays. It's not necessarily "understanding of the free market" as some of these tgirls certainly don't deserve half of what they ask, by looks and more importantly, the attitude. I know A+ gg escorts that don't expect near so much as some of the uglier tgirls i've seen advertise. So quick to defend; yes the author MUST be ugly or broke.. (sigh)

jump on me please, tell me how i must not have any good looks or money, how i'm an asshole or how i'm oppressive of the transgendered movement
No need to jump on you for those things. You may be good looking, you might have money. You may even have a tolerant attitude. But you clearly don't understand the free market if you think some girls are being paid more than what they deserved. But hey, if you're a socialist and you believe some entrepreneurs collect revenues way in excess of what they deserve, I agree. But the escort industry is not regulated...it's the free market, baby.

05-01-2010, 03:36 PM
No need to jump on you for those things. You may be good looking, you might have money. You may even have a tolerant attitude. But you clearly don't understand the free market if you think some girls are being paid more than what they deserved. But hey, if you're a socialist and you believe some entrepreneurs collect revenues way in excess of what they deserve, I agree. But the escort industry is not regulated...it's the free market, baby.

Tish....you're very hot no matter what the circumstances... BUT..I like it better when we agree !! xoxox

05-01-2010, 03:43 PM
People charge what they want to charge, also beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so ones mans gucci is another mans primark ...

Myself at present I charge £200.00 pounds for a 1 hour Incall ... So i guess that is $300 dollars with current exchange rate ... Do i think i am a super model looking girl ? NO i dont .. I am just a pleasant looking TS woman with probably one of the most amazing personalities out there.. I see clients that want to be entertained and wish to have a mesmorising time ..

girls will charge what they feel they are worth, there is always people out there that will pay ...Also depends on the clientelle you wish to see.. myself i dont wish to see muppetts so i charge abit more as i want to be amused myself ...

but then our escort market is entirely different to the USA one, main factor being its legal in england to escort..

i also agree with the statement you get what you pay for to certain degrees, now there will be some escorts that charge the bomb and offer shite service unfortunately this is something you have to filter out ..

just my thoughts on it ..
libby x

Well Libby....I love the way U think as usual, and I appreciate you giving me the exchange rate on 200 American. You're so right...It's all about the attitude, and a whole lot of kink too...So in anticipation of your next trip across the pond, , I'll have more than a few neat stacks of 300 American locked in my safe ! xox :hitit