View Full Version : Venting........................................... ..

11-06-2005, 11:15 PM
I decided to make a venting thread being that alot of it has been going on (which I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) this isn't specific at all just rants & rave

I am sick & tired of the Republican party getting blamed for everything that goes wrong in this country. Citizens make decisions, parties are made up of citizens, we currently have an idiot of a citizen in the oval office. Luckily for us he chose a business genius for a vice president to run the real affairs.

I am also sick of the media in this country. Every other country I've been to shows less violence in their news segments, there is also less promotion of fear on other country news medias...............probably why I enjoy BBC News so much......................

that's my rant & vent for now
feel free to add yours or not

11-06-2005, 11:31 PM
I can't stand senior citizens who can no longer drive very well. Actually, I do blame everything on them. Them, and the French.

I also cannot stand senior citizens driving, particularly when they are on the expressway in the left lane doing 45 and why are they always in a buick, cadillac, or toyota camry????

ty Arianna

11-06-2005, 11:34 PM
i hate it when people take the elevator up one fucking floor.

or when i stub my toe....happens all the time

11-06-2005, 11:39 PM
I can't stand the fucking Jets. Every year they have a decent squad on paper and crumble. The last couple of years, they've been doing pretty good squeaking into the playoffs. They keep throwing away first round draft picks for crappy guys like Jolly. They put in Brooks Bollinger and the guy looks pretty good! He was scrambling, gunning passes all in the third and fourth quarters!

My fucking Jets man....maybe next year.

11-07-2005, 12:00 AM
ok this post went off topic but ima go w/ it.. i hate when ppl turning onto a street w/ multiple lanes choose to cross 1, 2, or more lanes and get in yours even tho the OTHER lanes had 0 oncoming traffic and they go all slow and u have to slow the fuck down or swerve into next lane... i also hate fuckers that drive slower then me in the fast lane... idc if im going 105 if someone is coming up behind me going faster and i can get over I GET OVER... thats it for now

11-07-2005, 12:07 AM
I hate the BCS. College football is the only sport where winning is not enough.

11-07-2005, 12:16 AM
regarding driving..i love carlins bit:

havent u noticed that everyone on the highway driving slower than u is an asshole and everyone driving faster is a maniac:)

and for the ny sports people..i fuckin hate mike and the mad dog..conceited assholes, the monis of sports talk
Here in Massachusetts, we have a saying: the only guy driving slower than you is the guy in front of you and the only guy driving faster is the guy behind you. I hate 'em both: slowpokes in the left lane and guys who ride up your bumper from behind and want to drive through you if you're going too slow (i.e., under 85 mph).

If you want some real road fun, try negotiating a Massachusetts rotary if you never have before. Now that's fun. The law is that you yield to traffic already in the rotary, but the rule is you gun it and try to get in and out of the rotary as fast as possible.

11-07-2005, 12:17 AM
and while we're on the subject...Harajuku, you know you're my favorite sexygeisha...but you asians can't drive for shit... :lol:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-07-2005, 12:25 AM
and while we're on the subject...Harajuku, you know you're my favorite sexygeisha...but you asians can't drive for shit... :lol:

LOL. Thanks Mike. I do however drive pretty well..except I dont! LOL. Had a driver drive us to school growing up (So kinda spoiled)..But not rotten spoiled. :wink:

And while were talking about Rants and stuffs..

I hate people who are flaky and pretentious. That always gets to me.



11-07-2005, 12:27 AM
lol...love ya geisha

11-07-2005, 12:36 AM
Dame Dash

I hate the fact that this low-life brought back pro-keds thinking they'd be popular again............................... truly the end of his relationship with Jay-Z


11-07-2005, 01:05 AM
I can't stand the fucking Jets. Every year they have a decent squad on paper and crumble. The last couple of years, they've been doing pretty good squeaking into the playoffs. They keep throwing away first round draft picks for crappy guys like Jolly. They put in Brooks Bollinger and the guy looks pretty good! He was scrambling, gunning passes all in the third and fourth quarters!

My fucking Jets man....maybe next year.

I hate the Jets also. The Chargers should have blow them away.

11-07-2005, 01:08 AM
i hate explosive diahrea :P

11-07-2005, 02:21 AM
i hate explosive diahrea :P

Yes, thank you, I hate that also.

11-07-2005, 02:33 AM
I hate the chase................................

Women act all cute and want you to chase them
then you foolishly chase them
then they act uninterested
so you say fuck em
which turns em on


11-07-2005, 02:33 AM
Johnny, ever notice how they change the subject immediately? We are such a convenent scapegoat for the liberal ineptitudes. They really and truly living in LaLa Land. Some of them actually don't even realize it.

11-07-2005, 02:34 AM
I hate the fact that I have 3 papers due within 10 days and I have not started on any of the yet. THat and UH lost yesterday, the bowl hopes are slipping away.

11-07-2005, 02:34 AM
I've learned to accept it man

11-07-2005, 02:47 AM
If you want some real road fun, try negotiating a Massachusetts rotary if you never have before. Now that's fun. The law is that you yield to traffic already in the rotary, but the rule is you gun it and try to get in and out of the rotary as fast as possible.

Rotary/roundabout/traffic circle right-of-way varies. I learned to drive in Boston in a 1951 Chevrolet, took my license test in a 1966 Cadillac limousine (And he made me parallel park it three times to be sure), and spent many years driving taxis for a living and old hearses for funsies.

During a traffic stop in Joisey (Something about the Joisey state cops and their fetish for hearses) I asked who had the ROW at Joisey traffic circles/rotaries. The cop said "You do" and I thought he meant the hearse as I'd gotten similar treatment elsewhere (A couple of toll bridges will let a hearse pass for free if you tell the attendant that there's a body in the back) and then he added "...The biggest, oldest, ugliest car always has right-of-way". Makes sense. :)

Now, the guy that cut in front of me while I was doing 50 just so he could stop at the green light... :smh

11-07-2005, 03:09 AM
I can't stand senior citizens who can no longer drive very well. Actually, I do blame everything on them. Them, and the French.

that reminds me of an exibit at MOMA , yesterday....it was cameras reacording all of these senionr citizens in their natural envirmoment.....must of been 100 different monitors....anything is art these days, lol....

11-07-2005, 03:24 AM
did you notice during the Jets-Charger game that there's a guy in the Charger secondary named Sammy Davis? he made a lot of good plays.

Is he related to THE Sammy Jr.?

11-07-2005, 03:29 AM
I can't stand senior citizens who can no longer drive very well. Actually, I do blame everything on them. Them, and the French.

that reminds me of an exibit at MOMA , yesterday....it was cameras reacording all of these senionr citizens in their natural envirmoment.....must of been 100 different monitors....anything is art these days, lol....If Andy Warhol could get away with making a film of John Giorno sleeping, anything's possible. :wink:

lmao ...we saw that yesterday also :D

11-07-2005, 05:28 AM
Johnny, ever notice how they change the subject immediately? We are such a convenent scapegoat for the liberal ineptitudes. They really and truly living in LaLa Land. Some of them actually don't even realize it.

cheer up...I'm quite certain that the explosive diarrhea reference was directed towards you...and if that doesn't cheer you up....

here's a picture of
your daddy----->http://photobucket.com/albums/a78/chefmike_/th_bush_finger.gif

11-07-2005, 05:31 AM
did you notice during the Jets-Charger game that there's a guy in the Charger secondary named Sammy Davis? he made a lot of good plays.

Is he related to THE Sammy Jr.?

No relation.

He played college ball at Texas A&M.

11-07-2005, 06:01 AM
If you want some real road fun, try negotiating a Massachusetts rotary if you never have before. Now that's fun. The law is that you yield to traffic already in the rotary, but the rule is you gun it and try to get in and out of the rotary as fast as possible.

Rotary/roundabout/traffic circle right-of-way varies. I learned to drive in Boston in a 1951 Chevrolet, took my license test in a 1966 Cadillac limousine (And he made me parallel park it three times to be sure), and spent many years driving taxis for a living and old hearses for funsies.

During a traffic stop in Joisey (Something about the Joisey state cops and their fetish for hearses) I asked who had the ROW at Joisey traffic circles/rotaries. The cop said "You do" and I thought he meant the hearse as I'd gotten similar treatment elsewhere (A couple of toll bridges will let a hearse pass for free if you tell the attendant that there's a body in the back) and then he added "...The biggest, oldest, ugliest car always has right-of-way". Makes sense. :)

Now, the guy that cut in front of me while I was doing 50 just so he could stop at the green light... :smh
As I understand it, Jersey has eliminated all or at least most of its traffic circles, but Mass has no intention of doing so, though they are finally building a bridge over the world's worst rotary to connect the mainland with the Cape at the Bourne Bridge without having to negotiate that rotary, which on a bad day can literally take hours.

Your description of the "biggest, oldest, ugliest car" having the right-of-way reminds me of the rules of the road in India: there, the right-of-way belongs to bigger vehicle, with the exception of cows which always have the right-of-way.

Speaking of traffic lights, in Boston it's virtually an unwritten law that the first three cars after the light turns red are expected to run the light. The best way to cause a traffic accident is to be courteous and yield the road to the other guy (he won't expect it and may not respond quickly).

Mass state driver's test, Question 17:

Q. When waiting to pull into oncoming traffic from a connecting road where there is no traffic light, when do you merge into the main road:

1. When it's safe to do so

2. When you've waited long enough.

3. Traffic? What traffic?

11-07-2005, 06:04 AM
Another thing that bugs me is when I get on the express line (10 items or less), with like an apple or a bottle of spring water. Because it seems like there's always some obese housewife ahead of me, who has like 30 or 40 FATTENING items; potato chips, ice cream, soda, etc. I wish that there was a trap door under their feet, which opens up when they pull that crap. And god forbid the person behind the counter tells them that they're in the wrong line.

To add to that, I usually use those do-it-yourself checkout stations for 12 items or less and every now and then there will be some person who's completly lost on how to use those things in every station available. Usually end up helping them just so I can get through quicker.

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out :lol:
What bugs me are the bagboys (men, women) who haven't a clue: bread and eggs on the bottom, three items per bag and 14 bags, frozen foods scattered between 9 bags, you know the drill. I prefer to bag my own.

11-07-2005, 06:22 AM
As I understand it, Jersey has eliminated all or at least most of its traffic circles

That brings back some memories. Laurelton Circle was the name of the one in the Jersey town where I spent some of my teen years. Talk about survival of the fittest; that circle was the very epitome of Darwinism in action. The number of accidents that used to occur there was truly astounding. Fortunately, it’s much better now :roll: During my last visit, I only had to wait for what felt like twenty minutes before I could go through the intersection where the circle used to be.


11-07-2005, 06:22 AM
There's also the tendency some have to load all the canned goods in one bag and three bags of chips in another! Or putting a bag of kitty litter in a bag!

I love "packies" or "package stores" in Massachusetts (liquor stores which always put your purchases in brown paper bags, hence "package store" as if in our Puritanical state one must pretend that one isn't purchasing alcohol): you buy a six-pack of beer which comes in a stiff, strong cardboard carrier with a handle for easy, safe carrying, and they put it in a paper bag which you can't carry as well and which will shred in the rain.

11-07-2005, 11:42 AM
My angry list:

- I too hate senior citizens when they drive slowly. Why can't all over 60s worldwide just all move to Florida?
- I hate people who tailgate me and flash their lights or blow their horns just because I'm driving within the speed limit.
- I hate people who take the turning lane to go straight just so they can save some time.
- I hate delivery boys on motorbikes who cut in front of me.
- I hate pizza companies that make delivery boys pay for the pizza if they deliver it late.
- I hate people who park so that they take two parking space spaces.
- I I hate it when those little ring tops don't come off drinks cans and you need to take a knife to them.
- I hate salad cream bottles that need a wrench to open.
- I hate milkshakes that need an industrial strength suction pump to suck them up through a straw.
- I hate it when food gives me the runs.
- I hate people who mistakenly think they can cook and invite me over.
- I hate barmen who have to ask me how to make a cocktail.
- I hate cabbies who have to ask for directions.
- I hate people who can't make a proper cup of coffee or tea.
- I hate people who go to McDs, order a double whopper with cheese, big fries and onion rings then ask for a diet coke.
- I hate people who claim they never drink.
- I hate rascist politicians who blame everything on immigrants.
- I hate rightwingers who blame everything on liberals.
- I hate liberal politicians who refuse to blame anyone. Show some balls people!
- I hate the fact that the Democrats can't even put up a decent fight anymore and instead blame the Greens.
- I hate everyone blaming everything else. Stand up and say "Mea culpa, I fucked up". Americans, admit it, JWBL is right. You fucked up. Twice. I'll excuse the first time as a mistake, but voting him in again? Yep, I'd say you fucked up.
- I hate the fact that Americans hate the French so much. Who helped you in your war of Independence? Who gave you the Statue of Liberty as a gift?
- I hate the fact that any dickhead who just happens to be part of a minority calls you a hater, sexist, racist or chauvinist the minute you expose their dickheadedness. Why can't they just take it personally like the rest of us?
- I hate people who walk around talking on hands free. They just look like they're they're on drugs.
- I hate people who take drugs, unless they give me some.
- I hate people who want to pidgeon hole other people into neat little groups with neat little labels.
- I hate American TV commercials. They're just stupid. European commercials are witty.
- I hate boy bands.
- I hate girl bands, unless they have great songs, great voices or great bodies.
- I hate these little hate lists.

As you can see, hate keeps me going.

11-07-2005, 04:20 PM
i hate 30th bdays....lmfao....just kidding :anon

11-07-2005, 04:25 PM
Wait till your 50th, dude! :)

11-07-2005, 07:53 PM
I hate the fact that I have 3 papers due within 10 days and I have not started on any of the yet. THat and UH lost yesterday, the bowl hopes are slipping away.

r u really shocked they lost? i mean really?

11-07-2005, 08:05 PM
- I hate the fact that any dickhead who just happens to be part of a minority calls you a hater, sexist, racist or chauvinist the minute you expose their dickheadedness. Why can't they just take it personally like the rest of us?

ME 2 ... some guy asked if i date black men.... i said no... so now im a rascist.... im not i have many black friends male/ female/ undecided so dont call me a rascist b/c u dont fit the qualities of what im attracted to... i like guys over 6'1 so my 5'11 ass can wear heels, i like tan guys w/ dark hair and light eyes prefer the bluest blue or the greenest green, i love hairy guys that dont shave their bodies smooth, its nasty... i like guys that r in good shape b/c im in good shape and they should have to take care of their appearance / body just as much as they want me to do the same... and a good paying job wouldnt hurt his chances... there now yall know my specifications go find me a man

11-07-2005, 08:25 PM
i love hairy guys that dont shave their bodies smooth, its nasty...
... there now yall know my specifications go find me a man


Is this good enough for u? :roll:

11-07-2005, 08:27 PM
he has brown eyes... and i forget to say w/in 10 yrs of my age and hes clearly older then 29 ;)

11-07-2005, 10:52 PM
- I hate the fact that any dickhead who just happens to be part of a minority calls you a hater, sexist, racist or chauvinist the minute you expose their dickheadedness. Why can't they just take it personally like the rest of us?

ME 2 ... some guy asked if i date black men.... i said no... so now im a rascist.... im not i have many black friends male/ female/ undecided so dont call me a rascist b/c u dont fit the qualities of what im attracted to... i like guys over 6'1 so my 5'11 ass can wear heels, i like tan guys w/ dark hair and light eyes prefer the bluest blue or the greenest green, i love hairy guys that dont shave their bodies smooth, its nasty... i like guys that r in good shape b/c im in good shape and they should have to take care of their appearance / body just as much as they want me to do the same... and a good paying job wouldnt hurt his chances... there now yall know my specifications go find me a man

DAMN! You just pissed off every short, blonde, smooth, pale, brown-eyed, boney, unemployed, unkempt, lily-white, over-forty man within reading distance of your post. You're in truh-bull. :wink:

11-08-2005, 04:11 AM
while we are venting I wanna put this out there

I CAN'T STAND older miserable CHA CHA Trannies........................

I'll explain

Older less attractive trannies that have major attitudes and act like divas in their cha cha spots but KNOW THEIR PLACE and KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT at parties like Allanah's.....................

Older less attractive trannies that end up buying their OWN drinks because dudes aren't even feeling for their wallets to offer to buy them one.

11-08-2005, 11:13 AM
reading my mind exactly...and ladies when u come super early for the open bar, u can atleast tip the bartender....they are working for tips....i cant believe these girls cant even drop a dollar, lol.....and some even have the nerve to complain bout their free drinks..... :2cent

11-09-2005, 06:02 AM
I can't stand the old ladies that act like everyone must drive at 10 mph, talk at 10 decibels and never ever be sexual. lol

11-09-2005, 06:24 AM
Hmmmmm, lessee ... things that get to me, huh ?

Pineapple -- on a pizza !?!?!?

People who don't pick up after their dogs, particularly when they do their thing in my yard!

People who litter.

People such as Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods, who never take any social or political stands in order to preserve their marketability. I got mine, and that's all that matters ... I wonder if they've ever heard of a boxer by the name of Muhammad Ali or Tommy Smith and John Carlos ?

People who place more importance on their sports teams than they do on their local politicians.

People who speed in parking lots, but drive slow in the number one lane of the freeway.

The Ugly American.

Human traffikers and Pimps (There is no lower form of humanity).

Jerks who treat good women like shit, and the same women who put up with it.

People who cut in a line when they recognize someone near the beginning of it. This happens at theatres a lot it seems.

People who hit your doors in parking lots.


American corporations that whine about government regulation, but are the very same that use the same government to protect them.


(This one I have never figured out) People who clear their sinuses at the dinner table after they're finished eating a meal. Hello, there are still people eating. Go to another room and do it.

... That's off the top of my head for now.

11-09-2005, 04:12 PM
I hate when I apply for a job, and the interviewer asks me why I'm here?

11-09-2005, 04:15 PM
I also hate when a stranger on the street asks me a question and doesn't say thank you after I've answered it but instead just walks away.

11-09-2005, 07:50 PM
Hmmmmm, lessee ... things that get to me, huh ?
(This one I have never figured out) People who clear their sinuses at the dinner table after they're finished eating a meal. Hello, there are still people eating. Go to another room and do it.


Gaad that is sooooo nasty. Shoot the fuckers. No I mean it.

You know I really fuckin hate it when somebody wants to talk to me and eat at the same time. I want an umbrella or something. Waah! Fuck me if it's worth saying it's worth finishing what you're eating first.

Robbie Williams (I mean wtf is he for?)

People saying "An" before words that begin with "h" because they think it makes them sound polite. Uneducated pricks. "E'm gowing for an hot bath with an honey now....." :evil:

Car drivers who think that because I am on a motorcycle I don't exist.

Car drivers who flash me for leaving my headlight on to remind the fuckers that I do.

Politicians. All flavours, all colours, all types. All of them.

People who say "England" when they mean Britain. That's an easy way to piss off 6 million or so people really really quickly.

I'll think of some more.......