View Full Version : How do tgirls get their feminine, swaying hips?

04-26-2010, 11:09 PM
and big female butts.

And just curious, is there any way to REVERSE this? Im a masculine dude that most tgirls would be jealous of. Why? Because I have a huge ass and wide hips that sway when I walk. I hate this and it brings attention. Its funny cause I for the life of me couldnt ever see why a man with broad shoulders and lean hips would ever wanna be a woman. I've always had the body of a woman and wanted broad shoulders and lean hips!

04-27-2010, 09:56 AM
I can't help you; but I also have a question about hips. I know that many girls inject silicone in thier hips. But I never realized how fast it can migrate all the way down to the ankles. I was wondering if they have any better techniques, that are not very expensive? I have heard about taking fat from the waist area. That sound like an expensive techinique.

I love big hips. But I do notice some girls have a discoloration around thier hips, so it seems like it could be silicone visible beneath the surface.

lastly I nocticed a couple of Brazilian girls that wore black sox with heels. A later learned that it was a technique to hide silicone migrating to the ankles. At least the one in the pic skin color on her hips looks good.

04-27-2010, 11:07 AM
For me the Rice and Beans from my mom back in Puerto Rico. LOL :D

04-27-2010, 11:11 AM
and big female butts.

And just curious, is there any way to REVERSE this? Im a masculine dude that most tgirls would be jealous of. Why? Because I have a huge ass and wide hips that sway when I walk. I hate this and it brings attention. Its funny cause I for the life of me couldnt ever see why a man with broad shoulders and lean hips would ever wanna be a woman. I've always had the body of a woman and wanted broad shoulders and lean hips!
Sounds good. Mind if I bend you over and fuck you in the ass?

04-27-2010, 11:16 AM
silicon injections...

but i dint know about it gravitating all the way down to the ankles...man! that must be some massive amount of silicon injected into their hips huh!

04-27-2010, 11:30 AM
ugghh how STUPID does someone have to be to inject silicone into their body

04-27-2010, 11:39 AM
All injectible filler silicone/hydrogel will migrate overtime its just the nature of it and the body attempting to expel it ... there is no way to remove it other than having it dug out...scarring scarring ...

What some people are starting to do now is have fat transfel where they place fat stemcells in the hips and hope that 50-=70% take and when you get fatter the weight sits there ..

Other than that there is nothing really for the hips, you can have the waist pulled in abit to emphasis a hip to waist ratio perhaps...

Or you could try this new method from Papa Newguini of eating femalebabies to absorb their feminity :) i saw it on the internet so it must be true :p

04-27-2010, 11:44 AM

for example look at the fat grafting here for breast

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8MiKagmLBg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8MiKagmLBg)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2_cK-ddpnw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2_cK-ddpnw)

with current medicine, once fat is processed it stays
this is current medicine
its discussed in his FAQ's
http://www.betterbuttocks.com/betterbuttocks_microfatphotos.htm (http://www.betterbuttocks.com/betterbuttocks_microfatphotos.htm)

Brazilian Butt
Dr Matlock USING FAT
YouTube- Brazilian Butt (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaPfaQbIlSQ)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lioCrFD4hwM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lioCrFD4hwM)

you can have fat put in your cheeks, butt and hips est.


04-27-2010, 11:53 AM
All injectible filler silicone/hydrogel will migrate overtime its just the nature of it and the body attempting to expel it ... there is no way to remove it other than having it dug out...scarring scarring ...

What some people are starting to do now is have fat transfel where they place fat stemcells in the hips and hope that 50-=70% take and when you get fatter the weight sits there ..

Other than that there is nothing really for the hips, you can have the waist pulled in abit to emphasis a hip to waist ratio perhaps...

Or you could try this new method from Papa Newguini of eating femalebabies to absorb their feminity :) i saw it on the internet so it must be true :p

Or there is another crazy method called glute exercises that actually work better than ANY injection or operation EVER. It's a really crazy method where one actually does half-strides, squats, or even stairclimbers. Depnding on how lazy or how much of a fat fuck one is, it might not be the right path for a firm butt for that particular person. They would be better off continuing to eat their chips and drink their coca cola.

04-27-2010, 04:23 PM
Depnding on how lazy or how much of a fat fuck one is, it might not be the right path for a firm butt for that particular person.
TS dont get injections to get a firm butt, they want a "broad", female ass. Thats nothing you can train. But why think before you write when you can insult instead...

09-26-2011, 11:55 PM
microfat injections work wonders
i.e. the Brazilian butt lift by doctor David Matlock
Dr David Matlock speaks about the Brazilian Butt Surgery - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyUL33sUd0c)

even fat with stems cells are being used for the breast and cheek bones now

Silicone injections could not be worse as a choice for buttock
augmentation. Use of silicone for buttock augmentation is NOT approved
by the FDA. In most cases, the type of silicone used is not even
medical grade. I have personally seen and operated on patients with
horrible complications from this treatment. Many of my colleagues have
the same experience.
For the best results with buttock augmentation I recommend fat
transfer. This is commonly known as the Brazillian Butt Lift. It
involves liposuction of your body (usually tummy, hips and love
handles) and transferring that fat into the buttocks. The results are
a very natural looking and feeling augmentation.
I hope this info helps!
Best regards,
Adam J Rubinstein, MD, FACS
Read more: http://www.onlinesurgery.com/qa/thinking-about-silicone-injections-for-my-behind-suggestions#ixzz1Z67buokE
you might want a "SHELF BUTT"

09-27-2011, 12:21 AM
and big female butts.

And just curious, is there any way to REVERSE this? Im a masculine dude that most tgirls would be jealous of. Why? Because I have a huge ass and wide hips that sway when I walk. I hate this and it brings attention. Its funny cause I for the life of me couldnt ever see why a man with broad shoulders and lean hips would ever wanna be a woman. I've always had the body of a woman and wanted broad shoulders and lean hips!


A. They've been on hormones since age 11 or so. It seems to be relatively common with Thai's I find.
B. Silicone implants
C. Fat injections
D. Bottom of the rung here- DIY silicone injections. Very bad, and unfortunately the most common.

Can't help you with getting rid of wide hips i'm afraid.

09-27-2011, 12:27 AM
36D-32-41 I was born with reasonable hips... but their movement in a more feminine form.... I suspect that was influenced by becoming sexually enlightened.

09-27-2011, 01:38 AM
36D-32-41 I was born with reasonable hips... but their movement in a more feminine form.... I suspect that was influenced by becoming sexually enlightened.

well if that's u in the pic your shoulders look wider than your hips. just saying.

09-27-2011, 01:43 AM
and big female butts.

And just curious, is there any way to REVERSE this? Im a masculine dude that most tgirls would be jealous of. Why? Because I have a huge ass and wide hips that sway when I walk. I hate this and it brings attention. Its funny cause I for the life of me couldnt ever see why a man with broad shoulders and lean hips would ever wanna be a woman. I've always had the body of a woman and wanted broad shoulders and lean hips!

I was born with this same problem. Then I transitioned. I'm just saying, it's always an option. :lol:


09-27-2011, 01:44 AM
I dont know about ne of this stuff i havent had ne thing done so0o0o :)

09-27-2011, 02:02 AM
It also depends when they transition. If they do it young enough, they will get hips like a gg. It IS possible...

09-27-2011, 03:33 AM
3 Grim Reasons You Don't Want Silicone Butt Injections

Princess 19 (http://www.realself.com/user/141854) on 26 Apr 2011 at 1:00pm
http://i.realself.com/scale/315473-134462.jpg (http://www.realself.com/files/315473-134462.jpg) J. Lo and Beyonce have the envy of women everywhere with their stellar rears. But for many, getting the perfect asset can be detrimental -- in the worst case, lethal. Three reasons why you should think twice before seeking a bigger butt on the black market:
Columbian Catastrophe

Elena Caro of Las Vegas felt confident in the "doctor" she had chosen as her close friend had gotten a successful butt augmentation (http://www.realself.com/Butt-augmentation/reviews) from him not long ago. Caro, 42, had Botox (http://www.realself.com/Botox/reviews) injections done at the clinic to try them out. Against her daughter's wishes, she then scheduled for a butt enhancing procedure soon after.
After her butt injections, Caro was at first well enough to call her daughter to assure of her safety. Hours later, she was dumped on the side of the road by the "doctor" Ruben Daio Matallana-Galvas, 55, and his wife Carmen Olfidia Torres-Sanchez, 47. Her daughter went searching for her at the clinic which was locked up and cleaned out. Caro was found by strangers and taken to a hospital where she eventually died.
The unlicensed "surgeon" and his wife were arrested as they attempted to board a flight back to Colombia and charged with murder. He told police (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1375702/Colombian-plastic-surgeons-arrested-murder-woman-dies-Las-Vegas-clinic.html) he injected Caro with 200 cc of a gel-type substance, in six separate injection sites. Matallana-Galvas supposedly is only licensed to practice homeopathic medicine in Columbia. No Nevada state licenses were issued for any kind of medicinal practice for him or his wife.
"I wish I would have never have brought her, " says Janet Villalovos, her 17-year-old daughter. "I met the doctor and his wife, and they told me, 'Everything will be fine, you have nothing to worry about.' "
The cause of death is still unknown.
Transatlantic Tragedy

Aspiring UK actress/singer, Claudia Aderotimi, 20, died (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20031793-504083.html) after a botched butt injection procedure done at an airport hotel in Philadelphia. The illegal silicone enhancement procedure reportedly cost her $3,000.
Apparently Aderotimi arranged for the injections via the internet and this was her second time visiting the individuals who performed the procedures. Her friend who also received injections survived. Aderotimi complained of chest pains and had trouble breathing after getting injected. She was rushed to the hospital where she died a day after the procedure.
Police arrested a 41-year-old transgender known as the "Black Madame" in connection with the crime. Padge Victoria Windslowe allegedly had incriminating paraphernalia in her possession including syringes and silicone gel.
Lt. John Walker, police spokesman told The New York Daily News, "What we believe happened is that the injector nicked a vein and put the substance into the bloodstream. It goes through your vascular system and lands in the lung and since it's a gel, it will pile up like a rock."
"If that's truly what happened, it's a murder charge," he added.
Miami Mishap

http://www.realself.com/files/ckfinder/silicon-graphic-lead.jpg (http://www.realself.com/review/Butt-augmentation-a-nice-buttock-went-bad-from-silicone-injections)RealSelf user 1chloe shared (http://www.realself.com/review/Butt-augmentation-a-nice-buttock-went-bad-from-silicone-injections) her bad butt injection experience with readers.
"I had silicone injected (http://www.realself.com/Silicone-injections/reviews) into my butt 2006...I almost died from it..it took me over a one year to heal after having a surgery to drain the silicone out of my buttocks," she said.
"I regret it sooo much..the person was unlicensed..my butt [got] bigger..got lots of compliments and men chasing me..but it almost cost me my life," she adds. "I had to get a blood transfusion. My hospital bill was $100,000 from being in the hospital for about 3 months."
She now contemplates how to fix what the botched procedure has done.
"I want to have fat transfer[ed] into my buttocks and later have a skin graft to cover up my scars.. But I'm scared..thinking I might [have] died."
- - - - - -
http://www.realself.com/files/ckfinder/Butt-aug-gallery-lead.jpg (http://www.realself.com/butt-augmentation/before-and-after-photos)Still thinking about doing this? Miami Plastic Surgeon Dr. B. Pat Pazmino (http://www.realself.com/find/Florida/Miami/Plastic-Surgeon/B.-Pat-Pazmino) warns you to think twice.
"No ethical medical doctor will perform this procedure....Although it is common in other countries, Silicone should NEVER be injected into your buttocks. Your body can cause a very severe reaction to the silicone and create excess scar tissue that may deform the appearance of your butt."
He adds "Here in Florida, we have unfortunately had a number of patients who have died after they received silicone injections to the butt and this silicone then traveled to their lungs and kidney...It is best to discuss with your plastic surgeon the great options that exist for butt contouring enhancements such as a Brazilian Butt lift. (http://www.realself.com/Brazilian-butt-lift/reviews)"
Photo Credit: Joanna8555 and Kalumba2009 on flickr.com Creative Commons


[I]You may also like:

Are Silicone Butt Injections Illegal? (https://www.realself.com/question/silicone-butt-injections-illegal)
Hydrogel Butt Injections (http://www.realself.com/question/butt-augmentation-hydrogel)
Should You be Concerned After Injections? (http://www.realself.com/question/butt-injections-silicone)
Painful Silicone Butt Injections (http://www.realself.com/question/pain-silicone-injections-buttocks)





09-27-2011, 03:37 AM
Whatever Happened to Silicone Injections? (http://zimmermancenterblog.com/2011/04/01/whatever-happened-to-silicone-injections/)

Posted on April 1, 2011 (http://zimmermancenterblog.com/2011/04/01/whatever-happened-to-silicone-injections/) by Terry Zimmerman, MD, FACS (http://zimmermancenterblog.com/author/zimmermanmd/)
http://thezimmermancentersacramento.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/liquid-facelift.jpg?w=210&h=158 (http://thezimmermancentersacramento.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/liquid-facelift.jpg)Even though silicone injections are illegal in the US, many women still get them—knowingly or unknowingly—in their pursuit of beauty. I’m willing to bet that if you asked five of your friends if silicone injections can be used to augment anything—to plump up the lips, round out the buttocks, fill in wrinkles on the face or the backs of the hands—at least three of them would say “yes.” Although liquid silicone is often used off-label or on the black market by unqualified providers, it’s not FDA approved for any those purposes.
Back in the 1950′s, silicone injections were used as breast augmentation material. However, they were banned when it was discovered that the injections caused deformities, lumps, bumps and infections. Today, silicone injections are approved by the FDA only as micro-droplet injections for scar tissue. Another challenge of silicone (just in case the risk of deformity and infection isn’t enough) is that silicone doesn’t adapt well with aging. As the facial area, for example, ages and begins to sag, the silicone remains firm and begins to stick out–resulting in a deformed appearance. Although the dermal fillers I use in my Folsom/Sacramento plastic surgery (http://www.folsomskincare.com/) practice, such as Juvederm, Restylane and Sculptra Aesthetic (http://www.folsomskincare.com/fillers.html), are fairly long-lasting, none of them will ever last long enough to create an odd appearance as a user ages.
http://i678.photobucket.com/albums/vv146/cohenpr/BLOG%20PHOTOS/PRISCILLAPresleyBeforeAfterSilicone.jpgFor those individuals who have been injected with silicone, there’s only one way to reverse the damage, and that’s with surgical removal of the silicone implants or injected material. I’m sure you know who Priscilla Presley is. She had huge amounts of silicone plumped into various areas of her face, resulting in near-distortion. Unfortunately, there’s little that can be done for her, as removing it now would create an even worse result. Lisa Rinna had silicone injected into her lips back in the 80′s. She was able to have her silicone removed, unlike Priscilla Presley.
Although the effect of silicone on one’s appearance can be disastrous, injected silicone possesses a lethal risk, as it can move through the blood steam and cause a clot in the lungs, which can potentially be fatal.
Don’t risk your health and safety for beauty. Know what’s being injected into your body. Better yet, stick with a board-certified plastic surgeon for your skin care and facial treatments.
To your health & beauty,
Dr. Terry Zimmerman (http://www.folsomskincare.com/doctor.html)


09-27-2011, 03:42 AM

09-27-2011, 06:08 AM

Bret Contreras has the science on how to build glutes DOWN. Lifting weights does not make you lose fat in the areas you work out, and building muscle up pushes what you do have out. Do the "Glute Man's" routines and phatten dat ass up! Google him, or search on Youtube for demonstrations of what works. Or just buy his E-book.

I have no idea how T-girls get those ultra sex hips, like Ana Mancini, but I love it when they do.

MdR Dave
09-27-2011, 06:19 AM
The hip sway comes from trying to adjust their tuckers while they're walking.

The big butts come from Ikea- ask for help finding the Flügårgens.

09-27-2011, 07:35 AM
the answer





Bret Contreras has the science on how to build glutes DOWN. Lifting weights does not make you lose fat in the areas you work out, and building muscle up pushes what you do have out. Do the "Glute Man's" routines and phatten dat ass up! Google him, or search on Youtube for demonstrations of what works. Or just buy his E-book.

I have no idea how T-girls get those ultra sex hips, like Ana Mancini, but I love it when they do.