View Full Version : So my girlfriend's mom hates me ._.b

04-23-2010, 07:26 AM
Haven't been able to see her all week and I hate it ;- ;
She found out I did porn and thinks I'm terrible influence on her so she put her on lock-down so we haven't been able to see eachother.. shit sucks
(pics related, the gf and I :X)

04-23-2010, 08:01 AM
Yeah, that does suck. Sounds like her mother's intentions are good, but her methods are misguided. Keeping her away from you will only make her want you more. Fail.

04-23-2010, 08:35 AM
bro, shit sucks
like, hates that i smoke, hates that i have piercings, hates that i'm making her daughter a lesbo (but i has a penis so not sure how that works), hates that i keep her out a ton (mostly 'cause she spends the night with me for sex and snuggles), hate's that i let her drink (which agreeably is bad, but i'm usually responsible about it in being the dd and what not).... not sure what to do to get on her good side ><

04-23-2010, 10:24 AM
Cute couple , have you tried having a sit down and talk w/ the mom ?

Explain how you feel about her daughter and discuss her concerns in an honest and open manner.

04-23-2010, 11:26 AM
So, how old is she?

04-23-2010, 02:49 PM
wow that really sucks

04-23-2010, 05:21 PM
Girlfriend?!:confused::shock: Feckit, I'm heartbroken and jealous! :sadcry I'll be drowning my sorrows in a bottle of Jack tonight! :p

Just kidding - well almost, I do admit to having a crush on you, Yoite :oops:

Anyway, on a more serious note, I agree with rockabilly: try getting her mum to see that you're cool for her daughter to be with!

Hope everything works out! I have my :fc for you!

04-23-2010, 07:18 PM
Given that there is much that we do not know about the situation (is mom a single parent, is your GF an only child, how old is she, what has been your interaction with mom in the past...) let me throw this out there as nothing more then food for thought from a single dad of daughtes.

Parents want what is best for their kids (based upon what They think is best) and tend to give little if any credit to what the child wants, more so if the child is behaving in a manner that the parent sees as self destructive, heading down a path they percieve is filled with future disappointment or contrary to the way we want them to behave. I'm talking a parents perception and not reality.

Taking into consideration the information you have shared, step into mom's shoes for a second and look at this relationship from her perspective..my daughter is dating someone who has been in porn, provides liquor to my underage daughter, keeps her out late and even over night, banging the hell out of my little girl. Where is the silver lining in this situation and how will my daughter benefit from this relationship?

Now, generally speaking most people figure that those in the adult industry are just "bad" people and parents would be scared shitless that if their kids are around someone in the industry and that by hanging with "those kind" will end up in front of the camera, which is probably Not what the parent wants for their daughter. When it comes to their kids, even if the porn actor in question is like Mother Teresa in real life, the parent will never see that side of the individual, all they see is their little angel heading down a path, that in their view will lead nowhere. Throw in the fact that this person is getting my little girl liquored up, keeping my little angel out all night and performing god knows what type of sexual acts with her and your in a no win situation. Again, I am not passing judgement on you, just sharing a perception from a pissed off and scared parent.

Again, the information that is missing may be more important then that which you shared. Your GF's home life could be all messed up, and spending time with you may be a better situation then what she has with mom.

Rockabilly has given you sound advice, try and talk to mom but do so from a position where you have some insight into what mom sees when she looks at you and her daughter together. I can almost guarantee that armed with that perspective, you will be better prepared then mom for the meet and greet, since there is no way in hell she is going to try and see things from you perspective. And, be prepared to THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK, or simply put, as hard as it may be BITE YOUR TONGUE when mom says things that piss you off, and she will.

Your goal here, I think is to win a battle, the win being mom tolerates the two of you and opens the cell doors so the two of you can see each other. Don't make it into a war, trying to get mom to approve of your relationship with her daughter, because there is probably little if any chance that is one that you will win. When you meet with mom, what you Don't say could be more important then what you do say.

I suspect that until your GF is old enough to move out, your going to have a tough go at it. Again, I am not passing judgement on you, I'm simply suggesting that you try and see things through the eyes of an individual who is probably ill equipped to be a parent in the first place. It goes without saying that kids engage in behaviours that parents don't want and don't need to know about and it is a shame that somehow mom knows all about what takes place when you and her little angel are together. Then again, kids will often toss stuff in their parents face in order to get a reaction or rebel.

As a single parent of daughters, I realized early on that it was better to be flexible and to pick my battles and words carefully and to not always react in a manner that my kids expected. And to be honest, I am relieved that I never had to face this situation because being a father of daughters is different then being a mom. If you were dealing with your GF's father, my suggestion would be to find a new GF or move to a new city. Discussion about this situation with a dad, it aint gonna happen. As nice a person as you may be, it would not matter. That said, Good luck and hope this works out for you and hope that you treat her right.

The King Down Under
04-23-2010, 07:22 PM
Cute couple , have you tried having a sit down and talk w/ the mom ?

Explain how you feel about her daughter and discuss her concerns in an honest and open manner.

Dude, Really?

That is NEVER going to work. NEVER EVER try that! Plus the fact that it takes a whole lot of balls (which yoite physically has) and it is not fun at all!

That only works in the movies. There is never an occasion that you want to have a sit down with the mum of a teenage girl. It will never do any good.
The best way is to prove her wrong by being good to her and showing the mmum that you are in fact a good influence!

Good luck and don't forget about us!

04-23-2010, 07:55 PM
Otherwise, I can always go and see Yoite's gf's mum, and tell her that in fact her daughter is dating me... The poor woman will take one look at me ("pudding-basin" crash hat, black leather jacket, oily jeans, Doc Martens and an unruly beard, with my trusty classic British steed parked out in the street), start having a fit of the vapours, and will be most relieved to see Yoite turning up to "rescue" her daughter from my grasp... result!


04-23-2010, 08:11 PM
While it may not be something she or others would like to do , talking w/ the mom is the logical thing to do.

What other alternatives are there ? The gf sneaking out to spend time w/ her would only cause more friction , and how did the mom learn about Yoite's doing porn ? Unless the mom watches tg porn then my guess is the gf told her during an argument or the mom checked the gf's email and pics.

04-23-2010, 08:57 PM
It might be a hard conversation to sit down and talk with your girlfriend's mom but it is for the best. The friction of sneeking around and keeping your relationship a secret is not a healthy relationship. Talk to the mom from the heart and tell her your true feelings opening up will help the cause. Interesting I do agree with rockabilly how did mom discover Yoite doing porn???

04-23-2010, 09:00 PM
Yeah maybe the mom wants yer cack?

04-23-2010, 09:03 PM
As a guy who has actually sat down with an ex-girlfriend's parents to plead my case on why I am a good guy for their daughter. I would be the first one to say that it doesn't work. Of course, the reason why they didn't like me was because I was black and their daughter was white. I just think that the mom has this image engrained in her mind of you and it doesn't really matter what you do, she will still think the same way.

You have about a 50/50 chance of it working. But as one poster said, I only seen it done successfully in the movies.

04-23-2010, 10:07 PM
Dude, Really?

That is NEVER going to work. NEVER EVER try that!

You can never know until you try so she most certainly should make an attempt to have civil discourse with her.

04-24-2010, 08:30 AM
Well, her situation isn't likely to get any worse than it already is, so there's no ground to be lost here by having a talk with her.

Good luck.

04-24-2010, 02:50 PM
She's prolly all up in your shit 4 the LULZ!