View Full Version : R.I.P

11-06-2005, 07:59 AM
Camila De Castro
Karen Dior
Chanelle Pickett
Teena Brandon
Amanda Milan
Gwen Araujo
Augusto Perez Morales
Vianna Faye Williams
Kaaseem Adalla Juanda
Joel Robles
Laura Banuelos
Precious Armani
Rita Hester
Louise Chan
Sasha Moon

Sorry if i miss any of these fallens angels i will be adding to these list daily, if you want to pay your respect to someone add it too the list!

11-06-2005, 09:47 AM

R.I.P. ... :(

11-06-2005, 12:21 PM
Camila De Castro
Karen Dior
Chanelle Pickett
Teena Brandon
Amanda Milan
Gwen Araujo
Augusto Perez Morales
Vianna Faye Williams
Kaaseem Adalla Juanda
Joel Robles
Laura Banuelos
Precious Armani
Rita Hester
Louise Chan
Sasha Moon

Sorry if i miss any of these fallens angels i will be adding to these list daily, if you want to pay your respect to someone add it too the list!

It's a sad list. Even more sad when you consider the shocking toll amongst lesser known girls, particularly in places lkike Brazil.

Remember the 50/30 rule-- 50% of TG/TS don't make age 30. That's awful.

11-06-2005, 01:36 PM
Camila De Castro
Karen Dior
Chanelle Pickett
Teena Brandon
Amanda Milan
Gwen Araujo
Augusto Perez Morales
Vianna Faye Williams
Kaaseem Adalla Juanda
Joel Robles
Laura Banuelos
Precious Armani
Rita Hester
Louise Chan
Sasha Moon

Sorry if i miss any of these fallens angels i will be adding to these list daily, if you want to pay your respect to someone add it too the list!

It's a sad list. Even more sad when you consider the shocking toll amongst lesser known girls, particularly in places lkike Brazil.

Remember the 50/30 rule-- 50% of TG/TS don't make age 30. That's awful. Why don't half the girls make it to age 30, and does this rule apply only in Brazil, or other parts of the world as well?

11-06-2005, 02:34 PM
<snip> Why don't half the girls make it to age 30, and does this rule apply only in Brazil, or other parts of the world as well?

Christ that's a good one. The rule as I understand it is applicant all over the world. It's widely quoted. I suspect if anything things are worse in Brazil.

Causes? Here's a few and they're in no order. Murder, suicide, death due to drug misuse, death due to feminising treatment like silicone pumping, and of course HIV/AIDS, and I'm sure there's plenty others.

It's why I'm so totally opposed to barebacking-- either on screen or for real. A population with this level of mortality just doesn't need to be put at even greater risk, particularly not for the gratification of men, vicarious or otherwise. It needs to be shouted down whenever possible.

If this stuff really interests you I have a fair bit of research material I can post links to. Let me know.

11-06-2005, 03:25 PM
Eternal rest grant to them O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon them.

11-06-2005, 03:27 PM
<snip> Why don't half the girls make it to age 30, and does this rule apply only in Brazil, or other parts of the world as well?

Christ that's a good one. The rule as I understand it is applicant all over the world. It's widely quoted. I suspect if anything things are worse in Brazil.

Causes? Here's a few and they're in no order. Murder, suicide, death due to drug misuse, death due to feminising treatment like silicone pumping, and of course HIV/AIDS, and I'm sure there's plenty others.

It's why I'm so totally opposed to barebacking-- either on screen or for real. A population with this level of mortality just doesn't need to be put at even greater risk, particularly not for the gratification of men, vicarious or otherwise. It needs to be shouted down whenever possible.

If this stuff really interests you I have a fair bit of research material I can post links to. Let me know. I am interested in learning more, and will appreciate any information you would send me.

Shining Star
11-08-2005, 11:25 AM
Suicide was the most frequent cause of trannie death before AIDs, not sure if it has replaced it as #1 and if it is the same in all communites of trannies. That is to say do black trannies die of AIDs more than their white counterparts.

Much of the work that has been done on TSs, seems to always come back to the fact most are not "happy" individuals , thus the high rates of taking their own lives.

Murder, has always been up there also; if not in terms of hate crimes, from encounters. In the years when West and Washington streets in NYC were the main trannie strolls, it seemed almost one girl a month on average was pulled from the Hudson.

Taking any sort of medication for long periods of time without being under a doctor's care is dangerous, hormones are no exception. Various cancers, most importantly for MTF cancer of the liver can be caused by taking doses of estrogen without the proper follow up tests.

Lots of girls also wear their bodies down by working 24/7, partying hard, drugs and or drinking and of course many sexual encounters with strangers. Being intimate with several persons per day on average over a course of months/years leads to being exposed to all sorts of diseases. Some may be minor like the common cold, others like Hep B can develop into serious problems.

My personal theory is many girls live for the moment when they are young. But after age 30 or so time catches up with us all. Bodies start to change as they approach middle age, and one finds things one could get away with at 19 or 25 seem harder at 35 or so. Being a trannie is somewhat easy when when is young, still soft and can pass easily. As one gets older male hormones (unless a girl is castrated) sooner or later cause aging into something that not quite resembles a man, but maybe not fully a woman either.

Given chasers preference for young girls, and fresh talent arriving almost daily, older girls face choices/problems. If one lacks a good support network of friends/family, life can become very lonely as one ages. How does that song go:

When I was young, I never needed anyone. And making love was just for fun.


11-08-2005, 11:39 AM
It's hard to accept...

I mean, so much battle, efforts and work to be accepted as a person FIRST rather than a tgirl or a shemale, rather than a sinner or freak, or whatever the connotations dumb people try to categorize them...

No matter their cause of departure, it is nice to stop, for some time, and remember those persons, persons like you and me, just like you and me, who traveled through this life exposing with courage what their feelings ultimately take them.

A salute to them...

11-08-2005, 12:06 PM
Suicide was the most frequent cause of trannie death before AIDs,<snip>

When I was young, I never needed anyone. And making love was just for fun.


SS that was beautifully put. To try to articulate exactly how I feel about this is very hard for me. I find this rate of mortality very very sad. When I hear of a beautiful young person who has died because she was TS/TG and probably in some horrible way I find it tragically sad.

I am reminded of the words spoken by the older man to Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner when he says "and you have burned so very brightly, Roy."

I know that these young people are following their dream and that people who follow their dream are always to be lauded, especially by the vast majority of humanity who compromise at every turn. But still I don't like to hear of beautiful young people suffering. I have seen plenty of death in my own life and I have been lucky; most--not all but most-- had had a good and long life. But some had not, like one dear friend killed at 24 in a car crash, or another who committed suicide at 25. To see these lights snuffed out before the world had had the chance to appreciate their talent was horrible and it still fucks me up now.

Remotely, I am affected similarly by the tragic fate of so many. Gwen Araujo and Camilla de Castro come to mind, but there are so many others. So many we never hear about. Never will. Whose deaths go unreported, uninvestigated, unremarked and uncared for but by their few friends.

And all I would say is, girls, please, please, please Be Careful. Be part of the 50% who grow old. Burn brightly and light the world with your brilliance; revel in our adulation; delight in your moment of glory. But burn long. Burn long.

11-15-2005, 05:14 AM

11-15-2005, 05:24 AM
Eternal rest grant to them O Lord, and may the Perpetual Light shine upon them, and all the faithful departed.

11-15-2005, 05:51 AM
Eternal rest grant to them O Lord, and may the Perpetual Light shine upon them, and all the faithful departed.

Keep this shit of this board please.

11-15-2005, 06:05 AM
If legend would keep his mouth shut for a few months, or maybe a few years....we might forget what a cretin he is....but he's not gonna let us forget, is he?

11-15-2005, 06:38 AM
Are you guys serious, all i said was that j-lo's murderer will be judge, im not trying to throw my religion on you guys or anything, I've learn a lesson from this never mention god on this board again!

That is a touchy subject that i will not speak of upon this board again!

11-15-2005, 06:41 AM
You already did so shut up dimwit.
Keep your craziness to yourself.