View Full Version : Who represents me?

11-05-2005, 11:56 PM
For those of you who say I'm the new Che, I offer this piece I wrote a couple of months ago.

Everyday, I fight "the good fight", dissenting against the regressive policies of an opressive regime. For fun, I wage intellectual warfare with conservatives nationwide, educating those lost souls still nibbling on the carcass of a morally bankrupt political ideology. I represent a true brand of progressive politics custom fitted for the common man. Often, I find myself at odds with the leaders of both the "left wing" and the Democratic Party, but I refrain from attacking the "left" the way I have the "right." Until now...

During the 2002 mid-term elections, I watched quitely as the Democrats tried in vain to run a campaign against an opponent beyond their realm of understanding. Similarly, in 2004, I followed orders working with the Kerry campaign, even though I knew the party's presentation of John Kerry and his public policy alienated much of the region I knew as home.

I know the "rural South"--the heart of "Red State America." Born on a bayou, raised mid' the pine hills, my rural uprbringing engendered an understanding of the economic hardships, racial tensions, and religious concerns relevant to the "Chicken Fried Nation."

How can a Harvard educated, white male, from an affluent Northeastern family, expect to relate to my people? Men like John Kerry and Ted Kennedy probably never associated with their first African-American until well after their teenage years. Men like Howard Dean and Patrick Lehay rarely step outside their economic circle. Imagine women like Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein trying to comprehend the importance of God, high school football and the Dallas Cowboys to millions of Texans. Can Ralp Nader possibly understand the importance of the timber and oil industry to the economy of a place like East Texas?

I grew up in a town that was 60% African American, where 5% of the population controlled 95% of the wealth, where the town shut down on Friday nights for football games, and on Sunday the churches overflowed. My family owned stakes in both the timber and oil industry. I understand the frustration my people have when looking at the left or Democratic Party.

I understand that as Democrats, we need to exploit as much money out of Hollywood as possible, but that doesn't mean allowing them to be a mouth piece for our party. The average East Texan turns in disgust each time they see the smug and pretentious manner with which Alec Baldwin carries himself. Lectures on the benefits of a vegan diet by Gwenyth Paltrow have no relevance in a land where beef is king. Vietnam vets boil at the mention of Jane Fonda starting a new "anti-war" tour. Clearly, Hollywod prevents the Democrats from truly relating to the common man.

While the Bush administration wages an illegitimate war abroad, Democrats ignore the domestic issues most relevant to the "red states." Ignore the idiots on the right and focus on what brought you to power in the 20th Century. Help the common man, fight the corporation and improve education.

11-06-2005, 12:20 AM
I understand that as Democrats, we need to exploit as much money out of Hollywood as possible, but that doesn't mean allowing them to be a mouth piece for our party. The average East Texan turns in disgust each time they see the smug and pretentious manner with which Alec Baldwin carries himself. Lectures on the benefits of a vegan diet by Gwenyth Paltrow have no relevance in a land where beef is king. Vietnam vets boil at the mention of Jane Fonda starting a new "anti-war" tour. Clearly, Hollywod prevents the Democrats from truly relating to the common man.

I usually don't get into political discussions but your are making some points I can agree with. Sure, I don't like the current administration but having a rural upbringing I can see why the the red states would vote Bush in for another term. The left has not been able to project an image that would suggest a leadership to take this country in a positive direction. The Left and its various special interest groups such as "Hollywood" has become its own worst enemy.

This is why demagoguery has been working in this country.

11-06-2005, 12:27 AM
dude, no offense, i like ya and all, but can u post a cliff notes version of ur posts? i got A.D.D.

I think I can translate since I had a pot of coffee and took the time to read through it

Current administration sucks.
People in "Red States" think Barbara Streisand and Jane Fonda suck even more.

I think that is what he was getting at :wink:

Jhellis978, I like your exposition but J is right, you might want to trim it a bit. :wink:

the dude
11-06-2005, 12:28 AM
Joined: 31 Oct 2005
Total posts: 66

Dude, you gotta relax - maybe go outside for a bit ya know?

11-06-2005, 12:29 AM
Jesus H. Christ. Why don't you pinkos take your worn out rhetoric to a political forum? Not one of these stupid threads is ever started by a conservative. We have our forums to post on. Go find your own.

11-06-2005, 12:32 AM
Cam we just find some Tgurl who looks exactly like Jane Fonda to blow his mind? Actually, I don't think there's any testosterone in his body, so that probably wouldn't even help. Does masturbation help you at all?

11-06-2005, 12:36 AM
Jesus H. Christ. Why don't you pinkos take your worn out rhetoric to a political forum? Not one of these stupid threads is ever started by a conservative. We have our forums to post on. Go find your own.

I think you have point also, I usually don't discuss political stuff but I've been jerking off way too much lately. The bullshit I've been posting in this thread is obviously a side effect.

11-06-2005, 02:08 AM
Cam we just find some Tgurl who looks exactly like Jane Fonda to blow his mind? Actually, I don't think there's any testosterone in his body, so that probably wouldn't even help. Does masturbation help you at all?

So, I guess since you are analyzing my words, I can do the same for you.

Basically, you are telling us, that for you it is all about sex?

11-06-2005, 02:20 AM
Cam we just find some Tgurl who looks exactly like Jane Fonda to blow his mind? Actually, I don't think there's any testosterone in his body, so that probably wouldn't even help. Does masturbation help you at all?

So, I guess since you are analyzing my words, I can do the same for you.

Basically, you are telling us, that for you it is all about sex?

don't let that guy bother you...he responds to political posts...yet he seems to have trouble remembering his rush/sean talking points...so his only option is to resort to personal attacks after a sentence or two...

11-06-2005, 02:24 AM
Yes, I'm weak, I'll admit it. I am totally attracted to transsexual women. I don;t try to fight it. It's all about sex. Politics is the last thing on my mind on this board. Why do you have to keep bumming me out? Doesn't that guy Al something have a forum you can go to so you can stroke each other? Dude, if you're lonely, just say so. I can understand that. Don't try to interpret anything for anybody.

11-06-2005, 03:02 AM
Yes, I'm weak, I'll admit it. I am totally attracted to transsexual women. I don;t try to fight it. It's all about sex. Politics is the last thing on my mind on this board. Why do you have to keep bumming me out? Doesn't that guy Al something have a forum you can go to so you can stroke each other? Dude, if you're lonely, just say so. I can understand that. Don't try to interpret anything for anybody.

Like I said, you do your thing, I'll do mine.

I don't try to criticize you for your likes and dislikes. Give me the same respect.

11-06-2005, 03:48 AM
Yourdaddy is a dumbfuck. Not -- NOT -- because he is now an "enlightened" Republican, but for the reasons he now claims to be one. It's much easier -- much easier -- living in a black and white world than to weigh things carefully in a much more complicated gray world -- which is what we really live in.


First of all, welcome aboard. I enjoy your posts, and here is a guy you'd like on your side (It's a little choppy and jumpy and you have probably already seen it). His name is Alan Shore from Boston Legal. :)



11-06-2005, 04:43 AM
For those of you who say I'm the new Che, I offer this piece I wrote a couple of months ago.

Everyday, I fight "the good fight", dissenting against the regressive policies of an opressive regime.

Away and fuck, troll. There are lists somewhere for North American politics, take your fucking sorry arse there.

11-06-2005, 04:54 AM
Jhellis978 -- You must have really pissed some people off somewhere for them to dislike you so much ? Give 'em hell.

... If this place is solely for transsexual topics, ruairidh, you have your work cut out for you if you're going to attempt to eradicate those that aren't. Just a cursory look reveals topics on womens' calves, movies, computer games, dead porn stars, TV shows, Sci-fi shows, make-up application and on and on and on.

11-06-2005, 05:02 AM
Jhellis978 -- You must have really pissed some people off somewhere for them to dislike you so much ? Give 'em hell.

... If this place is solely for transsexual topics, ruairidh, you have your work cut out for you if you're going to attempt to eradicate those that aren't. Just a cursory look reveals topics on womens' calves, movies, computer games, dead porn stars, TV shows, Sci-fi shows, make-up application and on and on and on.

Don't support him, idiot. It's what he wants. What does it say at the top of the page? Hung Angels. Not "Massage my Ego, I'm a Lame Fuck With No Friends."

This is what this is about:

11-06-2005, 05:46 AM
Again, you do your thing, I'll do mine.

11-06-2005, 05:47 AM
Don't support him, idiot. It's what he wants. What does it say at the top of the page? Hung Angels. Not "Massage my Ego, I'm a Lame Fuck With No Friends."

This is what this is about:

He's too new for me to judge at this point, but so far I've enjoyed his takes on politics and TS women. If what you accuse him of proves true, let us decide how we will treat him. How would you have like it if I had judged you on hearsay upon your arrival here ?
It seems to me that you're the one that needs a chill pill at the moment. Look how worked up you've gotten over his presence/postings. Does his presence really provoke you that much ?!

... That idiot comment really hurt, by the way. :roll:

11-06-2005, 06:09 AM

For my part, I thought it was a very insightfully written piece that encapsulates the problem the Democratic Party is having in connecting with many voters.


11-06-2005, 06:11 AM

For my part, I thought it was a very insightfully written piece that encapsulates the problem the Democratic Party is having in connecting with many voters.


Thank you Quinn, I know we have had a few differences, but I really am a good guy.

11-06-2005, 06:11 AM
Don't support him, idiot. It's what he wants. What does it say at the top of the page? Hung Angels. Not "Massage my Ego, I'm a Lame Fuck With No Friends."

This is what this is about:

He's too new for me to judge at this point, but so far I've enjoyed his takes on politics and TS women. If what you accuse him of proves true, let us decide how we will treat him. How would you have like it if I had judged you on hearsay upon your arrival here ?
It seems to me that you're the one that needs a chill pill at the moment. Look how worked up you've gotten over his presence/postings. Does his presence really provoke you that much ?!

... That idiot comment really hurt, by the way. :roll:

ROTFLMAO Oh I'm so sorry you felt hurt, it was a throwaway. No really. I have nothing against you at all. Josh and I are engaged in a fairly robust discussion about his motives and you just put your head in the way and caught a mince pie (I know it should be "cream pie" but not here. No, not here....) And I am so chilled you wouldn't believe it. I just have a thing about pretentious, self serving, judgemental arses who think that because the 'net is "free" they can get away with saying what they want, even when it is trite, judgemental, patronising shite. I don't agree with that. Anyone wants to have a go at me for something I post, fine, I'll have it out with them, or ignore them, depending on how I feel. I've been contributing online since 1993 so I'm kind of used to it, you know.

And here's a wee secret. I'm not "worked up." This is called "light entertainment."

11-06-2005, 06:21 AM
ROTFLMAO Oh I'm so sorry you felt hurt, it was a throwaway. ... And here's a wee secret. I'm not "worked up." This is called "light entertainment."

...Uh, I was being facetious. No, you didn't hurt me.


11-06-2005, 06:30 AM
ROTFLMAO Oh I'm so sorry you felt hurt, it was a throwaway. ... And here's a wee secret. I'm not "worked up." This is called "light entertainment."

...Uh, I was being facetious. No, you didn't hurt me.


'S oright. So was I :D

11-06-2005, 07:50 PM
dude, no offense, i like ya and all, but can u post a cliff notes version of ur posts? i got A.D.D.

Yea like J said ... I mean ... oooooh look at the pretty bird.